The progressive war on Christmas/Christianity

That's your personal definifion. And I applaud you for your efforts to have personal definitions that guide your choices. It is an important aspect of being human.

But they still are your personal definitions.

Good lord you people are stupid.

Please provide the scientific definition of "fetus" that proves it's an *organ*...

Never mind, I will.
BTW, Grandma negged me for being correct. You people just hate fact and science:

"fetus /fe·tus/ (fēt´us) [L.] the developing young in the uterus, specifically the unborn offspring in the postembryonic period, in humans from nine weeks after fertilization until birth."

Note the absence of the word "organ" and the presence of the word "human" and the term "unborn offspring". Unborn offspring =/= "organ", you morons.

fetus - definition of fetus in the Medical dictionary - by the Free Online Medical Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

This kind of shit is why I know that the liberals at usmb are substandard in the education and intelligence department. So much for their devotion to "science" and "medical accuracy".

Still just word games.


You want to compare educations and IQs? How about dedication toward caring for others?

The only person playing the word game is you. You haven't been able to back up your assertion, so it's just deflection on your behalf.
If one has read the bible as I have one thing stands out clearly above all other themes and that is the use of the THREAT. Woven thruout the "scripture" are various levels and sources of threats. It is obvious that the myth of god and christ would not be sustainable without all the threats. Christianity is not about love and goodness. It is about fear. If the "good" word could stand on it's own merits why all the fear mongering?

Most see it a lot differently than you, Huggy.....a lot differently.
If one has read the bible as I have one thing stands out clearly above all other themes and that is the use of the THREAT. Woven thruout the "scripture" are various levels and sources of threats. It is obvious that the myth of god and christ would not be sustainable without all the threats. Christianity is not about love and goodness. It is about fear. If the "good" word could stand on it's own merits why all the fear mongering?

Most see it a lot differently than you, Huggy.....a lot differently.

Reality and truth are not popularity contests.
If one has read the bible as I have one thing stands out clearly above all other themes and that is the use of the THREAT. Woven thruout the "scripture" are various levels and sources of threats. It is obvious that the myth of god and christ would not be sustainable without all the threats. Christianity is not about love and goodness. It is about fear. If the "good" word could stand on it's own merits why all the fear mongering?

Most see it a lot differently than you, Huggy.....a lot differently.

Reality and truth are not popularity contests.
Reality and your opinion are not on the same page. Is that clear enough?
Good lord you people are stupid.
Please provide the scientific definition of "fetus" that proves it's an *organ*...
Never mind, I will.
BTW, Grandma negged me for being correct. You people just hate fact and science:
"fetus /fe·tus/ (fēt´us) [L.] the developing young in the uterus, specifically the unborn offspring in the postembryonic period, in humans from nine weeks after fertilization until birth."
Note the absence of the word "organ" and the presence of the word "human" and the term "unborn offspring". Unborn offspring =/= "organ", you morons.
fetus - definition of fetus in the Medical dictionary - by the Free Online Medical Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.
This kind of shit is why I know that the liberals at usmb are substandard in the education and intelligence department. So much for their devotion to "science" and "medical accuracy".

Still just word games.


You want to compare educations and IQs? *How about dedication toward caring for others?

The only person playing the word game is you. *You haven't been able to back up your assertion, so it's just deflection on your behalf.

Sure I have. *You just don't accept it. *You want some authoritative definition.

"Because the Merrian-Webster dictionary says so." *"Because the biology book says so." *"Because the Bible says so." *"Because God says so." *Because you can say so.

But it isn't about you. *And it isn't about me. *It is about an individual woman's right to make individual personal decisions about her life. Her body, her eggs, her uterus, her organs, her life.

At the end of the day, it is about social norms and individual personal choices. Thank "God" we live in a democratic society that highlight personal freedom.

You may not like it. *I may not like it. *We might make different choices. *But it isn't your business.*

And here is the real kicker. *It's an absolutely correct position to not give a s$&t what you feel about it because, at the foundation of it, you really don't give a s$&t what other's feel.*

It isn't dependent on convincing you of anything.
Still just word games.


