The progressive war on Christmas/Christianity

The problem with religion in general, and Christianity specifically, is they are always looking for a way to get their philosophy on center stage. The homeless guy in the shelter is a typical example. You have to listen to the Bible before you get your meal. Missionarys have been doing this crap for centuries. If Christians were really sincere, they would serve up the food, and say as you left, "Jesus loves you."

One day I was walking past a beggar in Santa Monica, and I gave him some change. He said "God thanks you." I went right down his throat, "I earned that money, and gave it to you. God has nothing to do with it." The guy jumped back.

Christians have brought this on themselves. I get requests all the time from charity. If there is any mention of God or Jesus on the materials, they go straight into the trash. I donate to the non-denominational Feeding America for exactly this reason.

"they are always looking for a way to get their philosophy on center stage."


We don't have time in our church to do door knocking. We're too busy serving the community in small ways, Beach Boy. And some of us work on trying to do the right things that reconcile people to having good lives, too.

<Freudian Stage I epithet omitted>, you people are always trying to find a way to sell your Jesus <inappropriate Freudian Stage I epithet omitted>.

Remember when they wanted to put the ten commandments in stone on a courthouse lawn? http://

These idiots do not understand the "separation of church and state." They have been pushing the same fiction for centuries.

Remember, we not only have "freedom of religion" in this country, we also have "freedom from religion."


This is an insult to America's freedom of religion.

(1) My church had absolutely nothing to do with the above carryings-on.

(2) We teach our children the ten commandments before they start school, give them the opportunity to memorize them in later elementary, and let them know the practices are not like those of the rest of the world by the time and discuss the ways in which the marketing world ignores them.

If you object to the private religious instructions people imbue upon their children, you are enjoying untold freedoms bestowed by the blessings of liberty we enjoyed as the result of the American Revolution, The Battle of 1812, numerous negotiations with other countries over boundaries of our land, and land purchases.

Even the Civil War benefited the overall good of America and stopped the practice of slavery on our continent.

I'm surprised to see this level of attack on the religion that unified a people that Christianity is.

Taking a sect of 10 or even 100 people from one church that calls itself Christian and blaming millions of believers for a wrong they may have committed is suspect at best. I don't recommend such confusion to anyone.

The Ten Commandments is a tenet of the history and cultural beginnings of Early America as are Churches and the schools that taught people reading, writing, and the bases of government within the confines of Colonial Churches. Thomas Jefferson, a Christian by his acknowledgment in a missive to his physician, was educated in 3 churches from the 3 Rs to his advanced studies, all within the walls of Christian churches.
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thumpers :eusa_pray: must hate the Enlightenment period. Wonder what happened during that period :eusa_think: :eusa_whistle:

Deism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Deism (Listeni/&#712;di&#720;.&#618;z&#601;m/[1][2] or /&#712;de&#618;.&#618;z&#601;m/) is the belief that reason and observation of the natural world are sufficient to determine the existence of God, accompanied with the rejection of revelation and authority as a source of religious knowledge.[3][4][5][6][7] Deism gained prominence in the 17th and 18th centuries during the Age of Enlightenment—especially in Britain, France, Germany and America—among intellectuals raised as Christians who believed in one god, but found fault with organized religion and could not believe in supernatural events such as miracles, the inerrancy of scriptures, or the Trinity.

What happened was people kept on believing in God. Just like it says. Deism is not a form of atheism.
And you will lose, because forcing people to do that in this country is against the law.

You can't teach someone to have respect and tolerance for a point of view that's different from their own, even if the Constitution allows for such freedoms of religious "equality" under the First Amendment. They will continue to try to find the means to silence all other opposing beliefs, in an effort to maintain and promote their preferred atheistic point of view. are enjoying untold freedoms bestowed by the blessings of liberty we enjoyed as the result of the American Revolution, The Battle of 1812, numerous negotiations with other countries over boundaries of our land, and land purchases.
...and stealing half of Mexico.

Hoo, what a pile of crap!! And you think you know something about history, Becki?

It's the WAR of 1812, not the Battle, and the USA LOST that war, and had Wahington DC burnt down, to boot -- in retaliation for the Americans burning Toronto.

And George Washington was a traitor and a thieving land speculator and swindler, and Thomas Jefferson was a slave-screwing hypocrite.
. are enjoying untold freedoms bestowed by the blessings of liberty we enjoyed as the result of the American Revolution, The Battle of 1812, numerous negotiations with other countries over boundaries of our land, and land purchases.
...and stealing half of Mexico.

Hoo, what a pile of crap!! And you think you know something about history, Becki?

It's the WAR of 1812, not the Battle, and the USA LOST that war, and had Wahington DC burnt down, to boot -- in retaliation for the Americans burning Toronto.

And George Washington was a traitor and a thieving land speculator and swindler, and Thomas Jefferson was a slave-screwing hypocrite.
Are you mexican? So far it 's only mexicans that believe the Gadsen Purchase never happened. are enjoying untold freedoms bestowed by the blessings of liberty we enjoyed as the result of the American Revolution, The Battle of 1812, numerous negotiations with other countries over boundaries of our land, and land purchases.
...and stealing half of Mexico.

