The progressive war on Christmas/Christianity

I dunno what's chapped Meister's hide today. IMHO the dude hasn't offered anything deserving of a neg. His remarks are somewhat milk toast and glib but pretty rock bottom low on a scale of abuse.

This MB has been a bastion of free speach to all but those that cannot play within the simple rules. I'm a little embarrassed that we cannot tolorate a broader spectrum of opinion.
I dunno what's chapped Meister's hide today. IMHO the dude hasn't offered anything deserving of a neg. His remarks are somewhat milk toast and glib but pretty rock bottom low on a scale of abuse.

This MB has been a bastion of free speach to all but those that cannot play within the simple rules. I'm a little embarrassed that we cannot tolorate a broader spectrum of opinion.

Bullies hit when they get really frustrated. I just didn't give any space to manuever.

Glib? Yeah, that's a good word. Nice way of saying, "smart ass".

But bullies always dislike "smart asses".
Catholic Archbishop: Wake Up! Religious Liberty at Risk in USA

June 8, 2013 - 10:02 AM
By Terence P. Jeffrey

( - Roman Catholic Archbishop Charles J. Chaput is calling on Americans to wake up and recognize that the Founding Fathers' vision of religious freedom is now threatened by the federal government.

"The day when Americans could take the Founders' understanding of religious freedom as a given is over," said the archbishop. "We need to wake up."

Chaput, who leads the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Philadelphia, pointed to Obamacare's sterilization-contraception-abortifacient regulation as one example. The regulation, issued by Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, requires almost all health-care plans in the United States to provide coverage for sterilizations, artificial contraceptives and abortion-inducing drugs to all women of reproductive age--even if the person or employer providing the insurance coverage and even if the female beneficiaries themselves do not want the coverage and believe it is morally wrong and violates their religious beliefs.


The archbishop noted that the scandal "involving IRS targeting of 'conservative' organizations ... also has a religious dimension."

"But the latest IRS ugliness," he wrote, "is a hint of the treatment disfavored religious groups may face in the future, if we sleep through the national discussion of religious liberty now. The day when Americans could take the Founders' understanding of religious freedom as a given is over. We need to wake up."

Catholic Archbishop: Wake Up! Religious Liberty at Risk in USA | CNS News
Catholic Archbishop: Wake Up! Religious Liberty at Risk in USA

June 8, 2013 - 10:02 AM*
By Terence P. Jeffrey

( - Roman Catholic Archbishop Charles J. Chaput is calling on Americans to wake up and recognize that the Founding Fathers' vision of religious freedom is now threatened by the federal government.

"The day when Americans could take the Founders' understanding of religious freedom as a given is over," said the archbishop. "We need to wake up."

Chaput, who leads the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Philadelphia, pointed to Obamacare's sterilization-contraception-abortifacient regulation as one example. The regulation, issued by Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, requires almost all health-care plans in the United States to provide coverage for sterilizations, artificial contraceptives and abortion-inducing drugs to all women of reproductive age--even if the person or employer providing the insurance coverage and even if the female beneficiaries themselves do not want the coverage and believe it is morally wrong and violates their religious beliefs.


The archbishop noted that the scandal "involving IRS targeting of 'conservative' organizations ... also has a religious dimension."

"But the latest IRS ugliness," he wrote, "is a hint of the treatment disfavored religious groups may face in the future, if we sleep through the national discussion of religious liberty now. The day when Americans could take the Founders' understanding of religious freedom as a given is over. We need to wake up."

Catholic Archbishop: Wake Up! Religious Liberty at Risk in USA | CNS News


You don't want to use it, don't use it. *You're premium is paying for the services you use. *Other peoples premiums are paying for the services they use.
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If you have a problem with abortion, come up with a solution – don’t just ‘ban’ it and walk away.

Let them cull their own.

Who would woman that would choose it outside of extreme circumstances to be a mother anyway ?

So you maintain we should kill all the children of *bad* mothers?

Of course you do.

Which goes right along with your belief that Christian parents are *bad* parents.

Dunno if all Christians are "bad" or not.

However.......................from what you've posted on USMB, not only are you "bad", but you're a hypocrite as well.

If that's the standard, and you're calling for the killing of kids who have "bad" parents, should we shoot yours as well?

Just asking a question.................
Progressive Christmas: attacking God, Jesus & the cross: *


The progressive war on Christmas - and Christianity in general - continues to rage on. The latest example comes from a small town in Kansas that found itself smack dab in the middle of a battle with progressives who were oh-so offended that a cross was on public property! Hear the oblivious local news report and get Glenn’s reaction on radio today.

