The pro life issue is just a political tool

For decades I've watched and listened to the pro life right wing propaganda machine, noses pointed in the air, clutching their little bibles with their fine air of moral superiority advocating that abortion is murder, and we must stop this inhuman practice. A closer look at this situation would suggest these folks are not as "pro life" as they appear. Once these babies inflate their lungs with the 1st breath of air, all that concern, bible thumping, political lobbying and financial support goes straight out the window. Where is all the concern from the pro life folks and their political lobbyists, when a child is malnourished? Has inadequate educational opportunities? Dies in a school shooting? Dies of disease that could have been prevented with proper medical care? Is the victim of domestic abuse? Is gang raped or beaten in their early teen years? Answer: Absolutely none! (And of course we're not supposed to talk about all those wealthy pro life lawmakers and executives who've paid for abortions for their mistresses and girlfriends when they were informed that a little 9 month surprise was on the way!) The abortion issue attracts money and votes, and is a convenient political tool for these folks, nothing more. These folks twist the words of pro choice advocates, calling them "pro abortion" this is absolute nonsense, no woman pro abortion, or happily looks forward to having an abortion. If the so called pro life folks demonstrated even 1% of their concern and support for these kids in the first 18 years of their lives as they did in the 9 months before birth, I might be more supportive of them, as it is, I see them for what they really are: Just another set of right wing hypocrites who can't seem to practice what they preach.

Those are the facts Jack, just the facts!

Sorry, Sweetheart. One does not have to join a nunnery and devote a life to whatever YOU say we do to care about the fact that the Left loves killing babies. But we note, with interest, that you seek to assuage your guilt here by foisting off on us that we just don't care ENOUGH and don't live lives deserving of caring.

That's a fail. You still advocate killing babies. That's on YOU, not on us.

With all the times Republicans controlled both houses & the White House, all the times they had the opportunity to reduce or end abortion, you never wondered why it has never happened? Because Republicans rather have the issue. They need you to vote for them because you think they will do something about abortion. They don't. They never have.

I have never had an abortion. I think women should choose.

Abortions tend to rise under Repub administration as they often cut funding for birth control to keep their faithful happy.
/-----/ You can buy your momma birth control pills from Walmart for about $9 a month. No need for federal funding with taxpayer $$$.
Being against the murder of a person does not = a commitment to financially support that person.
/-----/ You can buy your momma birth control pills from Walmart for about $9 a month. No need for federal funding with taxpayer $$$.

And this folks is someone that puts their ideology above babies lives. If you truly wanted fewer abortions you would be for any measure that cut the number of unplanned pregnancies. But you do not really care about the baby, it is all about ideology
For decades I've watched and listened to the pro life right wing propaganda machine, noses pointed in the air, clutching their little bibles with their fine air of moral superiority advocating that abortion is murder, and we must stop this inhuman practice. A closer look at this situation would suggest these folks are not as "pro life" as they appear. Once these babies inflate their lungs with the 1st breath of air, all that concern, bible thumping, political lobbying and financial support goes straight out the window. Where is all the concern from the pro life folks and their political lobbyists, when a child is malnourished? Has inadequate educational opportunities? Dies in a school shooting? Dies of disease that could have been prevented with proper medical care? Is the victim of domestic abuse? Is gang raped or beaten in their early teen years? Answer: Absolutely none! (And of course we're not supposed to talk about all those wealthy pro life lawmakers and executives who've paid for abortions for their mistresses and girlfriends when they were informed that a little 9 month surprise was on the way!) The abortion issue attracts money and votes, and is a convenient political tool for these folks, nothing more. These folks twist the words of pro choice advocates, calling them "pro abortion" this is absolute nonsense, no woman pro abortion, or happily looks forward to having an abortion. If the so called pro life folks demonstrated even 1% of their concern and support for these kids in the first 18 years of their lives as they did in the 9 months before birth, I might be more supportive of them, as it is, I see them for what they really are: Just another set of right wing hypocrites who can't seem to practice what they preach.

