The progressive war on Christmas/Christianity

That's what happens when you buy a cheap monitor, you get reflections...:eusa_angel:

There is no denying that Christianity has been expensive.
Tough bananas. The first time you give up your wealth, it's hard to shoot your wad on making life better for someone else. It gets easier as you practice the Lord's dear suggestion(s) to do so in both old and new testaments.

N-Thanks... I don't get my life's directives from fantasy publications.
Well, there's is something to the notion that govt, and esp the judiciary, is telling Christians that they cannot force others to do as they do. Some activities that some chrisitians (and prolly fundy Jews and Muslims too) find offensive is ok for other people to do.

But a war on christianity. Now BushII did take away tax exempt statutus to a church, and some people would do that to all churches (and temples and mosques, etc), but I just don't see that as a mainstream position in America.
Cheap theatrics on your part.
But it still does not answer a valid question that has been asked.

Hypocrites is all I see.

You can't teach someone to have respect and tolerance for a point of view that's different from their own, even if the Constitution allows for such freedoms of religious "equality" under the First Amendment. They will continue to try to find the means to silence all other opposing beliefs, in an effort to maintain and promote their preferred atheistic point of view.

That's what happens when you buy a cheap monitor, you get reflections...:eusa_angel:
Again, you have not answered the question. So it seems you have no real foundation about your childish complaint.
You too harken to cheap theatrics to try and appeal to those easily led.

It's interesting that the anti-christian fascists think that if Christians aren't actually being burned at the stake, then they have nothing to complain about and no right to object to people who attempt to remove freedom of religion from them.

People do persecute Christians in this country, and people attempt to remove their right to practice their faith. So we object. So far, this country remains freer than most...but that doesn't mean there aren't people who are willing to pour all their resources into removing our freedoms, and incarcerate us (or worse. That's just what they admit to). In fact in this thread, we have one person calling for Christians to be identified as mentally ill, and another who is calling to force them to practice their religion ONLY behind closed doors.
No one is asking you to give you wealth. It is about your false feelings of being persecuted.

That's what happens when you buy a cheap monitor, you get reflections...:eusa_angel:

There is no denying that Christianity has been expensive.
Tough bananas. The first time you give up your wealth, it's hard to shoot your wad on making life better for someone else. It gets easier as you practice the Lord's dear suggestion(s) to do so in both old and new testaments.
Nothing false about them.

We deal daily with loons telling us we should be imprisoned, denied employment, our children taken from us, and that laws should be changed (or interpreted) to force us to hide our religion.

In other countries, where there is no freedom of religion, we aren't just threatened, jeered at, ridiculed and threatened...we're killed.
You make such a big leap from personal opinion to judicial judgement.
So your lies are being exposed by yourself.
And why did you bring "other" countries into the discussion. To try and support
your lies in another fashion.
Quite the porous argument you are trying to sell.

Nothing false about them.

We deal daily with loons telling us we should be imprisoned, denied employment, our children taken from us, and that laws should be changed (or interpreted) to force us to hide our religion.

In other countries, where there is no freedom of religion, we aren't just threatened, jeered at, ridiculed and threatened...we're killed.
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You make such a big leap from personal opinion to judicial judgement.
So your lies are being exposed by yourself.
And why did you bring "other" countries into the discussion. To try and support
your lies in another fashion.
Quite the porous argument you are trying to sell.

Nothing false about them.

We deal daily with loons telling us we should be imprisoned, denied employment, our children taken from us, and that laws should be changed (or interpreted) to force us to hide our religion.

In other countries, where there is no freedom of religion, we aren't just threatened, jeered at, ridiculed and threatened...we're killed.

What part of my post is a lie? I promise you that any statement you hold up as a lie, I will find a link and a quote that shows you as the liar.
Nobody has ever tried in any way to stop me from celebrating Christmas.

Can I hear from any Christian who has been molested for celebrating Christmas, please?

I WANT to hear your story.

yeah beckie & allie. We're all ears

Who said that Christians were molested for celebrating Christmas?

Oh yeah. You. It's all about assigning people stances they have never assumed, then making fun of them for the statements they never made.
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Your claim is you are being denied to practice your faith. Not the opinions of others.
So, if you cannot see past the falsification of your statement to what you are trying to back it up with, you statements are moot.

You make such a big leap from personal opinion to judicial judgement.
So your lies are being exposed by yourself.
And why did you bring "other" countries into the discussion. To try and support
your lies in another fashion.
Quite the porous argument you are trying to sell.

Nothing false about them.

We deal daily with loons telling us we should be imprisoned, denied employment, our children taken from us, and that laws should be changed (or interpreted) to force us to hide our religion.

In other countries, where there is no freedom of religion, we aren't just threatened, jeered at, ridiculed and threatened...we're killed.

What part of my post is a lie? I promise you that any statement you hold up as a lie, I will find a link and a quote that shows you as the liar.
It's interesting that the anti-christian fascists think that if Christians aren't actually being burned at the stake, then they have nothing to complain about and no right to object to people who attempt to remove freedom of religion from them.

People do persecute Christians in this country, and people attempt to remove their right to practice their faith. So we object. So far, this country remains freer than most...but that doesn't mean there aren't people who are willing to pour all their resources into removing our freedoms, and incarcerate us (or worse. That's just what they admit to). In fact in this thread, we have one person calling for Christians to be identified as mentally ill, and another who is calling to force them to practice their religion ONLY behind closed doors.

