The Presidential Debates Have Devolved Into Liberal Controlled And Hyped Media Events


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
The Presidential Debates Have Devolved Into Liberal Controlled And Hyped Media Events​

By: Skook

We had our debate last night, and as was expected, Crowley made her partisan views and bias a significant factor in the debate: if you deny this obvious fact, you suffer from willful ignorance or you are so lost in your bias your sanity might be in question.

Crowley let it be known, before the debate, she planned to inject her influence into the debate; after all, she has a superior intellect and is a member of the elite cadre of media engaged in the reelection of Obama. How could anyone expect or ask that she be a neutral moderator, with such superior talent, she needs to be an active participant and personality within the debate. Who knew the debate, between men vying for the most powerful position in the world, required the participation of an obvious shill for Obama to clap for Obama and allow him extra time to make crucial points because they are “important.”
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So....the Rightwing whining is an admission that Obama did quite well.
Romney held his own, Maobama did better than the first one but I don't think he impressed many other than his base. The next one will be a dog and pony show for both, most people have no clue on foreign affairs.
Yea, if was pretty funny when Obama said "look at the transcript", and right on que the CNN hag had this mysterious qoute no one ever heard of before on hand and read it. It was so blatant these two were in collusion to set up Romney. Thing is she lied about the qoute and Obama did not refer to the specific attack as a terrorist attack.

The whole country sees him as a lying hack just willing to say anything to save his job.
The Presidential Debates Have Devolved Into Liberal Controlled And Hyped Media Events​

By: Skook

We had our debate last night, and as was expected, Crowley made her partisan views and bias a significant factor in the debate: if you deny this obvious fact, you suffer from willful ignorance or you are so lost in your bias your sanity might be in question.

Crowley let it be known, before the debate, she planned to inject her influence into the debate; after all, she has a superior intellect and is a member of the elite cadre of media engaged in the reelection of Obama. How could anyone expect or ask that she be a neutral moderator, with such superior talent, she needs to be an active participant and personality within the debate. Who knew the debate, between men vying for the most powerful position in the world, required the participation of an obvious shill for Obama to clap for Obama and allow him extra time to make crucial points because they are “important.”
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Because I'm a helper...

Libs are liars.
Media is biased.
Polls don't matter.
now polls matter.
Romney cares.
Obama's a muslim.
Obama's a terrorist.
Fox news tells the truth.
Lots of GOP whining.

I expect someone to break the Godwin law, along with some great conspiracies.
Its also funny that CNN declares "Obama won" or that it was "a tie" even though all of their polls on each of the issues favors heavily for Romney:

Economy: Romney wins 58-40%

Health care: Romney wins 49-46%.

Taxes: Romney wins 51-44%.
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Its also funny that CNN declares "Obama won" or that it was "a tie" even though all of their polls on each of the issues favors heavliy for Romney:

Economy: Romney wins 58-40%

Health care: Romney wins 49-46%.

Taxes: Romney wins 51-44%.

they declared it as such, because when the question was asked "who do you think won the debate" Obama had more votes.

Cnn should be ashamed and if Candy had ANY integrity, she'd resign and stop calling herself a Journalist..

you can bet if she had done something like this to help Romney we wouldn't be seeing the ObamaBots sitting back laughing..

Cnn needs to be shunned people
Cnn should be ashamed and if Candy had ANY integrity, she'd resign and stop calling herself a Journalist..

you can bet if she had done something like this to help Romney we wouldn't be seeing the ObamaBots sitting back laughing..

Cnn needs to be shunned people

Easy. It will be ok. Just take a deep breath. Catch up on it with Bill O'Reilly in his no spin zone. Daddy bill will make it all better.

sssshhh, there there.
Its also funny that CNN declares "Obama won" or that it was "a tie" even though all of their polls on each of the issues favors heavliy for Romney:

Economy: Romney wins 58-40%

Health care: Romney wins 49-46%.

Taxes: Romney wins 51-44%.

they declared it as such, because when the question was asked "who do you think won the debate" Obama had more votes.


That's what I am saying, their polls don't seem to add up. Unless there are saying people think Obama "won" the debate but still prefer Romney? Doesn't make much sense.
Its also funny that CNN declares "Obama won" or that it was "a tie" even though all of their polls on each of the issues favors heavliy for Romney:

Economy: Romney wins 58-40%

Health care: Romney wins 49-46%.

Taxes: Romney wins 51-44%.

they declared it as such, because when the question was asked "who do you think won the debate" Obama had more votes.


That's what I am saying, their polls don't seem to add up. Unless there are saying people think Obama "won" the debate but still prefer Romney? Doesn't make much sense.

So, one of two things happened.

1) CNN cooked the numbers to look ridiculous


2) people responding to polls didn't know what the fuck they were talking about, and didn't realize they were giving contradictory answers.

which do you find more likely?
Cnn should be ashamed and if Candy had ANY integrity, she'd resign and stop calling herself a Journalist..

you can bet if she had done something like this to help Romney we wouldn't be seeing the ObamaBots sitting back laughing..

Cnn needs to be shunned people

Easy. It will be ok. Just take a deep breath. Catch up on it with Bill O'Reilly in his no spin zone. Daddy bill will make it all better.

sssshhh, there there.


While I agree with the premise of the thread, the fact remains that the two parties have to agree on the dates, formats, moderators and locations, don't they? If the GOP wants to bend over for that stuff, it's their own fault.

Cnn should be ashamed and if Candy had ANY integrity, she'd resign and stop calling herself a Journalist..

you can bet if she had done something like this to help Romney we wouldn't be seeing the ObamaBots sitting back laughing..

Cnn needs to be shunned people

Easy. It will be ok. Just take a deep breath. Catch up on it with Bill O'Reilly in his no spin zone. Daddy bill will make it all better.

sssshhh, there there.


I'm not sure I can come up with an appropriate response to that. It appears by abbreviating a profanity, you've managed to win the argument.

Well done!
they declared it as such, because when the question was asked "who do you think won the debate" Obama had more votes.


That's what I am saying, their polls don't seem to add up. Unless there are saying people think Obama "won" the debate but still prefer Romney? Doesn't make much sense.

So, one of two things happened.

1) CNN cooked the numbers to look ridiculous


2) people responding to polls didn't know what the fuck they were talking about, and didn't realize they were giving contradictory answers.

which do you find more likely?

Probably a little bit of both. :badgrin:
I need to get in on this liberal conspiracy I keep hearing about. It must be rewarding to hold down shitty people with shitty views. Only problem is I'm not sure where to sign up to start pooping on conservatives' lives.

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