Those are the facts Jack, just the facts!

Sorry, Sweetheart. One does not have to join a nunnery and devote a life to whatever YOU say we do to care about the fact that the Left loves killing babies. But we note, with interest, that you seek to assuage your guilt here by foisting off on us that we just don't care ENOUGH and don't live lives deserving of caring.

That's a fail. You still advocate killing babies. That's on YOU, not on us.

With all the times Republicans controlled both houses & the White House, all the times they had the opportunity to reduce or end abortion, you never wondered why it has never happened? Because Republicans rather have the issue. They need you to vote for them because you think they will do something about abortion. They don't. They never have.

I have never had an abortion. I think women should choose.
/---/ True, but it's really an issue for the USSC. Overturning RvW would not end abortion, but throw it back to the states as it was before RvW
Why should it be a State issue instead of a private religious concern?
For decades I've watched and listened to the pro life right wing propaganda machine, noses pointed in the air, clutching their little bibles with their fine air of moral superiority advocating that abortion is murder, and we must stop this inhuman practice. A closer look at this situation would suggest these folks are not as "pro life" as they appear. Once these babies inflate their lungs with the 1st breath of air, all that concern, bible thumping, political lobbying and financial support goes straight out the window. Where is all the concern from the pro life folks and their political lobbyists, when a child is malnourished? Has inadequate educational opportunities? Dies in a school shooting? Dies of disease that could have been prevented with proper medical care? Is the victim of domestic abuse? Is gang raped or beaten in their early teen years? Answer: Absolutely none! (And of course we're not supposed to talk about all those wealthy pro life lawmakers and executives who've paid for abortions for their mistresses and girlfriends when they were informed that a little 9 month surprise was on the way!) The abortion issue attracts money and votes, and is a convenient political tool for these folks, nothing more. These folks twist the words of pro choice advocates, calling them "pro abortion" this is absolute nonsense, no woman pro abortion, or happily looks forward to having an abortion. If the so called pro life folks demonstrated even 1% of their concern and support for these kids in the first 18 years of their lives as they did in the 9 months before birth, I might be more supportive of them, as it is, I see them for what they really are: Just another set of right wing hypocrites who can't seem to practice what they preach.

Those are the facts Jack, just the facts!

Sorry, Sweetheart. One does not have to join a nunnery and devote a life to whatever YOU say we do to care about the fact that the Left loves killing babies. But we note, with interest, that you seek to assuage your guilt here by foisting off on us that we just don't care ENOUGH and don't live lives deserving of caring.

That's a fail. You still advocate killing babies. That's on YOU, not on us.

With all the times Republicans controlled both houses & the White House, all the times they had the opportunity to reduce or end abortion, you never wondered why it has never happened? Because Republicans rather have the issue. They need you to vote for them because you think they will do something about abortion. They don't. They never have.

I have never had an abortion. I think women should choose.
/---/ True, but it's really an issue for the USSC. Overturning RvW would not end abortion, but throw it back to the states as it was before RvW
Why should it be a State issue instead of a private religious concern?

how does ending the life of a baby fall under a private religious concern?
/-----/ You can buy your momma birth control pills from Walmart for about $9 a month. No need for federal funding with taxpayer $$$.

And this folks is someone that puts their ideology above babies lives. If you truly wanted fewer abortions you would be for any measure that cut the number of unplanned pregnancies. But you do not really care about the baby, it is all about ideology
/----/ Libtards screech - STAY OUT OF OUR BEDROOMS - and then demand we do something to stop unwanted pregnancies.
I feel your pain.jpg
/-----/ You can buy your momma birth control pills from Walmart for about $9 a month. No need for federal funding with taxpayer $$$.

