The Push to Censor Half of America is ON!!!!!

Total Bullshit..; "THE SITE Says"????? You and your fucking brain substitute fact checkers..BACK THAT UP !!! GO to CTH and show me where "THE SITES SAYS" -- any of that..
It isn’t total bullshit. It is a source like any other source, no less valid.

Fallacy of moral equivalence. You've just claimed that all news and theories are true and one is no better or worse than another.

Without even realizing it, you've just both denied the existence of fake news as well as asserting by implication that theories there is no MMGW are just as credible as those which say there is.

Thank you.

How is it false morale equivalence? Fact checking/bias checking etc sites are no different (as in as good or as bad) as any other sources. It all depends on how well they do their job. Just like other sources.

WhatTF GOOD is fact-checker that NOT excellent. objective and accurate? Is it just because folks NEEDS instant "talking points" to defend their position? Need an answer to the BOLDED question above??

AGAIN - it's a source LIKE ANY OTHER. Take it or leave it. What good is ANY article if it's not excellent, objective and accurate...and many are not.
You can NOT claim every single source is equal. In fact I know you don't believe that since you have in the past attacked sources by people you disagree with.
I have nothing against questioning studies with well reasoned arguments, whether it is about Covid or MMGW (thanks FCT for translating), but I'm guessing it is more than that going on in the Treehouse.

What's going on at the TreeHouse I hear about every day from the wife unit.. And it's a respected form of investigative journalism --- ALL spearheaded by the ONE blogger that runs it.,. Many members of CONGRESS are known fans..

Can you provide a link to this place where you think it is a respected form of investigative journalism.

I went to a site to check it out.

I did read some of the articles (posts). I'll read some more. But I am not sure I see what you are seeing.

How did you determine they "respected form of investigative journalism"?

I’m not sure they are either, at least if I look them up here: The Last Refuge (Conservative Treehouse) - Media Bias/Fact Check

This site states they promote a lore of conspiracy, fake news, have poor sourcing and transparency which might be what is getting them in trouble with Wordpress sopince it seems platforms aren’t cracking down on this.

Wow -- Your substitute brain at Media Bias takes points off to nit pick the strangest shit about CTHouse ---

The Last Refuge is a conservative news and opinion blog that encourages comments on their posts. According to their about page: “Fear is at the core of liberalism, and love/trust is at the core of conservatism. Liberalism is about control. Conservatism is about self-empowerment.” This biased statement is reflected in the content of the website.

Wow.,. Was COMPLETELY UNAWARE YOU CAN FACT-CHECK OPINION !!!! If you fall this analysis you're a mental midget.. Such DANGEROUS talk eh? You want to compare to a day at Demo Underground about "unsourced opinion..

But WAIT -- it gets better.. Evidently you can get points off for juicing a title.. EVEN A LITTLE BIT..

There is considerable use of loaded language in headlines such as this: Sketchy Business: Grassley Releases Original Ford Letter to Feinstein… Although this particular article is written well and utilizes sourcing, it ends in big bold letters LIES!, conveying strong support for Judge Kavanaugh without evidence.

Wow.. Now ain't that kindergarden level picky. WELL WRITTEN -- WELL SOURCED -- But "Sketchy Business in the TITLE??? Burn 'em.

Need to nuke some fact checkers.. They piss me off posing as objective judges OF ANYTHING.. Especially when they fancy themselves important at all to "free expression" or "free speech"..
A day at the Dem Underground? That is kind of funny...they, deservedly have a similarly low rating.

Yah know how many times I have been banned at the democrat underground? At least 10 times for life

The last time they got pissed off by me saying poor people subsidize rich people for electric cars. .

From your link

Overall, we rate Democratic Underground Left Biased based on story selection and political affiliation with the Democratic Party. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to the use of poor sources and a few failed fact checks.

Exactly.. We cant agree on what "hate speech" is and we cant agree on "who's a racist" and we cant agree on "the number of genders" and we cant agree on most ANY political issue -- but YET these fucking fact checkers SPIN their ratings to their POV.. In fact the basic question is WHY a fact checker should EVEN DRAW A CONCLUSION limited to 3 or 4 choice...

Just the facts. That's what fact-checking is.. You can actually do this YOURSELF..

Not only that - but if "flack checkers" were infallible and objective -- WHYTF would you "dueling fact checkers" on the web?? It's moronic..

The majority of the leftist leaning fact checkers are now ORGANIZED AND ALLIED by the same OBVIOUSLY biased MSMedia orgs that sponsor the Organization..

Just heard the whimp chimp Zuckerberg at Congressional Hearing BRAG about how they use "independent fact checkers at orgs like Poynter Institute.. The ROOT of the Poynter Institute is money from the dead owner of Tampa Bay times -- A MEGA-LEFTIST.. And the newspaper is ENTIRELY LEFT BIASED and always HAS BEEN.,.

This is not a solution to dividing American media into TWO giant hyperpartisan warring tribes. It will lead to DOOM and destruction of this Republic. And NOBODY important is advocating people gathering from ALL POV and discussing things out -- like we try to do AT THIS SITE.. Except maybe me.. Maybe I'm the problem and deluded...

It's gonna get REALLY DANGEROUS AND BORING when EVERYTHING media is split into 2 warring tribes like the 2 party system has forced us into..

Why are there dueling articles and "realities" on the web? Treat fact checkers like any other article instead of getting all incensed.

If they are NO BETTER than the original sources -- WTFUCK purpose do they serve? It's an argument if we don't agree on everything. WORK IT OUT.. Don't rely on smoke and mirrors for YOUR opinions.
I have nothing against questioning studies with well reasoned arguments, whether it is about Covid or MMGW (thanks FCT for translating), but I'm guessing it is more than that going on in the Treehouse.

What's going on at the TreeHouse I hear about every day from the wife unit.. And it's a respected form of investigative journalism --- ALL spearheaded by the ONE blogger that runs it.,. Many members of CONGRESS are known fans..

Can you provide a link to this place where you think it is a respected form of investigative journalism.

I went to a site to check it out.

I did read some of the articles (posts). I'll read some more. But I am not sure I see what you are seeing.

How did you determine they "respected form of investigative journalism"?

I’m not sure they are either, at least if I look them up here: The Last Refuge (Conservative Treehouse) - Media Bias/Fact Check

This site states they promote a lore of conspiracy, fake news, have poor sourcing and transparency which might be what is getting them in trouble with Wordpress sopince it seems platforms aren’t cracking down on this.

Wow -- Your substitute brain at Media Bias takes points off to nit pick the strangest shit about CTHouse ---

The Last Refuge is a conservative news and opinion blog that encourages comments on their posts. According to their about page: “Fear is at the core of liberalism, and love/trust is at the core of conservatism. Liberalism is about control. Conservatism is about self-empowerment.” This biased statement is reflected in the content of the website.

Wow.,. Was COMPLETELY UNAWARE YOU CAN FACT-CHECK OPINION !!!! If you fall this analysis you're a mental midget.. Such DANGEROUS talk eh? You want to compare to a day at Demo Underground about "unsourced opinion..

But WAIT -- it gets better.. Evidently you can get points off for juicing a title.. EVEN A LITTLE BIT..

There is considerable use of loaded language in headlines such as this: Sketchy Business: Grassley Releases Original Ford Letter to Feinstein… Although this particular article is written well and utilizes sourcing, it ends in big bold letters LIES!, conveying strong support for Judge Kavanaugh without evidence.

Wow.. Now ain't that kindergarden level picky. WELL WRITTEN -- WELL SOURCED -- But "Sketchy Business in the TITLE??? Burn 'em.

Need to nuke some fact checkers.. They piss me off posing as objective judges OF ANYTHING.. Especially when they fancy themselves important at all to "free expression" or "free speech"..
A day at the Dem Underground? That is kind of funny...they, deservedly have a similarly low rating.

Yah know how many times I have been banned at the democrat underground? At least 10 times for life

The last time they got pissed off by me saying poor people subsidize rich people for electric cars. .

