The progressive war on Christmas/Christianity

Corporations have hollowed out the American economy by sending jobs to freedom–hating nations like Communist China. Where do you think Walmart, one of the largest contributors to the GOP, gets over 50% of its products made?

Their desire for cheap labor is greater than their allegiance to this great nation.

In order to ensure that the correct policies are put in place, corporations need to make sure their politicians are elected.

To achieve this end, they use religion, patriotism, national security, and family values (conservativism) to get well-meaning but under-educated Americans to vote republican.

They always say that the country's borders and traditions are under siege.

This is how they seduce poor people to vote against their economic interests.

How exactly does this differ from the left's myth that there is somehow this "war on women", possibly even citing religion, to create hysteria among voters towards their cause? Obviously there is this "contrived" threat that women are somehow having their health threatened by Republicans, which simply is not true. Yet the Democrats of the left see nothing wrong with trying to dictate in what manner, those of religion should be allowed to demonstrate their beliefs. I find it interesting how certain freedoms are viewed and deemed acceptable for the sole purpose of drawing political power in government.

telling a women she must bear a child is not effecting her health?
What a shame that our own government penalizes production here in our country. Perhaps if we were a little more friendly towards industry, those jobs would be here.

Oh well. Another case of liberal policy making people everywhere miserable.

Liberal policy? GGAAAWWWDDD... you and your Christian zombie friends are the dumbest MoFos drawing breath. Is there anything you wouldn't bow down too in the name of Jeebus? You put Jimmy Jones to shame.

With California having some of the highest taxes in the nation, why are so many businesses leaving the state?

In 2011, 254 California companies moved some or all of their work and jobs out of state, 26% more than in 2010, according to Irvine business consultant Joe Vranich who has been tracking these departures since 2009.

2011 total: 254 companies leave California | moved, companie - Business - The Orange County Register

California has been a leader in Renewable Energy production, in part due to federal and state level policies that provide incentives for producers of renewable power. However, a new report found that California’s Energy policies will raise state power rates and associated costs by nearly 33 percent.

Why Businesses are Leaving California? Sacramento Policies Raise Energy Costs 33%

State Sales Tax: Highest in the Nation

Gasoline Tax: Highest in the Nation

Personal Income Tax: Highest in the Nation

Corporate Income Tax: Highest in the West

Property Tax: High, Even Under Proposition 13

Top CEOs Rank California as Worst Place for Business; California Ranks Poorly in Business Investment Survey

Technology Firm Leaving California, Citing High Taxes and Red Tape

CalTax | Where Does California Rank?
Corporations have hollowed out the American economy by sending jobs to freedom–hating nations like Communist China. Where do you think Walmart, one of the largest contributors to the GOP, gets over 50% of its products made?

Their desire for cheap labor is greater than their allegiance to this great nation.

In order to ensure that the correct policies are put in place, corporations need to make sure their politicians are elected.

To achieve this end, they use religion, patriotism, national security, and family values (conservativism) to get well-meaning but under-educated Americans to vote republican.

They always say that the country's borders and traditions are under siege.

This is how they seduce poor people to vote against their economic interests.

How exactly does this differ from the left's myth that there is somehow this "war on women", possibly even citing religion, to create hysteria among voters towards their cause? Obviously there is this "contrived" threat that women are somehow having their health threatened by Republicans, which simply is not true. Yet the Democrats of the left see nothing wrong with trying to dictate in what manner, those of religion should be allowed to demonstrate their beliefs. I find it interesting how certain freedoms are viewed and deemed acceptable for the sole purpose of drawing political power in government.

telling a women she must bear a child is not effecting her health?

Depends.... is she some form of addict or is incapable of following medical instruction for maintaining a healthy pregnancy? A vast majority of legitimate health problems are identified through hereditary concerns or blood tests.
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I expected dishonest deflection and was not suprised. That's the problem with you so called christians.

The only dishonesty is saying the vast majority of pregnancies in the United States have threaten the health of a woman without having the ability to provide proof to one's position. Anyone willing to be honest would have no problem in providing facts.
What a shame that our own government penalizes production here in our country. Perhaps if we were a little more friendly towards industry, those jobs would be here.

Oh well. Another case of liberal policy making people everywhere miserable.

This is unsurprisingly ignorant.

Corporations sent jobs overseas to maximize profit, rather than paying American workers a living wage.

American corporations couldn’t give a damn whether anyone was ‘friendly’ to them or not.
I expected dishonest deflection and was not suprised. That's the problem with you so called christians.

