The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

The monthly unemployment rate for August 2018 was 3.9%. This is the 20th unemployment report with Trump in office, his 20th month recorded for this list. This brings Trump's average unemployment rate for his term in office to date, down from 4.22% in July to 4.20% in August 2018.

The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

Gerald Ford: 7.77%

Average Unemployment Rates for US Presidents since after World War II:

01. Lyndon Johnson: 4.19%
02. Donald Trump: 4.20%
03. Harry Truman: 4.26%
04. Dwight Eisenhower: 4.89%
05. Richard Nixon: 5.00%
06. Bill Clinton: 5.20%
07. George W. Bush: 5.27%
08. John Kennedy: 5.98%
09. George H.W. Bush: 6.30%
10. Jimmy Carter: 6.54%
11. Barack Obama: 7.45%
12. Ronald Reagan: 7.54%
13. Gerald Ford: 7.77%

There are 31 months left in Trumps first Presidential term, assuming he completes it.

The labor force participation rate is at 62.7% for August 2018, down from 62.9% in July 2018.

If September's unemployment rate is 3.9% or lower, Trump will top the list next month.

Imagine if Trump had won in 2008. Would his unemployment record be so good?
yes it would have been. He wouldn't have regulated jobs out of the country. He would injected an entirely different mindset. I know you hate 3.9% unemployment you'd prefer the 7% but real americans don't. you can whine all fking days the hand obammy was handed, it was his job to correct it. never did. participation rate was way down by the end of his two terms. that sucks. pisses me off actually, and is why trump won.

You seem to have no idea how the economy works.

Under your logic, Reagan would have seen a massive, MASSIVE drop in unemployment. He didn't. In fact unemployment for every Republican president since WW2 was higher as they left office than when they entered, except for Reagan.

Why is that? Why do Republicans end up with higher unemployment if their policies are designed to make lower unemployment?

And why is it that all Democratic presidents since WW2 have had lower unemployment when leaving office than when they entered except for Carter who had the same level?

You need to look at unemployment throughout a Presidents term, not just the first month and the last month. Unemployment can go up and down many times during any administration. That's why taking the average, which considers EVERY MONTH, is the best way to look at the figure.

Well, that's still a simplistic view of things. People try and quantify what presidents do, but often the impact of their policies takes a long time.

Take Bush and his wars. Yes, the impact started in 2008, but it may well take decades before it wears off. The whole of the recession period and then the subsequent rise are as a consequence of his actions. Okay, he's not responsible for all of it, and the rise wasn't carried out by him, but it was inevitable. And then next drop could be quite bad too. He's potentially set up a much more violence boom and bust situation.

At the same time presidents aren't responsible for the whole economy. Congress plays a part. Individuals play a part too.

Its far more simplistic to just be looking at the first month and the last month of a Presidency. The list looks at the facts about the monthly unemployment rate while each person was President. Certainly who is responsible for the good and bad in those numbers is open to debate, but the numbers are solid facts.
Imagine if Trump had won in 2008. Would his unemployment record be so good?
yes it would have been. He wouldn't have regulated jobs out of the country. He would injected an entirely different mindset. I know you hate 3.9% unemployment you'd prefer the 7% but real americans don't. you can whine all fking days the hand obammy was handed, it was his job to correct it. never did. participation rate was way down by the end of his two terms. that sucks. pisses me off actually, and is why trump won.

You seem to have no idea how the economy works.

Under your logic, Reagan would have seen a massive, MASSIVE drop in unemployment. He didn't. In fact unemployment for every Republican president since WW2 was higher as they left office than when they entered, except for Reagan.

Why is that? Why do Republicans end up with higher unemployment if their policies are designed to make lower unemployment?

And why is it that all Democratic presidents since WW2 have had lower unemployment when leaving office than when they entered except for Carter who had the same level?