From your link

Overall, we rate Democratic Underground Left Biased based on story selection and political affiliation with the Democratic Party. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to the use of poor sources and a few failed fact checks.

Exactly.. We cant agree on what "hate speech" is and we cant agree on "who's a racist" and we cant agree on "the number of genders" and we cant agree on most ANY political issue -- but YET these fucking fact checkers SPIN their ratings to their POV.. In fact the basic question is WHY a fact checker should EVEN DRAW A CONCLUSION limited to 3 or 4 choice...

Just the facts. That's what fact-checking is.. You can actually do this YOURSELF..

Not only that - but if "flack checkers" were infallible and objective -- WHYTF would you "dueling fact checkers" on the web?? It's moronic..

The majority of the leftist leaning fact checkers are now ORGANIZED AND ALLIED by the same OBVIOUSLY biased MSMedia orgs that sponsor the Organization..

Just heard the whimp chimp Zuckerberg at Congressional Hearing BRAG about how they use "independent fact checkers at orgs like Poynter Institute.. The ROOT of the Poynter Institute is money from the dead owner of Tampa Bay times -- A MEGA-LEFTIST.. And the newspaper is ENTIRELY LEFT BIASED and always HAS BEEN.,.

This is not a solution to dividing American media into TWO giant hyperpartisan warring tribes. It will lead to DOOM and destruction of this Republic. And NOBODY important is advocating people gathering from ALL POV and discussing things out -- like we try to do AT THIS SITE.. Except maybe me.. Maybe I'm the problem and deluded...

It's gonna get REALLY DANGEROUS AND BORING when EVERYTHING media is split into 2 warring tribes like the 2 party system has forced us into..

Why are there dueling articles and "realities" on the web? Treat fact checkers like any other article instead of getting all incensed.

I'm INCENSED because the LEFT is all gung-ho to exile speech and split the media in this country.. This leads to NUCLEAR LEVEL civil conflict.,. Have Gump telling folks to "get their own site" when the country he lives in probably has 4 major media media outlets.. It pisses me off. GOOGLE HAS BOUGHT anything that moves and looks like competition.. YouTube -- Instagram -- the list goes on. And they can now STRANGLE any site that doesn't knuckle under..

You don't see a problem there? It's a question -- discuss it.. Dont fact check it..

Because I DONT WANT 3 more NewsMaxs and 5 more Daily Callers. That's NOT any kind of nirvana solution.. We dont want 3 FBs and 5 Twitters.. And I don't want or need ANY Twitters or dueling fact checkers. I want places that aren't echo chambers full of parrots and Orwellian fact checkers and biased definitions.

And we need to STOP the facade that ANYONE can dictate "whose a racist" or "what is hate speech" or whether our election has been abused or neglected.

This direction leads to hot conflict and the potential LOSS of democracy and freedom in this country.. YOU just don't care apparently...
Last edited:
Total Bullshit..; "THE SITE Says"????? You and your fucking brain substitute fact checkers..BACK THAT UP !!! GO to CTH and show me where "THE SITES SAYS" -- any of that..
It isn’t total bullshit. It is a source like any other source, no less valid.

Fallacy of moral equivalence. You've just claimed that all news and theories are true and one is no better or worse than another.

Without even realizing it, you've just both denied the existence of fake news as well as asserting by implication that theories there is no MMGW are just as credible as those which say there is.

Thank you.

How is it false morale equivalence? Fact checking/bias checking etc sites are no different (as in as good or as bad) as any other sources. It all depends on how well they do their job. Just like other sources.

WhatTF GOOD is fact-checker that NOT excellent. objective and accurate? Is it just because folks NEEDS instant "talking points" to defend their position? Need an answer to the BOLDED question above??

AGAIN - it's a source LIKE ANY OTHER. Take it or leave it. What good is ANY article if it's not excellent, objective and accurate...and many are not.

I guess the point I'm missing is that if a fact-checking site isn't BETTER, more honest, unbiased and independent, then what good is it? That's the problem-- -- I don't want a site that is no better or worse than any other. Over the years I've found trusted sites to end up being biased, or just wrong, often because they just accept 3rd party sources at face value rather than checking things themselves, so these days, I test these sites against others I trust because they have proved themselves consistent with things I personally know, and the higher the degree of correlation in agreement, the more I trust them.
Why are there dueling articles and "realities" on the web? Treat fact checkers like any other article instead of getting all incensed.
I'm INCENSED because the LEFT is all gung-ho to exile speech and split the media in the media in this country..

The cosmic humor in all this is that the Left are now reveling in banning people and shutting up opinions they don't like telling conservatives "tough cookies," and to get their own hosts after spending the past four years screaming bloody murder in horror that Trump was a dictator trying to kill THEIR free speech, rights and democracy. :smoke:
Total Bullshit..; "THE SITE Says"????? You and your fucking brain substitute fact checkers..BACK THAT UP !!! GO to CTH and show me where "THE SITES SAYS" -- any of that..
It isn’t total bullshit. It is a source like any other source, no less valid.

Fallacy of moral equivalence. You've just claimed that all news and theories are true and one is no better or worse than another.

Without even realizing it, you've just both denied the existence of fake news as well as asserting by implication that theories there is no MMGW are just as credible as those which say there is.

Thank you.

How is it false morale equivalence? Fact checking/bias checking etc sites are no different (as in as good or as bad) as any other sources. It all depends on how well they do their job. Just like other sources.

WhatTF GOOD is fact-checker that NOT excellent. objective and accurate? Is it just because folks NEEDS instant "talking points" to defend their position? Need an answer to the BOLDED question above??

AGAIN - it's a source LIKE ANY OTHER. Take it or leave it. What good is ANY article if it's not excellent, objective and accurate...and many are not.

You seem to have missed the point.

There is no take it or leave it when you are being deplatformed.

It's not either sources.

You seem bent on pushing the idea that people can go somewhere else if they are deplatformed.

The argument here seems to be that those controlling the platform pretty much can call life or death on your site based on their "fact checkers" (which, if we are being honest, is simply another way of saying their biases). In other words, after you've been deplatformed about 3 or 4 times....what is left ?

You don't have to go to another source. You'd need to start your own platform in order to preserve the ability to have true free speech.

That would include your own servers and unimpeded access to the net.
I have nothing against questioning studies with well reasoned arguments, whether it is about Covid or MMGW (thanks FCT for translating), but I'm guessing it is more than that going on in the Treehouse.

What's going on at the TreeHouse I hear about every day from the wife unit.. And it's a respected form of investigative journalism --- ALL spearheaded by the ONE blogger that runs it.,. Many members of CONGRESS are known fans..

Can you provide a link to this place where you think it is a respected form of investigative journalism.

I went to a site to check it out.

I did read some of the articles (posts). I'll read some more. But I am not sure I see what you are seeing.

How did you determine they "respected form of investigative journalism"?

I’m not sure they are either, at least if I look them up here: The Last Refuge (Conservative Treehouse) - Media Bias/Fact Check

This site states they promote a lore of conspiracy, fake news, have poor sourcing and transparency which might be what is getting them in trouble with Wordpress sopince it seems platforms aren’t cracking down on this.

Wow -- Your substitute brain at Media Bias takes points off to nit pick the strangest shit about CTHouse ---

The Last Refuge is a conservative news and opinion blog that encourages comments on their posts. According to their about page: “Fear is at the core of liberalism, and love/trust is at the core of conservatism. Liberalism is about control. Conservatism is about self-empowerment.” This biased statement is reflected in the content of the website.

Wow.,. Was COMPLETELY UNAWARE YOU CAN FACT-CHECK OPINION !!!! If you fall this analysis you're a mental midget.. Such DANGEROUS talk eh? You want to compare to a day at Demo Underground about "unsourced opinion..

But WAIT -- it gets better.. Evidently you can get points off for juicing a title.. EVEN A LITTLE BIT..

There is considerable use of loaded language in headlines such as this: Sketchy Business: Grassley Releases Original Ford Letter to Feinstein… Although this particular article is written well and utilizes sourcing, it ends in big bold letters LIES!, conveying strong support for Judge Kavanaugh without evidence.