You want to compare educations and IQs? *How about dedication toward caring for others?

The only person playing the word game is you. *You haven't been able to back up your assertion, so it's just deflection on your behalf.

Sure I have. *You just don't accept it. *You want some authoritative definition.

"Because the Merrian-Webster dictionary says so." *"Because the biology book says so." *"Because the Bible says so." *"Because God says so." *Because you can say so.

But it isn't about you. *And it isn't about me. *It is about an individual woman's right to make individual personal decisions about her life. Her body, her eggs, her uterus, her organs, her life.

At the end of the day, it is about social norms and individual personal choices. Thank "God" we live in a democratic society that highlight personal freedom.

You may not like it. *I may not like it. *We might make different choices. *But it isn't your business.*

And here is the real kicker. *It's an absolutely correct position to not give a s$&t what you feel about it because, at the foundation of it, you really don't give a s$&t what other's feel.*

It isn't dependent on convincing you of anything.

As I've often said.

The one thing that binds USMB anti-Christian, lefty nutwads together:

Their shared mental health diagnoses.

Most see it a lot differently than you, Huggy.....a lot differently.

Reality and truth are not popularity contests.
Reality and your opinion are not on the same page. Is that clear enough?

If your reality is popular opinion I agree. If you believe in sky fairies your foundation in reality is mute.

Mass indoctrination and belief in self serving propaganda that is not supported by fact is hardly my concern.

Is that clear enough?
I see no problem with it if they include a pictur of Buddah, a Star of David and symbols for every one of the worlds major religions.

Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Baha'i, Hinduism, Taoism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Rodnoveri, Celtic pagan, Heathenism, Semitic pagan, Wicca, Kemetism, Hellenic pagan, Roman pagan.

The Constitution, the 1st amendment, is

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,"

And while the inclusion of a particular religion's symbol on a gov't Public sign isn't the making of a law, it implies that that particular religion holds greater value than others. *In doing so, Christian's are, at least, disrespecting the right of others to their freedom of religion and, at worst, waging a war against the rest of the world religions. *The fundamental issue at stake is that some fundamemtalist Christians have no respect for the Constitution of the United States and the freedoms that it guarantees.

Also, Glen Beck is psychotic.

You absolutely have no clue as to what our founders had meant when they used the word "establishment" in the First Amendment. They were very careful in choosing their words when drafting the constitution in regards to religion, they CERTAINLY never chose the words "separation between church and state". They desired religion to be an important part of this country rather than removing all religion from public view. The Supreme Court Building has an image of Moses as well as Mohammad, so your "promoting" a particular faith is unfounded. Rather we have secular groups that are pushing for the removal of ALL symbols that can be tied to religion. By removing all religious symbols from public view, our country has slowly emerged towards a nation that promotes an "establishment of atheism" to the exclusion of all others. The left really needs to have a better grasp of our nation's founding, as it's evidently clear they don't know what the word "establishment" means within the context of the First Amendment.... as their reasoning only fails to explain "nor prohibit the free exercise thereof". I'd honestly be surprised if a liberal can walk away with an accurate interpretation, that's supported through our nation's history.

English is a second language for you, isn't it.

I said, "I see no problem with it if they include a pictur of Buddah, a Star of David and symbols for every one of the worlds major religions.

Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Baha'i, Hinduism, Taoism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Rodnoveri, Celtic pagan, Heathenism, Semitic pagan, Wicca, Kemetism, Hellenic pagan, Roman pagan."

But you know what, I've changed my mind. *If you want it, it must be evil.

You statement that Christians have no respect for the constitution and are somehow disrespecting others of different religions, is what I had a problem with concerning with the interpretation of the First Amendment. You can't be more further from the truth, as there are many that don't have the grasp to what that particular term was in reference to. The Founders did not desire for government to remove the open public freedom of religion as if to PROMOTE secularism, that's not what establishment refers to. I simply don't care what religion you practice, you should have the same freedom to display your faith openly as to one who happens to share in no particular faith at all.