Kansas town flirts with “progress” and loses traditional values

There is a sign in the town of Buhler, Kansas causing controversy in the news this week. The sign in the small town, described as a town rooted in “small town values”, featured a large cross, representative of much of the towns values. The sign is now being changed following a law suit from the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF).


Glenn was referring to the slogan on the sign that on one version reads: “Our second century of progress,” and on another says, “Tradional Values. Progressive Ideas.”


The situation with this town’s sign is a great example of what progressivism does to traditional values, Glenn pointed out. The sign mixed the church with progressivism from the get-go.

Kansas town flirts with “progress” and loses traditional values – Glenn Beck

I see no problem with it if they include a pictur of Buddah, a Star of David and symbols for every one of the worlds major religions.

Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Baha'i, Hinduism, Taoism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Rodnoveri, Celtic pagan, Heathenism, Semitic pagan, Wicca, Kemetism, Hellenic pagan, Roman pagan.

The Constitution, the 1st amendment, is

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,"

And while the inclusion of a particular religion's symbol on a gov't Public sign isn't the making of a law, it implies that that particular religion holds greater value than others. *In doing so, Christian's are, at least, disrespecting the right of others to their freedom of religion and, at worst, waging a war against the rest of the world religions. *The fundamental issue at stake is that some fundamemtalist Christians have no respect for the Constitution of the United States and the freedoms that it guarantees.

Also, Glen Beck is psychotic.

You absolutely have no clue as to what our founders had meant when they used the word "establishment" in the First Amendment. They were very careful in choosing their words when drafting the constitution in regards to religion, they CERTAINLY never chose the words "separation between church and state". They desired religion to be an important part of this country rather than removing all religion from public view. The Supreme Court Building has an image of Moses as well as Mohammad, so your "promoting" a particular faith is unfounded. Rather we have secular groups that are pushing for the removal of ALL symbols that can be tied to religion. By removing all religious symbols from public view, our country has slowly emerged towards a nation that promotes an "establishment of atheism" to the exclusion of all others. The left really needs to have a better grasp of our nation's founding, as it's evidently clear they don't know what the word "establishment" means within the context of the First Amendment.... as their reasoning only fails to explain "nor prohibit the free exercise thereof". I'd honestly be surprised if a liberal can walk away with an accurate interpretation, that's supported through our nation's history.
They know. They lie because they want a tyrannical government, and they want a tyrannical government because they want certain groups to be discriminated against, imprisoned, and/or killed.
No it's a fetus because that is it's age. It ability to survive on its own was the measure stick by which we determine humanity, then the handicapped and any kid under 10 would not be human. "Fetus" is what we call humans at a certain stage of their development. "Adult" is what we call humans at a different stage. "Embryo" is yet another, and "Child" and "Adolescent" all indicate the development stages of (brace yourself) PEOPLE! Yes!!

All those different names...for the same different AGES.

At no point in it's development is a human ever an ORGAN.

Cripes. And you guys pride yourself on being the "smart" ones.

That's your personal definifion. And I applaud you for your efforts to have personal definitions that guide your choices. It is an important aspect of being human.

But they still are your personal definitions.

Good lord you people are stupid.

Please provide the scientific definition of "fetus" that proves it's an *organ*...

Never mind, I will.
BTW, Grandma negged me for being correct. You people just hate fact and science:

"fetus /fe·tus/ (fēt´us) [L.] the developing young in the uterus, specifically the unborn offspring in the postembryonic period, in humans from nine weeks after fertilization until birth."

Note the absence of the word "organ" and the presence of the word "human" and the term "unborn offspring". Unborn offspring =/= "organ", you morons.

fetus - definition of fetus in the Medical dictionary - by the Free Online Medical Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

This kind of shit is why I know that the liberals at usmb are substandard in the education and intelligence department. So much for their devotion to "science" and "medical accuracy".
Again, there is no ‘war’ on Christmas or Christianity, not by ‘progressives’ or anyone else.

Establishment Clause jurisprudence that prevents the conjoining of church and state in accordance with the original intent of the Framers in no way interferes with religious expression.

Persons of faith are free to exercise their religious beliefs in any venue, public or private.

That a private organization, private person, or private society in general is hostile, critical, or disapproving of a given religion or its practices does not constitute a ‘violation’ of religious expression, as private citizens are free to express themselves accordingly. That some conservative or religious groups might perceive such disapproval by private citizens as a ‘violation’ of their religious freedom is factually and legally incorrect.

Establishment clause restrictions apply only to public sector entities, and only when a law- or policy-making body attempts to enact measures absent a secular purpose, or when measures seek to promote religion, or when there is excessive, inappropriate entanglement between church and state. See: Lemon v. Kurtzman (1971).

