The Problem With Christian Nationalism

Socialism NEVER ends up with mass deaths.
Stalin and Lenin were supported by the Germans, in order to take Russia out of WWI.
They were not at all "socialists", and were instead totally and completely extreme capitalists, working entirely on the profit motive.
Government by definition is a collective and communal cooperation for a more efficient society.
Which is and will always be socialist.
The only time government is bad is when it is not collective or communal, but then it is a capitalist dictatorship and not socialist.
in our case government exist because we allow it under the social contract know as the constitution of the united states of america that sets and limits what the government can do,,,

as for the others, you are partially right but mostly wrong,, they openly call themselves socialist,,

how about you respond to the examples I provided of how its failed??
Socialism NEVER ends up with mass deaths.
Stalin and Lenin were supported by the Germans, in order to take Russia out of WWI.
They were not at all "socialists", and were instead totally and completely extreme capitalists, working entirely on the profit motive.
Government by definition is a collective and communal cooperation for a more efficient society.
Which is and will always be socialist.
The only time government is bad is when it is not collective or communal, but then it is a capitalist dictatorship and not socialist.
Globalism is EVIL and SO ARE YOU.
Klaus Schwab can kiss my ass and so can you!
Socialism NEVER ends up with mass deaths.
Stalin and Lenin were supported by the Germans, in order to take Russia out of WWI.
They were not at all "socialists", and were instead totally and completely extreme capitalists, working entirely on the profit motive.
Government by definition is a collective and communal cooperation for a more efficient society.
Which is and will always be socialist.
The only time government is bad is when it is not collective or communal, but then it is a capitalist dictatorship and not socialist.

Liar, liar, liar.


The part about fleeing religious persecution is true. The founding on Native American

The settlers who established themselves on the shores of New England all belonged to the more independent classes of their native country. Their union on the soil of America at once presented the singular phenomenon of a society containing neither lords nor common people, and we may almost say neither rich nor poor. These men possessed, in proportion to their number, a greater mass of intelligence than is to be found in any European nation of our own time All, perhaps without a single exception, had received a good education, and many of them were known in Europe for their talents and their acquirements. The other colonies had been founded by adventurers without families; the immigrants of New England brought with them the best elements of order and morality; they landed on the desert coast accompanied by their wives and children. But what especially distinguished them from all others was the aim of their undertaking. They had not been obliged by necessity to leave their country; the social position they abandoned was one to be regretted, and their means of subsistence were certain. Nor did they cross the Atlantic to improve their situation or to increase their wealth; it was a purely intellectual craving that called them from the comforts of their former homes; and in facing the inevitable . sufferings of exile their object was the triumph of an idea.

The immigrants, or, as they deservedly styled themselves, the Pilgrims, belonged to that English sect the austerity of whose principles had acquired for them the name of Puritans. Puritanism was not merely a religious doctrine, but corresponded in many points with the most absolute democratic and republican theories. It was this tendency that had aroused its most dangerous adversaries. Persecuted by the government of the mother country, and disgusted by the habits of a society which the rigor of their own principles condemned, the Puritans went forth to seek some rude and unfrequented part of the world where they could live according to their own opinions and worship God in freedom.

Tocqueville: Book I Chapter 2

If not for the Native Americans, then the Founders would have reflected the exact same mistakes as Europe.
The colonists were NOT more ethical, intelligent, etc.
Most actually came to the New World out of "get rich quick" schemes.
The ONLY factor that changes them and made the colonies different than Europe was the native belief in individual rights and their rejection of imposed heirarchies.

uch has been said about the inspiration of the ancient Iroquois “Great League of Peace” in planting the seeds that led to the formation of the United States of America and its representative democracy.

The Iroquois Confederacy, founded by the Great Peacemaker in 11421, is the oldest living participatory democracy on earth2. In 1988, the U.S. Senate paid tribute with a resolution3 that said, "The confederation of the original 13 colonies into one republic was influenced by the political system developed by the Iroquois Confederacy, as were many of the democratic principles which were incorporated into the constitution itself."

The peoples of the Iroquois Confederacy, also known as the Six Nations, refer to themselves as the Haudenosaunee, (pronounced "hoo-dee-noh-SHAW-nee"). It means “peoples of the longhouse,” and refers to their lengthy bark-covered longhouses that housed many families. Theirs was a sophisticated and thriving society of well over 5,000 people when the first European explorers encountered them in the early seventeenth century.

May I remind you that the rebel snake flag was an Iroquois flag originally, that the colonists just copied?

The Iroquois were about the only large democratic republic in all history.
It is the only real basis for the US.
If not for the Native Americans, then the Founders would have reflected the exact same mistakes as Europe.
The colonists were NOT more ethical, intelligent, etc.
Most actually came to the New World out of "get rich quick" schemes.
The greedy colonized the South. The North was settled by colonists seeking to establish a democratic and free land.