The only dishonesty is saying the vast majority of pregnancies in the United States have threaten the health of a woman without having the ability to provide proof to one's position. Anyone willing to be honest would have no problem in providing facts.

What is it gonna take to get it through to you fucking "christians" that women's bodies are NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS.


End of discussion.

You dont see people peeking in your bedroom window and trying to pass laws to force you to pop out kids.

Its none of your business.
What a shame that our own government penalizes production here in our country. Perhaps if we were a little more friendly towards industry, those jobs would be here.

Oh well. Another case of liberal policy making people everywhere miserable.

Liberal policy? GGAAAWWWDDD... you and your Christian zombie friends are the dumbest MoFos drawing breath. Is there anything you wouldn't bow down too in the name of Jeebus? You put Jimmy Jones to shame.

Please stop slavering, spitting, and twitching long enough to point out where I referenced Christ in that post.
I expected dishonest deflection and was not suprised. That's the problem with you so called christians.

The only dishonesty is saying the vast majority of pregnancies in the United States have threaten the health of a woman without having the ability to provide proof to one's position. Anyone willing to be honest would have no problem in providing facts.

What is it gonna take to get it through to you fucking "christians" that women's bodies are NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS.


End of discussion.

You dont see people peeking in your bedroom window and trying to pass laws to force you to pop out kids.

Its none of your business.

Wrong. It is my business. You need to stop butchering and exploiting women, lying to women, and killing babies, in order to get out of child support, and to preserve the off chance that you might get laid at some point.
You gotta understand here, these people who say there's a war on Christmas, these are people who if you wish them Happy Holidays they'll claim that that's proof that there's a war on Christmas
What a shame that our own government penalizes production here in our country. Perhaps if we were a little more friendly towards industry, those jobs would be here.

Oh well. Another case of liberal policy making people everywhere miserable.

This is unsurprisingly ignorant.

Corporations sent jobs overseas to maximize profit, rather than paying American workers a living wage.

American corporations couldn’t give a damn whether anyone was ‘friendly’ to them or not.

American corporations aren't sentient beings. They don't give a damn because they don't think.

Liberal yahoos, however, hate the rich so much that they are willing to force them out of business (in the US) even at the expense of the working poor. Which makes the working poor, poorer...and just send the rich people elsewhere to produce things.

Kindly don't call me ignorant because I'm not a communist. Just because I don't see corporations as *evil* doesn't make me ignorant. Perhaps you should look the word up. I'm not sure you know what it means.

There's nothing more annoying than a loony, brain dead commie calling ANYONE else ignorant. Collectively you are the least educated and outright stupidest group of people on the earth. Even addicted welfare moms who have been frying their brains with drugs from the age of 9 can outthink you.
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How exactly does this differ from the left's myth that there is somehow this "war on women", possibly even citing religion, to create hysteria among voters towards their cause? Obviously there is this "contrived" threat that women are somehow having their health threatened by Republicans, which simply is not true. Yet the Democrats of the left see nothing wrong with trying to dictate in what manner, those of religion should be allowed to demonstrate their beliefs. I find it interesting how certain freedoms are viewed and deemed acceptable for the sole purpose of drawing political power in government.

This is a fair point.

I think the phrase "War on women" is used irresponsibly by the Left insofar as it presupposes a post-fifties vision of woman that many conservatives do not share. Conservatives who hold a traditional view of gender roles don't hate woman any more than the Jim Crow South hated blacks. Each group was sincerely following their beliefs that the marginalized "other" was less than fully human. [Remember the biblical hierarchy which Christianity has downplayed since the sixties: God > Man > Woman > Animal, etc. The closer you are to God in the hierarchy, the more divine substance you possess] I will spare you talk about Hannah Arendt and "the banality of evil", but I think it applies.

The feminist Left sees abortion as bound up with fundamental right to determine what happens with one's own body. Their reasoning is that women should have full physical and moral control over something that is 100% biologically dependent on their organs for survival. To not be in control of something inside of your body is a fairly radical proposition, but the Right wants to put Washington not Woman in control of women's bodies. Regardless, the desire by some conservatives to control women's bodies is interpreted as war given the starting assumptions of the post sixties feminist left.

