The progressive war on Christmas/Christianity

I expected dishonest deflection and was not suprised. That's the problem with you so called christians.

The only dishonesty is saying the vast majority of pregnancies in the United States have threaten the health of a woman without having the ability to provide proof to one's position. Anyone willing to be honest would have no problem in providing facts.

What is it gonna take to get it through to you fucking "christians" that women's bodies are NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS.


End of discussion.

You dont see people peeking in your bedroom window and trying to pass laws to force you to pop out kids.

Its none of your business.

Did I happen to hit just a small nerve .... you seem oh soooo upset at the thought of being controlled or dictated to.

Interesting this hatred of someone else dictating to, or wanting to somehow control women, with respect to how they choose to live their lives. You seem to be very passionate in allowing women to determine the destiny of the life they carry. Yet that doesn't seem to hinder you at all from dictating [through your OWN set of allowable conditions] as to how, and in what manner, someone else may choose to demonstrate their beliefs. Oh, how very hypocritical of you!

If I should translate the following phrase into a more "worldly" view: "Do onto others" .... just somehow is harder to swallow, and doesn't sound so good when you happen to be on the receiving end, now does it?
The progressive war on Christmas/Christianity

Again, there is no ‘war’ on Christmas or Christianity, not by ‘progressives’ or anyone else.

Establishment Clause jurisprudence that prevents the conjoining of church and state in accordance with the original intent of the Framers in no way interferes with religious expression.

Persons of faith are free to exercise their religious beliefs in any venue, public or private.

That a private organization, private person, or private society in general is hostile, critical, or disapproving of a given religion or its practices does not constitute a ‘violation’ of religious expression, as private citizens are free to express themselves accordingly. That some conservative or religious groups might perceive such disapproval by private citizens as a ‘violation’ of their religious freedom is factually and legally incorrect.

Establishment clause restrictions apply only to public sector entities, and only when a law- or policy-making body attempts to enact measures absent a secular purpose, or when measures seek to promote religion, or when there is excessive, inappropriate entanglement between church and state. See: Lemon v. Kurtzman (1971).

Fundamentalist Christians and social conservatives, for the most part, have attempted to contrive a controversy where none exists, by making false, unsubstantiated, and ignorant claims of ‘religious persecution’ when in fact no persecution has indeed occurred.
There is no war on Christmas, because it's nothing more than a stupid tradition that blended the Crucifixion with the Winter Solstice (in order to satisfy the Pagans).

However......................there IS a war on women, as evidenced by the latest bullshit the GOP has advocated.

If a woman doesn't feel she can successfully raise a family, why force her to? If the baby cannot be brought to term (i.e. born alive) why force her to keep pregnant?

Wanna talk about the Lilly Ledbetter Act and how much less women are paid than men?

Right after that....................let's talk about the fact that 4 out of 10 women are the primary breadwinners in their household.

Oh yeah....................we can also talk about how much FAUX Nooze anchors who are male are scared of women.
There is no war on Christmas, because it's nothing more than a stupid tradition that blended the Crucifixion with the Winter Solstice (in order to satisfy the Pagans).

However......................there IS a war on women, as evidenced by the latest bullshit the GOP has advocated.

If a woman doesn't feel she can successfully raise a family, why force her to? If the baby cannot be brought to term (i.e. born alive) why force her to keep pregnant?

Wanna talk about the Lilly Ledbetter Act and how much less women are paid than men?

Right after that....................let's talk about the fact that 4 out of 10 women are the primary breadwinners in their household.

Oh yeah....................we can also talk about how much FAUX Nooze anchors who are male are scared of women.

I hear ya Rob..but cannot verify the time I would have to invest in viewing Fox is time I will never get back.

There is no war on Christmas, because it's nothing more than a stupid tradition that blended the Crucifixion with the Winter Solstice (in order to satisfy the Pagans).

However......................there IS a war on women, as evidenced by the latest bullshit the GOP has advocated.