And this folks is someone that puts their ideology above babies lives. If you truly wanted fewer abortions you would be for any measure that cut the number of unplanned pregnancies. But you do not really care about the baby, it is all about ideology
/----/ Libtards screech - STAY OUT OF OUR BEDROOMS - and then demand we do something to stop unwanted pregnancies.

one of us actually cares about having few abortions, and then there is you who only cares about your ideology. you political party loyalty trumps your desire to save babies lives.
For decades I've watched and listened to the pro life right wing propaganda machine, noses pointed in the air, clutching their little bibles with their fine air of moral superiority advocating that abortion is murder, and we must stop this inhuman practice. A closer look at this situation would suggest these folks are not as "pro life" as they appear. Once these babies inflate their lungs with the 1st breath of air, all that concern, bible thumping, political lobbying and financial support goes straight out the window. Where is all the concern from the pro life folks and their political lobbyists, when a child is malnourished? Has inadequate educational opportunities? Dies in a school shooting? Dies of disease that could have been prevented with proper medical care? Is the victim of domestic abuse? Is gang raped or beaten in their early teen years? Answer: Absolutely none! (And of course we're not supposed to talk about all those wealthy pro life lawmakers and executives who've paid for abortions for their mistresses and girlfriends when they were informed that a little 9 month surprise was on the way!) The abortion issue attracts money and votes, and is a convenient political tool for these folks, nothing more. These folks twist the words of pro choice advocates, calling them "pro abortion" this is absolute nonsense, no woman pro abortion, or happily looks forward to having an abortion. If the so called pro life folks demonstrated even 1% of their concern and support for these kids in the first 18 years of their lives as they did in the 9 months before birth, I might be more supportive of them, as it is, I see them for what they really are: Just another set of right wing hypocrites who can't seem to practice what they preach.

Those are the facts Jack, just the facts!

Sorry, Sweetheart. One does not have to join a nunnery and devote a life to whatever YOU say we do to care about the fact that the Left loves killing babies. But we note, with interest, that you seek to assuage your guilt here by foisting off on us that we just don't care ENOUGH and don't live lives deserving of caring.

That's a fail. You still advocate killing babies. That's on YOU, not on us.

With all the times Republicans controlled both houses & the White House, all the times they had the opportunity to reduce or end abortion, you never wondered why it has never happened? Because Republicans rather have the issue. They need you to vote for them because you think they will do something about abortion. They don't. They never have.

I have never had an abortion. I think women should choose.
/---/ True, but it's really an issue for the USSC. Overturning RvW would not end abortion, but throw it back to the states as it was before RvW
Why should it be a State issue instead of a private religious concern?

how does ending the life of a baby fall under a private religious concern?
Home / Articles / Pro-Life Articles / Catholic Church On Abortion
Catholic Church On Abortion
in Pro-Life Articles June 1, 2010 Comments Offon Catholic Church On Abortion

The Catholic Church’s position on abortion has been consistent throughout its history. The Church believes that life begins at the time of conception and cannot for any reason be interrupted intentionally. The Church does not maintain this position by church fiat but through divine law backed by the 5th Commandment

The Catholic Church believes that the human embryo is a human life, therefore, possesses a soul, of which cannot be taken except by its maker. Medical technology in modern times applies the choice that ends with the greatest benefit, whether or not that ends one life to save another. The Catholic Church’s belief is that there is no substitute for life under any conditions when it comes to a fetus and its mother.
For decades I've watched and listened to the pro life right wing propaganda machine, noses pointed in the air, clutching their little bibles with their fine air of moral superiority advocating that abortion is murder, and we must stop this inhuman practice. A closer look at this situation would suggest these folks are not as "pro life" as they appear. Once these babies inflate their lungs with the 1st breath of air, all that concern, bible thumping, political lobbying and financial support goes straight out the window. Where is all the concern from the pro life folks and their political lobbyists, when a child is malnourished? Has inadequate educational opportunities? Dies in a school shooting? Dies of disease that could have been prevented with proper medical care? Is the victim of domestic abuse? Is gang raped or beaten in their early teen years? Answer: Absolutely none! (And of course we're not supposed to talk about all those wealthy pro life lawmakers and executives who've paid for abortions for their mistresses and girlfriends when they were informed that a little 9 month surprise was on the way!) The abortion issue attracts money and votes, and is a convenient political tool for these folks, nothing more. These folks twist the words of pro choice advocates, calling them "pro abortion" this is absolute nonsense, no woman pro abortion, or happily looks forward to having an abortion. If the so called pro life folks demonstrated even 1% of their concern and support for these kids in the first 18 years of their lives as they did in the 9 months before birth, I might be more supportive of them, as it is, I see them for what they really are: Just another set of right wing hypocrites who can't seem to practice what they preach.