The roots of the civil war were laid down right from the beginning.

The Puritans brought their democratic ideals with them. They did not get them from the natives.

The greedy colonized the South. The North was settled by colonists seeking to establish a democratic and free land.

The roots of the civil war were laid down right from the beginning.

The Puritans brought their democratic ideals with them. They did not get them from the natives.


Thanks for sharing your opinion.

schools suck, roads are shit and infrastructure is a state issue not a fed one, crime is off the charts utilities are so expensive poor people will always be poor or freeze to death,,
anymore stupid comparisons you would like to make??

and those are not socialist anyway, they are a social compact

Socialism NEVER implies federal, and anyone who thinks it does, is totally and completely ignorant.
If social programs like schools and roads are not done well, then it is the fault of a lack of local participation.
You have to lobby, vote, form groups, etc.
Crime is deliberately "off the chart" by the War on Drugs, so money can be made arresting, fining, forfeiting assets, etc.
Utilities should be based on "ability to pay" is they were done the most socialist.
Anything with pooled resources ARE socialist.
That is what socialism is.
Again, you just know nothing at all about socialism or its historic evolution of human nature.
Socialism NEVER implies federal, and anyone who thinks it does, is totally and completely ignorant.
If social programs like schools and roads are not done well, then it is the fault of a lack of local participation.
You have to lobby, vote, form groups, etc.
Crime is deliberately "off the chart" by the War on Drugs, so money can be made arresting, fining, forfeiting assets, etc.
Utilities should be based on "ability to pay" is they were done the most socialist.
Anything with pooled resources ARE socialist.
That is what socialism is.
Again, you just know nothing at all about socialism or its historic evolution of human nature.

Have some more KoolAid and make sure you get this week's booster.

No matter how hard you try to twist yourself, Protestantism is not Deism. Not even close.

The "protest" part of Protestantism was against the Catholic Church's doctrines.

Protestantism is CHRISTianity. Deism is not.

Most of our Founders were followers of Christ.

The majority of colonists were Protestants, but the Founders were mostly Deists.
These are not all Founders, but you will be surprised how many are.
Not only did most Founders not believe in Christ, but Christ never made sense and if pretty foolish really.
Dying does not at all help the sins of anyone.


Born 1700-1800​

Liar, liar, liar.


That is foolish.
All human societies were hunter/gatherer for over a million years.
Mind trying to explain how you can possibly do a hunter/gatherer society without it being socialist?
So do you think those who had a successful hunt survived and any that did not, starved to death, along with all their relatives?
The greedy colonized the South. The North was settled by colonists seeking to establish a democratic and free land.

The roots of the civil war were laid down right from the beginning.

The Puritans brought their democratic ideals with them. They did not get them from the natives.


The Puritans had no "democratic" ideals to bring with them.
They mandated a state religion in Massachusetts.
Massachusetts was about the least democratic state.
You never read Nathanial Hawthorne's "Scarlet Letter"?
Pennsylvania also mandated a state religion.
There are some Nazi-adjacent politicians these days claiming they are "Christian Nationalists".

So what is Christian Nationalism, you may be wondering.

Well, they want to trash the First Amendment and have our federal government declare we are a Christian nation.

In the same way White Nationalists want a white nation.

Marjorie Taylor Greene has declared herself a CN. I don't know what Bible she has which allows for an open marriage, though. I don't know what Bible she has which sanctions bearing false witness against others.

Maybe she ripped out a few pages here and there. I don't know.

The problem with Christian Nationalism is, which brand of Christianity will we be? I certainly don't want to be MTG's brand!

In 1802, the Baptists of Danbury, Connecticut wrote to Founder Thomas Jefferson to tell him of their plight. The official state religion of Connecticut was Protestant Calvinism. The Baptists felt their religious freedom was being impinged upon.

Jefferson's response letter contained the immortal words "separation of church and state" to describe the intent of the First Amendment's establishment clause.

So if we were to toss out the Bill of Rights and force everyone to believe what they are told to believe, which belief would that be?

Would it be Catholic integralism? They are the largest Christian denomination in America.

But then MTG believes Catholics work for Satan.

So you see the problem.

They tried this before the US entered WWII....Father Coughlin and his Christian Front organization. They were really all about supporting the fascists and being anti-semitic. Sounds familiar.
I don't see the problem. The Baptist religion is probably the religion that has served America best. Southerners will tell you that in a heartbeat. Its been part of us since the beginning of America.
You mean the religion that split from the original Baptist Church in order to support slavery? And currently has a big problem with child pedophilia with its pastors?

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