I agree with you that ANY religion ought to be free to display your faith, and I apologize if I responded inaccurately and disrespectful with respect to your view of religious practice. However to say Christians don't have a respect towards the Constitution is what actually spurred up that particular reply, as it's completely, utterly, inaccurate in every sense of the word. It's atheists that don't have any tolerance, but appear to display some form of hatred for people of faith.
Most see it a lot differently than you, Huggy.....a lot differently.
Reality and truth are not popularity contests.
Reality and your opinion are not on the same page. Is that clear enough?
That could be said of all of us.

However, Huggy's opinions are a lot closer to reality than what you think you know as fact.

"..the to hold...the mirror up to Nature; to show...the very age and body of the time his form and pressure. Now this overdone, or come tardy off, though it make the unskillful laugh, cannot but make the judicious grieve, the censure of which, one must in your allowance o'erweigh a whole theatre of others."
---Hamlet, III:ii
Reality and truth are not popularity contests.
Reality and your opinion are not on the same page. Is that clear enough?
That could be said of all of us.

However, Huggy's opinions are a lot closer to reality than what you think you know as fact.

"..the to hold...the mirror up to Nature; to show...the very age and body of the time his form and pressure. Now this overdone, or come tardy off, though it make the unskillful laugh, cannot but make the judicious grieve, the censure of which, one must in your allowance o'erweigh a whole theatre of others."
---Hamlet, III:ii
Your opinion along with Huggy's and that other twit I'm sure are closely bound.....that doesn't make your opinion right.
Reality and truth are not popularity contests.
Reality and your opinion are not on the same page. Is that clear enough?

If your reality is popular opinion I agree. If you believe in sky fairies your foundation in reality is mute.

Mass indoctrination and belief in self serving propaganda that is not supported by fact is hardly my concern.

Is that clear enough?

You're very clear, you're a run-of-the-mill athiest, Huggy.
Also, "clearly", you don't know what you're talking about.
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Still just word games.


You want to compare educations and IQs? *How about dedication toward caring for others?

The only person playing the word game is you. *You haven't been able to back up your assertion, so it's just deflection on your behalf.

Sure I have. *You just don't accept it. *You want some authoritative definition.

"Because the Merrian-Webster dictionary says so." *"Because the biology book says so." *"Because the Bible says so." *"Because God says so." *Because you can say so.

But it isn't about you. *And it isn't about me. *It is about an individual woman's right to make individual personal decisions about her life. Her body, her eggs, her uterus, her organs, her life.

At the end of the day, it is about social norms and individual personal choices. Thank "God" we live in a democratic society that highlight personal freedom.

You may not like it. *I may not like it. *We might make different choices. *But it isn't your business.*

And here is the real kicker. *It's an absolutely correct position to not give a s$&t what you feel about it because, at the foundation of it, you really don't give a s$&t what other's feel.*

It isn't dependent on convincing you of anything.

The truth is, women are going to find some way to get an abortion whether it remains legal or not. Society's moral compass is always changing to satisfy one's OWN needs or desires, then establish a form of government "society" justification for it.

Now the moral compass of people who strongly support their faith is embedded with a solid rock foundation from moral ethics from the Bible, they don't change. That being said I don't believe Christians ought to FORCE their moral compass towards those who don't have any understanding or share in that belief. You can't MAKE someone understand your religious point of view, any more than someone can impose their secular position on abortion and sex onto my kids. Christians ought to follow their own beliefs through their actions and deeds, not through forceful government laws.

However, I also do believe in a nation that freely allows people to express their faith without prejudice or a list of secular conformity conditions. We each have the same freedom of speech and expression, no matter how much we may disagree. Our Founders PROMOTED free open religion, they didn't desire government to forcefully remove it through lawsuits to become an open display for secular atheists. So often I hear the words of Jefferson being taken out of context, for the expansion of a government nation without open free religion. We have most certainly changed from the history and foundation our fore fathers had established for this once great nation.
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Reality and your opinion are not on the same page. Is that clear enough?

If your reality is popular opinion I agree. If you believe in sky fairies your foundation in reality is mute.

