The Press is in full revolt


Diamond Member
Sep 27, 2011
The obama regime has controlled the press by having off the record meetings issuing them talking points to reinforce the regime's positions. In effect telling the press what to say and how to handle criticism.

Eric Holder's latest off the record talking points meeting has been refused by even the liberal press.

Washington (CNN) - Attorney General Eric Holder's plans to sit down with media representatives to discuss guidelines for handling investigations into leaks to the news media have run into trouble.

The Associated Press issued a statement Wednesday objecting to plans for the meetings to be off the record. "If it is not on the record, AP will not attend and instead will offer our views on how the regulations should be updated in an open letter," said Erin Madigan White, the AP's media relations manager.

The New York Times is taking the same position. "It isn't appropriate for us to attend an off-the-record meeting with the attorney general," executive editor Jill Abramson said in a statement.

Like the New York Times and the Associated Press, CNN will decline the invitation for an off-the-record meeting. A CNN spokesperson says if the meeting with the attorney general is on the record, CNN would plan to participate.

The Huffington Post's Washington bureau chief, Ryan Grim, also said he will not attend unless the meeting is on the record. "A conversation specifically about the freedom of the press should be an open one. We have a responsibility not to betray that," Grim told CNN.

Politico plans on following orders.
well good thing Obama has then all in his pocket like you have said for years now huh?

Your memes are bumping into each other again
That's like having a pack of weasels in one cares except the weasels.
well good thing Obama has then all in his pocket like you have said for years now huh?

Your memes are bumping into each other again

Some of you low information Obama supporters obviously missed the fact that, as Rush put it, the regime decided to investigate their stenographers and it really got them pissed off. And now they're soooo mad at Barry they're not going to attend his arranged off the record "discussion" with his soon to be former Attorney General. The press pukes willingly kiss Barry's ass except when it's about them. Then all bets are off...temporarily. They'll flex their muscles a bit and fall right back in line real soon.
He wants nothing attached to himself which could incriminate down the road hence the otr meeting. The corruption rolls on.
It's a typical old and stale Democratic trick.
Hold a meeting off the record. Then someone leaks it to the media that wasn't there. Holder can then deflect the main story, then turn it around as to how they were justified in what they did about leaks to the press.
It then gets him off the hook and takes the news and talk in another direction.

Don't get your hopes up, folks.

If an administration that did this to the media had an (R) after its name, you would have witnessed an explosion from them, the likes of which you've never seen.

They'll sacrifice someone (Holder?) so that they've gotten their pound of flesh without dinging Obama too badly, then it's back to business as usual.

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These off the record meetings turned out to be nothing more than the regime instructing the press on what to say. They were spoon fed information and imagined that it was insider access. It was never insider access, just the regime controlling what the press released to the public.

The obama regime has survived for years on controlling what the press released. Including instructions on how to bury news it didn't want released.
well good thing Obama has then all in his pocket like you have said for years now huh?

Your memes are bumping into each other again

Good point. The underlying assumption in this thread is that the Obama administration did, indeed, control the spite of the fact that it's physically and legally impossible for ANY administration to do that in a country wherein the freedom of the press is guaranteed by the Constitution.
To bad they are only upset that the abuse of power is directed at them this time.

Maybe they should have been more critical back when this new trend of doing things started instead of after everything is over and irrelevant.
that is why they tried to stick to the Benghazi lies for so long.

then there was the IRS thingy.

that one isnt panning out either.

Now they will try to do this one even though their own long standing lies about the media crash right into it.

they are flailing like a fish on the deck.

I think we need to throw this fish back in the water so it can go away
well good thing Obama has then all in his pocket like you have said for years now huh?

Your memes are bumping into each other again

Good point. The underlying assumption in this thread is that the Obama administration did, indeed, control the spite of the fact that it's physically and legally impossible for ANY administration to do that in a country wherein the freedom of the press is guaranteed by the Constitution.

He never controlled the media but they have always been inclined to support him. Now, that support is waning after his administration crossed what they considered the line.
To bad they are only upset that the abuse of power is directed at them this time.

Maybe they should have been more critical back when this new trend of doing things started instead of after everything is over and irrelevant.

this is the same media that helped Bush LIE us into war.

this is the same media who pretended all the republican elections cheating that is documented in the court record was non exsistant.

If the media reported on republican elections cheating for real the republican party would be dead in a year
The press sees support for obama dropping like a stone. They know what the writing on the wall is saying and want to be part of the winning side. The winning side is opposition to obama, not being an obama lapdog.
your own little made up world.

did foxx lying to you about robmoney winning by five points make it real?
well good thing Obama has then all in his pocket like you have said for years now huh?

Your memes are bumping into each other again

The alternate universe that the conservative cult lives in demands such inconsistencies as a condition of membership.
the dem/libs are running scared. Even the left wing media is turning on them because even they are tired of being lied to.

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