The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

There's 101 million people out of work now, which is 40% of the civilian non-institutional population. So does that mean the unemployment rate under trump is 40%?

101 million people seeking work cannot find it, Comrade Fawn? :lmao:

You Stalinists sure are shameless fucking liars.... :eusa_whistle:
Sadly, your dementia prevents you from comprehending what people write.

Where did I say 101 million people are looking for work, ya senile old fruitcake???

What do the party rulers tell you that "unemployment" means, Comrade shitferbrains? 5 year olds in pre-school are "unemployed" you drooling retard? :lmao:

You are one dumb motherfucker, Fawn.
You poor, demented, senile old fool.


Unemployed means not working. Which is what I said.

You're so fucked in the head, you thought I said 101 million people are looking for work; which of course,I never said.

Oh, is that what it means, you fucking retard...

{The official unemployment rate is known as U3. It defines unemployed people as those who are willing and available to work, and who have actively sought work within the past four weeks. Those with temporary, part-time or full-time jobs are considered employed, as are those who perform at least 15 hours of unpaid family work.}

Unemployment Rate

You're dumb as a pile of bricks, Fawn.

You're so fucked in the head from senility, it's actually amusing to read your nonsense.


I said unemployed means folks who are not working. I said nothing about the official unemployment rate, which only factors in folks who are working or actively looking for work.

Keep 'em coming, ya fruit-loop dingus. This is fun!

Your delusions are noted, laughed at, and summarily discarded.

You laughing at anyone is a bit like the Elephant man shouting "UGLY" at others... :eusa_whistle:

You have the intellect of a fire hydrant, Fawn.
What a pity all you can do is name call but not prove anything I'm saying is wrong. At least when I name call, I prove you're the senile imbecile I claim you to be.
In a way I'm glad trump won so it cleanses the Democratic Party. And I'm actually a fiscal conservative republican now. I tried to help the bottom 50% but they won't help themselves because everything trumps done so far doesn't hurt me except maybe

Increase the retirement age

Trump increased the retirement age?

Cite? I mean, unless you are lying that is.

Cuts to social security and Medicare

Trump cut social security? :eek:

Cite? I mean, unless you are lying that is.

Ruin the environment

Trump ruined the environment, whatever that means?

Cite? I mean, unless you are lying that is.

Pre existing conditions. We should all worry about this.

Other than these things so far trump hasn't hurt me. I'm not gay, Muslim poor and uninsured, going to college, no kids going to school, a woman. Anyone who he has offended so far. Each time I ask myself does this issue matter to me? So far no has been the answer

You sure do lie a lot.

But you're a Stalinist waging war against the legally elected government of the United States, which is treason, so lying is a minor concern,
Just wait. I'm already hearing guys tell me their age is 67. Did you not know this is happening? That's republicans doing that

You lied that Trump raised the retirement age.

You're a liar, just like all you fucking Stalinists are.

{The retirement age for full Social Security benefits has already been increased from 65 to 67 for anyone born in 1960 or later. This increase was enacted in 1983 as part of comprehensive legislation to strengthen Social Security's financing at a time when the program faced an imminent financial crisis.}

Trump had nothing to do with it, the Tip O'Neil Senate full of democrats raised the age, back in 1983.
And when will you get rid of YOUR personal racism?

I can't get rid of what I don't have.

So, you can't get rid of self awareness?

The problem you have is your own, not mine. You call me a racist because you have a fucked up dead ass wrong understanding of racism as it has been convoluted by whites like yourself. For me to respond to a white man who tells me how I should be grateful to whites for freeing me as a fucked up honky is not so an angry response to a racist belief. Do I believe all whites are fucked up honkies? No/ But did the guy who made the comment to me believe all backs should be grateful to whites for our freedom? Yes. To you that's the same thing which is why I can say that you are an idiot.

