The profound wickedness of our country

Just read the FOUR PAGE proposed bill 669 there is NOTHING in it saying mothers can kill their baby up to 28 days after birth, it is a LIE.

You got anything to offer in reply?

Define the perinatal period for us. Never mind, I will:
The perinatal period commences at 20 completed weeks (140 days) of gestation and ends 28 completed days after birth.
How many days after birth? How many days? The bill uses the term perinatal for a reason. It means after the child is born. That is what the bill is referring to. What do you think perinatal means?

And with this law you don't need a Dr. to assist. You and your friends can kill it at home:
"FOR the purpose of altering certain provisions of law relating to the termination of a pregnancy and investigations of or criminal penalties or civil liabilities for a pregnant person or a person assisting a pregnant person; prohibiting a certain provision of law that requires the termination of a pregnancy by a licensed physician from being construed to apply to a certain pregnant person; and generally relating to the termination of pregnancy."
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House Bill 1171
Senate Bill 669

Perinatal is post birth:
The term used in the legislation is 'perinatal,' not prenatal. Prenatal naturally means 'before' birth. The medical definition of 'perinatal' is vastly different: 'The perinatal period is defined in diverse ways. Depending on the definition, it starts at the 20th to 28th week of gestation and ends 1 to 4 weeks after birth.

And if you are worried about the rights of the child:
"Nothing in this section shall be construed to confer personhood or any rights on the fetus,"

The bill also includes a section that would allow 'a person {to} bring a cause of action for damages if the person was subject to unlawful arrest or criminal investigation for a violation of this section as a result of . . . experiencing a . . . perinatal death.
"This section may not be construed to authorize any form of investigation or penalty for a person . . . experiencing a . . . perinatal death related to a failure to act."

They can sue for even being asked what happened to the dead baby...
Show me the 28 day thing. I read the text of the bill, posted. It isn't there. No it does not give the mother or doctor the right to starve the child or put out on the ice to freeze. Get real.
The thread premise is a lie, typical of the dishonest right.

It’s yet another example of conservatives using misinformation and lies to further divide the American people and hobble the political process for some perceived partisan advantage.

Why should anyone believe you when you claim anything is a lie? You are a proven liar. The conversation is over for you.
Show me the 28 day thing. I read the text of the bill, posted. It isn't there. No it does not give the mother or doctor the right to starve the child or put out on the ice to freeze. Get real.
What does perinatal mean then ??? And why would something have to go into the detail about protecting the woman or doctor from being sued or held liable as the Irish ram said ??
What does perinatal mean then ??? And why would something have to go into the detail about protecting the woman or doctor from being sued or held liable as the Irish ram said ??
That is not to be construed in the way Ram posted, as it is not in the text. No it does not authorize killing babies after delivery, nor the mother. Have you found that 28 day thing yet? No. You won't.
What does perinatal mean then ??? And why would something have to go into the detail about protecting the woman or doctor from being sued or held liable as the Irish ram said ??

Perinatal | definition of perinatal by Medical dictionary
: [ per″ĭ-na´t'l ] relating to the period shortly before and after birth; from the twentieth to twenty-ninth week of gestation to 1 to 4 weeks after birth

White 6
That is not to be construed in the way Ram posted, as it is not in the text. No it does not authorize killing babies after delivery, nor the mother. Have you found that 28 day thing yet? No. You won't.
What does perinatal mean ??
WHAT the HELL are you talking about???? OF COURSE it is stated in the article. Just because the source calls it ABortion after 28 days doesn't mean it is NOT INFANTICIDE!!! OF COURSE IT IS INFANTICIDE. YOU changing the definition of words does not negate the truth of the matter.

Senate Bill 669, also called the “Pregnant Person’s Freedom Act of 2022,” provisions that a newborn baby can be left to die for up to a month after being born in the event that the “mother” decides she no longer wants to keep it.

what you're doing is lying about what it is and you know it...and that makes you an accomplice.