Hoo, what a pile of crap!! And you think you know something about history, Becki?

It's the WAR of 1812, not the Battle, and the USA LOST that war, and had Wahington DC burnt down, to boot -- in retaliation for the Americans burning Toronto.

And George Washington was a traitor and a thieving land speculator and swindler, and Thomas Jefferson was a slave-screwing hypocrite.
Please produce proof of George Washington's conviction of thefts.

Also, America didn't steal anything from Mexico. Mexico mistreated the Texicans and all native tribal peoples north of the Rio Grande with murders, genocidal attacks, not to mention the scorched earth they left at Goliad and the Alamo, in which they slaughtered every man and too no survivors, but ran them through, outnumbering them in terms of thousands to a couple of hundred in both places. General Houston got even with them by roundly defeating Santa Ana at the Battle of San Jacinto, where Santa Ana had planned to slaughter the rest of the Texicans there, but himself was captured when his army was beaten by people fighting for their homesteads. Santa Ana and his men were escorted back to the Rio Grande and sent home to Mexico after the rout. The country that formed there was the Republic of Texas, and not the United States. That came years later.
Your children's stories are pathetic.

Right up there with the juvenilia in the Bible.
And you will lose, because forcing people to do that in this country is against the law.

You can't teach someone to have respect and tolerance for a point of view that's different from their own, even if the Constitution allows for such freedoms of religious "equality" under the First Amendment. They will continue to try to find the means to silence all other opposing beliefs, in an effort to maintain and promote their preferred atheistic point of view.


And yet again: Establishment Clause jurisprudence in no way seeks to silence any faith.
Let me ask you too minute man or whatever you consider yourself to be, prove if you can, where and how you are being denied the right to practice/worship your religious beliefs.
Show us.
But you cannot and should not put your idols or anything that represents your singular faith on public/government property.
You would be the first to salivate from hatred if the Muslim faith put something up on a public building.
Hell, your party and your simple-minded group had a fit over them wanting to put a mosque on the ground they own close to the twin tower area.
Damn you people are no Christians in any shape or form.
Hypocrites is all I see.

And you will lose, because forcing people to do that in this country is against the law.

You can't teach someone to have respect and tolerance for a point of view that's different from their own, even if the Constitution allows for such freedoms of religious "equality" under the First Amendment. They will continue to try to find the means to silence all other opposing beliefs, in an effort to maintain and promote their preferred atheistic point of view.
Hypocrites is all I see.

And you will lose, because forcing people to do that in this country is against the law.

You can't teach someone to have respect and tolerance for a point of view that's different from their own, even if the Constitution allows for such freedoms of religious "equality" under the First Amendment. They will continue to try to find the means to silence all other opposing beliefs, in an effort to maintain and promote their preferred atheistic point of view.

That's what happens when you buy a cheap monitor, you get reflections...:eusa_angel:
Hypocrites is all I see.

You can't teach someone to have respect and tolerance for a point of view that's different from their own, even if the Constitution allows for such freedoms of religious "equality" under the First Amendment. They will continue to try to find the means to silence all other opposing beliefs, in an effort to maintain and promote their preferred atheistic point of view.

That's what happens when you buy a cheap monitor, you get reflections...:eusa_angel:

There is no denying that Christianity has been expensive.
Nobody has ever tried in any way to stop me from celebrating Christmas.

Can I hear from any Christian who has been molested for celebrating Christmas, please?

I WANT to hear your story.
Because in reality the Christian "values" taught are a minor component of what actually occurs in the Christmas phenom. Sure there is a religious sentiment portrayed by some Christians revolving thruout the Christmas season. 90% of Christmas is only about retail sales. Working hard to afford Chinese plastic crap for your kids isn't any rational value. It is a bad example for kids to believe that one's parents efforts should result in providing worthless garbage to entertain them and validate the media blitz of advertising mesmerising these trinkets. It feeds a mass hysteria of greed and dissapointment for those that get these hypnotic induced treasures and those that do not.

Again, no one is forcing you to participate in something you don't happen to agree with. You can simply choose NOT to subject your kids to the story of Santa, or the bigger moral values of "giving" and "acts of kindness" that others seem to find through such symbolisms and examples. Don't involve them to become active participants in your views of "Chinese plastic crap", or encourage such beliefs through involvement with extended families who do.