Every reasonable person who has read your hundreds and hundreds of blatantly racist comments here knows that you ARE a filthy racist hypocrite. Own it, or change it.
When will you stop turning a blind eye to how blacks are treated like second class citizens? You may not be the one yelling the n word

you're the one who says nothing

I've said more and DONE more than most here. Certainly more than the likes of you.
Spare me your obsession with official government terminology. How about I use terms you can understand:

The recovery begain in 2008 Q4 when Obama obviously had nothing to do with it.

The government doesn't create the definition of a recession -- economists do.

And you admitted you're a moron when you tried to replace the actual definition of a recession with your own made up definition.

You're quibbling about semantics. Government economists created the definition of the term "recession" that you're using.

The bottom line is that the recovery began in 2008 Q4, before Obama was innaugated, which proves his "stimulus" bill had nothing to do with the recovery. I know that gets your panties into a tight little wad, but unlike I you I don't choose to believe things because it would be nice if they were true.
Dumbfuck, it's not semantics. Words have meaning even though you don't know what they mean.

Yes, you moronically claimed Bush's Great Recession ended 7 months before it actually did.


Semantics. The bottom line is that the recovery began in 2008 Q4. You aren't even trying to deny it.

Dumbfuck, you idiotically claiming the recession ended 7 months before it actually ended is not semantics -- it's you being the dumbfuck you are.

You're trying to divert attention to the fact that Obama's "stimulus" didn't do a thing to end the recession.

No one is fooled.

The government doesn't create the definition of a recession -- economists do.

And you admitted you're a moron when you tried to replace the actual definition of a recession with your own made up definition.

You're quibbling about semantics. Government economists created the definition of the term "recession" that you're using.

The bottom line is that the recovery began in 2008 Q4, before Obama was innaugated, which proves his "stimulus" bill had nothing to do with the recovery. I know that gets your panties into a tight little wad, but unlike I you I don't choose to believe things because it would be nice if they were true.
Dumbfuck, it's not semantics. Words have meaning even though you don't know what they mean.

Yes, you moronically claimed Bush's Great Recession ended 7 months before it actually did.


Semantics. The bottom line is that the recovery began in 2008 Q4. You aren't even trying to deny it.

Dumbfuck, you idiotically claiming the recession ended 7 months before it actually ended is not semantics -- it's you being the dumbfuck you are.

You're trying to divert attention to the fact that Obama's "stimulus" didn't do a thing to end the recession.

No one is fooled.
Cries the forum imbecile who actually claimed the recession ended 7 months before it really did. :cuckoo:

Since you're too looney tunes to know what a recession is or when it ended, why on Earth would anyone accept your claims that Obama's stimulus had anything to to with it??

You even said unemployment began to improve before Obama became president until I showed you that too was nothing but more idiotic nonsense from you.
101 million people seeking work cannot find it, Comrade Fawn? :lmao:

You Stalinists sure are shameless fucking liars.... :eusa_whistle:
Sadly, your dementia prevents you from comprehending what people write.

Where did I say 101 million people are looking for work, ya senile old fruitcake???

What do the party rulers tell you that "unemployment" means, Comrade shitferbrains? 5 year olds in pre-school are "unemployed" you drooling retard? :lmao:

You are one dumb motherfucker, Fawn.
You poor, demented, senile old fool.


Unemployed means not working. Which is what I said.

You're so fucked in the head, you thought I said 101 million people are looking for work; which of course,I never said.

Oh, is that what it means, you fucking retard...

{The official unemployment rate is known as U3. It defines unemployed people as those who are willing and available to work, and who have actively sought work within the past four weeks. Those with temporary, part-time or full-time jobs are considered employed, as are those who perform at least 15 hours of unpaid family work.}

Unemployment Rate

You're dumb as a pile of bricks, Fawn.

You're so fucked in the head from senility, it's actually amusing to read your nonsense.


I said unemployed means folks who are not working. I said nothing about the official unemployment rate, which only factors in folks who are working or actively looking for work.

