The problem with the 'it's still early' line from non-Trump Republicans

The biggest thing going for Trump is that the Republican party has a lot of conservatives. Conservatives generally do not get swept away in flights of fancy for a young, ideological newcomer; whoever is ahead a year or six months out is usually the GOP nominee. Assuming he doesn't have a health crisis or goes to jail, it's his to lose.

I agree with those who say that DeSantis is really running for the "If He Drops Out" title. The same goes for most of the GOP field, really.
DeSantis had a good chance at the "If Trump Drops Out" mantle, which is not that much of a long shot, given that Trump is overweight and under indictment. All Ron had to do was stick with the Trump line, keep out of any hint of scandal, and not anger Trump supporters by going after Trump directly.

Trying to position Trump as a supporter of the transgenderization movement was an absurd idea. Most Trumpers would not support going after parents seeking gender affirming care by weaponizing CPS. That's a leftie douche move.

Because of that, something happens to Trump, his supporters may well split their votes among the Young MAGA's who have announced in thinkly vieled hopes for the VP slot. Splitting the Trump vote means the Bush/Cheney/Romney/Graham faction of the party can take control once again. Then it's back to Twoparties rule again.
Trump is as much of a racist and bigot as DeSantis, so that’s not a reason for Republicans to abandon Trump.

And DeSantis is perceived to be part of the ‘establishment’; DeSantis can play culture warrior and lie about ‘woke’ all he wants – it’s about burning the Washington edifice to the ground and purging the Party of ‘RINOs, something only Trump can do.
Here we go again Mrs Jones. No bigger racist in the country than Poopeypants unless you count Oprah and Moochelle.
Trump and DeSantis enforce the Laws of the Land, the ones that the Biden Crime Family conveniently circumvents in the child trafficing, drug trafficing, and illegal kickback business they are involved in.
You can take your edifice and sit on it wacko.
Correct – and get revenge on Republicans who opposed him.

The GOP is about vengeance, revenge, getting even, playing the victim, and destroying political enemies – something Republicans believe DeSantis is incapable of.
Nope just seems that way, as the GOP has to put a stop to all the criminal activity of the Dims each time folks come to their senses and vote the Republicans in and the evil out.
True, Republicans are about smash-mouth politics; about the politics of fear and intimidation; including actual political violence and lawlessness as we saw on 1/6.

Trump can do smash-mouth politics, DeSantis can’t.
Really? Seems your own Reich brownshirts have that intimidation and deflection bit down pretty well.
But that’s another problem for DeSantis – Trump cult members love Trump despite his failures; like Trump, Republicans blame everyone and everything else for Trump’s failures, Trump the perpetual victim.
You care more about Trump than any of us ever will. If you idiots stopped campaigning for him he wouldn't win again.
Anyway, you are voting for many times?
“But while Trump is the driver of the party agenda and rhetoric, he has been effective at still presenting himself in opposition to the party’s traditional power centers. He’s managed to preserve the idea that he is the voice of the outsider right, in part by successfully reframing his criminal indictments and investigations into his actions as establishment efforts to hold him at bay. He is the guy who will tear it all down … despite having been in a position to do so before and not doing it (as Christie noted at another point in his interview Sunday).

That’s DeSantis’s challenge. His candidacy was originally theorized by observers as a way to consolidate the anti-Trump vote, but that’s a vote that Trump has been effective at marginalizing as pro-establishment. So instead DeSantis is trying to run to Trump’s right, as a challenger to a front-runner that DeSantis is trying to frame as insufficiently right-wing. It’s a tough argument to make, particularly when Trump is so effectively driving the issues upon which primary voters are focused.

It’s not just that we’re early in the primary cycle — which we are — that matters. It’s also the composition of that cycle, who’s in, and what they represent. In 2008 and 2016, Clinton was challenged by outsiders who framed her as insufficiently responsive to the more liberal wing of the party. In 2016, Trump convinced Republicans that he was a vehicle for the dismantling of a party they disliked.”

And there’s this:

‘“We’re totally undecided,” said Blanks, 52 years old, as she and her husband neared their car, completing a 4-mile loop. She voted for Donald Trump twice before and thinks the former president can return to Washington “with a sledgehammer,” despite thinking DeSantis could attract more independent voters in a general election.

Six weeks after launching his campaign, DeSantis has stalled.’