Those are the facts Jack, just the facts!

Sorry, Sweetheart. One does not have to join a nunnery and devote a life to whatever YOU say we do to care about the fact that the Left loves killing babies. But we note, with interest, that you seek to assuage your guilt here by foisting off on us that we just don't care ENOUGH and don't live lives deserving of caring.

That's a fail. You still advocate killing babies. That's on YOU, not on us.

With all the times Republicans controlled both houses & the White House, all the times they had the opportunity to reduce or end abortion, you never wondered why it has never happened? Because Republicans rather have the issue. They need you to vote for them because you think they will do something about abortion. They don't. They never have.

I have never had an abortion. I think women should choose.
/---/ True, but it's really an issue for the USSC. Overturning RvW would not end abortion, but throw it back to the states as it was before RvW
Why should it be a State issue instead of a private religious concern?

how does ending the life of a baby fall under a private religious concern?
not yet, natural born?
Sorry, Sweetheart. One does not have to join a nunnery and devote a life to whatever YOU say we do to care about the fact that the Left loves killing babies. But we note, with interest, that you seek to assuage your guilt here by foisting off on us that we just don't care ENOUGH and don't live lives deserving of caring.

That's a fail. You still advocate killing babies. That's on YOU, not on us.

With all the times Republicans controlled both houses & the White House, all the times they had the opportunity to reduce or end abortion, you never wondered why it has never happened? Because Republicans rather have the issue. They need you to vote for them because you think they will do something about abortion. They don't. They never have.

I have never had an abortion. I think women should choose.
/---/ True, but it's really an issue for the USSC. Overturning RvW would not end abortion, but throw it back to the states as it was before RvW
Why should it be a State issue instead of a private religious concern?

how does ending the life of a baby fall under a private religious concern?
Home / Articles / Pro-Life Articles / Catholic Church On Abortion
Catholic Church On Abortion
in Pro-Life Articles June 1, 2010 Comments Offon Catholic Church On Abortion

The Catholic Church’s position on abortion has been consistent throughout its history. The Church believes that life begins at the time of conception and cannot for any reason be interrupted intentionally. The Church does not maintain this position by church fiat but through divine law backed by the 5th Commandment

The Catholic Church believes that the human embryo is a human life, therefore, possesses a soul, of which cannot be taken except by its maker. Medical technology in modern times applies the choice that ends with the greatest benefit, whether or not that ends one life to save another. The Catholic Church’s belief is that there is no substitute for life under any conditions when it comes to a fetus and its mother.

non sequitur much?
Sorry, Sweetheart. One does not have to join a nunnery and devote a life to whatever YOU say we do to care about the fact that the Left loves killing babies. But we note, with interest, that you seek to assuage your guilt here by foisting off on us that we just don't care ENOUGH and don't live lives deserving of caring.

That's a fail. You still advocate killing babies. That's on YOU, not on us.

With all the times Republicans controlled both houses & the White House, all the times they had the opportunity to reduce or end abortion, you never wondered why it has never happened? Because Republicans rather have the issue. They need you to vote for them because you think they will do something about abortion. They don't. They never have.

