The progressive war on Christmas/Christianity

So do you maintain that it doesn't happen anywhere?

Because of course that would be a lie.

Well it's a lie in this country, as well. We're continually targeted and marginalized. The fact that we still get to vote and participate in mainstream society is a testament to the fact that the majority continues to strike down attempts by leftist scum to criminalize Christianity and erode our freedoms.

But they'll find ways around that........see OP.

oh for fuck's sake. We just don't want you Tebowing every chance you get. :eusa_pray:

Lol. It's such a non-argument. Tax dollars pay for Rick Perry to hold his stadium revival meetings so he can babble on repetitively "like the pagans do", Obama's inaugural festivities devolved into a prayer fest, but they are persecuted and marginalized, because World Net Daily reports on what the Family Research Council claims :rolleyes:
oh for fuck's sake. We just don't want you Tebowing every chance you get. :eusa_pray:

That's exactly what we thought!

Or even pointing at the sky.

you claim to have a J.D.? Where you go, Regent :eusa_pray: or Liberty :eusa_angel: ? :rofl:

Ahhh the expected personal attack! That's what liberals do when they have nothing worthwhile to contribute. That's why its expected. It would really be a surprise if it didn't happen.
See they tie blacks to gays and christians to gays....but to compare apples, you would have to tie being gay to anothe sexual term, like incest...they really hate it when you call them on that....

being gay a sexual deviation is more akin to other sexual attitudes than it is to a religion or a race.......I have to pull it out again for the liberals that missed it......

I made a thread on it, and watch how they HATE the apples to apples comparison versus the apples to oranges/grapes/bananas comparison
Adam Carolla on Gay Parents vs Straight Parents - YouTube

I'm struck by the relatively recent Christian's angst with the homos. At the time of the compulation of the bible homosexuality in Rome was not uncomon. Many gladiators and other prominent figures in ancient Rome were gay. Families would encourage thier young men/boys to concubine with men of status. There were so many obvious examples of homosexual relationships during the period that I find it odd that the bible does not note these occurances as being wrong.

Actually, the bible is quite specific about homosexuality.

But it is only recently that people have attempted to supplant the strong nuclear family with the depraved progressive construct...children should be killed, heterosexual marriage should be temporary, open, and devalued...while homosexuality should be applauded and children (those that survive) sexualized.

EVERYONE is sexualized. Old guys are being pushed into buying hard on pills for fuck's sakes!

Go into your average drug store. TWO full aisles are dedicated to makeup and other "glamour" products. We are waging a full frontal war on turning our population into pimps and whores.

If you ask me the homos are lagging way behind(no pun intended :lol:) in coming up to speed in this headlong attempt to by society to make thier's and everyone else's sexuality acceptable.

I refer back to the truism..."you can put lipstick on a pig...etc..."
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If you don't see what's going on in the military, you're fucking blind. That or you choose to be. Some people just don't take their faith seriously anymore. Thus, they marginalize themselves without having any assistance from their government. When you lack the freedom to pray, or proclaim your faith altogether, you'll remember your ignorance this day.
I'm a christian.

Nobody persecutes me because of my beliefs.

Nobody has ever tried to stop me from celebrating Christmas.

The progressive war on Christmas/Christianity is a myth.

A myth? If you would get your head out of your backside long enough to see the real world once in a while, you'll see that it is no myth. It is happening in front of your eyes and you are told that all of this is just a myth. Quit being shepherded along like a good little citizen, and read up.

Pffft... myth. Good one.

Teens Decide to Fight Back Against Anti-Christian Bullies | FOX News & Commentary: Todd Starnes

Dearborn settles with missionaries arrested at Arab festival - Fox 2 News Headlines

Cemetery where ?God? banned accused of discrimination

Bronx Household Of Faith |
So do you maintain that it doesn't happen anywhere?

Because of course that would be a lie.

Well it's a lie in this country, as well. We're continually targeted and marginalized. The fact that we still get to vote and participate in mainstream society is a testament to the fact that the majority continues to strike down attempts by leftist scum to criminalize Christianity and erode our freedoms.

But they'll find ways around that........see OP.

oh for fuck's sake. We just don't want you Tebowing every chance you get. :eusa_pray:

That's the problem. You seem to think it's okay when a Muslim prays to Allah or bows on his mat towards Mecca to pray, but we can't Tebow every chance we get? Are we following the same Constitution? How brainwashed can you liberals be?
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Fascist pukes like dc think they have the right to prevent people from "tebowing".

Sorry, I get to tebow as much as I like, anywhere I like. That's what we call "rights".
This persecution is real. Kind of stupid for you to deny what is right in front of your face.

Really? Name a time in the past 3 months where someone has said something bad about Christmas.

And....................if there really was a war on Christianity, then why are you guys still so numerous? Even to the point where you've got your own little inbred bunch of retards in a division of Christianity called the Westboro Baptist Church?

Your reasoning is flawed. You don't have to kill Christians to persecute them. If you think that there isn't any persecution, just listed to Joe, he can't resist taking shots at religion and namely Christians whenever he gets the chance.

Actually, you generalize too much, not all of us are like those idiots in Westboro. They can burn for all I care.

Some idiot posting their particular bias on a messageboard doesn't equal persecution either. Stopping people from being able to worship as they please, targeting a specific belief system to jail people or kill them, THAT'S persecution, and I've yet to see any of it here in the US. Have we stopped people from building Christian churches? Have we thrown any Christians in jail strictly because of their beliefs? Have we killed any Christians because of their beliefs?