Keep 'em coming, ya fruit-loop dingus. This is fun!


You're a fucking retard and liar, Fawn. You have zero credibility with anyone here. You join the ranks of shitflinger and Guno as a partisan turd who doesn't even pretend to deal in fact or reality. You say what you think will smear those whom your party directed you at during the 2 minutes hate. You have no ability to think, only to emote and spew the hatred the party instills in you.

You're more than just stupid, you are unconscious. You refuse thought for fear that it might interfere with you serving the party. You are an unthinking meat machine raging at a world you refuse to even try and understand. You are a lump of flesh with no sentience or purpose.
Semantics. The bottom line is that the recovery began in 2008 Q4. You aren't even trying to deny it.

I presume you never learned higher math, or you would know you're confusing acceleration with velocity. It's like putting on the brakes before driving off a cliff.
In a way I'm glad trump won so it cleanses the Democratic Party. And I'm actually a fiscal conservative republican now. I tried to help the bottom 50% but they won't help themselves because everything trumps done so far doesn't hurt me except maybe

Increase the retirement age

Trump increased the retirement age?

Cite? I mean, unless you are lying that is.

Cuts to social security and Medicare

Trump cut social security? :eek:

Cite? I mean, unless you are lying that is.

Ruin the environment

Trump ruined the environment, whatever that means?

Cite? I mean, unless you are lying that is.

Pre existing conditions. We should all worry about this.

Other than these things so far trump hasn't hurt me. I'm not gay, Muslim poor and uninsured, going to college, no kids going to school, a woman. Anyone who he has offended so far. Each time I ask myself does this issue matter to me? So far no has been the answer

You sure do lie a lot.

But you're a Stalinist waging war against the legally elected government of the United States, which is treason, so lying is a minor concern,
Then it's up to you whites to convince them of it. But first you have to work to get rid of their racism. That cowardly you can't change hearts and mind mentality that white democrats use with white racists needs to go.

I have no concern with white racists. They are extremely rare and immediately shut down. My concern is with you Stalinists. You are openly racist and plow the absurd line that "since it only be whitey dat you be hatin, iz all okie dokie."

Virtually ALL racism in this country comes from the left, and is aimed squarely at white people, which the party preaches hatred against 24/7 on the propaganda networks.

Liar. I'm white and know white racists go unchecked because the unkotares deny they exist

Find another poster who has called out white racists (which includes you) here more often than I have. Go ahead.
Sadly, your dementia prevents you from comprehending what people write.

Where did I say 101 million people are looking for work, ya senile old fruitcake???

What do the party rulers tell you that "unemployment" means, Comrade shitferbrains? 5 year olds in pre-school are "unemployed" you drooling retard? :lmao:

You are one dumb motherfucker, Fawn.
You poor, demented, senile old fool.


Unemployed means not working. Which is what I said.

You're so fucked in the head, you thought I said 101 million people are looking for work; which of course,I never said.

Oh, is that what it means, you fucking retard...

{The official unemployment rate is known as U3. It defines unemployed people as those who are willing and available to work, and who have actively sought work within the past four weeks. Those with temporary, part-time or full-time jobs are considered employed, as are those who perform at least 15 hours of unpaid family work.}

Unemployment Rate

You're dumb as a pile of bricks, Fawn.

You're so fucked in the head from senility, it's actually amusing to read your nonsense.


I said unemployed means folks who are not working. I said nothing about the official unemployment rate, which only factors in folks who are working or actively looking for work.

Keep 'em coming, ya fruit-loop dingus. This is fun!


You're a fucking retard and liar, Fawn. You have zero credibility with anyone here. You join the ranks of shitflinger and Guno as a partisan turd who doesn't even pretend to deal in fact or reality. You say what you think will smear those whom your party directed you at during the 2 minutes hate. You have no ability to think, only to emote and spew the hatred the party instills in you.

