The psychology that explains how people become liberals

She looks like a hippie. :lol:

I appreciate Professor X’s desire to champion the downtrodden, but identifying a photograph of commuters on stairs as an act of microaggression and evidence that America is still an oppressive hegemon struck me as someone going out of his way to live his life in a state of high dudgeon.

Wow, that's a perfect description of Trump and his rube herd and their propaganda outlets. :lol:

And she actually voted for Trump, so she says.
Roosh Vorek wrote his fair share of offensive stuff. He is guilty of Aggravated Political Incorrectness.

But he wrote many articles about real discrimination against men in Modern Western World. Men are discriminated in Divorce. Male victims of Domestic Violence are arrested rather then helped. Men get 61% more time for the same crime. Misandry is very common on Social Media and MSM.

Importantly -- Roosh V has red-pilled tens of thousands of people. I doubt I have red-pilled even ten people.

So he is a Karen?
That qualifies one for "expert" status in the alternate universe.
He wrote an opinion piece, where in the article did he claim to be an expert?

I believe you are too hung up on trolling those you disagree with politically by using terms like "alternate universe " to cover for the fact that YOU may be the one in an alternate universe...Just a thought.
He wrote an opinion piece, where in the article did he claim to be an expert?

I believe you are too hung up on trolling those you disagree with politically by using terms like "alternate universe " to cover for the fact that YOU may be the one in an alternate universe...Just a thought.

A "dating coach"? Are we talking "masculine men" or men who live in their parents basement?
Liberals in general and specifically Democrats are pretty much the scum of this country. It has always been difficult to understand how they became scum.

Those failure in the development circuits discussed in the article are all definitely true with Liberals but I think the underlying reason is nothing more than simple greed.
Liberals in general and specifically Democrats are pretty much the scum of this country. It has always been difficult to understand how they became scum.

Those failure in the development circuits discussed in the article are all definitely true with Liberals but I think the underlying reason is nothing more than simple greed.
I always think it's funny when you people try to dissect liberalism with the dull instrument of conservative thought.
I always think it's funny when you people try to dissect liberalism with the dull instrument of conservative thought.

Democrats are the the scum of this country.

They are a coalition of all the shitheads:

Negroes that vote their race and welfare check.


Environmental Wackos

Anti Gun Nuts


Welfare Queens


Greedy Union Assholes

Children Killers


Moon Bats

Confused college kids and their bat shit crazy Marxist professors.
Democrats are the the scum of this country.

They are a coalition of all the shitheads:

Negroes that vote their race and welfare check.


Environmental Wackos

Anti Gun Nuts


Welfare Queens


Greedy Union Assholes

Children Killers


Moon Bats

Confused college kids and their bat shit crazy Marxist professors.
Is that your scientific analysis? Liberals are mostly regular people with regular lives just like conservatives.
Almost everyone that live in a rural area is generally conservative. Almost everyone that lives in a large urban center is generally liberal. Seems pretty obvious to me -

If you exist in an environment where you may not even see your neighbors house from yours, you likely know them well anyway and have for several years you may just think that government needs to get the fuck out of your way so you can live your life. For the most part, your community does not need oversight because you all know each other and work things out between yourselves.

If you live in an environment where you likely never met 3/4 of the people you pass when leaving your apartment every day, your neighbor will wake you up in the middle of the night if they are walking to loudly upstairs and they may be different people from month to month, you might think that we need some community rules, guidelines and consequences to ensure you can all get along. Community rules are a lot more important when the group is so large it no longer polices itself.
Those progressive authoritarians misidentified as liberals don't need psychology to be understood. It is quite simple.
They were born with heads full of shit. They lived their lives filling their heads with more shit. They insist that your life be directed by their shitty ideas.
Ideas so repugnant that they must be forced on others, by gunpoint if need be and resisted.
A "dating coach"? Are we talking "masculine men" or men who live in their parents basement?
So? Are you saying he doesn't have a right to his opinion?

Why don't you address the points of the thread instead of looking fragile in your ad hom attacks?

There was a member earlier that posted real studies on the subject. I notice you avoid those like the plauge.
Those progressive authoritarians misidentified as liberals don't need psychology to be understood. It is quite simple.
They were born with heads full of shit. They lived their lives filling their heads with more shit. They insist that your life be directed by their shitty ideas.
Ideas so repugnant that they must be forced on others, by gunpoint if need be and resisted.

Like how you can't wear a hoodie on a somewhat warmer day?
So? Are you saying he doesn't have a right to his opinion?

Why don't you address the points of the thread instead of looking fragile in your ad hom attacks?

There was a member earlier that posted real studies on the subject. I notice you avoid those like the plauge.

Of course he is entitled to his opinion. You do realize he is making fun of people who read that site though right? You masculine studs all needing dating coaches and all.
Those progressive authoritarians misidentified as liberals don't need psychology to be understood. It is quite simple.
They were born with heads full of shit. They lived their lives filling their heads with more shit. They insist that your life be directed by their shitty ideas.
Ideas so repugnant that they must be forced on others, by gunpoint if need be and resisted.
A lot of people became liberals because they had abusive conservative assholes for parents. We know the true face of conservatism better than anyone.
Of course he is entitled to his opinion. You do realize he is making fun of people who read that site though right? You masculine studs all needing dating coaches and all.
Lol, more sidestepping the issue, and attacking the writer...What are you afraid of?

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