If a woman doesn't feel she can successfully raise a family, why force her to? If the baby cannot be brought to term (i.e. born alive) why force her to keep pregnant?

Wanna talk about the Lilly Ledbetter Act and how much less women are paid than men?

Right after that....................let's talk about the fact that 4 out of 10 women are the primary breadwinners in their household.

Oh yeah....................we can also talk about how much FAUX Nooze anchors who are male are scared of women.

I hear ya Rob..but cannot verify the time I would have to invest in viewing Fox is time I will never get back.

:lol: don't really have to invest time in FAUX Nooze. All ya really gotta do is listen to CNN (when they're not drinking the kool aid), or listen to MSNBC.

They run stories about their stupidity on a regular basis.
There is no war on Christmas, because it's nothing more than a stupid tradition that blended the Crucifixion with the Winter Solstice (in order to satisfy the Pagans).

However......................there IS a war on women, as evidenced by the latest bullshit the GOP has advocated.

If a woman doesn't feel she can successfully raise a family, why force her to? If the baby cannot be brought to term (i.e. born alive) why force her to keep pregnant?

Wanna talk about the Lilly Ledbetter Act and how much less women are paid than men?

Right after that....................let's talk about the fact that 4 out of 10 women are the primary breadwinners in their household.

Oh yeah....................we can also talk about how much FAUX Nooze anchors who are male are scared of women.

I hear ya Rob..but cannot verify the time I would have to invest in viewing Fox is time I will never get back.

:lol: don't really have to invest time in FAUX Nooze. All ya really gotta do is listen to CNN (when they're not drinking the kool aid), or listen to MSNBC.

They run stories about their stupidity on a regular basis.

Don't do MS onThier Knees or See! Not Neutral either.
There is no war on Christmas, because it's nothing more than a stupid tradition that blended the Crucifixion with the Winter Solstice (in order to satisfy the Pagans).

However......................there IS a war on women, as evidenced by the latest bullshit the GOP has advocated.

If a woman doesn't feel she can successfully raise a family, why force her to? If the baby cannot be brought to term (i.e. born alive) why force her to keep pregnant?

Wanna talk about the Lilly Ledbetter Act and how much less women are paid than men?

Right after that....................let's talk about the fact that 4 out of 10 women are the primary breadwinners in their household.

Oh yeah....................we can also talk about how much FAUX Nooze anchors who are male are scared of women.

Preventing women from killing their children does not force them to raise a family.

You have issues with logic, apparently.
No one was writing about killing children -- only removing barely formed balls of tissue with gills and a tail and scarcely any brain or nervous system.

You have issues with logic -- not to mention basic science and biology -- apparently.

No one was writing about killing children -- only removing barely formed balls of tissue with gills and a tail and scarcely any brain or nervous system.

You have issues with logic -- not to mention basic science and biology -- apparently.


It's the "Ol if ya have a hammer for a brain...everything ya see looks like a nail" problem.

KG could twist a thread about baseball into baby killing.

The progressive war on Christmas/Christianity

Again, there is no ‘war’ on Christmas or Christianity, not by ‘progressives’ or anyone else.

Establishment Clause jurisprudence that prevents the conjoining of church and state in accordance with the original intent of the Framers in no way interferes with religious expression.

Persons of faith are free to exercise their religious beliefs in any venue, public or private.

That a private organization, private person, or private society in general is hostile, critical, or disapproving of a given religion or its practices does not constitute a ‘violation’ of religious expression, as private citizens are free to express themselves accordingly. That some conservative or religious groups might perceive such disapproval by private citizens as a ‘violation’ of their religious freedom is factually and legally incorrect.

Establishment clause restrictions apply only to public sector entities, and only when a law- or policy-making body attempts to enact measures absent a secular purpose, or when measures seek to promote religion, or when there is excessive, inappropriate entanglement between church and state. See: Lemon v. Kurtzman (1971).