You need to look at unemployment throughout a Presidents term, not just the first month and the last month. Unemployment can go up and down many times during any administration. That's why taking the average, which considers EVERY MONTH, is the best way to look at the figure.

Well, that's still a simplistic view of things. People try and quantify what presidents do, but often the impact of their policies takes a long time.

Take Bush and his wars. Yes, the impact started in 2008, but it may well take decades before it wears off. The whole of the recession period and then the subsequent rise are as a consequence of his actions. Okay, he's not responsible for all of it, and the rise wasn't carried out by him, but it was inevitable. And then next drop could be quite bad too. He's potentially set up a much more violence boom and bust situation.

At the same time presidents aren't responsible for the whole economy. Congress plays a part. Individuals play a part too.

Its far more simplistic to just be looking at the first month and the last month of a Presidency. The list looks at the facts about the monthly unemployment rate while each person was President. Certainly who is responsible for the good and bad in those numbers is open to debate, but the numbers are solid facts.

Oh, totally.

However on a forum like this, it's the sort of games you play.

However it does show something, that Democratic presidents are often bring unemployment down and Republican presidents causing something.

We can look at Carter He had high unemployment. The unemployment rate dropped during his time in office, but was rising when he left.

We can look at Reagan who had rising unemployment when he entered office and stayed high for a long time. Unemployment dropped in his last years in office, but then rose once he'd left.

Bush snr oversaw that rise, but it was more Reagan's rise and Bush lost an election over it.

Clinton came in and unemployment went down and saw a level of prosperity. There was an inevitable rise in the 2000s but it wasn't actually that large in comparison.

Bush W. came in and pushed unemployment down but this then led to the second worst recession.

So, in all this time we've got presidents who have overseen problems for the economy, except Clinton, though potentially Clinton had an impact on the 2008 recession, though Bush and Congress had 8 years in order to rectify some of those problems.
Here is what I don't get about the current Republican Party, their track record really sucks. Especially on the national debt. Their policies of deregulation gave us the near financial meltdown.
I bet these same asshole Trumpettes were so proud in 2008 when Bush had to tell the American people that we had to spend billions to bail out the banks or the United States of America could go bankrupt in a downward spiral of a financial meltdown. Really, Were you assholes really Proud then????

Trump as the debt growing. Prices are going up. ( Remember when Trump said a tax cut would lower prices????).

US manufacturers pricing is going up because the ignorant fuck Trump put on tariffs? Yep, that helps nothing for the middle class except throw a few morsels while you load up the wealthy with more money.

Republicans that support them are just too fucking stupid to get it. I;ll take the econopmies underr Bill Clinton & Obama any day over Bush's & this Pillsbury Doughboy moron that sits in the Oval Office.

The greatest act of deregulation happened under Bill Clinton with the repeal of Glass-Steagall.

That legislation names after its authors : Gramm - Leach - Bliley Act. If you were not such a dumbass, you know those three men were REPUBLICANS. The bill was put on Clinton's desk by REPUBLICANS. It was a compomise bill that Clinton signed where the REPUBLICANSgot their Glass SteagalrepealL & Clinton got what he wanted.

You assholes should really grow a fucklng pair & quit blaming Democrats for not stopping your own party's actions.

Nothing you just said changes the facts. Greatest act of deregulation happened under Bill Clinton with the repeal of Glass-Steagall. Dress it up all you want to. It won't change that fact.
You blamed Clinton for a Republican effort. That is what you lied about.
40% still ain't working thanks to Bush & the Republican DISASTER & you retards claim victory. Clinton had the BEST employment record in History! Trumptard Repubtards are Destroying this Country withe RECORD DEFICITS & DEBT!!!