Wow.. Now ain't that kindergarden level picky. WELL WRITTEN -- WELL SOURCED -- But "Sketchy Business in the TITLE??? Burn 'em.

Need to nuke some fact checkers.. They piss me off posing as objective judges OF ANYTHING.. Especially when they fancy themselves important at all to "free expression" or "free speech"..
A day at the Dem Underground? That is kind of funny...they, deservedly have a similarly low rating.

Yah know how many times I have been banned at the democrat underground? At least 10 times for life

The last time they got pissed off by me saying poor people subsidize rich people for electric cars. .

From your link

Overall, we rate Democratic Underground Left Biased based on story selection and political affiliation with the Democratic Party. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to the use of poor sources and a few failed fact checks.

Exactly.. We cant agree on what "hate speech" is and we cant agree on "who's a racist" and we cant agree on "the number of genders" and we cant agree on most ANY political issue -- but YET these fucking fact checkers SPIN their ratings to their POV.. In fact the basic question is WHY a fact checker should EVEN DRAW A CONCLUSION limited to 3 or 4 choice...

Just the facts. That's what fact-checking is.. You can actually do this YOURSELF..

Not only that - but if "flack checkers" were infallible and objective -- WHYTF would you "dueling fact checkers" on the web?? It's moronic..

The majority of the leftist leaning fact checkers are now ORGANIZED AND ALLIED by the same OBVIOUSLY biased MSMedia orgs that sponsor the Organization..

Just heard the whimp chimp Zuckerberg at Congressional Hearing BRAG about how they use "independent fact checkers at orgs like Poynter Institute.. The ROOT of the Poynter Institute is money from the dead owner of Tampa Bay times -- A MEGA-LEFTIST.. And the newspaper is ENTIRELY LEFT BIASED and always HAS BEEN.,.

This is not a solution to dividing American media into TWO giant hyperpartisan warring tribes. It will lead to DOOM and destruction of this Republic. And NOBODY important is advocating people gathering from ALL POV and discussing things out -- like we try to do AT THIS SITE.. Except maybe me.. Maybe I'm the problem and deluded...

It's gonna get REALLY DANGEROUS AND BORING when EVERYTHING media is split into 2 warring tribes like the 2 party system has forced us into..

Why are there dueling articles and "realities" on the web? Treat fact checkers like any other article instead of getting all incensed.

I'm INCENSED because the LEFT is all gung-ho to exile speech and split the media in this country.. This leads to NUCLEAR LEVEL civil conflict.,. Have Gump telling folks to "get their own site" when the country he lives in probably has 4 major media media outlets.. It pisses me off. GOOGLE HAS BOUGHT anything that moves and looks like competition.. YouTube -- Instagram -- the list goes on. And they can now STRANGLE any site that doesn't knuckle under..

You don't see a problem there? It's a question -- discuss it.. Dont fact check it..

Because I DONT WANT 3 more NewsMaxs and 5 more Daily Callers. That's NOT any kind of nirvana solution.. We dont want 3 FBs and 5 Twitters.. And I don't want or need ANY Twitters or dueling fact checkers. I want places that aren't echo chambers full of parrots and Orwellian fact checkers and biased definitions.

And we need to STOP the facade that ANYONE can dictate "whose a racist" or "what is hate speech" or whether our election has been abused or neglected.

This direction leads to hot conflict and the potential LOSS of democracy and freedom in this country.. YOU just don't care apparently...
i want a place where all people can talk freely. we used to be able to do that but somewhere along the way one side started saying "you can't call someone can't say that...that's offensive" and simply kept ratcheting up their "you can't" scenarios.

news media sites are no longer news but ammo for one side to fire at the other. how in the name of god is that healthy OR what we want? no "platform" should be able to tell us all what the TRUTH is. no publisher either. we should be allowed to decide that for ourselves WITHOUT harassment.

we need to get back to being able to talk about our differences at lvl 1; not instantly making any difference of opinion NAZI crap. far too many people run from 0 to EXTREME in 1 sentence.
Total Bullshit..; "THE SITE Says"????? You and your fucking brain substitute fact checkers..BACK THAT UP !!! GO to CTH and show me where "THE SITES SAYS" -- any of that..
It isn’t total bullshit. It is a source like any other source, no less valid.

Fallacy of moral equivalence. You've just claimed that all news and theories are true and one is no better or worse than another.

Without even realizing it, you've just both denied the existence of fake news as well as asserting by implication that theories there is no MMGW are just as credible as those which say there is.

Thank you.

How is it false morale equivalence? Fact checking/bias checking etc sites are no different (as in as good or as bad) as any other sources. It all depends on how well they do their job. Just like other sources.

WhatTF GOOD is fact-checker that NOT excellent. objective and accurate? Is it just because folks NEEDS instant "talking points" to defend their position? Need an answer to the BOLDED question above??

AGAIN - it's a source LIKE ANY OTHER. Take it or leave it. What good is ANY article if it's not excellent, objective and accurate...and many are not.

You seem to have missed the point.

There is no take it or leave it when you are being deplatformed.

It's not either sources.

You seem bent on pushing the idea that people can go somewhere else if they are deplatformed.

The argument here seems to be that those controlling the platform pretty much can call life or death on your site based on their "fact checkers" (which, if we are being honest, is simply another way of saying their biases). In other words, after you've been deplatformed about 3 or 4 times....what is left ?

You don't have to go to another source. You'd need to start your own platform in order to preserve the ability to have true free speech.

That would include your own servers and unimpeded access to the net.
and if the left now says what sites you can run and force shutting down your "platform" because they don't like what you say - is that really where any of us want to be?

put yourself in the situation of being banned. you simply said how you felt and you were banned for 30 days from accessing a service you used to access multiple times a day. you can go nowhere to get your grievances addressed. it really doesn't matter what they are because we're currently setting up that it's PROPER to censor OTHER PEOPLE.

yet, what the people OK with that now can't see coming down the road is - once people have been proven to be willing to do something to someone else, sooner or later they will do it to you. so don't pretend just because "the right deserves" to be demonized, you won't be next up.

take a culture down in pieces, not as a whole. and so many suck that idea up because they *hate* the other side far too easily.
Total Bullshit..; "THE SITE Says"????? You and your fucking brain substitute fact checkers..BACK THAT UP !!! GO to CTH and show me where "THE SITES SAYS" -- any of that..
It isn’t total bullshit. It is a source like any other source, no less valid.

Fallacy of moral equivalence. You've just claimed that all news and theories are true and one is no better or worse than another.

Without even realizing it, you've just both denied the existence of fake news as well as asserting by implication that theories there is no MMGW are just as credible as those which say there is.

Thank you.

How is it false morale equivalence? Fact checking/bias checking etc sites are no different (as in as good or as bad) as any other sources. It all depends on how well they do their job. Just like other sources.

WhatTF GOOD is fact-checker that NOT excellent. objective and accurate? Is it just because folks NEEDS instant "talking points" to defend their position? Need an answer to the BOLDED question above??

AGAIN - it's a source LIKE ANY OTHER. Take it or leave it. What good is ANY article if it's not excellent, objective and accurate...and many are not.

You seem to have missed the point.

There is no take it or leave it when you are being deplatformed.

It's not either sources.

You seem bent on pushing the idea that people can go somewhere else if they are deplatformed.

The argument here seems to be that those controlling the platform pretty much can call life or death on your site based on their "fact checkers" (which, if we are being honest, is simply another way of saying their biases). In other words, after you've been deplatformed about 3 or 4 times....what is left ?

You don't have to go to another source. You'd need to start your own platform in order to preserve the ability to have true free speech.

That would include your own servers and unimpeded access to the net.
and if the left now says what sites you can run and force shutting down your "platform" because they don't like what you say - is that really where any of us want to be?

put yourself in the situation of being banned. you simply said how you felt and you were banned for 30 days from accessing a service you used to access multiple times a day. you can go nowhere to get your grievances addressed. it really doesn't matter what they are because we're currently setting up that it's PROPER to censor OTHER PEOPLE.

yet, what the people OK with that now can't see coming down the road is - once people have been proven to be willing to do something to someone else, sooner or later they will do it to you. so don't pretend just because "the right deserves" to be demonized, you won't be next up.

take a culture down in pieces, not as a whole. and so many suck that idea up because they *hate* the other side far too easily.


