The progressive war on Christmas/Christianity

Word has it that Jesus didn't celebrate Christmas. Most Jews don't.

Word has it that Jesus was not so egotistical as to celebrate his own birth. After all, he's not obama.

Celebrating your birthday means you're egotistical? Guess that means 99.99% of the population are egotistical.

Yeah that was a bizarre statement. People celebrate their birthday as soon as they're old enough to talk.

But it does give me an opening for--

Dear fellow Christians....please stop complaining about the "war on Christmas". You make the rest of us look dumb. Thanks.
Veterans group to fight order to tear down Calif. cross


5 hr ago |By Dan Whitcomb of Reuters

"We are definitely appealing and are committed to preserving this veterans memorial the way it was intended to be, which includes a cross," said Mateer, general counsel for the Liberty Institute.

LOS ANGELES - A veterans association that built a massive cross overlooking San Diego as part of a war memorial plans to fight a federal judge's order to tear it down, a lawyer for the group said on Friday.

Attorney Jeff Mateer said he hoped the U.S. Supreme Court, which last year declined to intervene in the 25-year legal battle, will step in now that there has been an order to dismantle the cross, and rule for his clients.

"We are definitely appealing and are committed to preserving this veterans memorial the way it was intended to be, which includes a cross," said Mateer, general counsel for the Liberty Institute, which is representing the Mt. Soledad Veterans Memorial Association in the case.


Veterans group to fight order to tear down Calif. cross

That's the first time I've seen a picture of it.

And my first impression is that it doesn't seem like a Veterans Memorial at all since the most prominent feature, far and away, is the Christian Cross. It literally dwarfs anything and everything else about the memorial. In fact, even from close up, you can't see any plaques or anything else denoting a memorial to Veterans or anything to do with Americans who have sacrificed their lives in battle. But the cross itself towers over everything else.

But be that as it may, there's one question that remains. What about all the Veterans who fell in combat and were either of different faiths or no faith at all? Don't they count?

Do you think anyone cared to ask the families of these soldiers who died in World War II, their religious preference?

Veterans group to fight order to tear down Calif. cross


5 hr ago |By Dan Whitcomb of Reuters

"We are definitely appealing and are committed to preserving this veterans memorial the way it was intended to be, which includes a cross," said Mateer, general counsel for the Liberty Institute.

LOS ANGELES - A veterans association that built a massive cross overlooking San Diego as part of a war memorial plans to fight a federal judge's order to tear it down, a lawyer for the group said on Friday.

Attorney Jeff Mateer said he hoped the U.S. Supreme Court, which last year declined to intervene in the 25-year legal battle, will step in now that there has been an order to dismantle the cross, and rule for his clients.

"We are definitely appealing and are committed to preserving this veterans memorial the way it was intended to be, which includes a cross," said Mateer, general counsel for the Liberty Institute, which is representing the Mt. Soledad Veterans Memorial Association in the case.


Veterans group to fight order to tear down Calif. cross

That's the first time I've seen a picture of it.

And my first impression is that it doesn't seem like a Veterans Memorial at all since the most prominent feature, far and away, is the Christian Cross. It literally dwarfs anything and everything else about the memorial. In fact, even from close up, you can't see any plaques or anything else denoting a memorial to Veterans or anything to do with Americans who have sacrificed their lives in battle. But the cross itself towers over everything else.

But be that as it may, there's one question that remains. What about all the Veterans who fell in combat and were either of different faiths or no faith at all? Don't they count?

Do you think anyone cared to ask the families of these soldiers who died in World War II, their religious preference?


Dunno if they asked the families of the soldiers what their religious preference was, but I DO know that the soldiers themselves were asked what their religious preference was, and I also know that it was recorded on their Record of Emergency Data. How do I know this? Served 20 years in the U.S. Navy as a Personnelman.
A so-called war on Christianity does not mean a war on Christmas. I celebrate a traditional Christmas, but I think Christianity sucks.