The highest labor force participation rate in the economy was 67.3% under Bill Clinton. It was still at 66% percent during Bush's last year in office. Still a historical high although not as high as Bill Clintons best. The major drops in the labor force participation rate happened in the Obama years. This largely due to the retirement of the baby boom generation, one of the largest generations in history.
That is a bold face Lie!!! - Bush Destroyed 18 Million Jobs down to 60.3% of people working before he left office!!! Obama halted Bush's jobs disaster at 58.2% 10 months later. Obama first Fiscal Year started October 2009 halting the fall 2 months later! Bush & Republicans crashed Clinton's 74.3% employment rate of Working Age 15-64/yrs down to 65.2%

40% still ain't working thanks to Bush & the Republican DISASTER & you retards claim victory. Clinton had the BEST employment record in History! Trumptard Repubtards are Destroying this Country withe RECORD DEFICITS & DEBT!!!

The highest labor force participation rate in the economy was 67.3% under Bill Clinton. It was still at 66% percent during Bush's last year in office. Still a historical high although not as high as Bill Clintons best. The major drops in the labor force participation rate happened in the Obama years. This largely due to the retirement of the baby boom generation, one of the largest generations in history.
That is a bold face Lie!!! - Bush Destroyed 18 Million Jobs down to 60.3% of people working before he left office!!! Obama halted Bush's jobs disaster at 58.2% 10 months later. Obama first Fiscal Year started October 2009 halting the fall 2 months later! Bush & Republicans crashed Clinton's 74.3% employment rate of Working Age 15-64/yrs down to 65.2%
Can’t make this kind of garbage up! You obviously know nothing
40% still ain't working thanks to Bush & the Republican DISASTER & you retards claim victory. Clinton had the BEST employment record in History! Trumptard Repubtards are Destroying this Country withe RECORD DEFICITS & DEBT!!!

The highest labor force participation rate in the economy was 67.3% under Bill Clinton. It was still at 66% percent during Bush's last year in office. Still a historical high although not as high as Bill Clintons best. The major drops in the labor force participation rate happened in the Obama years. This largely due to the retirement of the baby boom generation, one of the largest generations in history.
That is a bold face Lie!!! - Bush Destroyed 18 Million Jobs down to 60.3% of people working before he left office!!! Obama halted Bush's jobs disaster at 58.2% 10 months later. Obama first Fiscal Year started October 2009 halting the fall 2 months later! Bush & Republicans crashed Clinton's 74.3% employment rate of Working Age 15-64/yrs down to 65.2%
Can’t make this kind of garbage up! You obviously know nothing
More bullshit from Idiot jc456 throwing a tantrum after being smacked down with pure facts!
Here is what I don't get about the current Republican Party, their track record really sucks. Especially on the national debt. Their policies of deregulation gave us the near financial meltdown.
I bet these same asshole Trumpettes were so proud in 2008 when Bush had to tell the American people that we had to spend billions to bail out the banks or the United States of America could go bankrupt in a downward spiral of a financial meltdown. Really, Were you assholes really Proud then????

Trump as the debt growing. Prices are going up. ( Remember when Trump said a tax cut would lower prices????).

US manufacturers pricing is going up because the ignorant fuck Trump put on tariffs? Yep, that helps nothing for the middle class except throw a few morsels while you load up the wealthy with more money.

Republicans that support them are just too fucking stupid to get it. I;ll take the econopmies underr Bill Clinton & Obama any day over Bush's & this Pillsbury Doughboy moron that sits in the Oval Office.

The greatest act of deregulation happened under Bill Clinton with the repeal of Glass-Steagall.

That legislation names after its authors : Gramm - Leach - Bliley Act. If you were not such a dumbass, you know those three men were REPUBLICANS. The bill was put on Clinton's desk by REPUBLICANS. It was a compomise bill that Clinton signed where the REPUBLICANSgot their Glass SteagalrepealL & Clinton got what he wanted.

You assholes should really grow a fucklng pair & quit blaming Democrats for not stopping your own party's actions.

Nothing you just said changes the facts. Greatest act of deregulation happened under Bill Clinton with the repeal of Glass-Steagall. Dress it up all you want to. It won't change that fact.
You blamed Clinton for a Republican effort. That is what you lied about.