I have never had an abortion. I think women should choose.
/---/ True, but it's really an issue for the USSC. Overturning RvW would not end abortion, but throw it back to the states as it was before RvW
Why should it be a State issue instead of a private religious concern?

how does ending the life of a baby fall under a private religious concern?
Home / Articles / Pro-Life Articles / Catholic Church On Abortion
Catholic Church On Abortion
in Pro-Life Articles June 1, 2010 Comments Offon Catholic Church On Abortion

The Catholic Church’s position on abortion has been consistent throughout its history. The Church believes that life begins at the time of conception and cannot for any reason be interrupted intentionally. The Church does not maintain this position by church fiat but through divine law backed by the 5th Commandment

The Catholic Church believes that the human embryo is a human life, therefore, possesses a soul, of which cannot be taken except by its maker. Medical technology in modern times applies the choice that ends with the greatest benefit, whether or not that ends one life to save another. The Catholic Church’s belief is that there is no substitute for life under any conditions when it comes to a fetus and its mother.
The Church doesn't whine about the Poor.
Sorry, Sweetheart. One does not have to join a nunnery and devote a life to whatever YOU say we do to care about the fact that the Left loves killing babies. But we note, with interest, that you seek to assuage your guilt here by foisting off on us that we just don't care ENOUGH and don't live lives deserving of caring.

That's a fail. You still advocate killing babies. That's on YOU, not on us.

With all the times Republicans controlled both houses & the White House, all the times they had the opportunity to reduce or end abortion, you never wondered why it has never happened? Because Republicans rather have the issue. They need you to vote for them because you think they will do something about abortion. They don't. They never have.

I have never had an abortion. I think women should choose.
/---/ True, but it's really an issue for the USSC. Overturning RvW would not end abortion, but throw it back to the states as it was before RvW
Why should it be a State issue instead of a private religious concern?

how does ending the life of a baby fall under a private religious concern?
not yet, natural born?

a baby does not magically become a baby as it passes through the birth canal. It is still a human baby when it is in the womb
With all the times Republicans controlled both houses & the White House, all the times they had the opportunity to reduce or end abortion, you never wondered why it has never happened? Because Republicans rather have the issue. They need you to vote for them because you think they will do something about abortion. They don't. They never have.

I have never had an abortion. I think women should choose.
/---/ True, but it's really an issue for the USSC. Overturning RvW would not end abortion, but throw it back to the states as it was before RvW
Why should it be a State issue instead of a private religious concern?

how does ending the life of a baby fall under a private religious concern?
Home / Articles / Pro-Life Articles / Catholic Church On Abortion
Catholic Church On Abortion
in Pro-Life Articles June 1, 2010 Comments Offon Catholic Church On Abortion

The Catholic Church’s position on abortion has been consistent throughout its history. The Church believes that life begins at the time of conception and cannot for any reason be interrupted intentionally. The Church does not maintain this position by church fiat but through divine law backed by the 5th Commandment

The Catholic Church believes that the human embryo is a human life, therefore, possesses a soul, of which cannot be taken except by its maker. Medical technology in modern times applies the choice that ends with the greatest benefit, whether or not that ends one life to save another. The Catholic Church’s belief is that there is no substitute for life under any conditions when it comes to a fetus and its mother.

non sequitur much?
/----/ It was a direct answer to the question: "how does ending the life of a baby fall under a private religious concern?"

You need to learn the definition of words and phrases before you post stuff.
Non sequitur
Literary Device
A non-sequitur is a conversational and literary device, often used for comedic purposes. It is something said that, because of its apparent lack of meaning relative to what preceded it, seems absurd to the point of being humorous or confusing.
With all the times Republicans controlled both houses & the White House, all the times they had the opportunity to reduce or end abortion, you never wondered why it has never happened? Because Republicans rather have the issue. They need you to vote for them because you think they will do something about abortion. They don't. They never have.