1. How do you define "Christianity" ?

2. What do you think about it sucks ?

3. Do you think the words of Jesus Christ suck ?

How do I define Christianity? Any religion that worships Jesus Christ as God.

What do I think sucks about Christianity? The fact that many people claim to follow Christ, yet very few of them act like it. Personally, I think Pope Francis acts more like a Christian than many of those who vilify him as a socialist or worse.

Do I think the words of Jesus Christ suck? No. Actually, what He taught and said makes a lot of sense to me. So does taking care of the sick and the poor and telling people that "it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter Heaven".

I like what Ghandi said about the situation once, "I like your Christ, but not your Christians. They are so unlike your Christ".
John Allen’s Stark Reality of a Global War on Christians

December 10, 2013 By Elizabeth Scalia

Deacon Greg Kandra has linked to the words of an Orthodox Priest, Fr. Peter-Michael Preble, who is sketching out the difference between what American Christians perceive as persecution, and what what real persecution is:

Are you, as a Christian, prevented by anyone from setting up a Christmas tree in your home? Are you, as a Christian, prevented from attending the church of your choice on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day?. . .Have armed rebels stormed your church or home and taken you hostage or shot you in the street just for being a Christian? My guess the answer to all of these questions is no.

Just yesterday, it was reported in the news that Syrian rebels have reentered the Syrian city of Maaloula, entered a Christian monastery, which also serves as an orphanage, kidnapped the 12 nuns living there and desecrated the monastery’s church. This was done for no other reason than they are Christians. That is persecution…

Father Preble goes on to effectively lay out some genuine insults to Christmas, given by us Christians, when we are thoughtless, or when — as with this story — we completely lose site of mercy and further bend the cross of Christ Jesus to the ground.

Christmas aside, the bottom line is this: in America we live in a habitual conceit of primacy; we think if something isn’t happening here, it’s not happening anywhere, and if something is happening here, it’s either better or worse — but by all means more worthy of note and action — than anything that’s happening in other parts of the world.

In the case of religious persecution, for example, the argument can be made (and I have certainly been willing to make it) that the creeping governmental and court-supported intrusions upon religious conscience are a kind of incipient persecution — one that portends an anti-religious, conscience-crushing future.

All symptoms noted, that future is distant. If we want to gain some useful perspective, however, on what anti-Christian persecution entails, and understand how 100,000 or so Christians are slain each year for professing the Christ, then it’s time to read John L. Allen’s unnerving new book, The Global War on Christians: Dispatches from the Front Lines of Anti-Christian Persecution


John Allen?s Stark Reality of a Global War on Christians
All the so-called christians want to do is try and shove their beliefs down others throats.
Just go to your place of worship and pray and sing and do what ever it is you do in your little world.
Do not make this a national epidemic because it is not.

It should be either taken down or moved.

Thread cleaned. Lets get back on topic or we'll have to shut this one down. Thank you...
Veterans group to fight order to tear down Calif. cross


5 hr ago |By Dan Whitcomb of Reuters

"We are definitely appealing and are committed to preserving this veterans memorial the way it was intended to be, which includes a cross," said Mateer, general counsel for the Liberty Institute.

LOS ANGELES - A veterans association that built a massive cross overlooking San Diego as part of a war memorial plans to fight a federal judge's order to tear it down, a lawyer for the group said on Friday.

Attorney Jeff Mateer said he hoped the U.S. Supreme Court, which last year declined to intervene in the 25-year legal battle, will step in now that there has been an order to dismantle the cross, and rule for his clients.

"We are definitely appealing and are committed to preserving this veterans memorial the way it was intended to be, which includes a cross," said Mateer, general counsel for the Liberty Institute, which is representing the Mt. Soledad Veterans Memorial Association in the case.


Veterans group to fight order to tear down Calif. cross

That's the first time I've seen a picture of it.

And my first impression is that it doesn't seem like a Veterans Memorial at all since the most prominent feature, far and away, is the Christian Cross. It literally dwarfs anything and everything else about the memorial. In fact, even from close up, you can't see any plaques or anything else denoting a memorial to Veterans or anything to do with Americans who have sacrificed their lives in battle. But the cross itself towers over everything else.