Its more than just a Republican effort when Bill Clinton's signature on a document is the key to repealing it. More importantly, W. was not involved at all with Glass-Steagall.
40% still ain't working thanks to Bush & the Republican DISASTER & you retards claim victory. Clinton had the BEST employment record in History! Trumptard Repubtards are Destroying this Country withe RECORD DEFICITS & DEBT!!!

The highest labor force participation rate in the economy was 67.3% under Bill Clinton. It was still at 66% percent during Bush's last year in office. Still a historical high although not as high as Bill Clintons best. The major drops in the labor force participation rate happened in the Obama years. This largely due to the retirement of the baby boom generation, one of the largest generations in history.
That is a bold face Lie!!! - Bush Destroyed 18 Million Jobs down to 60.3% of people working before he left office!!! Obama halted Bush's jobs disaster at 58.2% 10 months later. Obama first Fiscal Year started October 2009 halting the fall 2 months later! Bush & Republicans crashed Clinton's 74.3% employment rate of Working Age 15-64/yrs down to 65.2%

From the Bureau of Labor Statistics: Notice: Data not available: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Labor Force Participation rate peaked at 67.3% in January 2000 while Clinton was in office.

At the start of Bush's last year in office, January 2008, the Labor force participation rate stood at 66.2%. It was still at 66% in November 2008. On average, W. has the highest average monthly labor force participation rate of any President since 1948 with the exception of Bill Clinton and Bush Sr.

Obama started with 65.7% labor force participation rate in January 2009. This declined to 62.3% by September 2015 and marks the largest decline in history of the labor force participation rate since numbers started being recorded in January 1948. The September 2015 labor force participation rate of 62.3% was the lowest seen since 1977!

Millions of people over the age of 64 work and impact the economy heavily. Sudden and sustained losses in their numbers, like the Baby Boomers, is having the largest impact on unemployment and labor force participation rate.

The biggest reason though for the decline in the labor force participation rate is the retirement of the baby boom generation. Its also the biggest reason why the unemployment level has dropped and continues to stay low. Right now its an employees market which is great if your looking for a job. Not great if your an employer trying to find people to work for you.

Average GDP growth under Obama was slow by historical standards. An average of 1.7% per quarter. Too slow to reduce unemployment to these levels by itself. Again, the chief reason for low unemployment these days is the retirement of the Baby Boom generation.
The monthly unemployment rate for September 2018 was 3.7%. This is the 21st unemployment report with Trump in office, his 21st month recorded for this list. This brings Trump's average unemployment rate for his term in office to date, down from 4.20% in August to 4.18% in September 2018.

The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

Gerald Ford: 7.77%

Average Unemployment Rates for US Presidents since after World War II:

01. Donald Trump: 4.18%
02. Lyndon Johnson: 4.19%
03. Harry Truman: 4.26%
04. Dwight Eisenhower: 4.89%
05. Richard Nixon: 5.00%
06. Bill Clinton: 5.20%
07. George W. Bush: 5.27%
08. John Kennedy: 5.98%
09. George H.W. Bush: 6.30%
10. Jimmy Carter: 6.54%
11. Barack Obama: 7.45%
12. Ronald Reagan: 7.54%
13. Gerald Ford: 7.77%

There are 27 months left in Trumps first Presidential term, assuming he completes it.

The labor force participation rate is at 62.7% for September 2018, the same as it was in August 2018.

September's 3.7% unemployment rate is the lowest monthly unemployment rate in 48 years and 9 months. It is the lowest monthly unemployment rate since December 1969 when it was at 3.5%.

Donald Trump now has the lowest average monthly unemployment rate for any President since World War II! If the unemployment rate goes back up though, his time at #1 on this list will be short. But, if the monthly unemployment rate continues to hover just below 4% for many more months, he may be at #1 on this list for a very long time.
The monthly unemployment rate for October 2018 was 3.7%. This is the 22nd unemployment report with Trump in office, his 22nd month recorded for this list. This brings Trump's average unemployment rate for his term in office to date, down from 4.18% in September 2018 to 4.16% in October 2018.