Fundamentalist Christians and social conservatives, for the most part, have attempted to contrive a controversy where none exists, by making false, unsubstantiated, and ignorant claims of ‘religious persecution’ when in fact no persecution has indeed occurred.

There is no church and state interpretation of the First Amendment as explained by Congress back in 1851. That's not what the term "establishment" is actually referring to.
There is no war on Christmas, because it's nothing more than a stupid tradition that blended the Crucifixion with the Winter Solstice (in order to satisfy the Pagans).

However......................there IS a war on women, as evidenced by the latest bullshit the GOP has advocated.

If a woman doesn't feel she can successfully raise a family, why force her to? If the baby cannot be brought to term (i.e. born alive) why force her to keep pregnant?

Wanna talk about the Lilly Ledbetter Act and how much less women are paid than men?

Right after that....................let's talk about the fact that 4 out of 10 women are the primary breadwinners in their household.

Oh yeah....................we can also talk about how much FAUX Nooze anchors who are male are scared of women.

Preventing women from killing their children does not force them to raise a family.

You have issues with logic, apparently.

No one is ‘killing her children.’

And the last thing we need is government telling citizens whether they may have children or not.

If you have a problem with abortion, come up with a solution – don’t just ‘ban’ it and walk away.
If you have a problem with abortion, come up with a solution – don’t just ‘ban’ it and walk away.

Let them cull their own.

Who would want a woman that would choose abortion outside of extreme circumstances to be a mother anyway ?
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The progressive war on Christmas/Christianity

Again, there is no ‘war’ on Christmas or Christianity, not by ‘progressives’ or anyone else.

Establishment Clause jurisprudence that prevents the conjoining of church and state in accordance with the original intent of the Framers in no way interferes with religious expression.

Persons of faith are free to exercise their religious beliefs in any venue, public or private.

That a private organization, private person, or private society in general is hostile, critical, or disapproving of a given religion or its practices does not constitute a ‘violation’ of religious expression, as private citizens are free to express themselves accordingly. That some conservative or religious groups might perceive such disapproval by private citizens as a ‘violation’ of their religious freedom is factually and legally incorrect.

Establishment clause restrictions apply only to public sector entities, and only when a law- or policy-making body attempts to enact measures absent a secular purpose, or when measures seek to promote religion, or when there is excessive, inappropriate entanglement between church and state. See: Lemon v. Kurtzman (1971).

Fundamentalist Christians and social conservatives, for the most part, have attempted to contrive a controversy where none exists, by making false, unsubstantiated, and ignorant claims of ‘religious persecution’ when in fact no persecution has indeed occurred.

You're lying.

Just as your betters lie about there being no scandals associated with Obama's totalitarian regime.

There is a war being waged against Christians, and Christmas. Just as there's a war against all of our freedoms. And your proclamation that there's no "controversy" is just a lie to convince people to ignore it.
If you have a problem with abortion, come up with a solution – don’t just ‘ban’ it and walk away.

Let them cull their own.

Who would woman that would choose it outside of extreme circumstances to be a mother anyway ?

So you maintain we should kill all the children of *bad* mothers?

Of course you do.

Which goes right along with your belief that Christian parents are *bad* parents.
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If you have a problem with abortion, come up with a solution – don’t just ‘ban’ it and walk away.

Let them cull their own.

Who would woman that would choose it outside of extreme circumstances to be a mother anyway ?

So you maintain we should kill all the children of *bad* mothers?

Of course you do.

Which goes right along with your belief that Christian parents are *bad* parents.

We don't kill their children.

They choose to kill their own children.

Not controlling your body and killing your child in place of responsibility is not a good foundation for healthy families.
Progressive Christmas: attacking God, Jesus & the cross: *


The progressive war on Christmas - and Christianity in general - continues to rage on. The latest example comes from a small town in Kansas that found itself smack dab in the middle of a battle with progressives who were oh-so offended that a cross was on public property! Hear the oblivious local news report and get Glenn’s reaction on radio today.

