The press is like a disease.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
Our Constitution endows us with some very important freedoms. First among them is freedom of speech and close behind is freedom of the press. The people who founded our country were escaping from the oppression of a select few over the many and they realized that the common citizen can only be truly free under a limited government.

A free press is essential to keep a watchful eye on government because government has no interest in the freedoms of the people. It just wants to grow itself by feeding on those freedoms. In 1933 government was unleashed onto the people in America like a virulent plague by Franklin Roosevelt with the New Deal. Social Security was patient zero.

It seemed like a good idea and huge surpluses soon piled up in government coffers. Then virtually all of the stored treasure was stolen by government bureaucrats and used to grow more government leaving the frailest and weakest at the end of the line eventually holding an empty bag. None of the treasure was returned and it never will be. There will of course be a tax on that empty bag.

Beginning in 1964 the War on Poverty was launched followed by the Great Society of Lyndon Johnson. The disease of government quickly mutated from a blood-borne pathogen to a pernicious parasite that could be breathed through the air. The germ of government has evolved for self-survival at the expense of the host which is the citizen, only like a virus that attacks an immune system it has hijacked, Commandeered and liberalized much of the American press-the only real defense the citizen has against the government.

On election night last November the people got a shot in the arm with a new president to fight off the spreading infection. But the liberal press like a corrupted toxin is fighting back. The disease of metastasizing government just needed the Affordable Care Act to complete its total assault on personal freedom but the new president is going to dismantle it by cutting off its oxygen.

It’s still touch and go and we must hope and wait. The contaminated liberal press has abused its freedom and partnered with government to kill our freedoms but that shot in the arm may save us. We must have faith that we have made the right choice. Maybe we should have listened to the founders.
Example ??

There are more press outlets today than ever in history. It's embarrassing how righties try to blame the media as if they are some monolith .

SHoot the messengers !
Trump cant deal with the press, he's a weakstick pussy-boi.

that sorry sob has whined about the press more than any other president in history
Our Constitution endows us with some very important freedoms. First among them is freedom of speech and close behind is freedom of the press. The people who founded our country were escaping from the oppression of a select few over the many and they realized that the common citizen can only be truly free under a limited government.

A free press is essential to keep a watchful eye on government because government has no interest in the freedoms of the people. It just wants to grow itself by feeding on those freedoms. In 1933 government was unleashed onto the people in America like a virulent plague by Franklin Roosevelt with the New Deal. Social Security was patient zero.

It seemed like a good idea and huge surpluses soon piled up in government coffers. Then virtually all of the stored treasure was stolen by government bureaucrats and used to grow more government leaving the frailest and weakest at the end of the line eventually holding an empty bag. None of the treasure was returned and it never will be. There will of course be a tax on that empty bag.

Beginning in 1964 the War on Poverty was launched followed by the Great Society of Lyndon Johnson. The disease of government quickly mutated from a blood-borne pathogen to a pernicious parasite that could be breathed through the air. The germ of government has evolved for self-survival at the expense of the host which is the citizen, only like a virus that attacks an immune system it has hijacked, Commandeered and liberalized much of the American press-the only real defense the citizen has against the government.

On election night last November the people got a shot in the arm with a new president to fight off the spreading infection. But the liberal press like a corrupted toxin is fighting back. The disease of metastasizing government just needed the Affordable Care Act to complete its total assault on personal freedom but the new president is going to dismantle it by cutting off its oxygen.

It’s still touch and go and we must hope and wait. The contaminated liberal press has abused its freedom and partnered with government to kill our freedoms but that shot in the arm may save us. We must have faith that we have made the right choice. Maybe we should have listened to the founders.

Oh don't worry. rump said he wants to the gut the first and he's got a good start on that.

Idiot RWNJ Pootarian traitors agree with him.

Wish you'd go live in a country where you wouldn't have to put up with a free press but you traitors are nothing but big talk. You wouldn't last a minute in the places you defend over your own country but you're just too dumb to know it.

The press is like a disease.

" like" a disease

more truthful would be

"is" a disease

A few years ago, I heard of a poll where something like 70% of R voters said the government should have some degree of control over our press.

You just cannot fix stupid and that's what you fools are.

Our Constitution endows us with some very important freedoms. First among them is freedom of speech and close behind is freedom of the press. The people who founded our country were escaping from the oppression of a select few over the many and they realized that the common citizen can only be truly free under a limited government.

A free press is essential to keep a watchful eye on government because government has no interest in the freedoms of the people. It just wants to grow itself by feeding on those freedoms. In 1933 government was unleashed onto the people in America like a virulent plague by Franklin Roosevelt with the New Deal. Social Security was patient zero.

It seemed like a good idea and huge surpluses soon piled up in government coffers. Then virtually all of the stored treasure was stolen by government bureaucrats and used to grow more government leaving the frailest and weakest at the end of the line eventually holding an empty bag. None of the treasure was returned and it never will be. There will of course be a tax on that empty bag.

Beginning in 1964 the War on Poverty was launched followed by the Great Society of Lyndon Johnson. The disease of government quickly mutated from a blood-borne pathogen to a pernicious parasite that could be breathed through the air. The germ of government has evolved for self-survival at the expense of the host which is the citizen, only like a virus that attacks an immune system it has hijacked, Commandeered and liberalized much of the American press-the only real defense the citizen has against the government.

On election night last November the people got a shot in the arm with a new president to fight off the spreading infection. But the liberal press like a corrupted toxin is fighting back. The disease of metastasizing government just needed the Affordable Care Act to complete its total assault on personal freedom but the new president is going to dismantle it by cutting off its oxygen.