Mass indoctrination and belief in self serving propaganda that is not supported by fact is hardly my concern.

Is that clear enough?

You're very clear, you're a run-of-the-mill athiest, Huggy.
Also, "clearly", you don't know what you're talking about.

Really. You seem a tad butt hurt recently. Perhaps that is the genisis of this current vitriol.

I won't pretend to know what's in your heart and mind as you seem to want to believe in my posts but one thing I'm fairly certain of and that is that there is no such thing as a "run of the mill atheist".

Atheists do not have a playbook to speak rote on as do Christians. We do not have family and peer pressure to live up to. We are not expected to defend rediculous myths which no doubt leads to self doubt.

We, as atheists, each individually aquire a rejection of god/gods in our own way on our own paths. There is no school of atheism or propaganda one must study.

My personal "war on Christianity" is really very simple. All I ask is that my fellow human beings reject nonsense.


The ultimate scandal for the most scandalous presidency in U.S. history

Published: 6 days ago

“Scandal.” That one word pretty much summarizes the Obama administration’s second term – from Benghazi-gate, to the IRS’s all-out war on hundreds of conservative organizations, to the Justice Department’s “criminalization of journalism” through targeting, harassing and seizing the records of news reporters and editors.

And that’s in addition to the many other Obama scandals, from his illegally waged war against Libya and his policy of targeted assassinations of Americans (both designated by a bipartisan panel of constitutional experts as “clearly impeachable offenses”) to the Justice Department’s disastrous “Fast and Furious” gun-running operation which resulted in at least 100 deaths – and countless other outrages.

Yet, the mother of all Obama scandals – indeed, the root of all the rest – receives little attention from the press. In fact, most Americans have never even heard an explicit reference to the primary scandal of the Obama administration. That is the sole focus of the June issue of WND’s acclaimed monthly Whistleblower magazine.


If your reality is popular opinion I agree. If you believe in sky fairies your foundation in reality is mute.

Mass indoctrination and belief in self serving propaganda that is not supported by fact is hardly my concern.

Is that clear enough?

You're very clear, you're a run-of-the-mill athiest, Huggy.
Also, "clearly", you don't know what you're talking about.

Really. You seem a tad butt hurt recently. Perhaps that is the genisis of this current vitriol.

I won't pretend to know what's in your heart and mind as you seem to want to believe in my posts but one thing I'm fairly certain of and that is that there is no such thing as a "run of the mill atheist".

Atheists do not have a playbook to speak rote on as do Christians. We do not have family and peer pressure to live up to. We are not expected to defend rediculous myths which no doubt leads to self doubt.

We, as atheists, each individually aquire a rejection of god/gods in our own way on our own paths. There is no school of atheism or propaganda one must study.

My personal "war on Christianity" is really very simple. All I ask is that my fellow human beings reject nonsense.

Then I feel sorry for you, Huggy.
I'm sorry you haven't experienced having God in your life.
I have had experiences....not from a "rediculous myth", but from something very real.

I've talked to pastors from different countries recently that have put their life and the life of their families in harms way. One has to sleep in his attic because of the driveby's at night. They have experienced God....there is no doubt about that. Listening to their testimony only strengthened my belief.
I am just happy that atheism is a small percentage. So you just keep up with your war on Christianity....I'm sure your choir like numan is listening intently.
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I feel for Huggy, too. I think he'd make a great Christian, if he could get rid of his bigotry against them.

Yanno....................maybe you could actually feel for Huggy and think of the way he views the world, maybe you could be a great Christian as well.

However...............................kicking those who come to your tent and telling them that they're wrong is a bad move.

Might wanna check out the lessons that Abraham and Lot laid down sometime.
Yanno, you are not obligated to concern yourself about my walk with God. Your biblical scholarship is as laughable as everything else about you.
Your biblical scholarship is as laughable as everything else about you.
Since you could not possibly know everything about this individual, I think we may take your statement as confirmation -- if yet more confirmation be needed -- of the evidence-challenged deficiencies of your system of beliefs.

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