The progressive war on Christmas/Christianity

From: Christensen, Nathan LCDR OSD PA [
mailto:[email protected]
Sent: Thursday, May 02, 2013 9:34 AM
Subject: Statement on Religious Proselytizing
Press colleagues,
The below is for your use on the record, attributable to me, Lt. Cmdr. Nate Christensen, a DoD Spokesman.
"The U.S. Department of Defense has never and will never single out a particular re
ligious group for
persecution or prosecution.
The Department makes reasonable accommodations for all religions and
celebrates the religious diversity of our service members.

Is this the persecution you think is happening. It proves what a big mistake you have made and the lies you profess to be true.


Military surrenders in war on Christian evangelism

'Department makes reasonable accommodations for all religions'

Published: 05/02/2013
Bob Unruh

The Pentagon announced today that military members who want to talk about their faith with other members have every right to do so, backtracking on a previous warning against “proselytizing,” which it said could be subject to court-martial.

The statement from Lt. Cmdr. Nathan Christensen said the Department of Defense “never and will never single out a particular religious group for persecution or prosecution.”

The Pentagon walked back its statement earlier this week after the Alliance Defending Freedom filed a Freedom of Information Act request for records relating to Pentagon statements on the issue.

“Members of our military should not be denied the very freedoms they fight to defend. Freedom of religion and speech are paramount among those freedoms,” said ADF Legal Counsel Joseph La Rue. “We appreciate the Pentagon’s clarification, but little or no evidence exists of coercive proselytization in the military, so we are still troubled over what motivated the original comments.


Read more at Military surrenders in war on Christian evangelism
I wonder if proselytizers who don't know when to stop (as is the case with so many of them) can be disciplined for harassment?
I wonder if atheist pieces of shit who seek to imprison Christians can be investigated as terrorists?
OK...HERE is where KG is having a problem with honesty. She has been going on and on about the definition of "human". I know..she knows..WE ALL KNOW that what she REALLY is trying to say without coming straight out is that a two celled Zygote in her belief system HAS A SOUL. She knows that a developing pregnancy isn't a fully developed human being. She wants to assign full privilage to the "baby" the instant "god" gave it a soul. She believes that happens when the sperm impregnates the egg.
What KG doesn't know, and what most people don't know, is that this whole notion of a "soul" in an embryo goes back to a pre-modern notion of biology which has been utterly exploded by modern science, but which maintains a kind of after-death existence in the fossilized thinking of religious types.

These pre-modern notions of biology seem utterly wacky to us, but they were all that the Best and the Brightest could come up with for hundreds of years.

First, not having microscopes, they had no notion about eggs and sperm; they thought that the essence of the embryo was transmitted solely by the male seminal fluid, and that the female womb was only a passive receptacle for the development of the male "seed".

The most widely held idea about this "seed" was that it was like those Russian Dolls which open up and contain a series of other Russian Dolls down and down, smaller and smaller. The Best and Brightest thought that inside the male embryo there was another male embryo whose proto-testes contained another proto-male embryo, each containing a "soul"....down, down, down -- but not forever.
That was one reason they thought the world had to come to an end, since eventually one would come to the final, smallest Russian Doll and there would be no children after that.

I know the whole idea sounds nutty, but a whole lot of nutty people still believe ideas deriving from it, and they don't know its ultimate origin.

There is a reference to this archaic notion in, of all people, Shakespeare!
No doubt thousands of high school and college students have been puzzled by act 3, scene 2 of King Lear, when the king, crazed with grief in the storm on the heath, shouts to the lightning,

"Strike flat the thick rotundity o' the world !
Crack nature's molds, all germens spill at once
That makes ingrateful man!"

The "germens" are the Russian Doll "molds" that constitute the embryos within embryos. Mad Lear is asking the lightning to "crack all the embryo-molds" at once, so that the human race might no longer exist.

Religious Authorities held on to these out-moded ideas long after science proved them wrong, and then, generation after generation forgot what had been the original ideas behind them!! I'm sure not one out of a thousand religious types, even at the highest levels, knows anything about the real origin of the "soul within the embryo" idea.
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From Wikipedia

As recently as the 18th century, the prevailing notion in human embryology was preformation: the idea that semen contains an embryo — a preformed, miniature infant, or "homunculus" — that simply becomes larger during development.

Just as Perceval Lowell looked at hazy images of Mars and thought that he could make out canals on the the surface of the planet, early experimenters with microscopes thought that they could see the homunculus in a sperm cell, and they drew pictures of it.


This is just one more reason why I think it is very important that these nutty religious speculations should not become enshrined in our laws.


Military surrenders in war on Christian evangelism

'Department makes reasonable accommodations for all religions'

Published: 05/02/2013
Bob Unruh

The Pentagon announced today that military members who want to talk about their faith with other members have every right to do so, backtracking on a previous warning against “proselytizing,” which it said could be subject to court-martial.

The statement from Lt. Cmdr. Nathan Christensen said the Department of Defense “never and will never single out a particular religious group for persecution or prosecution.”

The Pentagon walked back its statement earlier this week after the Alliance Defending Freedom filed a Freedom of Information Act request for records relating to Pentagon statements on the issue.