Also, you might to consider pre-sixties gender roles, and go back as far as the denial of suffrage and the legal exclusion of woman from political jobs, which grew out of the religious/traditional belief that women were supposed to be the helpers of men. Under this view men were seen as more fit to be leaders and deciders, whereas woman were better suited to nurture and be the emotional (not rational) center of the family. This belief had medical support under the (junk)science finding that woman were irrational and unfit for the rigorous demands of public life (whereas man were more rational and thus more capable of leadership). Feminism has long interpreted this belief in the relative irrationality of women (compared to men) as a kind of war which excluded women from full agency, along with its more practical trappings like high paying jobs and positions of political leadership. And, as you probably know, many conservative groups have aligned themselves against feminism and its bra burners - so it's that sense of "opposing sides" which leads to metaphors of war. [I don't think many centrist or undecided voters are persuaded by this kind of stuff, but I might be wrong]

But, again, to your point: I don't see conservatives as waging war against women, so I kind of agree with you. That is, I think if you start with conservative/biblical assumptions about sexuality and gender roles, you can arrive at the current conservative positions about feminism without hating women.
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What is it gonna take to get it through to you fucking "christians" that women's bodies are NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS.


End of discussion.

You dont see people peeking in your bedroom window and trying to pass laws to force you to pop out kids.

Its none of your business.
Wrong. It is my business. You need to stop butchering and exploiting women, lying to women, and killing babies, in order to get out of child support, and to preserve the off chance that you might get laid at some point.
Isn't it interesting that religious extremists can spout such maniacally irrational, uncientific drivel and still be surprised that sane people are hostile to them?

As long as they pursue their evil attempts to force their will on other people in affairs that are none of their business, then it is the duty of all sane, honest and caring people to oppose them most firmly.

These lunatics will never be satisfied until they have established a totalitarian theocratic dictatorship -- as they have so often done in the past.

Never again!! They have been satanically evil in the past -- history is full of the stories of their wickedness -- they must never again wield the levers of state power.
What a shame that our own government penalizes production here in our country. Perhaps if we were a little more friendly towards industry, those jobs would be here.

Oh well. Another case of liberal policy making people everywhere miserable.

This is unsurprisingly ignorant.

Corporations sent jobs overseas to maximize profit, rather than paying American workers a living wage.

American corporations couldn’t give a damn whether anyone was ‘friendly’ to them or not.

American corporations aren't sentient beings. They don't give a damn because they don't think.

But according to Citizens United vS FEC they are allowed to contribute to campaigns. Makes you wonder who's really ignorant here, the liberals you hate or those who favor allowing "unthinking" corporations to effect the electoral process. :eusa_eh:
The only dishonesty is saying the vast majority of pregnancies in the United States have threaten the health of a woman without having the ability to provide proof to one's position. Anyone willing to be honest would have no problem in providing facts.

What is it gonna take to get it through to you fucking "christians" that women's bodies are NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS.


End of discussion.

You dont see people peeking in your bedroom window and trying to pass laws to force you to pop out kids.

Its none of your business.

Wrong. It is my business. You need to stop butchering and exploiting women, lying to women, and killing babies, in order to get out of child support, and to preserve the off chance that you might get laid at some point.

No It's not your business... So much for individual rights... :lol:
This is unsurprisingly ignorant.

Corporations sent jobs overseas to maximize profit, rather than paying American workers a living wage.

American corporations couldn’t give a damn whether anyone was ‘friendly’ to them or not.

American corporations aren't sentient beings. They don't give a damn because they don't think.

But according to Citizens United vS FEC they are allowed to contribute to campaigns. Makes you wonder who's really ignorant here, the liberals you hate or those who favor allowing "unthinking" corporations to effect the electoral process. :eusa_eh:'s the "unthinking corporations" who have screwed up the electoral process.

Citizens United was the most fucked up thing that the SC did.
Well now you can see to many it is all about corporate profit and making the ultra rich extremely ultra rich at the expense of others. But, you see, they feel the workers are a commodity of the company.
Perhaps one day they will understand the real complexity of what world domination is all about with a multi-corporate world

What a shame that our own government penalizes production here in our country. Perhaps if we were a little more friendly towards industry, those jobs would be here.

Oh well. Another case of liberal policy making people everywhere miserable.

This is unsurprisingly ignorant.

Corporations sent jobs overseas to maximize profit, rather than paying American workers a living wage.

American corporations couldn’t give a damn whether anyone was ‘friendly’ to them or not.
What a shame that our own government penalizes production here in our country. Perhaps if we were a little more friendly towards industry, those jobs would be here.

