The progressive war on Christmas/Christianity

Since you could not possibly know anything about my relationship with this individual, I think we may take your statement as confirmation -- if yet more confirmation is needed -- of the evidenced-challenged deficiencies of your system of beliefs.

Incidentally, that's a logical fallacy. It doesnt' follow. Even if I knew nothing about gaybiker, that wouldn't confirm anything about my belief system.

Interestingly enough Kaiser Twit (aka Always A Babbling Bitch), you don't know very much about me, nor have I ever said (and go ahead and check the thread) about anything about your walk with God.

Don't really care about what you say about Him, don't really care about what you do to worship Him.

Just care about whether or not you carry the message true..............

Apparently, you think I don't, yet others are telling you that you can't.
Since you could not possibly know anything about my relationship with this individual, I think we may take your statement as confirmation -- if yet more confirmation is needed -- of the evidenced-challenged deficiencies of your system of beliefs.

Incidentally, that's a logical fallacy. It doesnt' follow. Even if I knew nothing about gaybiker, that wouldn't confirm anything about my belief system.

"Always correct" is a fallacy. Unfortunately, it's the kind that led to most of the worst incidents in history.
I feel for Huggy, too. I think he'd make a great Christian, if he could get rid of his bigotry against them.

Yanno....................maybe you could actually feel for Huggy and think of the way he views the world, maybe you could be a great Christian as well.

However...............................kicking those who come to your tent and telling them that they're wrong is a bad move.

Might wanna check out the lessons that Abraham and Lot laid down sometime.

This ^^^^^ is a comment about my walk with God, yamoron biker.
Since you could not possibly know anything about my relationship with this individual, I think we may take your statement as confirmation -- if yet more confirmation is needed -- of the evidenced-challenged deficiencies of your system of beliefs.

Incidentally, that's a logical fallacy. It doesnt' follow. Even if I knew nothing about gaybiker, that wouldn't confirm anything about my belief system.

"Always correct" is a fallacy. Unfortunately, it's the kind that led to most of the worst incidents in history.

Another totally irrelevant comment.

Is that your M.O.? Just post random b.s. and hope someone thinks you're clever?


It doesn't work.
Since you could not possibly know anything about my relationship with this individual, I think we may take your statement as confirmation -- if yet more confirmation is needed -- of the evidenced-challenged deficiencies of your system of beliefs.

Incidentally, that's a logical fallacy. It doesnt' follow. Even if I knew nothing about gaybiker, that wouldn't confirm anything about my belief system.

"Always correct" is a fallacy. Unfortunately, it's the kind that led to most of the worst incidents in history.

Another totally irrelevant comment.

Any different than most of yours? At least I'm not delusional. Get some help.
If Russia could overcome the Godlessness of communism, so can we. It just takes time for Godlessness to fail.
If Russia could overcome the Godlessness of communism, so can we. It just takes time for Godlessness to fail.

Suffering Succotash! Next thing you know you will be saying "Godlessness works in mysterious ways!" :lol:

[ame=]Sylvester - Sufferin Succotash - YouTube[/ame]
What would a new liberal Christianity look like?

In practice it should be defined by two things: an attachment to political liberalism and prioritising the 'cultic'

Theo Hobson, Sunday 9 June 2013

In the first half of this two-part article I argued that we need a new sort of liberal Christianity. It must affirm political liberalism, but must resist the rational-humanist temptation that has debased this tradition in the past. Authentic Christianity needs the dual grounding of faith and cult.

What might this new liberal Christianity mean in practice? Well, it is defined by two things: its attachment to political liberalism – the liberal state – and its prioritisation of the ritual, the sacramental, the cultic.