DeSantis therefore has two problems – failing to portray Trump as insufficiently right-wing and being perceived by Republican primary voters as part of the ‘establishment’ Trump would dismantle “with a sledgehammer.”
Do you think a majority of republicans want to dismantle the government with a sledgehammer?
Nope just seems that way, as the GOP has to put a stop to all the criminal activity of the Dims each time folks come to their senses and vote the Republicans in and the evil out.

I literally do not understand how someone can get as deeply deluded as she is.
I understand that she is in a Cult - but still.
I'm a Trump supporter.
The question was easy.
Once again -
Can you describe what you see with Desantis that makes him - disgusting and far more dangerous and repulsive than Trump. (?)
Thanks for the clarification.

DeSantis is both an authoritarian swamp creature AND a self-enriching troll seeking power for its own sake.

He's a creep, and he will be roundly rejected by the American people if by some miracle he attains the R nomination.

Trump is a mega-narcissist, but unlike DeSantis, is neither a swamp creature nor someone who seeks power for its own sake.

Trump has a conscience, DeSantis has none.

Trump is a live & let live kind of guy; DeSantis seeks control over others.

It will be a steep (and likely impossible) climb for any R nominee, but Trump has the best chance against whomever the Ds put up.

That's assuming Barry doesn't relent & allow Michelle to run, in which case it won't even be close - she'll destroy any R, including Trump.
Thanks for the clarification.

DeSantis is both an authoritarian swamp creature AND a self-enriching troll seeking power for its own sake.

He's a creep, and he will be roundly rejected by the American people if by some miracle he attains the R nomination.

Trump is a mega-narcissist, but unlike DeSantis, is neither a swamp creature nor someone who seeks power for its own sake.

Trump has a conscience, DeSantis has none.

Trump is a live & let live kind of guy; DeSantis seeks control over others.

It will be a steep (and likely impossible) climb for any R nominee, but Trump has the best chance against whomever the Ds put up.

That's assuming Barry doesn't relent & allow Michelle to run, in which case it won't even be close - she'll destroy any R, including Trump.

The Authoritarian canard is ridiculous.
He's only been in Government for 10 years - half of that as a lowly house member - - so not swamp.
Florida voters (who are probably the most general of general people in the country) just overwhelming reelected him.
Democrats will of course hate him - but the rest -
The Authoritarian canard is ridiculous.
He's only been in Government for 10 years - half of that as a lowly house member - - so not swamp.
Florida voters (who are probably the most general of general people in the country) just overwhelming reelected him.
Democrats will of course hate him - but the rest -
Massive authoritarian, and this is the main thing that will kill him nationally.

And he's a full-on swamp creature - that is also repugnant to The People, but of course you're a Trump supporter, so you know this. :)

Florida voters are freaks, and Florida is by no means a national microcosm, super-Trump fan.

The People will not support him, so you, who are CLEARLY a Trump supporter, should hope he doesn't get the nom.

DeSantis is big in the right wing echo chamber, but that's as far as he'll ever go, so rejoice Trump mega-fan!

Good to talk to a "Trump supporter" of such obvious loyalty to the man.

It seems the only new tactics that will work for DeSantis with Trump voters is to get indicted twice and buy a sledgehammer.
Indict all you want its great publicity and campaigning for Trump. Even your own ilk realizes what you are doing and certainly the independents do.
Meanwhile Poopeypants gives away state secrets while on tour.
You Dimbulbs could use some more wattage.
This is all academic; Democrats keep the WH & win back the House.

The Senate likely goes back to the Republicans.
Massive authoritarian, and this is the main thing that will kill him nationally.

And he's a full-on swamp creature - that is also repugnant to The People, but of course you're a Trump supporter, so you know this. :)

Florida voters are freaks, and Florida is by no means a national microcosm, super-Trump fan.

The People will not support him, so you, who are CLEARLY a Trump supporter, should hope he doesn't get the nom.

DeSantis is big in the right wing echo chamber, but that's as far as he'll ever go, so rejoice Trump mega-fan!

Good to talk to a "Trump supporter" of such obvious loyalty to the man.


Look fuckstick -

Normal people can support one particular person, while defending unwarranted and false allegations against another.

Florida is very much a normal person state.
Other than Miami/Ft Lauderdale and a few other large cities.

They also have huge populations formerly from other parts of the country.

I lived there for 15 years.

The only way that you would see Trump or Desantis as authoritarian is if you don't know what the word means.
Is that the problem here?

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