The progressive war on Christmas/Christianity

Proselytism (pron.: /ˈprɒsɨlaɪtɨzəm/) is the act of attempting to convert people to another religion or opinion. The word proselytize is derived ultimately from the Greek language prefix προσ- (toward) and the verb ἔρχομαι (to come) in the form of προσήλυτος (a new comer).[1] Historically in the Koine Greek Septuagint and New Testament, the word proselyte denoted a gentile who was considering conversion to Judaism. Though the word proselytism originally referred to Early Christianity (and earlier Gentiles such as God-fearers), it now refers to the attempt of any religion or religious individuals to convert people to their beliefs, or any attempt to convert people to a different point of view, religious or not. Proselytism is illegal in some countries.

More: Proselytism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
American Jackass couldn't come up with another thought, so he decided to bring up a zombie thread.'s a day away from Cinco De we REALLY need to talk about the war on Christmas?

I'm thinking it is time to grill, not time for snow......
Yeah, cuz being gay and Christianity are EXACTLY THE SAME THING.

Like I said, look who comes to gloat. It says a lot about what's going on.

See they tie blacks to gays and christians to gays....but to compare apples, you would have to tie being gay to anothe sexual term, like incest...they really hate it when you call them on that....

being gay a sexual deviation is more akin to other sexual attitudes than it is to a religion or a race.......I have to pull it out again for the liberals that missed it......

I made a thread on it, and watch how they HATE the apples to apples comparison versus the apples to oranges/grapes/bananas comparison
[ame=]Adam Carolla on Gay Parents vs Straight Parents - YouTube[/ame]
Yeah, cuz being gay and Christianity are EXACTLY THE SAME THING.

Like I said, look who comes to gloat. It says a lot about what's going on.

See they tie blacks to gays and christians to gays....but to compare apples, you would have to tie being gay to anothe sexual term, like incest...they really hate it when you call them on that....

being gay a sexual deviation is more akin to other sexual attitudes than it is to a religion or a race.......I have to pull it out again for the liberals that missed it......

I made a thread on it, and watch how they HATE the apples to apples comparison versus the apples to oranges/grapes/bananas comparison
[ame=]Adam Carolla on Gay Parents vs Straight Parents - YouTube[/ame]

I'm struck by the relatively recent Christian's angst with the homos. At the time of the compulation of the bible homosexuality in Rome was not uncomon. Many gladiators and other prominent figures in ancient Rome were gay. Families would encourage thier young men/boys to concubine with men of status. There were so many obvious examples of homosexual relationships during the period that I find it odd that the bible does not note these occurances as being wrong.
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Pentagon Defends Unconstitutional Policy Against Soldiers Sharing Faith

by Ken Klukowski 3 May 2013

Pentagon personnel responded to Breitbart News’ report about court-martialing service members who share their faith in the military, which the Pentagon confirmed on May 1, and the Air Force on May 2 separately confirmed a second time.

Now the Pentagon claims the opposite. But these new statements instead only compound the problem, as the Pentagon’s new definitions for terms squarely contradict what the dictionary says those terms mean. All this has taken place as the first flag officer in the military has stepped forward to defy the unconstitutional policy.


And this week it began. Rear Adm. William D. Lee of the Coast Guard said that he will “defy any efforts to stop military personnel from openly sharing their Christian faith.” Told that sharing the gospel is crossing the line, Lee said, “I’m so glad we’ve crossed that line so many times.” He then pledged to exercise his “right under the Constitution to tell a young man that there is hope.”

The U.S. military is the most noble and honorable institution in America. Officers like Rear Adm. Lee are an essential part of making it so. Congress should step forward to enact whatever legislation is needed to safeguard their rights, as they continue to protect ours.

Hagel's Pentagon Defends Unconstitutional Policy Against Soldiers Sharing Faith

Boy O boy when I strike liberal nerve sometimes it hits DEEP, don't worry it's good for da heart...:eusa_angel:
Yeah, cuz being gay and Christianity are EXACTLY THE SAME THING.

Like I said, look who comes to gloat. It says a lot about what's going on.

