The primary reason to investigate Benghazi was the 2012 election results


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
The below memo (from the brother of the President of CBS News) put out how the objective is to protect the image of Obama during the prime time of the 2012 re-election and keep from showing "a broader failure of policy"... at the price of American lives...

From Ben Rhodes Memo Friday, September 14, 2012


* To convey that the United States is doing everything that we can to protect our people and facilities abroad.

* To underscore that these protests are rooted in an Internet video, and not a broader failure of policy;

* To show that we will be resolute in bringing people who harm americans to justice, and standing steadfast through these protests'

* To reinforce the President and Administration's strength and steadiness in dealing with difficult challenges.

I'd like to see a poll taken today that asked this question:
The Obama administration 2 days after 9/11 Benghazi attack put out a memo to remind everyone that the goals were "To underscore that these protests are rooted in an Internet video, and not a broader failure of policy;" and the protests were NOT terrorist attacks, would that have changed your vote?

WAS the objective of the memo and maybe more unknown memos to foster a positive image of Obama specifically just 60 days before re-election?
Was the goals to promote the USA or the administration?
The reason the GOP wants more investigations of Benghazi is that they see it as Hillary Clinton's weak spot,

in fact, they may see it as her only one.

Hillary had negative approval polls for Benghazi, but her overall approval for her job as Secretary of State is in the mid 60's.

It's the GOP's only shot at doing Hillary any damage - to try to magnify Benghazi as an issue.
The reason the GOP wants more investigations of Benghazi is that they see it as Hillary Clinton's weak spot,

in fact, they may see it as her only one.

Hillary had negative approval polls for Benghazi, but her overall approval for her job as Secretary of State is in the mid 60's.

It's the GOP's only shot at doing Hillary any damage - to try to magnify Benghazi as an issue.

I would LOVE as most logical rational people would to see this sign constantly at ALL HILLARY RALLIES!!


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The reason the GOP wants more investigations of Benghazi is that they see it as Hillary Clinton's weak spot,

in fact, they may see it as her only one.

Hillary had negative approval polls for Benghazi, but her overall approval for her job as Secretary of State is in the mid 60's.

It's the GOP's only shot at doing Hillary any damage - to try to magnify Benghazi as an issue.

I would LOVE as most logical rational people would to see this sign constantly at ALL HILLARY RALLIES!!

Based on the questions she was being badgered with, she was right.
The below memo (from the brother of the President of CBS News) put out how the objective is to protect the image of Obama during the prime time of the 2012 re-election and keep from showing "a broader failure of policy"... at the price of American lives...

From Ben Rhodes Memo Friday, September 14, 2012


* To convey that the United States is doing everything that we can to protect our people and facilities abroad.

* To underscore that these protests are rooted in an Internet video, and not a broader failure of policy;

* To show that we will be resolute in bringing people who harm americans to justice, and standing steadfast through these protests'

* To reinforce the President and Administration's strength and steadiness in dealing with difficult challenges.

I'd like to see a poll taken today that asked this question:
The Obama administration 2 days after 9/11 Benghazi attack put out a memo to remind everyone that the goals were "To underscore that these protests are rooted in an Internet video, and not a broader failure of policy;" and the protests were NOT terrorist attacks, would that have changed your vote?

WAS the objective of the memo and maybe more unknown memos to foster a positive image of Obama specifically just 60 days before re-election?
Was the goals to promote the USA or the administration?
Earlier in the summer and late spring of that year, the Obama Administration declared al queada as no longer a threat and defeated.

To allow proof that al queada or an al queada affiliated terror group could murder an American Ambassador would be a huge image hit to the Obama campaign. Hence, they covered up what really happened. A political move at cover up at the expense of the families of those killed.
The primary reason to investigate Benghazi was the 2012 election results

sounds as if the Obama administration took a lesson out of the Bush playbook

we as voters need to make administration policy and behavior more transparent but the probem is that the pet "news" media for each side obfuscates and misdirects like crazy, and the courts protect that bad behavior.
The primary reason to investigate Benghazi was the 2012 election results

sounds as if the Obama administration took a lesson out of the Bush playbook

we as voters need to make administration policy and behavior more transparent but the probem is that the pet "news" media for each side obfuscates and misdirects like crazy, and the courts protect that bad behavior.

The problem is these FACTS about the MSM... that YOU obviously ignore!
When 1,160 (85%) of the Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democrats candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.
Obama, Democrats got 88 percent of 2008 contributions by TV network execs, writers, reporters | The Daily Caller

Do you think these people would then - write anything NEGATIVE about a Democrat/Obama when 85% of them GAVE to the Democrats?
Do you think these people would then write anything POSITIVE about a GOP when 85% gave to Democrats?

ANOTHER FACT that you seem to be totally ignorant about!!!

Do you think that NewsWeek would write anything negative about Obama when it came to Bush it was:
Evan Thomas Editor of NewsWeek's quotes Well, our job is to bash the president, that's what we do." --
Evan Thomas responding to a question on whether the media's unfair to Bush on the TV talk show Inside Washington,
February 2, 2007.Newsweek's Evan Thomas: 'Our Job Is To Bash the President' | NewsBusters

MSM Job to Bash the President..."

..........But when it comes to Obama ... any bashing here???

I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God."
Evan Thomas on Hardball, Newsweek?s Evan Thomas: Obama Is ?Sort of God? | NewsBusters

Another study found that ABC News had aired 55 positive stories on Obama's health-care policy compared to just 18 negative stories.
(Source: Business and Media Institute - Jun 2009) Interesting isn't that 73% of these Obama care stories are positive... )
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People always love the one who has not officially announced they are running as soon as they do people start taking a much harder look at them.

Healthmyths will go on a tirade about how he/she isn't racist but the only reason Obama won is because he is black!

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