The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

Gerald Ford: 7.77%

Average Unemployment Rates for US Presidents since after World War II:

01. Donald Trump: 4.16%
02. Lyndon Johnson: 4.19%
03. Harry Truman: 4.26%
04. Dwight Eisenhower: 4.89%
05. Richard Nixon: 5.00%
06. Bill Clinton: 5.20%
07. George W. Bush: 5.27%
08. John Kennedy: 5.98%
09. George H.W. Bush: 6.30%
10. Jimmy Carter: 6.54%
11. Barack Obama: 7.45%
12. Ronald Reagan: 7.54%
13. Gerald Ford: 7.77%

There are 26 months left in Trumps first Presidential term, assuming he completes it.

The labor force participation rate is at 62.9% for October 2018, up from 62.7% in September 2018.

Last month Trump set the record for the lowest unemployment rate since December 1969. If the unemployment rate in the next few months were to drop more to 3.3%, that would be a new record low not seen since 1953!
40% still ain't working thanks to Bush & the Republican DISASTER & you retards claim victory. Clinton had the BEST employment record in History! Trumptard Repubtards are Destroying this Country withe RECORD DEFICITS & DEBT!!!

The highest labor force participation rate in the economy was 67.3% under Bill Clinton. It was still at 66% percent during Bush's last year in office. Still a historical high although not as high as Bill Clintons best. The major drops in the labor force participation rate happened in the Obama years. This largely due to the retirement of the baby boom generation, one of the largest generations in history.
That is a bold face Lie!!! - Bush Destroyed 18 Million Jobs down to 60.3% of people working before he left office!!! Obama halted Bush's jobs disaster at 58.2% 10 months later. Obama first Fiscal Year started October 2009 halting the fall 2 months later! Bush & Republicans crashed Clinton's 74.3% employment rate of Working Age 15-64/yrs down to 65.2%
Can’t make this kind of garbage up! You obviously know nothing
More bullshit from Idiot jc456 throwing a tantrum after being smacked down with pure facts!
nothing factual in your post. What I see is that in 2009, obammy didn't do a thing. He used government money to bail out private companies. tanked the employees. I can't read that graph any other way. 2008.was 70% and 2010 down to 65%. Down 5%. tell me if I miss read your graph.
This is the 21st unemployment report with Trump in office, his 21st month recorded for this list.
But only 20 of them were reports covering the time while the pathological liar was in office. Like you did for Obama, you gave Bush's last UE report to Obama to make his higher and Obama's last report to Donnie Dirtbag to make his lower. The incoming president has only about a week of January in office, yet you dishonestly give him the whole month.
This is the 21st unemployment report with Trump in office, his 21st month recorded for this list.
But only 20 of them were reports covering the time while the pathological liar was in office. Like you did for Obama, you gave Bush's last UE report to Obama to make his higher and Obama's last report to Donnie Dirtbag to make his lower. The incoming president has only about a week of January in office, yet you dishonestly give him the whole month.

I did that for every President from Truman to Trump. Nothing dishonest about it at all. If I were to give January 2017 Unemployment report to Obama, it would lower Trumps average even lower than it is now. Trump already has the lowest average unemployment rate since World War II to this point, yet it appears you want me to make that average even lower by giving January 2017 to Obama.

Finally, even if January 2009 was given to Bush and January 2017 given to Obama, it would not Change where Obama is on the list. He would still be near the bottom at #11. Your getting upset about one month out of 96.