And of course if we let it happen we face the "frog in the boiling water" syndrome.
I have nothing against questioning studies with well reasoned arguments, whether it is about Covid or MMGW (thanks FCT for translating), but I'm guessing it is more than that going on in the Treehouse.

What's going on at the TreeHouse I hear about every day from the wife unit.. And it's a respected form of investigative journalism --- ALL spearheaded by the ONE blogger that runs it.,. Many members of CONGRESS are known fans..

Can you provide a link to this place where you think it is a respected form of investigative journalism.

I went to a site to check it out.

I did read some of the articles (posts). I'll read some more. But I am not sure I see what you are seeing.

How did you determine they "respected form of investigative journalism"?

I’m not sure they are either, at least if I look them up here: The Last Refuge (Conservative Treehouse) - Media Bias/Fact Check

This site states they promote a lore of conspiracy, fake news, have poor sourcing and transparency which might be what is getting them in trouble with Wordpress sopince it seems platforms aren’t cracking down on this.

Wow -- Your substitute brain at Media Bias takes points off to nit pick the strangest shit about CTHouse ---

The Last Refuge is a conservative news and opinion blog that encourages comments on their posts. According to their about page: “Fear is at the core of liberalism, and love/trust is at the core of conservatism. Liberalism is about control. Conservatism is about self-empowerment.” This biased statement is reflected in the content of the website.

Wow.,. Was COMPLETELY UNAWARE YOU CAN FACT-CHECK OPINION !!!! If you fall this analysis you're a mental midget.. Such DANGEROUS talk eh? You want to compare to a day at Demo Underground about "unsourced opinion..

But WAIT -- it gets better.. Evidently you can get points off for juicing a title.. EVEN A LITTLE BIT..

There is considerable use of loaded language in headlines such as this: Sketchy Business: Grassley Releases Original Ford Letter to Feinstein… Although this particular article is written well and utilizes sourcing, it ends in big bold letters LIES!, conveying strong support for Judge Kavanaugh without evidence.

Wow.. Now ain't that kindergarden level picky. WELL WRITTEN -- WELL SOURCED -- But "Sketchy Business in the TITLE??? Burn 'em.

Need to nuke some fact checkers.. They piss me off posing as objective judges OF ANYTHING.. Especially when they fancy themselves important at all to "free expression" or "free speech"..
A day at the Dem Underground? That is kind of funny...they, deservedly have a similarly low rating.

Yah know how many times I have been banned at the democrat underground? At least 10 times for life

The last time they got pissed off by me saying poor people subsidize rich people for electric cars. .

From your link

Overall, we rate Democratic Underground Left Biased based on story selection and political affiliation with the Democratic Party. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to the use of poor sources and a few failed fact checks.

Exactly.. We cant agree on what "hate speech" is and we cant agree on "who's a racist" and we cant agree on "the number of genders" and we cant agree on most ANY political issue -- but YET these fucking fact checkers SPIN their ratings to their POV.. In fact the basic question is WHY a fact checker should EVEN DRAW A CONCLUSION limited to 3 or 4 choice...

Just the facts. That's what fact-checking is.. You can actually do this YOURSELF..

Not only that - but if "flack checkers" were infallible and objective -- WHYTF would you "dueling fact checkers" on the web?? It's moronic..

The majority of the leftist leaning fact checkers are now ORGANIZED AND ALLIED by the same OBVIOUSLY biased MSMedia orgs that sponsor the Organization..

Just heard the whimp chimp Zuckerberg at Congressional Hearing BRAG about how they use "independent fact checkers at orgs like Poynter Institute.. The ROOT of the Poynter Institute is money from the dead owner of Tampa Bay times -- A MEGA-LEFTIST.. And the newspaper is ENTIRELY LEFT BIASED and always HAS BEEN.,.

This is not a solution to dividing American media into TWO giant hyperpartisan warring tribes. It will lead to DOOM and destruction of this Republic. And NOBODY important is advocating people gathering from ALL POV and discussing things out -- like we try to do AT THIS SITE.. Except maybe me.. Maybe I'm the problem and deluded...

It's gonna get REALLY DANGEROUS AND BORING when EVERYTHING media is split into 2 warring tribes like the 2 party system has forced us into..

Why are there dueling articles and "realities" on the web? Treat fact checkers like any other article instead of getting all incensed.

I'm INCENSED because the LEFT is all gung-ho to exile speech and split the media in this country.. This leads to NUCLEAR LEVEL civil conflict.,. Have Gump telling folks to "get their own site" when the country he lives in probably has 4 major media media outlets.. It pisses me off. GOOGLE HAS BOUGHT anything that moves and looks like competition.. YouTube -- Instagram -- the list goes on. And they can now STRANGLE any site that doesn't knuckle under..

You don't see a problem there? It's a question -- discuss it.. Dont fact check it..

Because I DONT WANT 3 more NewsMaxs and 5 more Daily Callers. That's NOT any kind of nirvana solution.. We dont want 3 FBs and 5 Twitters.. And I don't want or need ANY Twitters or dueling fact checkers. I want places that aren't echo chambers full of parrots and Orwellian fact checkers and biased definitions.

And we need to STOP the facade that ANYONE can dictate "whose a racist" or "what is hate speech" or whether our election has been abused or neglected.

This direction leads to hot conflict and the potential LOSS of democracy and freedom in this country.. YOU just don't care apparently...
i want a place where all people can talk freely. we used to be able to do that but somewhere along the way one side started saying "you can't call someone can't say that...that's offensive" and simply kept ratcheting up their "you can't" scenarios.

I agree. One side started going overboard on what is considered offensive and if you're talking about all the political correctness hysteria - I likely agree with you on that. But there is something the other side is doing that is equally damaging. We have become a culture where anything goes - just because you can, do, and if anyone is offended it's their fault.

We used to have an agreed upon set of rules governing our behavior and language, and if you transgressed, the people - our peers - let you know. Free speech, like any right, carries a certain responsibility with it and people seem to want all the rights but none of the responsibility for consequences.

news media sites are no longer news but ammo for one side to fire at the other. how in the name of god is that healthy OR what we want? no "platform" should be able to tell us all what the TRUTH is. no publisher either. we should be allowed to decide that for ourselves WITHOUT harassment.

I disagree. No GOVERNMENT should limit our access to information, or determine truth for us. However, I do think it's incumbent on our elected officials to be factual and we fail at holding them accountable for that. But platforms are private entities. They have every right to determine what their rules are and what sort of environment they want as long as they treat everyone equally within the rules. They are under no obligation to host everyone or anyone and as long as there is competition

we need to get back to being able to talk about our differences at lvl 1; not instantly making any difference of opinion NAZI crap. far too many people run from 0 to EXTREME in 1 sentence.

I have nothing against questioning studies with well reasoned arguments, whether it is about Covid or MMGW (thanks FCT for translating), but I'm guessing it is more than that going on in the Treehouse.

What's going on at the TreeHouse I hear about every day from the wife unit.. And it's a respected form of investigative journalism --- ALL spearheaded by the ONE blogger that runs it.,. Many members of CONGRESS are known fans..

Can you provide a link to this place where you think it is a respected form of investigative journalism.

I went to a site to check it out.

I did read some of the articles (posts). I'll read some more. But I am not sure I see what you are seeing.

How did you determine they "respected form of investigative journalism"?

I’m not sure they are either, at least if I look them up here: The Last Refuge (Conservative Treehouse) - Media Bias/Fact Check

This site states they promote a lore of conspiracy, fake news, have poor sourcing and transparency which might be what is getting them in trouble with Wordpress sopince it seems platforms aren’t cracking down on this.

