The proof is in the pudding,Belichick is the second most overrated coach coaching..


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2008
This was from a current PLAYERS poll.:lol:

Belechick is the second most over rated coach right behind Rex Ryan.:lol: I myself would put him AHEAD of Ryan.At least Ryan was able to get to two AFC championships a couple times despite having a pathetic quarterback named Mark Sanchez.:lol::lol::D

I have been saying that for years that he is so over rated.the other day I could not help but laugh also because the sports announcer here in kansas city even came on and said what i been saying for years saying-He was horrible in Cleveland when he was their coach and he then goes to New England and all of a sudden he is a genius because he now has Tom Brady? :lol: I swear,im not making this up.I was laughing so hard hearing a sports announcer say the same thing I had been saying for years.

His first year with the patriots matter of fact when he had Bledsoe as his starter he had a losing season.No way would he have ever even made Brady the starter if Bledoe had not gotten hurt and been forced to stay on the bench for a long time after the injury that year.

oh and for the Belichick apologists who are going to say that one year when Brady was hurt and Castle was the starter and they went 11-5 makes him a good coach?give it up.according to that warped logic, that makes Todd Haley a good coach since Castle in his second year with the chiefs took them to a winning season and made it to the pro bowl.:lol::lol: :lmao:

Put any NFL quarterback behind that offensive line that Brady had back then and with a receiver like Randy Moss to throw to who was still a great player at that time, and of course your going to win a lot of games as a head coach.:lol:

NFL Players Vote Bill Belichick As Second-Most Overrated Coach « CBS Boston
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This was from a current PLAYERS poll.:lol:

Belechick is the second most over rated coach right behind Rex Ryan.:lol: I myself would put him AHEAD of Ryan.At least Ryan was able to get to two AFC championships a couple times despite having a pathetic quarterback named Mark Sanchez.:lol::lol::D

I have been saying that for years that he is so over rated.the other day I could not help but laugh also because the sports announcer here in kansas city even came on and said what i been saying for years saying-He was horrible in Cleveland when he was their coach and he then goes to New England and all of a sudden he is a genius because he now has Tom Brady? :lol: I swear,im not making this up.I was laughing so hard hearing a sports announcer say the same thing I had been saying for years.

His first year with the patriots matter of fact when he had Bledsoe as his starter he had a losing season.No way would he have ever even made Brady the starter if Bledoe had not gotten hurt and been forced to stay on the bench for a long time after the injury that year.

oh and for the Belichick apologists who are going to say that one year when Brady was hurt and Castle was the starter and they went 11-5 makes him a good coach?give it up.according to that warped logic, that makes Todd Haley a good coach since Castle in his second year with the chiefs took them to a winning season and made it to the pro bowl.:lol::lol: :lmao:

Put any NFL quarterback behind that offensive line that Brady had back then and with a receiver like Randy Moss to throw to who was still a great player at that time, and of course your going to win a lot of games as a head coach.:lol:

NFL Players Vote Bill Belichick As Second-Most Overrated Coach « CBS Boston

He always looks grumpy and pissed off. If coaching makes him such a dick he should take his dubious as of late talents elsewhere.
This was from a current PLAYERS poll.:lol:

Belechick is the second most over rated coach right behind Rex Ryan.:lol: I myself would put him AHEAD of Ryan.At least Ryan was able to get to two AFC championships a couple times despite having a pathetic quarterback named Mark Sanchez.:lol::lol::D

I have been saying that for years that he is so over rated.the other day I could not help but laugh also because the sports announcer here in kansas city even came on and said what i been saying for years saying-He was horrible in Cleveland when he was their coach and he then goes to New England and all of a sudden he is a genius because he now has Tom Brady? :lol: I swear,im not making this up.I was laughing so hard hearing a sports announcer say the same thing I had been saying for years.

