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The Promise, And Then The REAL Promise

...Slavery and serfdom had economic advantages and no doubt your ilk were big on its revenue and opposed to ending its subjugation to include supplanting and subverting peoples with hostile indifference and pathetic excuses .

But , you would not let that keep you from trying to paint others as advocates of slavery .... .

What happened to you pretending to understand legal positivism, dilettante?
There's much more to it than having some bureaucrat say "go make more babies!"

Absolutely correct!


Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad inaugurated a new policy on Tuesday to encourage population growth, dismissing Iran’s decades of family planning as ungodly and a Western import….Throughout the 1990s, Iran tried to reduce population growth by encouraging men and women to use free or inexpensive contraceptives, as well as vasectomies. The government brought down the country’s population growth rate from its 1986 height of 3.9 percent to just 1.6 percent in 2006. Ahmadinejad caused public outcry, however, when shortly after he was elected in 2005 he said two children per family were not enough and urged Iranians to have more. http://news.salon.com/2010/07/27/iran_population/

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has urged girls to marry at the age of 16, according to newspaper reports. The leader criticised the current average marrying age of between 24 and 26. Iran: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad urges girls to marry at 16

Can they reverse the trend? Hardly…the 25-year-old’s mother had married in her teens, and had several children by this time. The modern Iranian spent the time in school or working- if she can find a job.

Literacy and women's rights cut the birthrate.....but mechanization may allow more time for workers.....
Once immigrant families have been in the US for several generations, they are more likely to vote Republican. Immigration does NOT equal perpetual democrat voters. Republicans have every reason to have confidence in the strength of Republican principles.

" Members of a family that has been in the country for multiple generations and uses primarily English are more likely to vote Republican than those who more recently arrived in the United States. "

Let's see the exit polls.
" Arrogance Of A Simpleton Critic "

* Fecund Idiocy *

What happened to you pretending to understand legal positivism, dilettante?
The suppositions are framed within the context of natural freedoms , perspectivism , and the social civil contract .

Your statements are as usual , vacuous and little more than exemplary of your penchant for scat .
" Boo Fucking Who "

* Unjustifiable Stupidity *

Demographics don't work that way, idiot. It's not a switch you can flip on and off at a moment's notice.
There's much more to it than having some bureaucrat say "go make more babies!"
Why should anyone give a slightest damn against 1.4 billion people reducing their population growth ?
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" End Games "

* Opposing Parties Who Agree On Idiotic Immigration Policies *

The 'switch' is restricting immigration to America's needs, not the rest of the world's or the Democrat Party's needs.
It has been apparent for considerable time , to me anyway , that both parties maintain partisan motivations for the absurd immigration policies of rate and lack of merit based criteria .

The democrats want a socialist state and republicans want cheap labor and market growth and both believe its ends are achieved by demands from more and more people .

Af the forefront of the conflagration created by the parties and opposition to population reduction is the the social security ponzi scheme which is propped up by income tax at the federal level while states foot the bill for socializing the gluttony of dependents .
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Some people seem to think that immigrants can vote the moment they cross the border. They can't. Naturalization, for those who pursue the extensive and expensive process, takes years.

Some people seem to think that immigration means perpetual democrat voters. It does not. Just as several generations in a family will speak English primarily if not exclusively in the home, several generations in many people see the conspicuous reason of conservative principles and vote accordingly. It would seem that many of the more hysterical posters here are unaware of how intrinsically conservative many immigrants from many places really are.

Some people seem unfamiliar with the meaning and significance of "replacement level fertility rate."
" Mises Most Childish Selfish Cry Baby Whiners On The Planet "

* Allegiance To None Winner Take All *

The only value a coprophiliac , anarcho capitalist , such as yourself attributes to human life and every other life form is what you can exploit from it even if that makes it expendable .

Go back to taking the nap that is the non aggression principle which is blathering idiocy devised by a simpleton and indicative of the entire extremist libertarian schema .

By definition , libertarianism seeks negative wrights of proscriptions against government action to establish negative liberties with respect to government ; furthermore , libertarians are blatantly lying to everyone that its principle asserts positive wrights through authoritarian actions of government to establish either negative liberties between individuals or positive liberties for individuals ; note that libertarianism and authoritarianism are antonyms with respect to government .

A concept of libertarianism is that individuals , that is industry , should be able to ignore immigration rules and import foreign labor into its factories at minimal costs to itself , such libertarianism does not maintain any national allegiance and it believes individuals can sell themselves and even others into servitude .