Fundamentalist Christians and social conservatives, for the most part, have attempted to contrive a controversy where none exists, by making false, unsubstantiated, and ignorant claims of ‘religious persecution’ when in fact no persecution has indeed occurred.

There is no church and state interpretation of the First Amendment as explained by Congress back in 1851. That's not what the term "establishment" is actually referring to.

Establishment Clause jurisprudence concerns issues involving appropriate religious expression through government, where the courts determine if the line has been crossed with regard to keeping church and state separate, as intended by the Framers.

In fact, the [Supreme] Court's establishment clause holdings have been limited, principled, and religion-neutral; they have not removed God from the public square, they do not animate from anti-religious prejudice, and they have not had adverse consequences on religious freedom that many critics have feared.

Establishment Clause Jurisprudence

The Supreme Court determines what the Constitution means, those rulings determine Constitutional case law. And the Constitution exist only in the context of its case law.

The Founder was extremely careful in choosing their words when it came to writing the First Amendment, they chose for their final draft the word "establishment" NOT a wall of "separation between church and state". If that is what they clearly desired, they would have chosen that phrase for the First Amendment itself. Do you even know how many different drafts were written before settling on the chosen wording in respect to religion and government? Separation of Church and State is not historically accurate, it's actually one of the greatest misrepresentations of the Constitution in comparison to what our Founders actually meant. Do some more historical research, at least going back prior than just your knowledge of the 20th century, and let me know what you find.
They know. They lie because they want a tyrannical government, and they want a tyrannical government because they want certain groups to be discriminated against, imprisoned, and/or killed.

I don't believe they lie. Rather I do believe there is a real hatred towards religion, by those who want nothing more than to silence a group who's opinion speaks contrary to their own. It's this strong lack of tolerance that fuels all these lawsuits to silence a public form of free speech (particularly Christians). We are not at the imprisoned state, but they will use the courts to try an subject people of faith to accept their "worldly" view of religion. The beliefs of all religions should be freely expressed. If we have a world that will freely display a theme of Santa around Christmas at a public building, than there should be nothing to prohibit a Christian owner to fund the display of a nativity. Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, each have the same freedom of expression (speech) as everyone else. Since when is a particular group exempt from their Constitutional right to free speech simply because they carry a religious belief? If you don't like the display of a nativity, simply don't look at it. instead go back to school, pull out a dictionary, and educate yourself on what it means to be "tolerant".
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No, they lie. They lie about the Constitution, they lie about what words mean, they lie about history.

In one thread today, I received a neg for correctly pointing out that a fetus is not an organ, and was told that my "argument" failed. It wasn't an argument, it was just pointing out that a fetus isn't an organ. A fact.

In another, someone said that the definition of a word was "personal". And it's not even 7:30 am. These are examples of people lying in the face of fact, and they are the same people who claim they want to remove the children of Christians from them, and refuse Christians entry into certain professions, and in fact, lock up Christians under the pretext of "mental illness". These are all examples of dishonesty, and is deliberate, and it is across the board.
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I see no problem with it if they include a pictur of Buddah, a Star of David and symbols for every one of the worlds major religions.

Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Baha'i, Hinduism, Taoism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Rodnoveri, Celtic pagan, Heathenism, Semitic pagan, Wicca, Kemetism, Hellenic pagan, Roman pagan.

The Constitution, the 1st amendment, is

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,"

And while the inclusion of a particular religion's symbol on a gov't Public sign isn't the making of a law, it implies that that particular religion holds greater value than others. *In doing so, Christian's are, at least, disrespecting the right of others to their freedom of religion and, at worst, waging a war against the rest of the world religions. *The fundamental issue at stake is that some fundamemtalist Christians have no respect for the Constitution of the United States and the freedoms that it guarantees.

Also, Glen Beck is psychotic.

You absolutely have no clue as to what our founders had meant when they used the word "establishment" in the First Amendment. They were very careful in choosing their words when drafting the constitution in regards to religion, they CERTAINLY never chose the words "separation between church and state". They desired religion to be an important part of this country rather than removing all religion from public view. The Supreme Court Building has an image of Moses as well as Mohammad, so your "promoting" a particular faith is unfounded. Rather we have secular groups that are pushing for the removal of ALL symbols that can be tied to religion. By removing all religious symbols from public view, our country has slowly emerged towards a nation that promotes an "establishment of atheism" to the exclusion of all others. The left really needs to have a better grasp of our nation's founding, as it's evidently clear they don't know what the word "establishment" means within the context of the First Amendment.... as their reasoning only fails to explain "nor prohibit the free exercise thereof". I'd honestly be surprised if a liberal can walk away with an accurate interpretation, that's supported through our nation's history.