I have never had an abortion. I think women should choose.
/---/ True, but it's really an issue for the USSC. Overturning RvW would not end abortion, but throw it back to the states as it was before RvW
Why should it be a State issue instead of a private religious concern?

how does ending the life of a baby fall under a private religious concern?
Home / Articles / Pro-Life Articles / Catholic Church On Abortion
Catholic Church On Abortion
in Pro-Life Articles June 1, 2010 Comments Offon Catholic Church On Abortion

The Catholic Church’s position on abortion has been consistent throughout its history. The Church believes that life begins at the time of conception and cannot for any reason be interrupted intentionally. The Church does not maintain this position by church fiat but through divine law backed by the 5th Commandment

The Catholic Church believes that the human embryo is a human life, therefore, possesses a soul, of which cannot be taken except by its maker. Medical technology in modern times applies the choice that ends with the greatest benefit, whether or not that ends one life to save another. The Catholic Church’s belief is that there is no substitute for life under any conditions when it comes to a fetus and its mother.
The Church doesn't whine about the Poor.
/----/ Becuase you libtards aren't trying to murder them in cold blood -----yet.
The Poor - - The Catholic Church Simplified
The Poor
Blessing the Poor (2443-2444) Jesus will recognize his chosen ones by what they have done for the poor (Mt 25:31-36). The Church's love for the poor is part of a constant Tradition. The duty of work flows from love for the poor because the worker can "give to those in need" both materially, culturally, and religiously.
With all the times Republicans controlled both houses & the White House, all the times they had the opportunity to reduce or end abortion, you never wondered why it has never happened? Because Republicans rather have the issue. They need you to vote for them because you think they will do something about abortion. They don't. They never have.

I have never had an abortion. I think women should choose.
/---/ True, but it's really an issue for the USSC. Overturning RvW would not end abortion, but throw it back to the states as it was before RvW
Why should it be a State issue instead of a private religious concern?

how does ending the life of a baby fall under a private religious concern?
not yet, natural born?

a baby does not magically become a baby as it passes through the birth canal. It is still a human baby when it is in the womb
when is a fetus actually viable without the mother?
/---/ True, but it's really an issue for the USSC. Overturning RvW would not end abortion, but throw it back to the states as it was before RvW
Why should it be a State issue instead of a private religious concern?

how does ending the life of a baby fall under a private religious concern?
Home / Articles / Pro-Life Articles / Catholic Church On Abortion
Catholic Church On Abortion
in Pro-Life Articles June 1, 2010 Comments Offon Catholic Church On Abortion

The Catholic Church’s position on abortion has been consistent throughout its history. The Church believes that life begins at the time of conception and cannot for any reason be interrupted intentionally. The Church does not maintain this position by church fiat but through divine law backed by the 5th Commandment

The Catholic Church believes that the human embryo is a human life, therefore, possesses a soul, of which cannot be taken except by its maker. Medical technology in modern times applies the choice that ends with the greatest benefit, whether or not that ends one life to save another. The Catholic Church’s belief is that there is no substitute for life under any conditions when it comes to a fetus and its mother.

non sequitur much?
/----/ It was a direct answer to the question: "how does ending the life of a baby fall under a private religious concern?"

You need to learn the definition of words and phrases before you post stuff.
Non sequitur
Literary Device
A non-sequitur is a conversational and literary device, often used for comedic purposes. It is something said that, because of its apparent lack of meaning relative to what preceded it, seems absurd to the point of being humorous or confusing.