I chose to start each Presidents first unemployment rate with the month they start in office which is January. I did that for every President.
Last edited:
I did that for every President from Truman to Trump. Nothing dishonest about it at all.
Just because you were equally dishonest to all the presidents does not mean you were NOT dishonest at all. :cuckoo:

I did not hide or cover up which months were counted for the Presidents. There is no dishonesty here except in your imagination.
I did that for every President from Truman to Trump. Nothing dishonest about it at all.
Just because you were equally dishonest to all the presidents does not mean you were NOT dishonest at all. :cuckoo:
I did not hide or cover up which months were counted for the Presidents. There is no dishonesty here except in your imagination.
Counting a previous president's results in the results of the next president IS dishonest even if you are honest about your dishonesty.
The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

Barrack Obama: 8.86%

Average Unemployment Rates For US Presidents since World War II:

01. Lyndon Johnson: 4.19%
02. Harry Truman: 4.26%
03. Dwight Eisenhower: 4.89%
04. Richard Nixon: 5.00%
05. Bill Clinton: 5.20%
06. George W. Bush: 5.27%
07. John Kennedy: 5.98%
08. George H.W. Bush: 6.30%
09. Jimmy Carter: 6.54%
10. Ronald Reagan: 7.54%
11. Gerald Ford: 7.77%
12. Barack Obama: 8.86%

Which one of those presidents started at 10%?



Amazing what "FACTS" can do.
The monthly unemployment rate for November 2018 was 3.7%. This is the 23rd unemployment report with Trump in office, his 23rd month recorded for this list. This brings Trump's average unemployment rate for his term in office to date, down from 4.16% in October 2018 to 4.14% in November 2018.

The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

Gerald Ford: 7.77%

Average Unemployment Rates for US Presidents since after World War II:

01. Donald Trump: 4.14%
02. Lyndon Johnson: 4.19%
03. Harry Truman: 4.26%
04. Dwight Eisenhower: 4.89%
05. Richard Nixon: 5.00%
06. Bill Clinton: 5.20%
07. George W. Bush: 5.27%
08. John Kennedy: 5.98%
09. George H.W. Bush: 6.30%
10. Jimmy Carter: 6.54%
11. Barack Obama: 7.45%
12. Ronald Reagan: 7.54%
13. Gerald Ford: 7.77%

There are 25 months left in Trumps first Presidential term, assuming he completes it.

The labor force participation rate is at 62.9% for November 2018, the same as it was in October 2018.
The President with the highest average quarterly real GDP growth since World War II is:

John F. Kennedy with 5.31%. Although, it should be mention he was unable to serve a full term because he was murdered while In office. The highest for serving two complete terms would go to Bill Clinton with 3.82%.

01. John F. Kennedy: 5.31%
02. Lyndon Johnson: 5.18%
03. Harry Truman: 4.87%
04. Bill Clinton: 3.82%
05. Ronald Reagan: 3.62%
06. Jimmy Carter: 3.32%
07. Richard Nixon: 3.06%
08. Donald Trump: 2.83%
09. Dwight D. Eisenhower 2.65%
10. Gerald Ford: 2.28%
11. George H.W. Bush: 2.24%
12. Barack Obama: 1.90%
13. George W. Bush: 1.87%

It should be mention that despite the recession that occurred while George H.W. Bush was President, his last year in office saw quarterly GDP growth of over 4% each quarter. That's the last time the United States EVER had four consecutive quarters of 4% GDP growth.
1992 Quarter One: 4.88%
1992 Quarter Two: 4.41%
1992 Quarter Three: 4.01%
1992 Quarter Four: 4.24%
George H.W. Bush had the economy moving strongly again and definitely deserved to be re-elected President for this and many other reasons. He would have been re-elected had it not been for the 3rd party run of the wealthy Billionaire Ross Perot who took away many of Bush votes, people who would have voted for Bush in a two way race, allowing Clinton to win. George Bush's economic growth and new tax increases set the stage for the Budget Surpluses that were achieved at the end of the 1990s. Without George H.W. Bush, its likely those surpluses would not of happened, the first Budget surpluses since 1969.

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