I did say, "I see no problem with it if they include a pictur of Buddah, a Star of David and symbols for every one of the worlds major religions.

Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Baha'i, Hinduism, Taoism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Rodnoveri, Celtic pagan, Heathenism, Semitic pagan, Wicca, Kemetism, Hellenic pagan, Roman pagan."

Perhaps you misread it?
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No it's a fetus because that is it's age. It ability to survive on its own was the measure stick by which we determine humanity, then the handicapped and any kid under 10 would not be human. "Fetus" is what we call humans at a certain stage of their development. "Adult" is what we call humans at a different stage. "Embryo" is yet another, and "Child" and "Adolescent" all indicate the development stages of (brace yourself) PEOPLE! Yes!!

All those different names...for the same different AGES.

At no point in it's development is a human ever an ORGAN.

Cripes. And you guys pride yourself on being the "smart" ones.

That's your personal definifion. And I applaud you for your efforts to have personal definitions that guide your choices. It is an important aspect of being human.

But they still are your personal definitions.

Good lord you people are stupid.

Please provide the scientific definition of "fetus" that proves it's an *organ*...

Never mind, I will.
BTW, Grandma negged me for being correct. You people just hate fact and science:

"fetus /fe·tus/ (fēt´us) [L.] the developing young in the uterus, specifically the unborn offspring in the postembryonic period, in humans from nine weeks after fertilization until birth."

Note the absence of the word "organ" and the presence of the word "human" and the term "unborn offspring". Unborn offspring =/= "organ", you morons.

fetus - definition of fetus in the Medical dictionary - by the Free Online Medical Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

This kind of shit is why I know that the liberals at usmb are substandard in the education and intelligence department. So much for their devotion to "science" and "medical accuracy".

Still just word games.


You want to compare educations and IQs? How about dedication toward caring for others?
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*they are the same people who claim they want to remove the children of Christians from them, and refuse Christians entry into certain professions, and in fact, lock up Christians under the pretext of "mental illness".

You know, that kind of conspiracy minded stuff is going to get you locked up.

*Have been treated for manic episodes? Anxiety? Careful, don't let them over medicate you. *They are just trying to help, but sometimes they can over do it.

Who, might I ask, refused to hire you and what profession?

Sorry to hear about the episode with social services and you children. I know, kids can be stressful. Life can be stressful. *Social services really is just trying to make sure everyone is safe, that the kids are safe.

Do you suppose it was you that was the issue, the way you came off and you just happen to be Christian? *Look, if you start getting all "GOD is HOLLY" in an interview, it*might raise some red flags for some people. *It's fine if your interviewing for a job with the church, but a manufacturing company, or a hospital... You might want to dial it back a bit. Maybe you're just coming off as a bit to anxious, to intense. It freaks people out.

It's really all about just staying calm.*I'm just saying.

Don't start capitilizing words in your writing, like as in;

"The FATHER, who is HOLLY. On the DAY OF RECKONING, those that are CHOSEN will be SAVED."

Also, avoid using words that imply death or dying, especially words and phrases that imply other people dying. "DAY OF RECKONING" is an example *It is taken as symptomatic of mental illness.*

It's the kind of thing that is seen in the manefesto of someone before the climb a clock tower with a high powered rifle. *Or before they kill their kids, spouse, and themselves. *It's a sign of unmanagable environmental stressors. You should watch out for it yourself, then just take some time to focusnon what haa you so stressed. *Breathe... relax... and find someone to talk to.
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They know. They lie because they want a tyrannical government, and they want a tyrannical government because they want certain groups to be discriminated against, imprisoned, and/or killed.

I know, they are everywhere. *Outside your house in the morning; at the coffee shop on your way to work; following you on the freeway; everywhere.*

And the way they look at you, with those judging eyes, you can just tell what they are thinking..."

We're gonna get you, just you wait...we'll get you... you and your little children to... Ha ha ha ha." *

God they are creepy. *You just never know who they might be. *

The lady down the street, putting her children in the car... the way she looks at you. *The man at the gas station.. the way he stares. *The driver of that white van on the freeway, driving beside your car.

They are everywhere...

"They're coming to take me away, ha-haaa!!
They're coming to take me away, ho-ho, hee-hee, ha-haaa
To the funny farm. Where life is beautiful all the time and I'll be
happy to see those nice young men in their clean white coats and they're
coming to take me away, ha-haaa!!!!!"

If one has read the bible as I have one thing stands out clearly above all other themes and that is the use of the THREAT. Woven thruout the "scripture" are various levels and sources of threats. It is obvious that the myth of god and christ would not be sustainable without all the threats. Christianity is not about love and goodness. It is about fear. If the "good" word could stand on it's own merits why all the fear mongering?

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