You're more than just stupid, you are unconscious. You refuse thought for fear that it might interfere with you serving the party. You are an unthinking meat machine raging at a world you refuse to even try and understand. You are a lump of flesh with no sentience or purpose.
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
Your delusions are noted, laughed at, and summarily discarded.

You laughing at anyone is a bit like the Elephant man shouting "UGLY" at others... :eusa_whistle:

You have the intellect of a fire hydrant, Fawn.
What a pity all you can do is name call but not prove anything I'm saying is wrong. At least when I name call, I prove you're the senile imbecile I claim you to be.

The hating points you bleat from the leftist hate sites are not rational. You don't make points that can be refuted, you emote rage and hatred, but you have no thoughts, no logic, no meaning. You spew idiocy from KOS or ThinkHatred, but you lack sentience to engage in an actual conversation.
Semantics. The bottom line is that the recovery began in 2008 Q4. You aren't even trying to deny it.

I presume you never learned higher math, or you would know you're confusing acceleration with velocity. It's like putting on the brakes before driving off a cliff.

I'm not confusing jack shit, moron. The bottom of the curve is where the recovery begins. None of you raging imbeciles have managed to disprove that.
Your delusions are noted, laughed at, and summarily discarded.

You laughing at anyone is a bit like the Elephant man shouting "UGLY" at others... :eusa_whistle:

You have the intellect of a fire hydrant, Fawn.
What a pity all you can do is name call but not prove anything I'm saying is wrong. At least when I name call, I prove you're the senile imbecile I claim you to be.

The hating points you bleat from the leftist hate sites are not rational. You don't make points that can be refuted, you emote rage and hatred, but you have no thoughts, no logic, no meaning. You spew idiocy from KOS or ThinkHatred, but you lack sentience to engage in an actual conversation.
My figures came from the BLS, ya fruit-loop dingus. You know, what you insanely call, "leftist hate sites."

Just how determined are you to show the forum how fucked in the head you really are? :badgrin:
In a way I'm glad trump won so it cleanses the Democratic Party. And I'm actually a fiscal conservative republican now. I tried to help the bottom 50% but they won't help themselves because everything trumps done so far doesn't hurt me except maybe

Increase the retirement age

Trump increased the retirement age?

Cite? I mean, unless you are lying that is.

Cuts to social security and Medicare

Trump cut social security? :eek:

Cite? I mean, unless you are lying that is.

Ruin the environment

Trump ruined the environment, whatever that means?

Cite? I mean, unless you are lying that is.

Pre existing conditions. We should all worry about this.

Other than these things so far trump hasn't hurt me. I'm not gay, Muslim poor and uninsured, going to college, no kids going to school, a woman. Anyone who he has offended so far. Each time I ask myself does this issue matter to me? So far no has been the answer

You sure do lie a lot.

But you're a Stalinist waging war against the legally elected government of the United States, which is treason, so lying is a minor concern,
Then it's up to you whites to convince them of it. But first you have to work to get rid of their racism. That cowardly you can't change hearts and mind mentality that white democrats use with white racists needs to go.

I have no concern with white racists. They are extremely rare and immediately shut down. My concern is with you Stalinists. You are openly racist and plow the absurd line that "since it only be whitey dat you be hatin, iz all okie dokie."

Virtually ALL racism in this country comes from the left, and is aimed squarely at white people, which the party preaches hatred against 24/7 on the propaganda networks.

Liar. I'm white and know white racists go unchecked because the unkotares deny they exist

The fuck you do. You know a thousand anti-white hating racists to a single racist against blacks. The entire staff of CNN to start with, then the WaPo hate blog..
Your delusions are noted, laughed at, and summarily discarded.

You laughing at anyone is a bit like the Elephant man shouting "UGLY" at others... :eusa_whistle:

You have the intellect of a fire hydrant, Fawn.
What a pity all you can do is name call but not prove anything I'm saying is wrong. At least when I name call, I prove you're the senile imbecile I claim you to be.