And..........................I wasn't comparing you to the Westboro Baptist church, I was saying that Christians are so numerous that they have even managed to multiply to the point where something like Westboro exists.

If Christians were truly persecuted, whackjobs like them would have been put out of business a while ago.
Oh I see. Because it hasn't happened to you (I don't believe you're Christian) then it isn't happening to ANYONE.

Uh huh.

Meanwhile, in the real world:

A federal judge threatened “incarceration” to a high school valedictorian unless she removed references to Jesus from her graduation speech.
City officials prohibited senior citizens from praying over their meals, listening to religious messages or singing gospel songs at a senior activities center.
A public school official physically lifted an elementary school student from his seat and reprimanded him in front of his classmates for praying over his lunch.
Following U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs’ policies, a federal government official sought to censor a pastor’s prayer, eliminating references to Jesus, during a Memorial Day ceremony honoring veterans at a national cemetery.
Public school officials prohibited students from handing out gifts because they contained religious messages.
A public school official prevented a student from handing out flyers inviting her classmates to an event at her church.
A public university’s law school banned a Christian organization because it required its officers to adhere to a statement of faith that the university disagreed with.
The U.S. Department of Justice argued before the Supreme Court that the federal government can tell churches and synagogues which pastors and rabbis it can hire and fire.
The State of Texas sought to approve and regulate what religious seminaries can teach.
Through the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, the federal government is forcing religious organizations to provide insurance for birth control and abortion-inducing drugs in direct violation of their religious beliefs.
The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs banned the mention of God from veterans’ funerals, overriding the wishes of the deceased’s families.
A federal judge held that prayers before a state House of Representatives could be to Allah but not to Jesus.

Read more at Persecution of Christians on rise ? in U.S.


For decades Establishment Clause jurisprudence has been very clear as to what is permissible and what is not with regard to religion in schools. After all these years and scores of cases, if a given school district’s legal staff don’t know what is Constitutional and what is not by now, the blame rests solely with the school district.

And employers with some tenuous religions affiliation are employers first, they are subject to the same labor laws as any other employer, including regulatory policy concerning compensation, which is what paying employees’ premiums for health insurance is, just like a wage, salary, or paid time off. What’s afforded the employee is between the employee and the health insurance company alone, it’s no business of the employer. And the argument that laws requiring employers provide comprehensive health coverage with regard to contraception is a ‘violation’ of the Free Exercise Clause fails, as religion cannot be used as an excuse for not obeying the law. See: Employment Division v. Smith (1990).
Just what I thought..........................Kaiser Twit doesn't have a reasonable response.

I'd still like to see her opinion on the question I'd asked earlier.'s Kaiser Twit (Kosher Girl) who was formerly known as Always A Babbling Bitch (Allie Baba).

Like I said................pretty much what I'd thought............................
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Please, like you would know "reasonable". You can't make an argument to save your life.

Yes, Christians in the US are persecuted....not to the degree that they are in other countries, yet, but that's not for want of trying.
Really? Name a time in the past 3 months where someone has said something bad about Christmas.

And....................if there really was a war on Christianity, then why are you guys still so numerous? Even to the point where you've got your own little inbred bunch of retards in a division of Christianity called the Westboro Baptist Church?

Your reasoning is flawed. You don't have to kill Christians to persecute them. If you think that there isn't any persecution, just listed to Joe, he can't resist taking shots at religion and namely Christians whenever he gets the chance.

Actually, you generalize too much, not all of us are like those idiots in Westboro. They can burn for all I care.

Some idiot posting their particular bias on a messageboard doesn't equal persecution either. Stopping people from being able to worship as they please, targeting a specific belief system to jail people or kill them, THAT'S persecution, and I've yet to see any of it here in the US. Have we stopped people from building Christian churches? Have we thrown any Christians in jail strictly because of their beliefs? Have we killed any Christians because of their beliefs?

And..........................I wasn't comparing you to the Westboro Baptist church, I was saying that Christians are so numerous that they have even managed to multiply to the point where something like Westboro exists.

If Christians were truly persecuted, whackjobs like them would have been put out of business a while ago.

What fallacious and obviously conspicuous justification is this? Targeted policy, such as the instance in Dearborn, Michigan prove to me that our government is out to silence people who profess the Christian faith. Like I said before, you don't need to kill them to persecute them. When you seek to kill people because of their faith, that constitutes genocide. You can just ask the Jews about that.

Sorry, you need to do way better than that.
Just what I thought..........................Kaiser Twit doesn't have a reasonable response.

I'd still like to see her opinion on the question I'd asked earlier.'s Kaiser Twit (Kosher Girl) who was formerly known as Always A Babbling Bitch (Allie Baba).

Like I said................pretty much what I'd thought............................

And calling someone a "twit" is a reasonable response? Such childish banter as "Like I said, pretty much what I thought" is a reasonable response?

Oh boy.
Please, like you would know "reasonable". You can't make an argument to save your life.

Yes, Christians in the US are persecuted....not to the degree that they are in other countries, yet, but that's not for want of trying.

Persecution like this?
Texas judge rules for cheerleaders in Bible banner suit

And in North Carolina we have HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION DRHJR10194-MM-54
SECTION 1. The North Carolina General Assembly asserts that the Constitution 31 of the United States of America does not prohibit states or their subsidiaries from making laws 32 respecting an establishment of religion. 33
SECTION 2. The North Carolina General Assembly does not recognize federal 34 court rulings which prohibit and otherwise regulate the State of North Carolina, its public 35 schools, or any political subdivisions of the State from making laws respecting an 36 establishment of religion.
And I'll guess Rowan County isn't going to choose Ba'hai as their official religion.

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