Kansas town flirts with “progress” and loses traditional values

There is a sign in the town of Buhler, Kansas causing controversy in the news this week. The sign in the small town, described as a town rooted in “small town values”, featured a large cross, representative of much of the towns values. The sign is now being changed following a law suit from the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF).


Glenn was referring to the slogan on the sign that on one version reads: “Our second century of progress,” and on another says, “Tradional Values. Progressive Ideas.”


The situation with this town’s sign is a great example of what progressivism does to traditional values, Glenn pointed out. The sign mixed the church with progressivism from the get-go.

Kansas town flirts with “progress” and loses traditional values – Glenn Beck

I see no problem with it if they include a pictur of Buddah, a Star of David and symbols for every one of the worlds major religions.

Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Baha'i, Hinduism, Taoism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Rodnoveri, Celtic pagan, Heathenism, Semitic pagan, Wicca, Kemetism, Hellenic pagan, Roman pagan.

The Constitution, the 1st amendment, is

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,"

And while the inclusion of a particular religion's symbol on a gov't Public sign isn't the making of a law, it implies that that particular religion holds greater value than others. *In doing so, Christian's are, at least, disrespecting the right of others to their freedom of religion and, at worst, waging a war against the rest of the world religions. *The fundamental issue at stake is that some fundamemtalist Christians have no respect for the Constitution of the United States and the freedoms that it guarantees.

Also, Glen Beck is psychotic.
You tell them it's their right.

And they believe you. Because they are vulnerable. You tell them they, and their children, are worthless and worthy of death.

Which makes you accountable.
The progressive war on Christmas/Christianity

Again, there is no ‘war’ on Christmas or Christianity, not by ‘progressives’ or anyone else.

Establishment Clause jurisprudence that prevents the conjoining of church and state in accordance with the original intent of the Framers in no way interferes with religious expression.

Persons of faith are free to exercise their religious beliefs in any venue, public or private.

That a private organization, private person, or private society in general is hostile, critical, or disapproving of a given religion or its practices does not constitute a ‘violation’ of religious expression, as private citizens are free to express themselves accordingly. That some conservative or religious groups might perceive such disapproval by private citizens as a ‘violation’ of their religious freedom is factually and legally incorrect.

Establishment clause restrictions apply only to public sector entities, and only when a law- or policy-making body attempts to enact measures absent a secular purpose, or when measures seek to promote religion, or when there is excessive, inappropriate entanglement between church and state. See: Lemon v. Kurtzman (1971).

Fundamentalist Christians and social conservatives, for the most part, have attempted to contrive a controversy where none exists, by making false, unsubstantiated, and ignorant claims of ‘religious persecution’ when in fact no persecution has indeed occurred.

There is no church and state interpretation of the First Amendment as explained by Congress back in 1851. That's not what the term "establishment" is actually referring to.

Establishment Clause jurisprudence concerns issues involving appropriate religious expression through government, where the courts determine if the line has been crossed with regard to keeping church and state separate, as intended by the Framers.

In fact, the [Supreme] Court's establishment clause holdings have been limited, principled, and religion-neutral; they have not removed God from the public square, they do not animate from anti-religious prejudice, and they have not had adverse consequences on religious freedom that many critics have feared.

Establishment Clause Jurisprudence

The Supreme Court determines what the Constitution means, those rulings determine Constitutional case law. And the Constitution exist only in the context of its case law.
Let them cull their own.

Who would woman that would choose it outside of extreme circumstances to be a mother anyway ?

So you maintain we should kill all the children of *bad* mothers?

Of course you do.

Which goes right along with your belief that Christian parents are *bad* parents.

We don't kill their children.

They choose to kill their own children.

Not controlling your body and killing your child in place of responsibility is not a good foundation for healthy families.

They are not children until birth. Women are organisms that are designed to produce children. They have organs that produce children. Overies and the uterus are organs that are part of the process of producing offspring. The egg is a product of the female reproductive system. And, until childbirth, the fetus is an organ the women's body.

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