The Cato Institute is an American libertarian think tank headquartered in Washington, D.C.
Many Cato scholars have advocated support for civil liberties, liberal immigration policies,[45] drug liberalization,[46] and the repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell and laws restricting consensual sexual activity.[47][48] Cato scholars have consistently called for the privatization of many government services and institutions, including NASA, Social Security, the United States Postal Service, the Transportation Security Administration, public schooling, public transportation systems, and public broadcasting.[58][59][60][61][62][63][64][65] The institute opposes minimum wage laws, saying that they violate the freedom of contract and thus private property rights, and increase unemployment.[66][67] It is opposed to expanding overtime regulations, arguing that it will benefit some employees in the short term, while costing jobs or lowering wages of others, and have no meaningful long-term impact.[68][69] It opposes child labor prohibitions.[70][71][72] It opposes public sector unions and supports right-to-work laws.[73][74] It opposes universal health care, arguing that it is harmful to patients and an intrusion onto individual liberty.[75][76] It is against affirmative action.[77] It has also called for total abolition of the welfare state, and has argued that it should be replaced with reduced business regulations to create more jobs, and argues that private charities are fully capable of replacing it.[78][79] Cato has also opposed antitrust laws.[80][81]

* We Were Doing Fine Before Was Put In Place And Would Be Doing Fine Without It *

Is an understanding of economics, basic math, and the value of human life. All of which you lack.
If no immigrants had entered the country after 1965, when the U.S. population numbered 193 million, the nation’s population still would have grown—to 252 million people by 2015, rather than 324 million. The population would have grown by less than half as much as it actually did (30% vs. 67% growth).
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Some people seem to think that immigrants can vote the moment they cross the border. They can't. Naturalization, for those who pursue the extensive and expensive process, takes years.

Some people seem to think that immigration means perpetual democrat voters. It does not. Just as several generations in a family will speak English primarily if not exclusively in the home, several generations in many people see the conspicuous reason of conservative principles and vote accordingly. It would seem that many of the more hysterical posters here are unaware of how intrinsically conservative many immigrants from many places really are.

Some people seem unfamiliar with the meaning and significance of "replacement level fertility rate."

"the moment they cross the border" is a disingenuous exaggeration on your part.
It is exactly the reason the Democrats advertise for them to come, and provide food stamps when they get here.

I expect more honesty from you.

"It's Official: Clinton's Popular Vote Win Came Entirely From California
If you take California out of the popular vote equation, then Trump wins the rest of the country by 1.4 million votes.
.... if you look at every other measure, Trump was the clear and decisive winner in this election."
It's Official: Clinton's Popular Vote Win Came Entirely From California

Think California is loaded with illegal alien voters??????

You betcha'!!!!

has the largest number of illegal immigrants in the United States, with an estimated 2.4 million unauthorized immigrants making up about 6.3 percent of the state's total population, according to the Pew Research Center.Sep 14, 2015

Illegal Immigration Statistics in California - Newsmax.com

"Nevada Sec. State: DMV Instructed Employees To Register Non-Citizens To Vote

“It has come to our attention that when offering voter registration opportunities to customers, DMV’s employees offer voter registration materials to DMV customers whom they know to be non-citizens based upon their presentation of a Green Card for identification purposes,” Cegavske wrote."
“More specifically, it is our understanding that some DMV employees have been instructed to accept registration materials from all customers, including those who present a Green Card for identification purposes…"

"No Citizenship Proof Required for Voter ID at DMV?

The DOT page detailing the Wisconsin ID card petition process advises individuals seeking a voter ID card to provide the Division of Motor Vehicles with the usual identifying information — a birth certificate, Social Security card, proof of Wisconsin residency (utility bill, government mail, etc.), and proof of U.S. citizenship.

“If you don’t have all or any of these, you can still get an ID for voting,” the web page assures.

Those who are cleared to vote will receive a photo ID document in the mail that they can use in time for voting.

The onus is on DMV investigators to track down the applicant’s qualifying voter ID documents.
A state government employee with inside information on the process tells Empower Wisconsin that there’s no way to truly test that diligence."
No Citizenship Proof Required for Voter ID at DMV?

Once the Left is forced to admit that the bogus "11 million illegal aliens" live in this nation....
...with the real number over 50 million....then the number voting is easy to understand.

And, Democrats make it easy:
"The biggest misconception about the problem of non-citizen voting is that illegal aliens are "undocumented." That's nonsense. Some experts believe that up to 75% of illegals who work in America have fraudulent Social Security cards. Fake licenses, birth certificates, and green cards are incredibly common. The fake ID industry is worth more than $2 billion."
Report: As Many as 5.7 Million Non-Citizens Voted in 2008 Election
... yourself attributes to human life and every other life form is what you can exploit from it even if that makes it expendable .

You've been reduced to infantile lies because you know you cannot really support any point, Cliff. Support your offensive accusation, or apologize and withdraw.
Once immigrant families have been in the US for several generations, they are more likely to vote Republican. Immigration does NOT equal perpetual democrat voters. Republicans have every reason to have confidence in the strength of Republican principles.

" Members of a family that has been in the country for multiple generations and uses primarily English are more likely to vote Republican than those who more recently arrived in the United States. "

The melting pot is still working just fine.

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