The progressive war on Christmas/Christianity

It appears you have visions of me having visions...since I most certainly have never had any.

I did explain it, and if you are too dull witted to understand, I can't help you.
It appears you have visions of me having visions...since I most certainly have never had any.

I did explain it, and if you are too dull witted to understand, I can't help you.

I don't believe anyone is asking for your help. If anyone's sense have been worn dull it is yours. You have been accepting others thinking so long it makes sense that you do not trust in your own. That's sad.
Must every thread turn into an insult-fest?

Is it impossible for us to disagree wiithout being disagreeable?

Do we really need to point out if someone is stupid?

Won't their own posts stand as evidence of that stupidity?

These childish insult-fest do not advance the discussions, they only serve to end rational thinking and drive off those of us who have something REAL to say about the topics at hand.
Must every thread turn into an insult-fest?

Is it impossible for us to disagree wiithout being disagreeable?

Do we really need to point out if someone is stupid?

Won't their own posts stand as evidence of that stupidity?

These childish insult-fest do not advance the discussions, they only serve to end rational thinking and drive off those of us who have something REAL to say about the topics at hand.

You F**kers on the left are the kings of insult:

Salunsky rule 5.“Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.”

You're just pis-st off that we use those rules. I like 5, 6, 13 myself...:disbelief:
Intolerant Atheists Viciously Attack Christian School

by Ken Ham and Mark Looy
April 30, 2013

Christian education is under attack in America as never before. Yesterday on this website, we highlighted the plight of the Romeikes, a German Christian family who is seeking asylum in America because the German government forbids their homeschool instruction. The Obama Administration is siding with the German government and its view of homeschooling, and they are seeking to deport this family who wants to educate their children in accord with God’s Word. If the U.S. Attorney General succeeds in denying their asylum, it may have chilling ramifications for religious and educational liberties in the United States.

Today, we bring your attention to another attack on Christian education. A Christian K–12 school in South Carolina, with dedicated and highly qualified Christian teachers,1 has come under vicious attack by atheists. Why? Because one of its instructors, a fourth-grade teacher, tested her children about biblical creation, science, and dinosaurs (using AiG resources), and she has become (in)famous on many atheist websites and blogs.


Intolerant Atheists Viciously Attack Christian School - Answers in Genesis
I did read it. As I said, your understanding of Christianity is limited.
Funny you should say that, since history has shown, over and over, how limited people obsessed with religion are in their understanding of the real world.

Which is one more reason, if more reasons are needed, why religion and government should not be connected -- especially why religious viewpoints should never be reflected in the legal system.
It seems you have tried to deflect you shortcomings on to me.
I am not the one making false claims about being restricted in practicing "my" religion.
Please again provide evidence where "you" were told and stopped having to ability to worship your faith.

It appears you have visions of me having visions...since I most certainly have never had any.

I did explain it, and if you are too dull witted to understand, I can't help you.
This post of your show how blinded you are with your comprehension in reading.
But what else can we expect to get from someone like you.

Must every thread turn into an insult-fest?

Is it impossible for us to disagree wiithout being disagreeable?

Do we really need to point out if someone is stupid?

Won't their own posts stand as evidence of that stupidity?

These childish insult-fest do not advance the discussions, they only serve to end rational thinking and drive off those of us who have something REAL to say about the topics at hand.

You F**kers on the left are the kings of insult:

Salunsky rule 5.“Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.”

You're just pis-st off that we use those rules. I like 5, 6, 13 myself...:disbelief:
Nothing false about them.

We deal daily with loons telling us we should be imprisoned, denied employment, our children taken from us, and that laws should be changed (or interpreted) to force us to hide our religion.

In other countries, where there is no freedom of religion, we aren't just threatened, jeered at, ridiculed and threatened...we're killed.
I hardly think that someone telling you on a messageboard that your religion is messed up hardly qualifies as persecution.

I'm still waiting to hear about the laws passed against Christianity, or where actual Christians have had their churches torn down and they were jailed for practicing their faith.
Religious mania already veers far into the regions of nervous emotionality; it easily degenerates into paranoia, hysteria, delusions of persecution and seeing others as enemies, which so often make the religious so unpleasant to be around.
Corporations have hollowed out the American economy by sending jobs to freedom–hating nations like Communist China. Where do you think Walmart, one of the largest contributors to the GOP, gets over 50% of its products made?

Their desire for cheap labor is greater than their allegiance to this great nation.

In order to ensure that the correct policies are put in place, corporations need to make sure their politicians are elected.

To achieve this end, they use religion, patriotism, national security, and family values (conservativism) to get well-meaning but under-educated Americans to vote republican.

They always say that the country's borders and traditions are under siege.

This is how they seduce poor people to vote against their economic interests.
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Corporations have hollowed out the American economy by sending jobs to freedom–hating nations like Communist China. Where do you think Walmart, one of the largest contributors to the GOP, gets over 50% of its products made?

Their desire for cheap labor is greater than their allegiance to this great nation.

In order to ensure that the correct policies are put in place, corporations need to make sure their politicians are elected.

To achieve this end, they use religion, patriotism, national security, and family values (conservativism) to get well-meaning but under-educated Americans to vote republican.

They always say that the country's borders and traditions are under siege.

This is how they seduce poor people to vote against their economic interests.