But be that as it may, there's one question that remains. What about all the Veterans who fell in combat and were either of different faiths or no faith at all? Don't they count?

Do you think anyone cared to ask the families of these soldiers who died in World War II, their religious preference?


Considering that I see a Star of David in the middle foreground, I would say yes.

And since I served in the military and was issued a set of dog tags where my religious preference (if any) was asked and included on my tags, I know the answer is yes. Family religious considerations are taken into consideration. Some people probably don't care one way or the other. Others care very deeply.
All the so-called christians want to do is try and shove their beliefs down others throats.
Just go to your place of worship and pray and sing and do what ever it is you do in your little world.
Do not make this a national epidemic because it is not.

It should be either taken down or moved.

Thread cleaned. Lets get back on topic or we'll have to shut this one down. Thank you...

Actually, we are not obligated to hide our faith or the observance of our faith.

That's one of the basic tenets that our country was founded on. If you don't like it, feel free to move to Yemen.
All the so-called christians want to do is try and shove their beliefs down others throats.
Just go to your place of worship and pray and sing and do what ever it is you do in your little world.
Do not make this a national epidemic because it is not.

It should be either taken down or moved.

Actually, we are not obligated to hide our faith or the observance of our faith.

That's one of the basic tenets that our country was founded on. If you don't like it, feel free to move to Yemen.

There's no doubt that there is an active persecution of Christians in places like Africa and the ME, to say nothing of china. But, I don't think that detracts from KG's basic tenent, as I understand it. When I grew up in the 60s, it was unimaginable we'd have the number of abortions we have today. It was unimaginable that men would walk away from families because it was convenient.
You so need to provide some proof of this statement. It is such a fallacy.

All the so-called christians want to do is try and shove their beliefs down others throats.
Just go to your place of worship and pray and sing and do what ever it is you do in your little world.
Do not make this a national epidemic because it is not.

It should be either taken down or moved.

Actually, we are not obligated to hide our faith or the observance of our faith.

That's one of the basic tenets that our country was founded on. If you don't like it, feel free to move to Yemen.
All the so-called christians want to do is try and shove their beliefs down others throats.
Just go to your place of worship and pray and sing and do what ever it is you do in your little world.
Do not make this a national epidemic because it is not.

It should be either taken down or moved.

Actually, we are not obligated to hide our faith or the observance of our faith.

That's one of the basic tenets that our country was founded on. If you don't like it, feel free to move to Yemen.

"Not hide" / "shove down throats" -- know the difference.

The former is self-explanatory. The latter is more like what my neighbor was doing earlier today. They live at the crest of a hill at the end of the road, considerably higher than the rest of the street, which gives them a natural ampitheater. Occasionally a woman comes out and starts yelling, pacing back and forth on her porch, back and forth, babbling some "father god" babble-onya, facing down the holler so that everyone on the street gets an earful whether they want it or not. And she tosses in some glossolalia, or "speaking in tongues", which I'm convinced is a device to fill up space so that nobody with a comment like "take it inside" can get a word in edgewise.

She'll go on and on like that, pacing back and forth, for hours. I have video. Been meaning to upload it to YouTube. I really wish they'd learn to play music or tell jokes or some damn thing less self indulgent so that the rest of us could at least get something out of it.
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You maintain that publicly adhering to one's faith is "shoving down throats". You need to study up, not me...we have the right to publicly adhere to our religion.

You are not required to adhere to it.

Hence, it is not being shoved down anything of yours.

And we are not obliged to hide in our homes and hide any evidence of our faith from people who might be looking on.
That has nothing to do with what our laws allow.

And while praying can be done privately, our religion tells us also to share the Word...and to join with others to worship.
That has nothing to do with what our laws allow.

And while praying can be done privately, our religion tells us also to share the Word...and to join with others to worship.

I wouldn't associate pacing back and forth on one's porch babbling incoherently in a screaming voice aiming downhill at the rest of the street with the concept of "join".
Just say-yin'.

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