The ‘Public Figures’ Attending the 2022 World Economic Forum in Davos

Did Russia tell the country they were going to get rid of fossil fuels & then choke our domestic production?
Corn Pop says to Joe "don't start no problem, won't be no problem"
You are oh so close to the truth but it still evades your grasp
^^^ Gaslighting Alert!!! ^^^

Since we elected Obama/Biden we increased US liquid fuel production 2.5 times and are now a net exporter of liquid fuels.

Russia's attack on Ukraine is the cause of massive shortages. The faster we can build infrastructure that doesn't rely on fossil fuel, the better off we will all be.
^^^ Gaslighting Alert!!! ^^^

Since we elected Obama/Biden we increased US liquid fuel production 2.5 times and are now a net exporter of liquid fuels.

Russia's attack on Ukraine is the cause of massive shortages. The faster we can build infrastructure that doesn't rely on fossil fuel, the better off we will all be.

^^Real Gaslighting^^

The oil and gas increased despite O and bidens policies. Most leases were private. You can quit flying that lie that russia is the cause of shortages because that bird ain't flying. There were already shortages before russia/ukraine.
The larger crisis is the fuel shortage caused by Russia. They should park their Jets & Yachts before vehicles run dry so people cant work & goods can't get delivered. That may cause peasants to revolt against these power hungry elite.
The fuel shortage as with all shortages were planned and manufactured by The Globalist Government. It is men who ride and control the 4 Horsemen of The Apocalypse

This below article was written 2 years ago.

The Third Horseman: The Rider On The Black Horse​

Revelation 6:5-6: When the Lamb opened the third seal... I looked, and there before me was a black horse! Its rider was holding a pair of scales in his hand… Saying, "A quart of wheat for a day's wages, and three quarts of barley for a day's wages, and do not damage the oil and the wine!"

The black horse represents famine.

It takes an entire day’s wages just to buy a quart of wheat.

“Balances” reveal scarcity. Americans don’t worry about the availability of food in times of plenty. In these future days, the price of food will skyrocket while millions have no access to food anyway.

Worldwide famine is not hard to imagine. Witness it now in Central and Eastern Africa. In the event of serious crop failure, no part of the world is more than one year away from critical starvation and the rich U.S. is only two years away.

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^^^ Gaslighting Alert!!! ^^^

Since we elected Obama/Biden we increased US liquid fuel production 2.5 times and are now a net exporter of liquid fuels.

Russia's attack on Ukraine is the cause of massive shortages. The faster we can build infrastructure that doesn't rely on fossil fuel, the better off we will all be.
So called "Fossil Fuels" (an outdated 150 year old theory) give The Poor, and The Working Poor economic freedom and opportunities for upward mobility.

Eliminating so called "Fossil Fuels" will bring upward mobility and economic freedom to a halt and make humanity completely dependent on a single utility which can be turned off on them at the click of a mouse. Totalitarianism at it's worst.

Hydrocarbons are manufactured deep in The Earth's interior through sublimation of the crust at sublimation zones. Hydrocarbons have nothing to do with dead dinosaurs or dead plants. That is a fairy tale.

One look at Saturn's moon, Titan will tell you that. Global Warming like Fossil Fuel are both lies and propaganda being used to push Global Government and to declare a manufactured Crisis so Globalists Elites can rob the poor and powerless of their wealth and property, control them and oppress them and deprive them of economic freedom and upward mobility.

Saturn's orange moon Titan has hundreds of times more liquid hydrocarbons than all the known oil and natural gas reserves on Earth, according to new Cassini data. The hydrocarbons rain from the sky, collecting in vast deposits that form lakes and dunes.
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^^^ Gaslighting Alert!!! ^^^

Since we elected Obama/Biden we increased US liquid fuel production 2.5 times and are now a net exporter of liquid fuels.

Russia's attack on Ukraine is the cause of massive shortages. The faster we can build infrastructure that doesn't rely on fossil fuel, the better off we will all be.
^^^ Idiot Alert!!! ^^^
Only the most brainwashed can ignore the increase in fuel prices well before Russia/Ukraine was on the news.
Focusing on greenie pipe dreams will not alleviate the problems.
Even MSM acknowledges we are a net importer again.
Nice try proggy

“In 2021, the United States returned to importing more petroleum (which includes crude oil, refined petroleum products, and other liquids) than it exports following its historic shift to being a net exporter of petroleum in 2020,” the EIA said. “According to our February 2022 Short-Term Energy Outlook (STEO), we expect net crude oil imports to increase, making the United States a net importer of petroleum in 2022.”
EU is investing €300bn in getting off Russian Oil and Gas by 2027...

At least 20% of that will goto renewables, thanks to Putin we are getting more investment in Renewables...
Spain already tried the green economy thing and it was a fucking disaster. Until the technology improves significantly it's pretty much a waste of money when governments are involved.
Call me crazy, but I’d think a Zoom meeting would be environmentally more friendly than hundreds of private jets flying in from all over the world.