The hating points you bleat from the leftist hate sites are not rational. You don't make points that can be refuted, you emote rage and hatred, but you have no thoughts, no logic, no meaning. You spew idiocy from KOS or ThinkHatred, but you lack sentience to engage in an actual conversation.
My figures came from the BLS, ya fruit-loop dingus. You know, what you insanely call, "leftist hate sites."

Just how determined are you to show the forum how fucked in the head you really are? :badgrin:


So you have BLS numbers saying 101 million people are unemployed? :lol:

You pathological fucking liar.

You're not sane, but then, you're not sentient. You are just a hate vessel for your filthy Bolshevik party.
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Semantics. The bottom line is that the recovery began in 2008 Q4. You aren't even trying to deny it.

I presume you never learned higher math, or you would know you're confusing acceleration with velocity. It's like putting on the brakes before driving off a cliff.

I'm not confusing jack shit, moron. The bottom of the curve is where the recovery begins. None of you raging imbeciles have managed to disprove that.

Wrong. That's the bottom of the GDP curve. (think of it as velocity)

You're looking at the change in GDP curve. (think of it as acceleration)

Like they said in :"space balls" when Dark Helmet wanted the ship to stop, Colonel Sanders told him, "It's too dangerous, we have to slow down first."
Semantics. The bottom line is that the recovery began in 2008 Q4. You aren't even trying to deny it.

I presume you never learned higher math, or you would know you're confusing acceleration with velocity. It's like putting on the brakes before driving off a cliff.

I'm not confusing jack shit, moron. The bottom of the curve is where the recovery begins. None of you raging imbeciles have managed to disprove that.
Of course you're confused. You really did say...
This chart shows the recession ended even before Obama was innaugurated:

^^^ full-blown rightard :badgrin:
Your delusions are noted, laughed at, and summarily discarded.

You laughing at anyone is a bit like the Elephant man shouting "UGLY" at others... :eusa_whistle:

You have the intellect of a fire hydrant, Fawn.
What a pity all you can do is name call but not prove anything I'm saying is wrong. At least when I name call, I prove you're the senile imbecile I claim you to be.

The hating points you bleat from the leftist hate sites are not rational. You don't make points that can be refuted, you emote rage and hatred, but you have no thoughts, no logic, no meaning. You spew idiocy from KOS or ThinkHatred, but you lack sentience to engage in an actual conversation.
My figures came from the BLS, ya fruit-loop dingus. You know, what you insanely call, "leftist hate sites."

Just how determined are you to show the forum how fucked in the head you really are? :badgrin:


So you have BLS numbers saying 101 million people are unemployed? :lol:

You pathological fucking liar.

You're not sane, but then, you're not sentient. You are just a hate vessel for your filthy Bolshevik party.
First and foremost, what I said was...
There's 101 million people out of work now...
... and yes, of course I got that figure from the BLS, ya senile old coot...

Not in Labor Force: 94,417,000
Unemployed: 6,801,000

............... 94,417,000
................. 6,801,000
Total ... 101,218,000

Semantics. The bottom line is that the recovery began in 2008 Q4. You aren't even trying to deny it.

I presume you never learned higher math, or you would know you're confusing acceleration with velocity. It's like putting on the brakes before driving off a cliff.

I'm not confusing jack shit, moron. The bottom of the curve is where the recovery begins. None of you raging imbeciles have managed to disprove that.

Wrong. That's the bottom of the GDP curve. (think of it as velocity)

You're looking at the change in GDP curve. (think of it as acceleration)

Like they said in :"space balls" when Dark Helmet wanted the ship to stop, Colonel Sanders told him, "It's too dangerous, we have to slow down first."
Nope. That's the velocity curve, you mathematical ignoramus. It's GDP growth (velocity) at a given time. Acceleration would be the change in the rate of GDP growth, which isn't shown.

Try learning how to read a simple chart before you accuse others of not understanding math.
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