See they tie blacks to gays and christians to gays....but to compare apples, you would have to tie being gay to anothe sexual term, like incest...they really hate it when you call them on that....

being gay a sexual deviation is more akin to other sexual attitudes than it is to a religion or a race.......I have to pull it out again for the liberals that missed it......

I made a thread on it, and watch how they HATE the apples to apples comparison versus the apples to oranges/grapes/bananas comparison
[ame=]Adam Carolla on Gay Parents vs Straight Parents - YouTube[/ame]

I'm struck by the relatively recent Christian's angst with the homos. At the time of the compulation of the bible homosexuality in Rome was not uncomon. Many gladiators and other prominent figures in ancient Rome were gay. Families would encourage thier young men/boys to concubine with men of status. There were so many obvious examples of homosexual relationships during the period that I find it odd that the bible does not note these occurances as being wrong.

Hey BUGGY, are you a sodomite? Oh yeh, lay off the boxed wine when posting, your spelling is atrocious...

Homosexuality in the Bible

Yeah, cuz being gay and Christianity are EXACTLY THE SAME THING.

Like I said, look who comes to gloat. It says a lot about what's going on.

See they tie blacks to gays and christians to gays....but to compare apples, you would have to tie being gay to anothe sexual term, like incest...they really hate it when you call them on that....

being gay a sexual deviation is more akin to other sexual attitudes than it is to a religion or a race.......I have to pull it out again for the liberals that missed it......

I made a thread on it, and watch how they HATE the apples to apples comparison versus the apples to oranges/grapes/bananas comparison
[ame=""]Adam Carolla on Gay Parents vs Straight Parents - YouTube[/ame]

I'm struck by the relatively recent Christian's angst with the homos. At the time of the compulation of the bible homosexuality in Rome was not uncomon. Many gladiators and other prominent figures in ancient Rome were gay. Families would encourage thier young men/boys to concubine with men of status. There were so many obvious examples of homosexual relationships during the period that I find it odd that the bible does not note these occurances as being wrong.

Actually, the bible is quite specific about homosexuality.

But it is only recently that people have attempted to supplant the strong nuclear family with the depraved progressive construct...children should be killed, heterosexual marriage should be temporary, open, and devalued...while homosexuality should be applauded and children (those that survive) sexualized.
American Jackass couldn't come up with another thought, so he decided to bring up a zombie thread.'s a day away from Cinco De we REALLY need to talk about the war on Christmas?

I'm thinking it is time to grill, not time for snow......

For most social conservatives, whining about some imaginary ‘persecution’ is a year-round activity.
So do you maintain that it doesn't happen anywhere?

Because of course that would be a lie.

Well it's a lie in this country, as well. We're continually targeted and marginalized. The fact that we still get to vote and participate in mainstream society is a testament to the fact that the majority continues to strike down attempts by leftist scum to criminalize Christianity and erode our freedoms.

But they'll find ways around that........see OP.
American Jackass couldn't come up with another thought, so he decided to bring up a zombie thread.'s a day away from Cinco De we REALLY need to talk about the war on Christmas?

I'm thinking it is time to grill, not time for snow......

For most social conservatives, whining about some imaginary ‘persecution’ is a year-round activity.

This persecution is real. Kind of stupid for you to deny what is right in front of your face.
American Jackass couldn't come up with another thought, so he decided to bring up a zombie thread.'s a day away from Cinco De we REALLY need to talk about the war on Christmas?

I'm thinking it is time to grill, not time for snow......

For most social conservatives, whining about some imaginary ‘persecution’ is a year-round activity.

This persecution is real. Kind of stupid for you to deny what is right in front of your face.

Really? Name a time in the past 3 months where someone has said something bad about Christmas.

And....................if there really was a war on Christianity, then why are you guys still so numerous? Even to the point where you've got your own little inbred bunch of retards in a division of Christianity called the Westboro Baptist Church?
For most social conservatives, whining about some imaginary ‘persecution’ is a year-round activity.

This persecution is real. Kind of stupid for you to deny what is right in front of your face.

Really? Name a time in the past 3 months where someone has said something bad about Christmas.

And....................if there really was a war on Christianity, then why are you guys still so numerous? Even to the point where you've got your own little inbred bunch of retards in a division of Christianity called the Westboro Baptist Church?