Call me when those saying it’s a crisis start acting like it’s a crisis.

Should CPAC have done the same?
That's cute....You're actually stupid enough to believe that the biggest gathering of global oligarchs is going to be doing things that benefit you.

Whatta fuckin' rube! :laugh2:
Oligarchs are Russians...

Have you proof of how many Russians are going this year or are willing to admit you have falsely smeared them..

So after we establish that you really haven't a clue who is there... I know a number of people who have been invited to Davos and none of the them were Russian or multimillionaires (never mind Billionaires)...

Could you please tell us where you get your information from? Then I could verify your source..
And that doesn't even count the trillions from the Fed or the trillions from the NY Fed to keep credit markets open in 2019.

Then they brag about that economy.

They don't care. Willful ignorance is bliss.
Honestly Mac,

I have worked in investment banks and done business at higher governmental level... There is this belief that someone is running something...

Nope, life is far more incompetent than that... The Fed pumped money into the markets to stop them collapsing and yes there are people with money (generally other people's money) who can see this and take advantage of it...

Willfull Ignorance does definitely exist but there is a ton of just plain ignorance and arrogance.. The questions I was asked on a FX trading floor during the banking crisis who make your head spin..
That is by far the most lucid argument I have heard yet as to why we should stop Russia.
Preventing any more insane govt spending on renewable energy pipe dreams for a non-existent climate crises could actually make me consider supporting the war if I didn't know better.
No more foreign war meat grinders so the elites can make more money
Nobody yet has gone to war for a wind turbine...

The argument for renewables has got a lot to do with energy independence... Russia invested in Iceland duriing the banking crisis to slow down the development of Geothermal energy being produced... Denmark has a whole industry around wind technology which they have made a large export business around...

We differ on our views on Climate Change but there is no doubt it is better getting you energy at home using home grown industry than ploughing money into places in the Middle East protecting Oil interests. Europe was investing heavily in developing alternative sources for energy, Germany has invested heavily in Solar on a more local level than going to Sahara (which didn't work out, but you have to take risks)... World's first magma-enhanced geothermal system created in Iceland

If the tech works in Iceland then US has plenty of good sites..

BTW, Wind tech would be very good in the midwest, it provides good jobs in rural areas...
^^Real Gaslighting^^

The oil and gas increased despite O and bidens policies. Most leases were private. You can quit flying that lie that russia is the cause of shortages because that bird ain't flying. There were already shortages before russia/ukraine.
For guys who talk about capitalism a lot, you know hell all about how the global oil market works...

Lets be very clear, Oil sourced in US doesn't belong to the US. It belongs to private companies who sell it to whoever they like, namely the ones that offer the highest amount of money... Shipping oil is relatively cheap (2c-3c per gallon) compared to extra other countries will pay.
Nobody yet has gone to war for a wind turbine...

The argument for renewables has got a lot to do with energy independence... Russia invested in Iceland duriing the banking crisis to slow down the development of Geothermal energy being produced... Denmark has a whole industry around wind technology which they have made a large export business around...

We differ on our views on Climate Change but there is no doubt it is better getting you energy at home using home grown industry than ploughing money into places in the Middle East protecting Oil interests. Europe was investing heavily in developing alternative sources for energy, Germany has invested heavily in Solar on a more local level than going to Sahara (which didn't work out, but you have to take risks)... World's first magma-enhanced geothermal system created in Iceland

If the tech works in Iceland then US has plenty of good sites..

BTW, Wind tech would be very good in the midwest, it provides good jobs in rural areas...
I've got no problem with renewables per se but not at the expense of our economic health & definitely not in pursuit of the Don Quixote-ish battle against the mythical man made climate change monster.
I've got renewables on the ranch but I know that for the foreseeable future, we will depend on fossil fuels for our needs to a degree that this other stuff is not ready to supplant.
Let it develop at market speed without being shoved down our throat & disrupting society in the process.
I'd bet we could come up with much more efficient cleaner energy if the market wasn't manipulated.
These gas prices are on purpose to hammer us into EV submission & I won't go along. Ever
Oligarchs are Russians...

Have you proof of how many Russians are going this year or are willing to admit you have falsely smeared them..

So after we establish that you really haven't a clue who is there... I know a number of people who have been invited to Davos and none of the them were Russian or multimillionaires (never mind Billionaires)...

Could you please tell us where you get your information from? Then I could verify your source..
Oligarchs transcend nationality, rube.
Oligarchs are Russians...

Have you proof of how many Russians are going this year or are willing to admit you have falsely smeared them..

So after we establish that you really haven't a clue who is there... I know a number of people who have been invited to Davos and none of the them were Russian or multimillionaires (never mind Billionaires)...

Could you please tell us where you get your information from? Then I could verify your source..

You might want to invest in a dictionary.

The larger crisis is the fuel shortage caused by Russia. They should park their Jets & Yachts before vehicles run dry so people cant work & goods can't get delivered. That may cause peasants to revolt against these power hungry elite.
Caused by Brandon’s sanctions on US oil.

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