The first of these is straightforward enough. In political terms, this new liberal Christianity will revive the old affinity between Protestantism and the liberal state. This does not mean an affirmation of "liberalism" in all its meanings (rational individualism, the free market, individual rights, and so on). It means affirmation of the sort of state that seeks to make "liberty" a unifying principle. Like it or not, the US is the model liberal state: it succeeded (gradually) in fusing liberty and national identity, and in separating church and state. The new liberal Christianity will argue for Britain's belated imitation of this (bring home the revolution!). It will demand the disestablishment of the Church of England, for in a really robust liberal state there must be clarity that citizens are united by secular ideals, rather than a nostalgic idea of religious unity. Will religion be marginalised by a heightened secularism? No, religion will become capable of new clarity and honesty.


What would a new liberal Christianity look like? | Theo Hobson | Comment is free |
I feel for Huggy, too. I think he'd make a great Christian, if he could get rid of his bigotry against them.

Yanno....................maybe you could actually feel for Huggy and think of the way he views the world, maybe you could be a great Christian as well.

However...............................kicking those who come to your tent and telling them that they're wrong is a bad move.

Might wanna check out the lessons that Abraham and Lot laid down sometime.

This ^^^^^ is a comment about my walk with God, yamoron biker.

Never said anything about your walk with God, nor did I even mention anything about religion.

I just told you something about a story from your own book.

Based on your posts, I'm guessing that your path is quite different from that what Jesus (whose true name is Yeshua) taught.
Yanno....................maybe you could actually feel for Huggy and think of the way he views the world, maybe you could be a great Christian as well.

However...............................kicking those who come to your tent and telling them that they're wrong is a bad move.

Might wanna check out the lessons that Abraham and Lot laid down sometime.

This ^^^^^ is a comment about my walk with God, yamoron biker.

Never said anything about your walk with God, nor did I even mention anything about religion.

I just told you something about a story from your own book.

Based on your posts, I'm guessing that your path is quite different from that what Jesus (whose true name is Yeshua) taught.

If you only knew how many loons obsess over the name "Yeshua".

You are a piss poor biblical scholar. You profess a lot of knowledge you don't have, and you get your stories mixed up. Like when you thought Noah slept with his daughters in a cave.

And you are talking about my walk with God. You still are. I'm sorry you're too dim, or drunk, to comprehend what you are saying...but that's not my problem. I'll pray for you. I pray for scumbags all the time, that's part of my path.
OK... Let's talk about the war on Christmas.

I'm gonna start with the macro economics..

When I was a kid there was no Walmart..Big box stores... JC Pennys and Sears Roebuck was about as big as it got. Now probably upwards of 75% of the junk that will mostly be destroyed by the end of January originates in Asia. It used to be a big boon for the American economy to manufacture and distribute the goods bought and sold on more. Now it is just a handfull of minimum wage jobs.

What pray tell is the religious component of Christmas?

Someone please tell me how Jesus would view an American Christmas.

Far more is displayed about Santa and the reindeer than the nativity scene. And is the nativity scene even rellevant to December 25th?

How can any serious Christian scholar look at a typical American household's Christmas without having blood come out of his eyes ...ears and nose?

If I may offer a tip for the Christians you should try to seperate your holiday from the disgusting trinket smorgasboard fest which really only helps economies in the third world and seek an actually factual birthdate for Christ and celebrate actual events.
OK... Let's talk about the war on Christmas.

I'm gonna start with the macro economics..

When I was a kid there was no Walmart..Big box stores... JC Pennys and Sears Roebuck was about as big as it got. Now probably upwards of 75% of the junk that will mostly be destroyed by the end of January originates in Asia. It used to be a big boon for the American economy to manufacture and distribute the goods bought and sold on more. Now it is just a handfull of minimum wage jobs.

What pray tell is the religious component of Christmas?

Someone please tell me how Jesus would view an American Christmas.

Far more is displayed about Santa and the reindeer than the nativity scene. And is the nativity scene even rellevant to December 25th?

How can any serious Christian scholar look at a typical American household's Christmas without having blood come out of his eyes ...ears and nose?

If I may offer a tip for the Christians you should try to seperate your holiday from the disgusting trinket smorgasboard fest which really only helps economies in the third world and seek an actually factual birthdate for Christ and celebrate actual events.

We do celebrate Christ's birth on Christmas. What the seculars do with it is on them...

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