Wow -- Your substitute brain at Media Bias takes points off to nit pick the strangest shit about CTHouse ---

The Last Refuge is a conservative news and opinion blog that encourages comments on their posts. According to their about page: “Fear is at the core of liberalism, and love/trust is at the core of conservatism. Liberalism is about control. Conservatism is about self-empowerment.” This biased statement is reflected in the content of the website.

Wow.,. Was COMPLETELY UNAWARE YOU CAN FACT-CHECK OPINION !!!! If you fall this analysis you're a mental midget.. Such DANGEROUS talk eh? You want to compare to a day at Demo Underground about "unsourced opinion..

But WAIT -- it gets better.. Evidently you can get points off for juicing a title.. EVEN A LITTLE BIT..

There is considerable use of loaded language in headlines such as this: Sketchy Business: Grassley Releases Original Ford Letter to Feinstein… Although this particular article is written well and utilizes sourcing, it ends in big bold letters LIES!, conveying strong support for Judge Kavanaugh without evidence.

Wow.. Now ain't that kindergarden level picky. WELL WRITTEN -- WELL SOURCED -- But "Sketchy Business in the TITLE??? Burn 'em.

Need to nuke some fact checkers.. They piss me off posing as objective judges OF ANYTHING.. Especially when they fancy themselves important at all to "free expression" or "free speech"..
A day at the Dem Underground? That is kind of funny...they, deservedly have a similarly low rating.

Yah know how many times I have been banned at the democrat underground? At least 10 times for life

The last time they got pissed off by me saying poor people subsidize rich people for electric cars. .

From your link

Overall, we rate Democratic Underground Left Biased based on story selection and political affiliation with the Democratic Party. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to the use of poor sources and a few failed fact checks.

Exactly.. We cant agree on what "hate speech" is and we cant agree on "who's a racist" and we cant agree on "the number of genders" and we cant agree on most ANY political issue -- but YET these fucking fact checkers SPIN their ratings to their POV.. In fact the basic question is WHY a fact checker should EVEN DRAW A CONCLUSION limited to 3 or 4 choice...

Just the facts. That's what fact-checking is.. You can actually do this YOURSELF..

Not only that - but if "flack checkers" were infallible and objective -- WHYTF would you "dueling fact checkers" on the web?? It's moronic..

The majority of the leftist leaning fact checkers are now ORGANIZED AND ALLIED by the same OBVIOUSLY biased MSMedia orgs that sponsor the Organization..

Just heard the whimp chimp Zuckerberg at Congressional Hearing BRAG about how they use "independent fact checkers at orgs like Poynter Institute.. The ROOT of the Poynter Institute is money from the dead owner of Tampa Bay times -- A MEGA-LEFTIST.. And the newspaper is ENTIRELY LEFT BIASED and always HAS BEEN.,.

This is not a solution to dividing American media into TWO giant hyperpartisan warring tribes. It will lead to DOOM and destruction of this Republic. And NOBODY important is advocating people gathering from ALL POV and discussing things out -- like we try to do AT THIS SITE.. Except maybe me.. Maybe I'm the problem and deluded...

It's gonna get REALLY DANGEROUS AND BORING when EVERYTHING media is split into 2 warring tribes like the 2 party system has forced us into..

Why are there dueling articles and "realities" on the web? Treat fact checkers like any other article instead of getting all incensed.

I'm INCENSED because the LEFT is all gung-ho to exile speech and split the media in this country.. This leads to NUCLEAR LEVEL civil conflict.,. Have Gump telling folks to "get their own site" when the country he lives in probably has 4 major media media outlets.. It pisses me off. GOOGLE HAS BOUGHT anything that moves and looks like competition.. YouTube -- Instagram -- the list goes on. And they can now STRANGLE any site that doesn't knuckle under..

You don't see a problem there? It's a question -- discuss it.. Dont fact check it..

Because I DONT WANT 3 more NewsMaxs and 5 more Daily Callers. That's NOT any kind of nirvana solution.. We dont want 3 FBs and 5 Twitters.. And I don't want or need ANY Twitters or dueling fact checkers. I want places that aren't echo chambers full of parrots and Orwellian fact checkers and biased definitions.

And we need to STOP the facade that ANYONE can dictate "whose a racist" or "what is hate speech" or whether our election has been abused or neglected.

This direction leads to hot conflict and the potential LOSS of democracy and freedom in this country.. YOU just don't care apparently...
i want a place where all people can talk freely. we used to be able to do that but somewhere along the way one side started saying "you can't call someone can't say that...that's offensive" and simply kept ratcheting up their "you can't" scenarios.

I agree. One side started going overboard on what is considered offensive and if you're talking about all the political correctness hysteria - I likely agree with you on that. But there is something the other side is doing that is equally damaging. We have become a culture where anything goes - just because you can, do, and if anyone is offended it's their fault.

We used to have an agreed upon set of rules governing our behavior and language, and if you transgressed, the people - our peers - let you know. Free speech, like any right, carries a certain responsibility with it and people seem to want all the rights but none of the responsibility for consequences.

news media sites are no longer news but ammo for one side to fire at the other. how in the name of god is that healthy OR what we want? no "platform" should be able to tell us all what the TRUTH is. no publisher either. we should be allowed to decide that for ourselves WITHOUT harassment.

I disagree. No GOVERNMENT should limit our access to information, or determine truth for us. However, I do think it's incumbent on our elected officials to be factual and we fail at holding them accountable for that. But platforms are private entities. They have every right to determine what their rules are and what sort of environment they want as long as they treat everyone equally within the rules. They are under no obligation to host everyone or anyone and as long as there is competition

we need to get back to being able to talk about our differences at lvl 1; not instantly making any difference of opinion NAZI crap. far too many people run from 0 to EXTREME in 1 sentence.


If you think about it, if the federal government were about 20 times would not need to worry about any of this.

You'd be more focused on the state government where it is somewhat easier to keep tabs on those who tell lies.
I'm INCENSED because the LEFT is all gung-ho to exile speech and split the media in this country.. This leads to NUCLEAR LEVEL civil conflict.,. Have Gump telling folks to "get their own site" when the country he lives in probably has 4 major media media outlets.. It pisses me off. GOOGLE HAS BOUGHT anything that moves and looks like competition.. YouTube -- Instagram -- the list goes on. And they can now STRANGLE any site that doesn't knuckle under..

You don't see a problem there? It's a question -- discuss it.. Dont fact check it..

You blame it all on the left "splitting" the media, which is no surprise because YOU blame the left for everything. You are also conflating multiple things into one rant.

The split in media started with the rise in talk radio which began to define the rest of the media, as a whole, as leftist. You can blame the advent of the internet, cable, chatrooms, forums, etc for TRULY dividing our media by churning out hundreds of echo chambers so no one need be inconvenienced or have their thoughts challenged by an opposing view point. When those fringe sites become mainstream and start churning out conspiracy after conspiracy - it creates a need. Fact checkers are simply filling a gap we ourselves created.

Because I DONT WANT 3 more NewsMaxs and 5 more Daily Callers. That's NOT any kind of nirvana solution.. We dont want 3 FBs and 5 Twitters.. And I don't want or need ANY Twitters or dueling fact checkers. I want places that aren't echo chambers full of parrots and Orwellian fact checkers and biased definitions.

Actually. WHY NOT? Where is the competition? We have virtual monopolies NOW. Shouldn't there be room for spaces that are as free speech as you desire and spaces where the rules are stricter and let people choose?

What's truly Orwellian is that now, at this point in time - people no longer even share the same "facts". Bogus claims are given the same authenticity as a provable facts and that comes from the very top of our leadership. It is also used to manipulate the people whether by commercial interests or our own or foreign governments or private groups with their own agendas on how things should go. Frankly if I see something posted, I want to know if it's from a real person, a bot, a foreign agent, or a group with some agenda or a commercial entity trying to sway my buying habits.

And we need to STOP the facade that ANYONE can dictate "whose a racist" or "what is hate speech" or whether our election has been abused or neglected.

This direction leads to hot conflict and the potential LOSS of democracy and freedom in this country.. YOU just don't care apparently...

