The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

No it is Trump's fault along with GOP propaganda that the vaccines and mass have been made political, so we have the worst vaccine and death rate of anywhere in the modern world. They also lead the rest of the world conservative conspiracy nut jobs to do the same.... Great job!!
😂 your killing me. How much do they pay you or are you just another wannabe?
Your local QOP office has reviewed the previous post and would like the poster to stop calling the opposition NAZIs as it confuses the QOP supporters who believe they are.

So sad that a full grown Nazi like you can't come up with anything better.

I recognize the FACT that you are a Nazi. That's just stating the facts. You are a totalitarian collectivist who depends on the scapegoating of Der Juden, the whites, to support the lust for power by your filthy Reich, You fight to crush freedom of speech, freedom of religion, the right of assembly. You seek to create a police state where "papers please" is the rule for the enslaved populace while party members are above all laws.
So sad that a full grown Nazi like you can't come up with anything better.

I recognize the FACT that you are a Nazi. That's just stating the facts. You are a totalitarian collectivist who depends on the scapegoating of Der Juden, the whites, to support the lust for power by your filthy Reich, You fight to crush freedom of speech, freedom of religion, the right of assembly. You seek to create a police state where "papers please" is the rule for the enslaved populace while party members are above all laws.
Your local QOP office has reviewed the previous post and concluded that it lacks clarity on NAZIs which confuses the QOP political base which is proudly NAZI. Please review your post and be more specific to the QOP NAZI cause.
Your local QOP office has reviewed the previous post and concluded that it lacks clarity on NAZIs which confuses the QOP political base which is proudly NAZI. Please review your post and be more specific to the QOP NAZI cause.

So sad that a full grown Nazi can come up with nothing better. But the Reich depends on your evil, not on your ever so limited intellect...
So sad that a full grown Nazi can come up with nothing better. But the Reich depends on your evil, not on your ever so limited intellect...
Your local QOP office has reviewed the previous post and again asks the poster to clarify the use of the NAZI's references. The office further states that misuse of NAZI's hurts their brand.
Your local QOP office has reviewed the previous post and again asks the poster to clarify the use of the NAZI's references. The office further states that misuse of NAZI's hurts their brand.

Still repeating your moronic little chant?

You're far too stupid to come up with anything else. Obviously incapable of discussion or debate.

You're stupid and evil, it's why you're a Nazi democrat.
Still repeating your moronic little chant?

You're far too stupid to come up with anything else. Obviously incapable of discussion or debate.

You're stupid and evil, it's why you're a Nazi democrat.
Your local QOP office is requesting that you stop accusing people of being NAZI's who are clearly not part of the modern QOP movement. They further go on to state that current QOP branding is hurt by your false accusations.
Still repeating your moronic little chant?

You're far too stupid to come up with anything else. Obviously incapable of discussion or debate.

You're stupid and evil, it's why you're a Nazi democrat.
Nazis and fascists are right wing, brainwashed functional dumbbell. Communists are the leftist dictatorships.... You people believe Trump like they believed Hitler, that's what's so terrifying. Rupert Murdoch and internet swine should be taken out and shot and I'm kidding. But only here can Rupert Murdock get major media anymore. Pure scumbag will say anything for money. We need debate everywhere again.
So I guess70 percent of Republicans did their own research lol. What is wrong with you as if I didn't know, brainwashed functional moron.
Thanks for staying true to form you stupid fuck. You are definitely a democrat--you lie and when called on it, instead of proving your point you pull the only three words in your lexicon--brainwashed functional moron. You've just had your ass handed to you---AGAIN.
Nazis and fascists are right wing, brainwashed functional dumbbell. Communists are the leftist dictatorships.... You people believe Trump like they believed Hitler, that's what's so terrifying. Rupert Murdoch and internet swine should be taken out and shot and I'm kidding. But only here can Rupert Murdock get major media anymore. Pure scumbag will say anything for money. We need debate everywhere again.
Nazism was a syncretic movement.
Your local QOP office is requesting that you stop accusing people of being NAZI's who are clearly not part of the modern QOP movement. They further go on to state that current QOP branding is hurt by your false accusations.

Let's Go Brandon


Actually a democratically elected REPUBLIC. We are not a democracy. How else do you explain Congress and the Charlie McCarthy puppet?
If not for the constitution we would be a form of fascist democracy, or democratic socialist state. The problem with dimbo’s is they don’t understand the difference between the two and view the constitution as an antiquated piece of garbage that needs to be overthrown.
We're a representative Democracy.

BTW how many times has the US Constitution been amended?
Syncretic in that it embraced socialism, centralized state control, and fear?

a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

How did the Nazis embrace that? ^^^

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