Your reasoning is flawed. You don't have to kill Christians to persecute them. If you think that there isn't any persecution, just listed to Joe, he can't resist taking shots at religion and namely Christians whenever he gets the chance.

Actually, you generalize too much, not all of us are like those idiots in Westboro. They can burn for all I care.
American Jackass couldn't come up with another thought, so he decided to bring up a zombie thread.'s a day away from Cinco De we REALLY need to talk about the war on Christmas?

I'm thinking it is time to grill, not time for snow......

For most social conservatives, whining about some imaginary ‘persecution’ is a year-round activity.

This persecution is real. Kind of stupid for you to deny what is right in front of your face.

Yeah? I haven't seen anybody sawed in half lately :eusa_eh:
I persecute Christians every chance I get, like when they come to my door, I either swear at them, or tell them that if their god did exist, it surely wouldn't need retards like them to go door to door.
I'm a christian.

Nobody persecutes me because of my beliefs.

Nobody has ever tried to stop me from celebrating Christmas.

The progressive war on Christmas/Christianity is a myth.
Oh I see. Because it hasn't happened to you (I don't believe you're Christian) then it isn't happening to ANYONE.

Uh huh.

Meanwhile, in the real world:

A federal judge threatened “incarceration” to a high school valedictorian unless she removed references to Jesus from her graduation speech.
City officials prohibited senior citizens from praying over their meals, listening to religious messages or singing gospel songs at a senior activities center.
A public school official physically lifted an elementary school student from his seat and reprimanded him in front of his classmates for praying over his lunch.
Following U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs’ policies, a federal government official sought to censor a pastor’s prayer, eliminating references to Jesus, during a Memorial Day ceremony honoring veterans at a national cemetery.
Public school officials prohibited students from handing out gifts because they contained religious messages.
A public school official prevented a student from handing out flyers inviting her classmates to an event at her church.
A public university’s law school banned a Christian organization because it required its officers to adhere to a statement of faith that the university disagreed with.
The U.S. Department of Justice argued before the Supreme Court that the federal government can tell churches and synagogues which pastors and rabbis it can hire and fire.
The State of Texas sought to approve and regulate what religious seminaries can teach.
Through the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, the federal government is forcing religious organizations to provide insurance for birth control and abortion-inducing drugs in direct violation of their religious beliefs.
The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs banned the mention of God from veterans’ funerals, overriding the wishes of the deceased’s families.
A federal judge held that prayers before a state House of Representatives could be to Allah but not to Jesus.

Read more at Persecution of Christians on rise ? in U.S.
So do you maintain that it doesn't happen anywhere?

Because of course that would be a lie.

Well it's a lie in this country, as well. We're continually targeted and marginalized. The fact that we still get to vote and participate in mainstream society is a testament to the fact that the majority continues to strike down attempts by leftist scum to criminalize Christianity and erode our freedoms.

But they'll find ways around that........see OP.

oh for fuck's sake. We just don't want you Tebowing every chance you get. :eusa_pray:
So do you maintain that it doesn't happen anywhere?

Because of course that would be a lie.

Well it's a lie in this country, as well. We're continually targeted and marginalized. The fact that we still get to vote and participate in mainstream society is a testament to the fact that the majority continues to strike down attempts by leftist scum to criminalize Christianity and erode our freedoms.

But they'll find ways around that........see OP.

oh for fuck's sake. We just don't want you Tebowing every chance you get. :eusa_pray:

That's exactly what we thought!

Or even pointing at the sky.
So do you maintain that it doesn't happen anywhere?

Because of course that would be a lie.

Well it's a lie in this country, as well. We're continually targeted and marginalized. The fact that we still get to vote and participate in mainstream society is a testament to the fact that the majority continues to strike down attempts by leftist scum to criminalize Christianity and erode our freedoms.

But they'll find ways around that........see OP.

oh for fuck's sake. We just don't want you Tebowing every chance you get. :eusa_pray:

That's exactly what we thought!

Or even pointing at the sky.

you claim to have a J.D.? Where you go, Regent :eusa_pray: or Liberty :eusa_angel: ? :rofl:

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