It's to late for that because or information highways are so congested with fake news that what ever shouts the loudest and gets amplified the most assumes that status of "truth".

So now you want to force platforms, again, private entities, to give anyone and anything a platform. Publishers certainly don't - they pick and choose what to publish based on their criteria.
I have nothing against questioning studies with well reasoned arguments, whether it is about Covid or MMGW (thanks FCT for translating), but I'm guessing it is more than that going on in the Treehouse.

What's going on at the TreeHouse I hear about every day from the wife unit.. And it's a respected form of investigative journalism --- ALL spearheaded by the ONE blogger that runs it.,. Many members of CONGRESS are known fans..

Can you provide a link to this place where you think it is a respected form of investigative journalism.

I went to a site to check it out.

I did read some of the articles (posts). I'll read some more. But I am not sure I see what you are seeing.

How did you determine they "respected form of investigative journalism"?

I’m not sure they are either, at least if I look them up here: The Last Refuge (Conservative Treehouse) - Media Bias/Fact Check

This site states they promote a lore of conspiracy, fake news, have poor sourcing and transparency which might be what is getting them in trouble with Wordpress sopince it seems platforms aren’t cracking down on this.

Wow -- Your substitute brain at Media Bias takes points off to nit pick the strangest shit about CTHouse ---

The Last Refuge is a conservative news and opinion blog that encourages comments on their posts. According to their about page: “Fear is at the core of liberalism, and love/trust is at the core of conservatism. Liberalism is about control. Conservatism is about self-empowerment.” This biased statement is reflected in the content of the website.

Wow.,. Was COMPLETELY UNAWARE YOU CAN FACT-CHECK OPINION !!!! If you fall this analysis you're a mental midget.. Such DANGEROUS talk eh? You want to compare to a day at Demo Underground about "unsourced opinion..

But WAIT -- it gets better.. Evidently you can get points off for juicing a title.. EVEN A LITTLE BIT..

There is considerable use of loaded language in headlines such as this: Sketchy Business: Grassley Releases Original Ford Letter to Feinstein… Although this particular article is written well and utilizes sourcing, it ends in big bold letters LIES!, conveying strong support for Judge Kavanaugh without evidence.

Wow.. Now ain't that kindergarden level picky. WELL WRITTEN -- WELL SOURCED -- But "Sketchy Business in the TITLE??? Burn 'em.

Need to nuke some fact checkers.. They piss me off posing as objective judges OF ANYTHING.. Especially when they fancy themselves important at all to "free expression" or "free speech"..
A day at the Dem Underground? That is kind of funny...they, deservedly have a similarly low rating.

Yah know how many times I have been banned at the democrat underground? At least 10 times for life

The last time they got pissed off by me saying poor people subsidize rich people for electric cars. .

From your link

Overall, we rate Democratic Underground Left Biased based on story selection and political affiliation with the Democratic Party. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to the use of poor sources and a few failed fact checks.

Exactly.. We cant agree on what "hate speech" is and we cant agree on "who's a racist" and we cant agree on "the number of genders" and we cant agree on most ANY political issue -- but YET these fucking fact checkers SPIN their ratings to their POV.. In fact the basic question is WHY a fact checker should EVEN DRAW A CONCLUSION limited to 3 or 4 choice...

Just the facts. That's what fact-checking is.. You can actually do this YOURSELF..

Not only that - but if "flack checkers" were infallible and objective -- WHYTF would you "dueling fact checkers" on the web?? It's moronic..

The majority of the leftist leaning fact checkers are now ORGANIZED AND ALLIED by the same OBVIOUSLY biased MSMedia orgs that sponsor the Organization..

Just heard the whimp chimp Zuckerberg at Congressional Hearing BRAG about how they use "independent fact checkers at orgs like Poynter Institute.. The ROOT of the Poynter Institute is money from the dead owner of Tampa Bay times -- A MEGA-LEFTIST.. And the newspaper is ENTIRELY LEFT BIASED and always HAS BEEN.,.

This is not a solution to dividing American media into TWO giant hyperpartisan warring tribes. It will lead to DOOM and destruction of this Republic. And NOBODY important is advocating people gathering from ALL POV and discussing things out -- like we try to do AT THIS SITE.. Except maybe me.. Maybe I'm the problem and deluded...

It's gonna get REALLY DANGEROUS AND BORING when EVERYTHING media is split into 2 warring tribes like the 2 party system has forced us into..

Why are there dueling articles and "realities" on the web? Treat fact checkers like any other article instead of getting all incensed.

I'm INCENSED because the LEFT is all gung-ho to exile speech and split the media in this country.. This leads to NUCLEAR LEVEL civil conflict.,. Have Gump telling folks to "get their own site" when the country he lives in probably has 4 major media media outlets.. It pisses me off. GOOGLE HAS BOUGHT anything that moves and looks like competition.. YouTube -- Instagram -- the list goes on. And they can now STRANGLE any site that doesn't knuckle under..

You don't see a problem there? It's a question -- discuss it.. Dont fact check it..

Because I DONT WANT 3 more NewsMaxs and 5 more Daily Callers. That's NOT any kind of nirvana solution.. We dont want 3 FBs and 5 Twitters.. And I don't want or need ANY Twitters or dueling fact checkers. I want places that aren't echo chambers full of parrots and Orwellian fact checkers and biased definitions.

And we need to STOP the facade that ANYONE can dictate "whose a racist" or "what is hate speech" or whether our election has been abused or neglected.

This direction leads to hot conflict and the potential LOSS of democracy and freedom in this country.. YOU just don't care apparently...
i want a place where all people can talk freely. we used to be able to do that but somewhere along the way one side started saying "you can't call someone can't say that...that's offensive" and simply kept ratcheting up their "you can't" scenarios.

I agree. One side started going overboard on what is considered offensive and if you're talking about all the political correctness hysteria - I likely agree with you on that. But there is something the other side is doing that is equally damaging. We have become a culture where anything goes - just because you can, do, and if anyone is offended it's their fault.

We used to have an agreed upon set of rules governing our behavior and language, and if you transgressed, the people - our peers - let you know. Free speech, like any right, carries a certain responsibility with it and people seem to want all the rights but none of the responsibility for consequences.

news media sites are no longer news but ammo for one side to fire at the other. how in the name of god is that healthy OR what we want? no "platform" should be able to tell us all what the TRUTH is. no publisher either. we should be allowed to decide that for ourselves WITHOUT harassment.

I disagree. No GOVERNMENT should limit our access to information, or determine truth for us. However, I do think it's incumbent on our elected officials to be factual and we fail at holding them accountable for that. But platforms are private entities. They have every right to determine what their rules are and what sort of environment they want as long as they treat everyone equally within the rules. They are under no obligation to host everyone or anyone and as long as there is competition

we need to get back to being able to talk about our differences at lvl 1; not instantly making any difference of opinion NAZI crap. far too many people run from 0 to EXTREME in 1 sentence.


If you think about it, if the federal government were about 20 times would not need to worry about any of this.

You'd be more focused on the state government where it is somewhat easier to keep tabs on those who tell lies.

Too late to put that genie back in the bottle. Social media and the www has made everything local.
Total Bullshit..; "THE SITE Says"????? You and your fucking brain substitute fact checkers..BACK THAT UP !!! GO to CTH and show me where "THE SITES SAYS" -- any of that..
It isn’t total bullshit. It is a source like any other source, no less valid.

Fallacy of moral equivalence. You've just claimed that all news and theories are true and one is no better or worse than another.

Without even realizing it, you've just both denied the existence of fake news as well as asserting by implication that theories there is no MMGW are just as credible as those which say there is.

Thank you.

How is it false morale equivalence? Fact checking/bias checking etc sites are no different (as in as good or as bad) as any other sources. It all depends on how well they do their job. Just like other sources.

WhatTF GOOD is fact-checker that NOT excellent. objective and accurate? Is it just because folks NEEDS instant "talking points" to defend their position? Need an answer to the BOLDED question above??