“Members of our military should not be denied the very freedoms they fight to defend. Freedom of religion and speech are paramount among those freedoms,” said ADF Legal Counsel Joseph La Rue. “We appreciate the Pentagon’s clarification, but little or no evidence exists of coercive proselytization in the military, so we are still troubled over what motivated the original comments.


Read more at Military surrenders in war on Christian evangelism

UPDATE (No. 2): Academy dean of faculty to retire | IndyBlog
Hell, you are to easy to prove to be non-christian
See, it is easy to quote to show how much of a false person you really are.

Sorry, you're pretty retarded but not quite up to their standards.

"Blessed are you when people insult you and persecute you and say all kinds of evil things about you falsely on account of me." Matt 5:11

Authorities All Over America Are Cracking Down On Home Bible Studies And Other Expressions Of The Christian Faith

By Michael, on September 19th, 2012

Could you imagine being fined $250 every time you have your friends come over to watch football? Could you imagine having the government authorities take you to court over a Friday night card game? Well, down in Venice, Florida authorities are cracking down on Shane and Marlen Roessiger for holding a Bible study in their home on Friday nights. The meetings consist of at most 10 people gathering for a time of prayer and Bible study, but authorities in Venice insist that this is a "zoning violation" and Shane and Marlen Roessiger are being threatened with a fine of $250 per meeting. Sadly, this is not the first time something like this has happened. The truth is that authorities all over America are seeking to suppress home Bible studies and other expressions of the Christian faith. It isn't enough that they have essentially removed every trace of Christianity from public life in America. Now they are coming after us in our own homes. Unfortunately, this is the direction that our country is heading. We are becoming a "Big Brother society" in which virtually every little move we make is scrutinized by government bureaucrats and control freaks.


Authorities All Over America Are Cracking Down On Home Bible Studies And Other Expressions Of The Christian Faith
Hell, you are to easy to prove to be non-christian
See, it is easy to quote to show how much of a false person you really are.

Sorry, you're pretty retarded but not quite up to their standards.

"Blessed are you when people insult you and persecute you and say all kinds of evil things about you falsely on account of me." Matt 5:11

Who has ever said a Christian has to be perfect, can you show me THAT scripture please? I mean, even Jesus got mad at the money changers, as well as He didn't necessarily try to hide his feelings towards those among the Pharisees and Sadducees (Matthew 23:23-36). I doubt for the religious scribes, being compared to serpents, brood of vipers, hypocrites, full of dead man's bones.... was actually meant to be taken as a compliment.

I'd be careful boilermaker, you might think you have some basic knowledge of the Bible, only enough to try and resurrect the right scripture to use against someone. However, from what I can see you don't appear to be much more than the Pharisees and Sadducees of old, those of "whitewashed tombs" as they were compared to. For all this talk, I doubt you really know a thing about the Bible or Christianity.
Let me just pose this to you, how did you come about with the idea that I know little or nothing about Christianity. What I despise are those who profess to be deeply religious but to them it is let me pick and choose the parts of my faith that suit me.
A faith of convenience is a shallow faith.
Rather than chastise me perhaps it would be better for you to chastise koshergirl that seems to think she is the ultimate in proselytizing faith on the board.
Once again, live the faith, don't just inject words to try and hide the lack of practicing.
Entering a house of worship does not make one a believer.

Hell, you are to easy to prove to be non-christian
See, it is easy to quote to show how much of a false person you really are.

Sorry, you're pretty retarded but not quite up to their standards.

"Blessed are you when people insult you and persecute you and say all kinds of evil things about you falsely on account of me." Matt 5:11

Who has ever said a Christian has to be perfect, can you show me THAT scripture please? I mean, even Jesus got mad at the money changers, as well as He didn't necessarily try to hide his feelings towards those among the Pharisees and Sadducees (Matthew 23:23-36). I doubt for the religious scribes, being compared to serpents, brood of vipers, hypocrites, full of dead man's bones.... was actually meant to be taken as a compliment.

I'd be careful boilermaker, you might think you have some basic knowledge of the Bible, only enough to try and resurrect the right scripture to use against someone. However, from what I can see you don't appear to be much more than the Pharisees and Sadducees of old, those of "whitewashed tombs" as they were compared to. For all this talk, I doubt you really know a thing about the Bible or Christianity.
So if you know nothing about Christianity, how do you know people people are "picking and choosing"?

I submit to you that you DON'T know much about Christianity, which leads you to believe you, or any of us, are in a position to make such a judgement about Christians. The basic unalterable truth about is a personal relationship with God. The core tenet of Christianity is that it is about FAITH, not WORKS.

And those who don't believe, who don't have the Holy Spirit within them, can in no way correctly interpret the Bible, nor are they suited to judge the degree of "Christian-ness" of believers.
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Once again your prejudice and your lack of understanding comes out shining.
Try re-reading what I posted.
Maybe that will help.

So if you know nothing about Christianity, how do you know people people are "picking and choosing"?

I submit to you that you DON'T know much about Christianity, which leads you to believe you, or any of us, are in a position to make such a judgement about Christians. The basic unalterable truth about is a personal relationship with God. The core tenet of Christianity is that it is about FAITH, not WORKS.

And those who don't believe, who don't have the Holy Spirit within them, can in no way correctly interpret the Bible, nor are they suited to judge the degree of "Christian-ness" of believers.

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