Perinatal Mortality

Perinatal mortality is defined as the number of fetal deaths past 22 (or 28) completed weeks of pregnancy plus the number of deaths among live-born children up to 7 completed days of life, per 1000 total births (live births and stillbirths).
What does perinatal mean ??
I got a better on. What is pregnancy. If you have given birth, you are no long pregnant. You are talking about murder, not terminating a pregnancy. Oh, by the way, perinatal includes 5 months before due date and be advised, some babies do not come on time and the expectant mother may still be pregnant past her due date.
Mind you I do not agree with terminating any pregnancy, when the fetus has reached a point where if delivered or taken by C-section would be viable outside the womb, so the bill does extend abortion up to the actual day of delivery and that is way, way too long. It does not extend abortion to 28 days after actual birth.

There is the bill. Show me where infanticide is legalized.


relating to the period shortly before and after birth; from the twentieth to twenty-ninth week of gestation to 1 to 4 weeks after birth.


The ruling clearly goes to The Irish Ram, she is not known to post lies or disinformation. Clearly, if a mother fails to act to save her perinatal infant under this law . . . then she will be shielded from prosecution under the language of this legislation.
Show me the 28 day thing. I read the text of the bill, posted. It isn't there. No it does not give the mother or doctor the right to starve the child or put out on the ice to freeze. Get real.
The perinatal period, broadly defined, encompasses the time frame from one year before to 18 to 24 months after the birth of the child.

Perinatal is the period of time when you become pregnant and up to a year after giving birth.

The perinatal period commences at 20 completed weeks (140 days) of gestation and ends 28 completed days after birth.

The perinatal period begins at the end of 22 weeks of pregnancy and ends a week after the child's birth.

Just a few googles for expedience. Feel free to google it all you want.

It is broadly defined, but one thing that doesn't change is all definitions refer to live babies.
And a lack of investigation into the cases in Maryland.
I got a better on. What is pregnancy. If you have given birth, you are no long pregnant. You are talking about murder, not terminating a pregnancy. Oh, by the way, perinatal includes 5 months before due date and be advised, some babies do not come on time and the expectant mother may still be pregnant past her due date.
Mind you I do not agree with terminating any pregnancy, when the fetus has reached a point where if delivered or taken by C-section would be viable outside the womb, so the bill does extend abortion up to the actual day of delivery and that is way, way too long. It does not extend abortion to 28 days after actual birth.

See post #26. From the Medical Dictionary. Doctors use it for reference.
o the bill does extend abortion up to the actual day of delivery and that is way, way too long.
It does not do that. The bill is being misrepresented.

First, section b):

(b) Except as provided in subsections (d) through (f) of this section, a prosecution 5 may be instituted for murder or manslaughter of a viable fetus.

So, sections d-f:

(d) Nothing in this section applies to or infringes on a [woman’s] PREGNANT 13 PERSON’S right to terminate a pregnancy as stated in § 20–209 of the Health – General 14 Article. 15

(adheres to existing State law)

(e) Nothing in this section subjects a physician or other licensed medical 16 professional to liability for fetal death that occurs in the course of administering lawful 17 medical care. 18

(adheres to existing State law)

(f) Nothing in this section applies to an act or failure to act of a pregnant [woman] 19 PERSON with regard to [her] THE PERSON’S own fetus.

(Meaning, the bill simply does not at all address the idea of manslaughter charges against a woman for terminating her own fetus. Not, "Having someone else terminate her fetus". Doing it herself.

Furthermore, a born baby is NOT a fetus.)

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I got a better on. What is pregnancy. If you have given birth, you are no long pregnant. You are talking about murder, not terminating a pregnancy. Oh, by the way, perinatal includes 5 months before due date and be advised, some babies do not come on time and the expectant mother may still be pregnant past her due date.
Mind you I do not agree with terminating any pregnancy, when the fetus has reached a point where if delivered or taken by C-section would be viable outside the womb, so the bill does extend abortion up to the actual day of delivery and that is way, way too long. It does not extend abortion to 28 days after actual birth.

^ It does if you use the word perinatal. Which the bill does...
Uh, I don't think it does that.
Oh yes it does. Do you know that some hospitals will slit it's neck for you, sever it's spinal cord, bandage it and give it to the parents waiting in the death room. They have wine and photo booths, a rocking chair, a little death certificate. How's that for macabre?

Partial birth abortions are the most prized for sellable baby parts. Fresh and developed.

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