AGAIN - it's a source LIKE ANY OTHER. Take it or leave it. What good is ANY article if it's not excellent, objective and accurate...and many are not.
You can NOT claim every single source is equal. In fact I know you don't believe that since you have in the past attacked sources by people you disagree with.

I'm not claiming they are equal, clearly sources are not equal in accuracy etc etc - what I'm saying is fact checkers, as a source, are no different than any other - they are as good, as bad, as any other.
I have nothing against questioning studies with well reasoned arguments, whether it is about Covid or MMGW (thanks FCT for translating), but I'm guessing it is more than that going on in the Treehouse.

What's going on at the TreeHouse I hear about every day from the wife unit.. And it's a respected form of investigative journalism --- ALL spearheaded by the ONE blogger that runs it.,. Many members of CONGRESS are known fans..

Can you provide a link to this place where you think it is a respected form of investigative journalism.

I went to a site to check it out.

I did read some of the articles (posts). I'll read some more. But I am not sure I see what you are seeing.

How did you determine they "respected form of investigative journalism"?

I’m not sure they are either, at least if I look them up here: The Last Refuge (Conservative Treehouse) - Media Bias/Fact Check

This site states they promote a lore of conspiracy, fake news, have poor sourcing and transparency which might be what is getting them in trouble with Wordpress sopince it seems platforms aren’t cracking down on this.

Wow -- Your substitute brain at Media Bias takes points off to nit pick the strangest shit about CTHouse ---

The Last Refuge is a conservative news and opinion blog that encourages comments on their posts. According to their about page: “Fear is at the core of liberalism, and love/trust is at the core of conservatism. Liberalism is about control. Conservatism is about self-empowerment.” This biased statement is reflected in the content of the website.

Wow.,. Was COMPLETELY UNAWARE YOU CAN FACT-CHECK OPINION !!!! If you fall this analysis you're a mental midget.. Such DANGEROUS talk eh? You want to compare to a day at Demo Underground about "unsourced opinion..

But WAIT -- it gets better.. Evidently you can get points off for juicing a title.. EVEN A LITTLE BIT..

There is considerable use of loaded language in headlines such as this: Sketchy Business: Grassley Releases Original Ford Letter to Feinstein… Although this particular article is written well and utilizes sourcing, it ends in big bold letters LIES!, conveying strong support for Judge Kavanaugh without evidence.

Wow.. Now ain't that kindergarden level picky. WELL WRITTEN -- WELL SOURCED -- But "Sketchy Business in the TITLE??? Burn 'em.

Need to nuke some fact checkers.. They piss me off posing as objective judges OF ANYTHING.. Especially when they fancy themselves important at all to "free expression" or "free speech"..
A day at the Dem Underground? That is kind of funny...they, deservedly have a similarly low rating.

Yah know how many times I have been banned at the democrat underground? At least 10 times for life

The last time they got pissed off by me saying poor people subsidize rich people for electric cars. .

From your link

Overall, we rate Democratic Underground Left Biased based on story selection and political affiliation with the Democratic Party. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to the use of poor sources and a few failed fact checks.

Exactly.. We cant agree on what "hate speech" is and we cant agree on "who's a racist" and we cant agree on "the number of genders" and we cant agree on most ANY political issue -- but YET these fucking fact checkers SPIN their ratings to their POV.. In fact the basic question is WHY a fact checker should EVEN DRAW A CONCLUSION limited to 3 or 4 choice...

Just the facts. That's what fact-checking is.. You can actually do this YOURSELF..

Not only that - but if "flack checkers" were infallible and objective -- WHYTF would you "dueling fact checkers" on the web?? It's moronic..

The majority of the leftist leaning fact checkers are now ORGANIZED AND ALLIED by the same OBVIOUSLY biased MSMedia orgs that sponsor the Organization..

Just heard the whimp chimp Zuckerberg at Congressional Hearing BRAG about how they use "independent fact checkers at orgs like Poynter Institute.. The ROOT of the Poynter Institute is money from the dead owner of Tampa Bay times -- A MEGA-LEFTIST.. And the newspaper is ENTIRELY LEFT BIASED and always HAS BEEN.,.

This is not a solution to dividing American media into TWO giant hyperpartisan warring tribes. It will lead to DOOM and destruction of this Republic. And NOBODY important is advocating people gathering from ALL POV and discussing things out -- like we try to do AT THIS SITE.. Except maybe me.. Maybe I'm the problem and deluded...

It's gonna get REALLY DANGEROUS AND BORING when EVERYTHING media is split into 2 warring tribes like the 2 party system has forced us into..

Why are there dueling articles and "realities" on the web? Treat fact checkers like any other article instead of getting all incensed.

If they are NO BETTER than the original sources -- WTFUCK purpose do they serve? It's an argument if we don't agree on everything. WORK IT OUT.. Don't rely on smoke and mirrors for YOUR opinions.

I'm not saying they are no better. I'm saying they can be as good, or as bad, as any other type of source including the blogs that you rely heavily on.

If they are well written, they have the advantage of putting together a number of original sources that might be difficult to find, into one place. You can read them, and you can make up your own mind or you can choose to branch out and look for other sources. But they give you a good starting point to sort out the many strands of what are often complicated claims. Take it or leave I don't care.
I'm INCENSED because the LEFT is all gung-ho to exile speech and split the media in this country..
The split in media started with the rise in talk radio which began to define the rest of the media, as a whole, as leftist.

Oh c'mon, Mrs. C, are you really trying to tell us that ONE PERSON, Rush Limbaugh, this MINUSCULE part of the media, one man and a mic, redefined the rest of the media, fractured the nation, divided us, one man speaking against the ominous chorus of the other 99.999% of all media did all of that? :omg:

IF THAT IS THE CASE, then his message MUST HAVE had an intuitive ring of truth to MILLIONS of people giving them something they had LONG wanted:

Honesty in media telling them the same things they themselves had long thought themselves and now were finally hearing it elsewhere and having it confirmed they were not the only person in the world who SAW THESE THINGS!
I'm INCENSED because the LEFT is all gung-ho to exile speech and split the media in this country..
The split in media started with the rise in talk radio which began to define the rest of the media, as a whole, as leftist.

Oh c'mon, Mrs. C, are you really trying to tell us that ONE PERSON, Rush Limbaugh, this MINUSCULE part of the media, one man and a mic, redefined the rest of the media, fractured the nation, divided us, one man speaking against the ominous chorus of the other 99.999% of all media did all of that? :omg:

IF THAT IS THE CASE, then his message MUST HAVE had an intuitive ring of truth to MILLIONS of people giving them something they had LONG wanted:

Honesty in media telling them the same things they themselves had long thought themselves and now were finally hearing it elsewhere and having it confirmed they were nt the only person in the world who SAW THESE THINGS!

No. I'm not saying that. I'm saying the advent of talk radio began the process of creating echo chambers. Rush is not the only person.
I have nothing against questioning studies with well reasoned arguments, whether it is about Covid or MMGW (thanks FCT for translating), but I'm guessing it is more than that going on in the Treehouse.

What's going on at the TreeHouse I hear about every day from the wife unit.. And it's a respected form of investigative journalism --- ALL spearheaded by the ONE blogger that runs it.,. Many members of CONGRESS are known fans..

Can you provide a link to this place where you think it is a respected form of investigative journalism.

I went to a site to check it out.

I did read some of the articles (posts). I'll read some more. But I am not sure I see what you are seeing.

How did you determine they "respected form of investigative journalism"?

I’m not sure they are either, at least if I look them up here: The Last Refuge (Conservative Treehouse) - Media Bias/Fact Check

This site states they promote a lore of conspiracy, fake news, have poor sourcing and transparency which might be what is getting them in trouble with Wordpress sopince it seems platforms aren’t cracking down on this.

Wow -- Your substitute brain at Media Bias takes points off to nit pick the strangest shit about CTHouse ---

The Last Refuge is a conservative news and opinion blog that encourages comments on their posts. According to their about page: “Fear is at the core of liberalism, and love/trust is at the core of conservatism. Liberalism is about control. Conservatism is about self-empowerment.” This biased statement is reflected in the content of the website.