Wait, so you agree that ending the life of a baby is private religious concern?

and what you posted really did not have anything to do with my question...unless of course you think abortion should be religious matter and not a legal one.
/---/ True, but it's really an issue for the USSC. Overturning RvW would not end abortion, but throw it back to the states as it was before RvW
Why should it be a State issue instead of a private religious concern?

how does ending the life of a baby fall under a private religious concern?
not yet, natural born?

a baby does not magically become a baby as it passes through the birth canal. It is still a human baby when it is in the womb
when is a fetus actually viable without the mother?

when is a newborn viable without someone there to feed it and care for it? How long till the human baby can fend for itself? Should we be allowed to kill it up to that point?
Why should it be a State issue instead of a private religious concern?

how does ending the life of a baby fall under a private religious concern?
Home / Articles / Pro-Life Articles / Catholic Church On Abortion
Catholic Church On Abortion
in Pro-Life Articles June 1, 2010 Comments Offon Catholic Church On Abortion

The Catholic Church’s position on abortion has been consistent throughout its history. The Church believes that life begins at the time of conception and cannot for any reason be interrupted intentionally. The Church does not maintain this position by church fiat but through divine law backed by the 5th Commandment

The Catholic Church believes that the human embryo is a human life, therefore, possesses a soul, of which cannot be taken except by its maker. Medical technology in modern times applies the choice that ends with the greatest benefit, whether or not that ends one life to save another. The Catholic Church’s belief is that there is no substitute for life under any conditions when it comes to a fetus and its mother.

non sequitur much?
/----/ It was a direct answer to the question: "how does ending the life of a baby fall under a private religious concern?"

You need to learn the definition of words and phrases before you post stuff.
Non sequitur
Literary Device
A non-sequitur is a conversational and literary device, often used for comedic purposes. It is something said that, because of its apparent lack of meaning relative to what preceded it, seems absurd to the point of being humorous or confusing.

Wait, so you agree that ending the life of a baby is private religious concern?

and what you posted really did not have anything to do with my question...unless of course you think abortion should be religious matter and not a legal one.
/----/ I answered your question clearly. I'm not running down one of your rabbit holes with your endless twists and distortions.
how does ending the life of a baby fall under a private religious concern?
Home / Articles / Pro-Life Articles / Catholic Church On Abortion
Catholic Church On Abortion
in Pro-Life Articles June 1, 2010 Comments Offon Catholic Church On Abortion

The Catholic Church’s position on abortion has been consistent throughout its history. The Church believes that life begins at the time of conception and cannot for any reason be interrupted intentionally. The Church does not maintain this position by church fiat but through divine law backed by the 5th Commandment

The Catholic Church believes that the human embryo is a human life, therefore, possesses a soul, of which cannot be taken except by its maker. Medical technology in modern times applies the choice that ends with the greatest benefit, whether or not that ends one life to save another. The Catholic Church’s belief is that there is no substitute for life under any conditions when it comes to a fetus and its mother.

non sequitur much?
/----/ It was a direct answer to the question: "how does ending the life of a baby fall under a private religious concern?"

You need to learn the definition of words and phrases before you post stuff.
Non sequitur
Literary Device
A non-sequitur is a conversational and literary device, often used for comedic purposes. It is something said that, because of its apparent lack of meaning relative to what preceded it, seems absurd to the point of being humorous or confusing.

Wait, so you agree that ending the life of a baby is private religious concern?

and what you posted really did not have anything to do with my question...unless of course you think abortion should be religious matter and not a legal one.
/----/ I answered your question clearly. I'm not running down one of your rabbit holes with your endless twists and distortions.

you posted the view of the Catholic Church, and that is your answer? You cannot think for yourself, you have to just parrot what you leaders tell you to say?

i knew you did not give a shit about the babies. Though I am surprised you think it should be a religious matter and not a legal one
Why should it be a State issue instead of a private religious concern?

how does ending the life of a baby fall under a private religious concern?
not yet, natural born?

a baby does not magically become a baby as it passes through the birth canal. It is still a human baby when it is in the womb
when is a fetus actually viable without the mother?

when is a newborn viable without someone there to feed it and care for it? How long till the human baby can fend for itself? Should we be allowed to kill it up to that point?
Natural born, is the Constitutional requirement.

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