The Press is in full revolt

well good thing Obama has then all in his pocket like you have said for years now huh?

Your memes are bumping into each other again

The alternate universe that the conservative cult lives in demands such inconsistencies as a condition of membership.

the media WAS in obama's pocket, until just recently. They don't like being spied on and lied to. Obama is running like a scalded ass ape who has been caught eating shit out of a light socket.
How bad it will get for obama depends on what he does. obama has a tendency to fight back by getting even more arrogant, petulant and vengeful. With any luck at all, that will start the regime's death spiral.

Don't get your hopes up, folks.

If an administration that did this to the media had an (R) after its name, you would have witnessed an explosion from them, the likes of which you've never seen.

They'll sacrifice someone (Holder?) so that they've gotten their pound of flesh without dinging Obama too badly, then it's back to business as usual.


Did what? And what proof do you have to support the claim that her would be an explosion from the media if the admin was Republican? Can you point to an example?
It's a typical old and stale Democratic trick.
Hold a meeting off the record. Then someone leaks it to the media that wasn't there. Holder can then deflect the main story, then turn it around as to how they were justified in what they did about leaks to the press.
It then gets him off the hook and takes the news and talk in another direction.

It's a tactic used by both sides of our political system.
That's like having a pack of weasels in one cares except the weasels.

Well no.

A free press is one of the bedrock pillars in a free society.

Which is why you folks, over and over, try and close them down.

Besides being free I think it's good if they tell the whole unbiased truth. They have been tools of the politicians and we have lost them. All those eyes, ears and technology are being use against us.
How is the left supporting OTR meetings with Holder and the press? Does this fall under "The most transparent administration ever"?
this one wont trun out like they want it too either.

at least it has some real questions to address.

the right will of course bury it all in a mountian of right wing lies
The obama regime has controlled the press by having off the record meetings issuing them talking points to reinforce the regime's positions. In effect telling the press what to say and how to handle criticism..

But ww haven't had a free media since 1934

"Created by the 1934 Communications Act, the FCC is one of the New Deal’s spawn. Section 326 of the act contains a shameless instance of doublespeak:

Nothing in this Act shall be understood or construed to give the Commission the power of censorship over the radio communications or signals transmitted by any radio station, and no regulation or condition shall be promulgated or fixed by the Commission which shall interfere with the right of free speech by means of radio communication. No person within the jurisdiction of the United States shall utter any obscene, indecent, or profane language by means of radio communication.

Obscenity, indecency, profanity – these nebulous prohibitions have provided a pretext for the censorship professedly denied to the FCC.


Don't get your hopes up, folks.

If an administration that did this to the media had an (R) after its name, you would have witnessed an explosion from them, the likes of which you've never seen.

They'll sacrifice someone (Holder?) so that they've gotten their pound of flesh without dinging Obama too badly, then it's back to business as usual.


Did what? And what proof do you have to support the claim that her would be an explosion from the media if the admin was Republican? Can you point to an example?

And how does someone "prove" a theoretical prediction?

Play your little games with someone else, thanks.

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how did Bush treat the press?

the right would have just said

" if your not with us you against us"

they allowed anything to Bush
well good thing Obama has then all in his pocket like you have said for years now huh?

Your memes are bumping into each other again

Good point. The underlying assumption in this thread is that the Obama administration did, indeed, control the spite of the fact that it's physically and legally impossible for ANY administration to do that in a country wherein the freedom of the press is guaranteed by the Constitution.

But the press' access to information is frequently at the whim of the administration. Good little Liberal press puppets know that if they don't do as they are told, they won't be invited to the next "off the record" meeting.

I'm getting the feeling that the AP, the Gray Lady and CNN all refusing to attend Holders in person talking points memo means that they think the AG is gone and whipping him will give them back some sorely lacking credibility. I wouldn't doubt all the Liberal outlets had their OTR meeting with Denis McDonough last week.
well good thing Obama has then all in his pocket like you have said for years now huh?

Your memes are bumping into each other again

Good point. The underlying assumption in this thread is that the Obama administration did, indeed, control the spite of the fact that it's physically and legally impossible for ANY administration to do that in a country wherein the freedom of the press is guaranteed by the Constitution.

But the press' access to information is frequently at the whim of the administration. Good little Liberal press puppets know that if they don't do as they are told, they won't be invited to the next "off the record" meeting.

I'm getting the feeling that the AP, the Gray Lady and CNN all refusing to attend Holders in person talking points memo means that they think the AG is gone and whipping him will give them back some sorely lacking credibility. I wouldn't doubt all the Liberal outlets had their OTR meeting with Denis McDonough last week.

And, all that is brand new? How?
The AP is a very well respected news organization and I doubt they are happy at all.

Who knew what and who did what is the big question and I'm sure it will take months to get to the bottom of the whole mess.

Of course I'm sure the rest of the press are none to happy. Will be interesting to see if they have finally all wiped their chins and are done with the slobbering love affair with the the current jackass in the WH and his transparant administration.
It's amusing how UnConservatives have suddenly gotten religion and are all up in arms over the way the White House manages the press. :lol:

As if all this was something Obama invented.

I have finally found something positive about the Obama presidency. All the shit that Bush did that the UnConservatives were happy as clams to live with is suddenly no longer cool.

That. Is. AWESOME!!!

Just remember, kids. Whenever you drink your master's piss and get all angry-like over something, you are setting a bar by which EVERYONE will be measured. Mm-kay?
I'm waiting for the AP, CNN and all the others to announce they will no longer use anonymous sources too!
it's like a leak in a damn. it starts out slow and then there is no stopping it. scandal after scandal is starting to unravel. and this is real stuff. they have the option of being scooped by conservative leaning reporters or making headlines themselves. they know this stuff has legs and the damn is bursting

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