Wow.,. Was COMPLETELY UNAWARE YOU CAN FACT-CHECK OPINION !!!! If you fall this analysis you're a mental midget.. Such DANGEROUS talk eh? You want to compare to a day at Demo Underground about "unsourced opinion..

But WAIT -- it gets better.. Evidently you can get points off for juicing a title.. EVEN A LITTLE BIT..

There is considerable use of loaded language in headlines such as this: Sketchy Business: Grassley Releases Original Ford Letter to Feinstein… Although this particular article is written well and utilizes sourcing, it ends in big bold letters LIES!, conveying strong support for Judge Kavanaugh without evidence.

Wow.. Now ain't that kindergarden level picky. WELL WRITTEN -- WELL SOURCED -- But "Sketchy Business in the TITLE??? Burn 'em.

Need to nuke some fact checkers.. They piss me off posing as objective judges OF ANYTHING.. Especially when they fancy themselves important at all to "free expression" or "free speech"..
A day at the Dem Underground? That is kind of funny...they, deservedly have a similarly low rating.

Yah know how many times I have been banned at the democrat underground? At least 10 times for life

The last time they got pissed off by me saying poor people subsidize rich people for electric cars. .

From your link

Overall, we rate Democratic Underground Left Biased based on story selection and political affiliation with the Democratic Party. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to the use of poor sources and a few failed fact checks.

Exactly.. We cant agree on what "hate speech" is and we cant agree on "who's a racist" and we cant agree on "the number of genders" and we cant agree on most ANY political issue -- but YET these fucking fact checkers SPIN their ratings to their POV.. In fact the basic question is WHY a fact checker should EVEN DRAW A CONCLUSION limited to 3 or 4 choice...

Just the facts. That's what fact-checking is.. You can actually do this YOURSELF..

Not only that - but if "flack checkers" were infallible and objective -- WHYTF would you "dueling fact checkers" on the web?? It's moronic..

The majority of the leftist leaning fact checkers are now ORGANIZED AND ALLIED by the same OBVIOUSLY biased MSMedia orgs that sponsor the Organization..

Just heard the whimp chimp Zuckerberg at Congressional Hearing BRAG about how they use "independent fact checkers at orgs like Poynter Institute.. The ROOT of the Poynter Institute is money from the dead owner of Tampa Bay times -- A MEGA-LEFTIST.. And the newspaper is ENTIRELY LEFT BIASED and always HAS BEEN.,.

This is not a solution to dividing American media into TWO giant hyperpartisan warring tribes. It will lead to DOOM and destruction of this Republic. And NOBODY important is advocating people gathering from ALL POV and discussing things out -- like we try to do AT THIS SITE.. Except maybe me.. Maybe I'm the problem and deluded...

It's gonna get REALLY DANGEROUS AND BORING when EVERYTHING media is split into 2 warring tribes like the 2 party system has forced us into..

Why are there dueling articles and "realities" on the web? Treat fact checkers like any other article instead of getting all incensed.

I'm INCENSED because the LEFT is all gung-ho to exile speech and split the media in this country.. This leads to NUCLEAR LEVEL civil conflict.,. Have Gump telling folks to "get their own site" when the country he lives in probably has 4 major media media outlets.. It pisses me off. GOOGLE HAS BOUGHT anything that moves and looks like competition.. YouTube -- Instagram -- the list goes on. And they can now STRANGLE any site that doesn't knuckle under..

You don't see a problem there? It's a question -- discuss it.. Dont fact check it..

Because I DONT WANT 3 more NewsMaxs and 5 more Daily Callers. That's NOT any kind of nirvana solution.. We dont want 3 FBs and 5 Twitters.. And I don't want or need ANY Twitters or dueling fact checkers. I want places that aren't echo chambers full of parrots and Orwellian fact checkers and biased definitions.

And we need to STOP the facade that ANYONE can dictate "whose a racist" or "what is hate speech" or whether our election has been abused or neglected.

This direction leads to hot conflict and the potential LOSS of democracy and freedom in this country.. YOU just don't care apparently...
i want a place where all people can talk freely. we used to be able to do that but somewhere along the way one side started saying "you can't call someone can't say that...that's offensive" and simply kept ratcheting up their "you can't" scenarios.

I agree. One side started going overboard on what is considered offensive and if you're talking about all the political correctness hysteria - I likely agree with you on that. But there is something the other side is doing that is equally damaging. We have become a culture where anything goes - just because you can, do, and if anyone is offended it's their fault.

We used to have an agreed upon set of rules governing our behavior and language, and if you transgressed, the people - our peers - let you know. Free speech, like any right, carries a certain responsibility with it and people seem to want all the rights but none of the responsibility for consequences.

news media sites are no longer news but ammo for one side to fire at the other. how in the name of god is that healthy OR what we want? no "platform" should be able to tell us all what the TRUTH is. no publisher either. we should be allowed to decide that for ourselves WITHOUT harassment.

I disagree. No GOVERNMENT should limit our access to information, or determine truth for us. However, I do think it's incumbent on our elected officials to be factual and we fail at holding them accountable for that. But platforms are private entities. They have every right to determine what their rules are and what sort of environment they want as long as they treat everyone equally within the rules. They are under no obligation to host everyone or anyone and as long as there is competition

we need to get back to being able to talk about our differences at lvl 1; not instantly making any difference of opinion NAZI crap. far too many people run from 0 to EXTREME in 1 sentence.

Actually the law that protects those private entities REQUIRES they include everyone that's the whole purpose of the protection.
I'm INCENSED because the LEFT is all gung-ho to exile speech and split the media in this country.. This leads to NUCLEAR LEVEL civil conflict.,. Have Gump telling folks to "get their own site" when the country he lives in probably has 4 major media media outlets.. It pisses me off. GOOGLE HAS BOUGHT anything that moves and looks like competition.. YouTube -- Instagram -- the list goes on. And they can now STRANGLE any site that doesn't knuckle under..

You don't see a problem there? It's a question -- discuss it.. Dont fact check it..

You blame it all on the left "splitting" the media, which is no surprise because YOU blame the left for everything. You are also conflating multiple things into one rant.

The split in media started with the rise in talk radio which began to define the rest of the media, as a whole, as leftist. You can blame the advent of the internet, cable, chatrooms, forums, etc for TRULY dividing our media by churning out hundreds of echo chambers so no one need be inconvenienced or have their thoughts challenged by an opposing view point. When those fringe sites become mainstream and start churning out conspiracy after conspiracy - it creates a need. Fact checkers are simply filling a gap we ourselves created.

Because I DONT WANT 3 more NewsMaxs and 5 more Daily Callers. That's NOT any kind of nirvana solution.. We dont want 3 FBs and 5 Twitters.. And I don't want or need ANY Twitters or dueling fact checkers. I want places that aren't echo chambers full of parrots and Orwellian fact checkers and biased definitions.

Actually. WHY NOT? Where is the competition? We have virtual monopolies NOW. Shouldn't there be room for spaces that are as free speech as you desire and spaces where the rules are stricter and let people choose?

What's truly Orwellian is that now, at this point in time - people no longer even share the same "facts". Bogus claims are given the same authenticity as a provable facts and that comes from the very top of our leadership. It is also used to manipulate the people whether by commercial interests or our own or foreign governments or private groups with their own agendas on how things should go. Frankly if I see something posted, I want to know if it's from a real person, a bot, a foreign agent, or a group with some agenda or a commercial entity trying to sway my buying habits.

And we need to STOP the facade that ANYONE can dictate "whose a racist" or "what is hate speech" or whether our election has been abused or neglected.

This direction leads to hot conflict and the potential LOSS of democracy and freedom in this country.. YOU just don't care apparently...

It's to late for that because or information highways are so congested with fake news that what ever shouts the loudest and gets amplified the most assumes that status of "truth".

So now you want to force platforms, again, private entities, to give anyone and anything a platform. Publishers certainly don't - they pick and choose what to publish based on their criteria.
The entities in question are PROTECTED by a FEDERAL law for that very reason, they are REQUIRED to include everyone.

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