Now Walmart is bragging that every month 60% of Americans shop at thier sinkhole for the U S dollar which pours our resources into China. I guess if I were trying to make a buck on a global scale regardless of the national consequences I would target poor Christians also. They are the group most easily duped.
What a shame that our own government penalizes production here in our country. Perhaps if we were a little more friendly towards industry, those jobs would be here.

Oh well. Another case of liberal policy making people everywhere miserable.
What a shame that our own government penalizes production here in our country. Perhaps if we were a little more friendly towards industry, those jobs would be here.

Oh well. Another case of liberal policy making people everywhere miserable.

Liberal policy? GGAAAWWWDDD... you and your Christian zombie friends are the dumbest MoFos drawing breath. Is there anything you wouldn't bow down too in the name of Jeebus? You put Jimmy Jones to shame.
Corporations have hollowed out the American economy by sending jobs to freedom–hating nations like Communist China. Where do you think Walmart, one of the largest contributors to the GOP, gets over 50% of its products made?

Their desire for cheap labor is greater than their allegiance to this great nation.

In order to ensure that the correct policies are put in place, corporations need to make sure their politicians are elected.

To achieve this end, they use religion, patriotism, national security, and family values (conservativism) to get well-meaning but under-educated Americans to vote republican.

They always say that the country's borders and traditions are under siege.

This is how they seduce poor people to vote against their economic interests.

Now Walmart is bragging that every month 60% of Americans shop at thier sinkhole for the U S dollar which pours our resources into China. I guess if I were trying to make a buck on a global scale regardless of the national consequences I would target poor Christians also. They are the group most easily duped.

Ironic that its the rw's rabid defense of WalMart is such a driving force behind this so-called war on christmas. How long before the right has bumper stickers reading, "WalMart Is The Reason For The Season".

President Obama is giving tax breaks to those companies that bring their jobs back to the US but the teepubs are fighting that too.
What a shame that our own government penalizes production here in our country. Perhaps if we were a little more friendly towards industry, those jobs would be here.

Oh well. Another case of liberal policy making people everywhere miserable.

You've been lied to. The reason that Walmart can sell a toaster for $10 is because they have access to workers who make less than five dollars a day. Those workers live in slums beneath brutal dictators in freedom hating countries. The only way an American labor market could get those jobs is if they were willing to work for less than five dollars today. This was Reagan's dream - to give corporations access to competitive labor markets who would underbid eachother to get jobs. On the surface there is some logic to it. That is, he wanted to give corporations cheaper operating conditions. He felt that this would provide the correct incentives for investment. Now, as a result, our global labor markets are so impoverished that they are no longer able to consume sufficiently to keep domestic consumer markets afloat. When wages first started to go down in this country, we fixed the problem by radically expanding credit markets. We became a nation of credit card shoppers. Unfortunately, 30 years of debt-based consumption has left the American consumer without the purchasing power to keep the economy going. When people can't buy things in sufficient volume, the capitalist has to lay off workers. This is one of the structural flaws of post new deal capitalism. The drive for cheap labor costs destroys the purchasing power of consumers. Meaning: Reaganomics turned the robust middle-class consumer into a low-wage asset of big business.

Study economics. Once you irreparably destroy demand the game ends. All the money gets stuck on top ... and the old trick of expanding credit to the poor eventually stops working as too many households drown in unpayable debt.
Corporations have hollowed out the American economy by sending jobs to freedom–hating nations like Communist China. Where do you think Walmart, one of the largest contributors to the GOP, gets over 50% of its products made?

Their desire for cheap labor is greater than their allegiance to this great nation.

In order to ensure that the correct policies are put in place, corporations need to make sure their politicians are elected.

To achieve this end, they use religion, patriotism, national security, and family values (conservativism) to get well-meaning but under-educated Americans to vote republican.

They always say that the country's borders and traditions are under siege.

This is how they seduce poor people to vote against their economic interests.

How exactly does this differ from the left's myth that there is somehow this "war on women", possibly even citing religion, to create hysteria among voters towards their cause? Obviously there is this "contrived" threat that women are somehow having their health threatened by Republicans, which simply is not true. Yet the Democrats of the left see nothing wrong with trying to dictate in what manner, those of religion should be allowed to demonstrate their beliefs. I find it interesting how certain freedoms are viewed and deemed acceptable for the sole purpose of drawing political power in government.
Corporations have hollowed out the American economy by sending jobs to freedom–hating nations like Communist China. Where do you think Walmart, one of the largest contributors to the GOP, gets over 50% of its products made?

Their desire for cheap labor is greater than their allegiance to this great nation.

In order to ensure that the correct policies are put in place, corporations need to make sure their politicians are elected.

To achieve this end, they use religion, patriotism, national security, and family values (conservativism) to get well-meaning but under-educated Americans to vote republican.

They always say that the country's borders and traditions are under siege.

This is how they seduce poor people to vote against their economic interests.

Now Walmart is bragging that every month 60% of Americans shop at thier sinkhole for the U S dollar which pours our resources into China. I guess if I were trying to make a buck on a global scale regardless of the national consequences I would target poor Christians also. They are the group most easily duped.

How are Christians considered poor, when those who profess such beliefs statistically are more charitable in giving than those who claim themselves to be liberal without any such faith?

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