Well our Founders desired everyone to openly have freedom of expression, no matter what their religious background. The hatred shared by those on this thread testifies to the hatred many people have towards any religious freedom in public view. When you can't even say Merry Christmas but Happy Holidays, or when Tiny Tim in character is censored from saying "God bless us everyone" during a simple children's play, even military chaplains must refrain from using the name Jesus in prayer, all this only speaks of the venom that's equated towards anyone of faith. It's rather childish to think such words brings irreparable harm to someone, yet that is the symbolic manner they choose to lash with by threatening them through lawsuits. Yet in response, they'd like to say we are not attacking someone's religious freedom.... only when it's in their presence. It's rather disrespectful.

The Navy directed service members serving in Bahrain to cancel and dismantle a “Live Nativity” after receiving a complaint from a military atheist group who said the manger scene endangered Americans serving in a Muslim country and violated the U .S. Constitution.

(As if a group Americans troops were never in danger fighting in a Muslim country - prime example of idiot atheist logic)

Navy Cancels Nativity over Atheist Complaint | FOX News & Commentary: Todd Starnes

Christine Banks, a volunteer at a Red Cross shop in New Romney, Kent, said: 'We put up a nativity scene in the window and were told to take it out. It seems we can't have anything that means Christmas. We're allowed to have some tinsel but that's it.
'When we send cards they have to say season's greetings or best wishes. They must not be linked directly to Christmas.

The Red Cross bans Christmas | Mail Online

Federal Reserve has ordered the small Payne County [private] Bank in Perkins, OK to remove religious symbols and sentiments in deference to an anti-discrimination regulation

(singling out "religious" symbols is part of an ANTI-discrimination regulation?)

Archived Blog: Federal Reserve Orders Private Bank to Remove Crosses and Bible Verse

Many were shocked when they came home Thursday to find workers from Southern California Edison taking down Christmas lights that adorned streetlight poles.

After all, the lights were plugged into metered outlets outside the Valencia residents' homes

Robyn Bloom said her neighbors wrapped the streetlight poles with brightly colored garlands intertwined with Christmas lights, turning them into gigantic mock candy canes.

Edison workers took these decorations off five light posts, telling residents they had to get special permission since the poles were on private property.

One resident said the neighbors had put up similar decorations on the street for several years and never had any problems.

Scrooged! Edison says 'Bah, humbug!' to Christmas lights

A special task force in a Colorado city has recommended banning red and green lights at the Christmas holiday because they fall among the items that are too religious for the city to sponsor.

Red, green lights to be banned?

It's away with the manger
Novi subdivision tells family to get baby Jesus off lawn; homeowners say Christ belongs in Christmas.

Jennifer Chambers and Brad Heath, The Detroit News

NOVI -- The multicolored nativity scene on the Samona family's front yard is under attack.

The Samonas' neighborhood association has ordered the Novi family to remove its seven-piece plastic display or face possible fines of $25 to $100 per week.

From On High: Nov 29, 2005

Military chaplains told to shy from Jesus - Washington Times

When military chaplains cannot pray in Jesus' name - National Chaplain |
Again, you're lying. I have never claimed I was "denied to practice my faith". I claim that people ATTEMPT to deny me the right to practice my faith..and those attempts are in and of themselves attempts to persecute.

So thank you for providing me with the opportunity to show you as the lying piece of shit you are.

As for the rest of your laughable post, allow me to paraphrase "You have never lied but you're a liar anyway so there."

You're not only a piece of shit, you're a moron.:eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::cuckoo:

Your claim is you are being denied to practice your faith. Not the opinions of others.
So, if you cannot see past the falsification of your statement to what you are trying to back it up with, you statements are moot.

You make such a big leap from personal opinion to judicial judgement.
So your lies are being exposed by yourself.
And why did you bring "other" countries into the discussion. To try and support
your lies in another fashion.
Quite the porous argument you are trying to sell.

What part of my post is a lie? I promise you that any statement you hold up as a lie, I will find a link and a quote that shows you as the liar.
why you got to "Tebow" in the public square (put all your religious idols out on public property) to get the full effect of your religion? STOP W/ THE TEBOWING!!!

Thank you for providing an example of attempted persecution. You can't stop people from praying in public.
Also, please return to school to learn correct, or at least acceptable, grammar, spelling, and syntax. Because you come across as a particularly ignorant 5th grader. "Why you got to" = inner city or trailer park.

And you call us trash.
Now you are resorted to name calling, which furthers your inefficiency to make your points valid.
You do not know the difference between someone forming and opinion and then trying to validate their prejudice to you is not the same as being persecuted and made to not "practice" your beliefs.
You still go to church or you place of worship,if you eve to that, or is someone making sure you do not.
Get a damn grip on your comments.
If you want to trade insults, it would be like me fighting a one-armed person.
You have so much that someone can take apart.
So try to say with in civility.

Again, you're lying. I have never claimed I was "denied to practice my faith". I claim that people ATTEMPT to deny me the right to practice my faith..and those attempts are in and of themselves attempts to persecute.

So thank you for providing me with the opportunity to show you as the lying piece of shit you are.

As for the rest of your laughable post, allow me to paraphrase "You have never lied but you're a liar anyway so there."

You're not only a piece of shit, you're a moron.:eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar::cuckoo:

Your claim is you are being denied to practice your faith. Not the opinions of others.
So, if you cannot see past the falsification of your statement to what you are trying to back it up with, you statements are moot.

What part of my post is a lie? I promise you that any statement you hold up as a lie, I will find a link and a quote that shows you as the liar.
So what lie did I tell again?

Oh yeah. None. Thank you for playing. Your troll membership fees are due.
And again you have your childish or childlike response to deflect the reality that you are not telling the truth in any manner on this thread.

So what lie did I tell again?

Oh yeah. None. Thank you for playing. Your troll membership fees are due.

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