The primary platform of each major candidate for President — in one image.


Neutronium Member & truth speaker #StopBrandon
Nov 11, 2021
The image takes a political point of view.

IMHO, it is absolutely correct.


Forget the term “MAGA” for a moment. The Trump platform has always boiled down to the simple and obvious notion that the American President has a duty to put the United States first and above other nations. The President isn’t elected by Mexico or France. He doesn’t represent Mexicans or the French.

By contrast, and quite obviously, the Harris candidacy doesn’t have an actual position on most issues. It offers mere platitudes. (Such as last night’s word salad from Harris. When asked HOW she plans to assist the “middle class,” she rambled incoherently for a moment but ultimately said that she would assist the middle class by assisting the middle class.)

Her candidacy is not to acccomplish anything except to defeat Trump and his candidacy.

Prove otherwise with actual facts.

Good luck.
1srelluc lame emoji.jpg

and... Trump is asked "What is your plan?"

answers: "I have the greatest, most wonderfully, perfect concept of a plan."

1srelluc weird emoji.jpg
from a Goofy moron who thinks the Bluto character is one to emulate, we get a troll who is still trying to run with StopBrandon
The dainty takes issue with a choice of avatar — as his rebuttal to a point made about his own post.

Why is the dainty considered a joke and an assclown? Because of crap posts like that.


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