His first year with the patriots matter of fact when he had Bledsoe as his starter he had a losing season.No way would he have ever even made Brady the starter if Bledoe had not gotten hurt and been forced to stay on the bench for a long time after the injury that year.

oh and for the Belichick apologists who are going to say that one year when Brady was hurt and Castle was the starter and they went 11-5 makes him a good coach?give it up.according to that warped logic, that makes Todd Haley a good coach since Castle in his second year with the chiefs took them to a winning season and made it to the pro bowl.:lol::lol: :lmao:

Put any NFL quarterback behind that offensive line that Brady had back then and with a receiver like Randy Moss to throw to who was still a great player at that time, and of course your going to win a lot of games as a head coach.:lol:

NFL Players Vote Bill Belichick As Second-Most Overrated Coach « CBS Boston

He always looks grumpy and pissed off. If coaching makes him such a dick he should take his dubious as of late talents elsewhere.

yeah doesnt he?:lol: He was just lucky being in the right place at the right time.If Pete Carrol had been the coach who was lucky to have been there when The Pats got Tom Brady HE would be the one all the sports people would be hailing as a genius all these years later instead of this clown.The sportscaster in my city hit the nail on the head the other day when he just the other day said-He was horrible in Cleveland,he then goes to new england and gets Tom Brady as his quarterback and all of a sudden he is a genuis?:lol: again that sportscaster hit the nail right on the head.:clap2:
Must be a lot of Belichick fans here.thats the only tyhing that makes sense why nobody has come to cherred this thread that most everybody here is a belichick fan and the truth hurts.hee hee.
Can't properly express how thrilled I was to NOT have to watch Belichick on the sidelines at the Super Bowl. He won't be inflicting himself on the general public until next fall. Good.
I think coaches in general tend to be over-rated. Is he over-rated compared to other coaches ratings though? I'd like to see more insight on that matter.
The success of other people brings out the worst in some people.

That's cynical. I think there are a lot of good successful people. I think Belicek has always been an a-hole.

some people are just sore losers and the truth hurts.

Its not only cynial its stupid as well. Im ean come on,I think Bill Parcells is an A-hole as well but I at least will be objective with him as i always am with Belecheck. Parcells unlike Belecheck,is one of the greatest coachs ever.He took the giants to two superbowls with two different quarterbacks.Then took the past to a superbowl as well.Not only that,he then took the jets to the AFC championship game with a washed up Vinnie Testeverde who had done NOTHING his entire career till then.when Parcells took over the jets I said back then-he'll never do anything with this team this time.That team is beyond being repaired with the players they have.Boy was I wrong.

Look at Belecheck.I had to laugh my ass off a few months ago when the local sports radio announcer here in kansas city talking about Pioli being fired from the chiefs.He talked about his time in NE with Belecheck and then since his name got brought up,he mentioned what I always thought as well.He brought up the facts that Belecheck before he came to NE,he was a complete failure and loser at Cleveland.In five years there he had ONE wining season,then the next year,his last year,his true colors emerged and he had another losing season and got fired.

He came to NE and his first year with Bledsoe as his starter,he had another losing season.The Belcheck apologists then start getting desperate saying that the year brady went down,Matt Castle stepped in and they went 11-5.Big deal.ONE WINNING SEASON with Castle doesnt make him a great THAT logic,that makes Todd Haley a great coach as well since Castle went 10-6 with the cheiefs one year and made it to the pro bowl.:cuckoo: Sorry Belecheck apologists,you cant have it both ways.If that makes Belecheck a great coach,it makes Haley a great one as well.:D

they cant accept it that Castle was just a flash in the pan and that the year with the pats and the year with the chiefs was just a fluke year for BOTH teams.

like that radio announcer said,before he came to NE,when he was in clevelnad,he was a complete failure.a zero.He comes to NE and Tom Brady saves his career from being a disaster and save his butt resurrecting it and all of a sudden he is a genius?:cuckoo: yeah right,and Im the king of england.give me a break.

The truth obviously hurts them that Belecheck is a complete loser and zero without Tom Brady.a nothing.

Reminds me of Mike Shannahan.He isnt that good a coach.Everybody was saying what a genius he was when he had Elway as his quarterback and once he lost Elway,his true colors emerged,that he is a loser.Now that he was lucky enough to get RG3 whom was regarded in the drat to be like Peyton manning,a franchise quarterback who got taken in the second round,Shannahan is going to be called a genuis again.:cuckoo: that is assuming that RG3 can finish having a football career.with his injury that he recived in the playoffs thanks to Shannahan being an idiot not taking him out after the first half,thansk to Shannahan,he may NOT have a carrer again.

I wont even bother reading the posts in reply to this post from the Belecheck apologists cause that fact that he was a complete zero and a failure at Cleveland without Tom Brady gets ignored EVERYTIME as though I never posted it.:cuckoo:

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