It’s still touch and go and we must hope and wait. The contaminated liberal press has abused its freedom and partnered with government to kill our freedoms but that shot in the arm may save us. We must have faith that we have made the right choice. Maybe we should have listened to the founders.

Yyyyyyyyeah ummm.... the Founders were Liberals who invented the concept of a nation with a free press.

Our Constitution endows us with some very important freedoms. First among them is freedom of speech and close behind is freedom of the press. The people who founded our country were escaping from the oppression of a select few over the many and they realized that the common citizen can only be truly free under a limited government.

A free press is essential to keep a watchful eye on government because government has no interest in the freedoms of the people. It just wants to grow itself by feeding on those freedoms. In 1933 government was unleashed onto the people in America like a virulent plague by Franklin Roosevelt with the New Deal. Social Security was patient zero.

It seemed like a good idea and huge surpluses soon piled up in government coffers. Then virtually all of the stored treasure was stolen by government bureaucrats and used to grow more government leaving the frailest and weakest at the end of the line eventually holding an empty bag. None of the treasure was returned and it never will be. There will of course be a tax on that empty bag.

Beginning in 1964 the War on Poverty was launched followed by the Great Society of Lyndon Johnson. The disease of government quickly mutated from a blood-borne pathogen to a pernicious parasite that could be breathed through the air. The germ of government has evolved for self-survival at the expense of the host which is the citizen, only like a virus that attacks an immune system it has hijacked, Commandeered and liberalized much of the American press-the only real defense the citizen has against the government.

On election night last November the people got a shot in the arm with a new president to fight off the spreading infection. But the liberal press like a corrupted toxin is fighting back. The disease of metastasizing government just needed the Affordable Care Act to complete its total assault on personal freedom but the new president is going to dismantle it by cutting off its oxygen.

It’s still touch and go and we must hope and wait. The contaminated liberal press has abused its freedom and partnered with government to kill our freedoms but that shot in the arm may save us. We must have faith that we have made the right choice. Maybe we should have listened to the founders.

Yyyyyyyyeah ummm.... the Founders were Liberals who invented the concept of a nation with a free press.


You lie, again.
Our Constitution endows us with some very important freedoms. First among them is freedom of speech and close behind is freedom of the press. The people who founded our country were escaping from the oppression of a select few over the many and they realized that the common citizen can only be truly free under a limited government.

A free press is essential to keep a watchful eye on government because government has no interest in the freedoms of the people. It just wants to grow itself by feeding on those freedoms. In 1933 government was unleashed onto the people in America like a virulent plague by Franklin Roosevelt with the New Deal. Social Security was patient zero.

It seemed like a good idea and huge surpluses soon piled up in government coffers. Then virtually all of the stored treasure was stolen by government bureaucrats and used to grow more government leaving the frailest and weakest at the end of the line eventually holding an empty bag. None of the treasure was returned and it never will be. There will of course be a tax on that empty bag.

Beginning in 1964 the War on Poverty was launched followed by the Great Society of Lyndon Johnson. The disease of government quickly mutated from a blood-borne pathogen to a pernicious parasite that could be breathed through the air. The germ of government has evolved for self-survival at the expense of the host which is the citizen, only like a virus that attacks an immune system it has hijacked, Commandeered and liberalized much of the American press-the only real defense the citizen has against the government.

On election night last November the people got a shot in the arm with a new president to fight off the spreading infection. But the liberal press like a corrupted toxin is fighting back. The disease of metastasizing government just needed the Affordable Care Act to complete its total assault on personal freedom but the new president is going to dismantle it by cutting off its oxygen.

It’s still touch and go and we must hope and wait. The contaminated liberal press has abused its freedom and partnered with government to kill our freedoms but that shot in the arm may save us. We must have faith that we have made the right choice. Maybe we should have listened to the founders.
Liberal media and Democrats attempting a coup to overthrow the government. Will backfire on them big time.
Lets not confuse a free press with what we actually have, a department of propaganda for left wing assholes in the Democratic party.
Stop whining like a pussy!!!

You're Winning!!!

You're Winning!!!

Or at least, in your delusional mind you are. LOL.

When the walls, come tumbling down,
When the walls, come tumbling down,
When the walls, come tumbling tumbling, tumbling tumbling, doooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwn...
I am not sure what damn country you rightist think that the media is suppose to be neutral....It never has been in the USA..
Lets not confuse a free press with what we actually have, a department of propaganda for left wing assholes in the Democratic party.

The free press is supposed to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable. The liberal press does neither-it protects the embedded.
Protects the embedded? You have them confused with rightist Faux News.
Lets not confuse a free press with what we actually have, a department of propaganda for left wing assholes in the Democratic party.
Stop whining like a pussy!!!

You're Winning!!!

You're Winning!!!

Or at least, in your delusional mind you are. LOL.

When the walls, come tumbling down,
When the walls, come tumbling down,
When the walls, come tumbling tumbling, tumbling tumbling, doooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwn... are a crazy whack job. :cuckoo:
A free, skeptical, aggressive press is an absolute necessity for a democratic Republic such as ours, in an Age of Instantaneous Communication...
Lets not confuse a free press with what we actually have, a department of propaganda for left wing assholes in the Democratic party.
Stop whining like a pussy!!!

You're Winning!!!

You're Winning!!!

Or at least, in your delusional mind you are. LOL.

When the walls, come tumbling down,
When the walls, come tumbling down,
When the walls, come tumbling tumbling, tumbling tumbling, doooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwn...

I heard from a source today that Trump was going to stand on the wall next week and sign the new repeal of obamacare.
Trump fucks up, the press does their job and reports his fuck up ... its the fault of the press Trump fucked up.


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