Oh well. Another case of liberal policy making people everywhere miserable.

You've been lied to. The reason that Walmart can sell a toaster for $10 is because they have access to workers who make less than five dollars a day. Those workers live in slums beneath brutal dictators in freedom hating countries. The only way an American labor market could get those jobs is if they were willing to work for less than five dollars today. This was Reagan's dream - to give corporations access to competitive labor markets who would underbid eachother to get jobs. On the surface there is some logic to it. That is, he wanted to give corporations cheaper operating conditions. He felt that this would provide the correct incentives for investment. Now, as a result, our global labor markets are so impoverished that they are no longer able to consume sufficiently to keep domestic consumer markets afloat. When wages first started to go down in this country, we fixed the problem by radically expanding credit markets. We became a nation of credit card shoppers. Unfortunately, 30 years of debt-based consumption has left the American consumer without the purchasing power to keep the economy going. When people can't buy things in sufficient volume, the capitalist has to lay off workers. This is one of the structural flaws of post new deal capitalism. The drive for cheap labor costs destroys the purchasing power of consumers. Meaning: Reaganomics turned the robust middle-class consumer into a low-wage asset of big business.

Study economics. Once you irreparably destroy demand the game ends. All the money gets stuck on top ... and the old trick of expanding credit to the poor eventually stops working as too many households drown in unpayable debt.

Yup, that's the way it works.

So what do good commies do? They drive up the costs of production and fine the shit out of companies so they pick up their toys and move to...China. Which is a great example of what progressive, anti-capitalist policies will get you. Poor, starving people desperate for any $$ they can find.
What a shame that our own government penalizes production here in our country. Perhaps if we were a little more friendly towards industry, those jobs would be here.

Oh well. Another case of liberal policy making people everywhere miserable.

You've been lied to. The reason that Walmart can sell a toaster for $10 is because they have access to workers who make less than five dollars a day. Those workers live in slums beneath brutal dictators in freedom hating countries. The only way an American labor market could get those jobs is if they were willing to work for less than five dollars today. This was Reagan's dream - to give corporations access to competitive labor markets who would underbid eachother to get jobs. On the surface there is some logic to it. That is, he wanted to give corporations cheaper operating conditions. He felt that this would provide the correct incentives for investment. Now, as a result, our global labor markets are so impoverished that they are no longer able to consume sufficiently to keep domestic consumer markets afloat. When wages first started to go down in this country, we fixed the problem by radically expanding credit markets. We became a nation of credit card shoppers. Unfortunately, 30 years of debt-based consumption has left the American consumer without the purchasing power to keep the economy going. When people can't buy things in sufficient volume, the capitalist has to lay off workers. This is one of the structural flaws of post new deal capitalism. The drive for cheap labor costs destroys the purchasing power of consumers. Meaning: Reaganomics turned the robust middle-class consumer into a low-wage asset of big business.

Study economics. Once you irreparably destroy demand the game ends. All the money gets stuck on top ... and the old trick of expanding credit to the poor eventually stops working as too many households drown in unpayable debt.

Yup, that's the way it works.

So what do good commies do? They drive up the costs of production and fine the shit out of companies so they pick up their toys and move to...China. Which is a great example of what progressive, anti-capitalist policies will get you. Poor, starving people desperate for any $$ they can find.

Your hubris and willfull ignorance is breath taking.

Unregulated capitalism has only one end game. Complete consumption of all available resources as fast as is humanly possible is the directive. Do you have such hatred for our species as to put the desires of a handful of lucky and privileged people above the plight of the rest of the billions of humans?

Once the important available resources are gone .. it's game over Kosher Girl.

I'm certainly not a communist but at some reasonable point...which I believe has already come and gone we have to recognise that the rest of the population, certainly the population of The United States of America, has rights too.

We cannot forever bow down to those that have been able to fight, steal and bribe our elected officials into a position to play this cynical game with the world we have all been born into.

The only way to pull the reigns back on the head long plunge into an ireversable abyss of global and yes American self destruction is a well regulated use of what is left for the survival of us all.

What I don't understand is that what with all the education we the public consumers pay for by sponsoring this rigged system funneling our efforts into the bank accounts of the new(last 200 years) self assigned royalty is that they must surely know that a planet with a relative handfull of haves and several billion have nots will be a very perilous world for them also.

We can make a reasonable planned transition from this guilded age to one where there is balance and forsight or it will happen violently anyway. Only a madman/madwoman could see it any other way.

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