You have two options. You can either choose to use that time heavily involved in your own career, as Scrooge always found SOMETHING to keep himself busy, or try to instill better values into your kids. The Salvation Army comes to mind. You can create your own set of traditions and involve your kids in various charities. If they are not of the age to receive cash (as everything is more often found in the form of gift cards these days), make an effort to involve them in a soup kitchen. Who has ever said you must conform to only one set of activities, in order to comply with what others want or expect from you? Get involved with helping the homeless, let your kids see more of what is REALLY important. Engage in activities that makes use of personal talent, "Habitat for Humanity", offer to fix a neighbor's plumbing or fan they have been complaining about over the last six months without cost to them. The honest question is: Are you willing to seek "opportunities" that better illustrate selfless acts of giving and kindness, through your OWN time and ability, or would you much rather just sit and complain about how you see OTHERS choosing to follow after their beliefs? Now the first can become an example towards instilling better values into your kids, while the other is .... well quite frankly, just another represented adaptation of Scrooge.

Well frankly you are full of shit. "Again, no one is forcing you to participate in something you don't happen to agree with" Surely you don't believe such nonsense. Everything from increased drunk driving to parking at the malls is disrupted by Christmas. Xmas tree and house lights increase fire responses and insurance. The trade deficit grows buying all that useless crap from China and other countries with near slave labor. Even the cost of advertising goes up when desperate retailers fight for every bit of available space.

There is a considerable amount of waste associated with Christmas. Possibly that equal to war.

Obviously we have people of various religious faith that are forced to participate in funding abortions through taxes, but then we don't want to get into that discussion now do we?

I told you there are two options you can choose to take. If you feel that strongly against something like Christmas, just get yourself submerged in your own little career and don't participate - case closed.

Your responses has made it quite evident I'm simply dealing with a spiteful pessimist that's full of hate towards any person of faith.
It's interesting that the anti-christian fascists think that if Christians aren't actually being burned at the stake, then they have nothing to complain about and no right to object to people who attempt to remove freedom of religion from them.

People do persecute Christians in this country, and people attempt to remove their right to practice their faith. So we object. So far, this country remains freer than most...but that doesn't mean there aren't people who are willing to pour all their resources into removing our freedoms, and incarcerate us (or worse. That's just what they admit to). In fact in this thread, we have one person calling for Christians to be identified as mentally ill, and another who is calling to force them to practice their religion ONLY behind closed doors.
And you will lose, because forcing people to do that in this country is against the law.

You can't teach someone to have respect and tolerance for a point of view that's different from their own, even if the Constitution allows for such freedoms of religious "equality" under the First Amendment. They will continue to try to find the means to silence all other opposing beliefs, in an effort to maintain and promote their preferred atheistic point of view.


And yet again: Establishment Clause jurisprudence in no way seeks to silence any faith.

Yet i's so very interesting that no where in that "establishment" clause under the First Amendment, do you find the words "wall of separation between church and state". Looks like you got yourself an incorrect translation, from what our Founders had originally intended under the word establishment.

Show me exactly when, in the history of our country (which judicial case), has it been proven that we had an an ESTABLISHMENT of Christianity as defined by those equated during the time of our Founders. I'll wait.
Again, no one is forcing you to participate in something you don't happen to agree with. You can simply choose NOT to subject your kids to the story of Santa, or the bigger moral values of "giving" and "acts of kindness" that others seem to find through such symbolisms and examples. Don't involve them to become active participants in your views of "Chinese plastic crap", or encourage such beliefs through involvement with extended families who do.

You have two options. You can either choose to use that time heavily involved in your own career, as Scrooge always found SOMETHING to keep himself busy, or try to instill better values into your kids. The Salvation Army comes to mind. You can create your own set of traditions and involve your kids in various charities. If they are not of the age to receive cash (as everything is more often found in the form of gift cards these days), make an effort to involve them in a soup kitchen. Who has ever said you must conform to only one set of activities, in order to comply with what others want or expect from you? Get involved with helping the homeless, let your kids see more of what is REALLY important. Engage in activities that makes use of personal talent, "Habitat for Humanity", offer to fix a neighbor's plumbing or fan they have been complaining about over the last six months without cost to them. The honest question is: Are you willing to seek "opportunities" that better illustrate selfless acts of giving and kindness, through your OWN time and ability, or would you much rather just sit and complain about how you see OTHERS choosing to follow after their beliefs? Now the first can become an example towards instilling better values into your kids, while the other is .... well quite frankly, just another represented adaptation of Scrooge.

Well frankly you are full of shit. "Again, no one is forcing you to participate in something you don't happen to agree with" Surely you don't believe such nonsense. Everything from increased drunk driving to parking at the malls is disrupted by Christmas. Xmas tree and house lights increase fire responses and insurance. The trade deficit grows buying all that useless crap from China and other countries with near slave labor. Even the cost of advertising goes up when desperate retailers fight for every bit of available space.

There is a considerable amount of waste associated with Christmas. Possibly that equal to war.

Obviously we have people of various religious faith that are forced to participate in funding abortions through taxes, but then we don't want to get into that discussion now do we?

I told you there are two options you can choose to take. If you feel that strongly against something like Christmas, just get yourself submerged in your own little career and don't participate - case closed.

Your responses has made it quite evident I'm simply dealing with a spiteful pessimist that's full of hate towards any person of faith.

Ya think ??? :lol:

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