The profound wickedness of our country

Maryland already has a law that if you don't want the child, you can drop it off at a cop shop or hospital, no questions asked. Why are these 2 bills even necessary?
Hey! Child sacrifice is becoming fashionable in this country! Nobody gets the points from their evil master if they do something as benign as letting the child live with an adoptive family. As many children as possible MUST BE SACRIFICED!
Since we have established that Democrats are evil.....what is it that we are to do to evil?? We kill evil, right??

Democrats are not some abstract construct, they are actually real and women.....if we are saying those people are evil, why not kill them??

Or do you morons just say hyperbolic shit as a way to dehumanize others and to distract from the fact that your own policies suck
Because those of us who have empathy would first attempt to deprogram them.
Because those of us who have empathy would first attempt to deprogram them.
You don't deprogram evil...

If you truly believe Democrats are evil and love to murder babies, what is there to deprogram??

Are you saying once Hitler was at the height of exterminating Jews, you would have just tried to deprogram him? destroy why not destroy Democrats?? Literally
You don't deprogram evil...

If you truly believe Democrats are evil and love to murder babies, what is there to deprogram??

Are you saying once Hitler was at the height of exterminating Jews, you would have just tried to deprogram him? destroy why not destroy Democrats?? Literally
You said it.
Settle down boys and girls. There is no national push by all democrats to murder babies. Thats a blatant lie.
I disagree with that idiot but he's entitled to an opinion.
The vote will see the end if that silliness and I'll bet the democrats vote against it.
FYI the op article is FAKE NEWS.
Foresight is the ability to predict what will happen. It's not hard to do when the government gets involved.

A while ago, I was describing slitting the necks of partial birth infants, and someone here from the old school thought what I posted was insane. A lot like some of the posters in this thread, he believed that we would never do that. He still clung to the the old definition of abortion. The one they used to get the ball rolling. You just shed a few cells, and the abortion is complete. He never dreamed we would be so sinister that we would slit the neck of a fully formed baby as it 's head emerges from the mother's body. He was stunned to learn the truth.

Depopulation is the war cry of the elite now. They don't care how it's achieved, only that it is achieved.
Define the perinatal period for us. Never mind, I will:
The perinatal period commences at 20 completed weeks (140 days) of gestation and ends 28 completed days after birth.
How many days after birth? How many days? The bill uses the term perinatal for a reason. It means after the child is born. That is what the bill is referring to. What do you think perinatal means?

And with this law you don't need a Dr. to assist. You and your friends can kill it at home:
"FOR the purpose of altering certain provisions of law relating to the termination of a pregnancy and investigations of or criminal penalties or civil liabilities for a pregnant person or a person assisting a pregnant person; prohibiting a certain provision of law that requires the termination of a pregnancy by a licensed physician from being construed to apply to a certain pregnant person; and generally relating to the termination of pregnancy."
Show me where the word "perinatal" appears in the bill.
I got a better on. What is pregnancy. If you have given birth, you are no long pregnant. You are talking about murder, not terminating a pregnancy. Oh, by the way, perinatal includes 5 months before due date and be advised, some babies do not come on time and the expectant mother may still be pregnant past her due date.
Mind you I do not agree with terminating any pregnancy, when the fetus has reached a point where if delivered or taken by C-section would be viable outside the womb, so the bill does extend abortion up to the actual day of delivery and that is way, way too long. It does not extend abortion to 28 days after actual birth.
So you are against abortion ? Hope so.
Since we have established that Democrats are evil.....what is it that we are to do to evil?? We kill evil, right??

Democrats are not some abstract construct, they are actually real and women.....if we are saying those people are evil, why not kill them??

Or do you morons just say hyperbolic shit as a way to dehumanize others and to distract from the fact that your own policies suck
I support kill idiots, so yeah. Why not kill idiots AND their filthy moron bastard spawn. Cleansing is good.

Right Biff?
So you are against abortion ? Hope so.
It is usually not a good idea. Definitely against it after the first trimester. That is a long time to be an indecisive b#tch. Some women are never ready for motherhood. It should not take that long to know if they are up to it.
Still, not about to set myself up to make that decision for somebody else. Look at Native Americans. Do you really trust the US government to set standards and make health care decisions for human beings? Influence? Sure. Call the ball by laws on paper in black and white, with the cause fanatics we have or have had in office, for all women, all circumstance, all the time? Hell no.
Maryland Bill Would Legalize Infanticide, Babies Could be Left to Die Up to 28 Days After Birth
By Meridian Magazine · March 11, 2022

A bill under consideration in the Maryland General Assembly appears to legalize infanticide.

The Pregnant Person’s Freedom Act of 2022, in addition to perpetuating the delusion that “persons” other than women can conceive and carry a child, includes the following ominous admonition:

“This section may not be construed to authorize any form of investigation or penalty for a person: … experiencing a miscarriage, perinatal death related to a failure to act, or stillbirth.”

There aren't words to describe what I am thinking. Not in any language.
Foresight is the ability to predict what will happen. It's not hard to do when the government gets involved.

A while ago, I was describing slitting the necks of partial birth infants, and someone here from the old school thought what I posted was insane. A lot like some of the posters in this thread, he believed that we would never do that. He still clung to the the old definition of abortion. The one they used to get the ball rolling. You just shed a few cells, and the abortion is complete. He never dreamed we would be so sinister that we would slit the neck of a fully formed baby as it 's head emerges from the mother's body. He was stunned to learn the truth.

Depopulation is the war cry of the elite now. They don't care how it's achieved, only that it is achieved.
That's some sick@crap. Wow.

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