The Push to Censor Half of America is ON!!!!!

I have nothing against questioning studies with well reasoned arguments

Who gets to decide what is a well-reasoned argument (fact or not fact) especially about things you know little about? You?

Can you tell us any qualifying well-reasoned arguments against CMT (Covid Mask Theory), CST (Covid Social Theory) or MMGW?

If not, then you can't say you have nothing against well-reasoned arguments, can you, if your position is that none exist!
Dem leadership and their political action committees in SoshMedia and MSTream Media AND IN High Tech.. That's a force that WILL BE reckoned with or the country is toast..
The right went after Bill Clinton for six years and you want to complain about Trump and four years?

Excuse me, but Bill Clinton was banging the help on the Resolute Desk while dealing Loral Missile Technology to the Chinese (Chinagate) and Hillary was renting out the Lincoln Bedroom what was left of it she didn't try to load onto a truck and take . . .

Trump's main offenses during his 1st term were that he used tanning cream, wasn't at his ideal weight, had been a successful real estate developer, tended towards embellishment and was pro-America, Pro-business, and pro-deregulation.
Here is an update from the The Last Refuge:

Update From WordPress/Automattic on Treehouse Deplatforming…

Posted on November 16, 2020 by sundance


Many people are now becoming aware of a shift in the political effort to shut down speech. The Conservative Treehouse has been notified our “content” is not permissible, and after ten years we are kicked-out of WordPress/Automatic hosting services. Some people asked if we would inquire about the specific ‘terms of service‘ that we violated, so I did.
Here is the direct response from WordPress/Automattic (rec’d 6:48pm ET this evening):



I have visited their place for about 3 1/2 years now, one of the best at providing first line sources for their articles on the internet.

Wordpress made it clear they can't back up their own lie against CTH.......,, never posted any warnings either to CTH about the unspecified violation before hand.

Their rules are pretty clear.. No Sundance article ever passed to me had "calls for violence".. Very possible that some of member comments below the blog might have. Wife says their moderators are good and quick..

But I noticed a VAGUE rule that they MIGHT have violated.. And I wonder how long that rule has been there.. Can't Copy/Paste off the image of the reply from Wordpress -- but it goes something like --

'Proliferating or creating verifiably false content that undermines faith in our election system or democratic process"

Strange that.. SO many things you could screw with if you wanted to manipulated truth.. Why "election systems" and HOW LONG has THAT rule been there?

A lot of things that are STILL BOILING can't be "verifiably proven false".. Like THIS election. Even when the Dems made the SAME CLAIMS in 2016 -- It took YEARS to "prove anything".. So why prevent the public from weighing in on analysis and opinion??
btw - when i say "most people joined up LOOKING for a fight" - i mean those who decided to go and harass those wh chose to leave FB.

you saw it in their tweets they only signed up to give people shit - aka, LOOK for a fight. again i ask - WHY? if you wanted them to go find their own place, they did. let it go.

but they don't do that. ergo, it's annoying as hell to have someone you left behind follow you to keep giving you grief for how you feel.
Liberals have this propensity to label others as National Socialist's (Nazi's). It's very confusing to me since liberals are displaying a number of National Socialist personality traits.

Didn't the Nazi's censor public comment against the Fuhrer? In 2020, we have Facebook and Twitter censoring comments perceived to be contrary to the progressive American Socialist movement.

Burn books that didn't espouse the National Social ideology? In 2020, it's the decades long liberal indoctrination of your children in colleges and public schools.

Attack people and destroy their property because they rejected that same ideology? In 2020, it's ANITFA- Portland, Seattle, Chicago, Baltimore, NYC, Detroit. Philadelphia, et. al.

Brand a race of people for extinction? In 2020, it's White people

Now I must prepare for a vitriol-filled rebuttal from the National Socialist left.

Oh look. Another historically ignorant schpeil trying to compare modern political entities with the Nazi's.

With such a massive amount of ignorance on display it's not worth the vitriol it's trolling desires. Four sentences should suffice.
um, given that the left makes it's entire case against people by the extreme comparisons, i do hope you get just as upset for those calling trump a nazi or worse.
I have nothing against questioning studies with well reasoned arguments, whether it is about Covid or MMGW (thanks FCT for translating), but I'm guessing it is more than that going on in the Treehouse.

What's going on at the TreeHouse I hear about every day from the wife unit.. And it's a respected form of investigative journalism --- ALL spearheaded by the ONE blogger that runs it.,. Many members of CONGRESS are known fans..

Can you provide a link to this place where you think it is a respected form of investigative journalism.

I went to a site to check it out.

I did read some of the articles (posts). I'll read some more. But I am not sure I see what you are seeing.

How did you determine they "respected form of investigative journalism"?

I’m not sure they are either, at least if I look them up here: The Last Refuge (Conservative Treehouse) - Media Bias/Fact Check

This site states they promote a lore of conspiracy, fake news, have poor sourcing and transparency which might be what is getting them in trouble with Wordpress sopince it seems platforms aren’t cracking down on this.

Wow -- Your substitute brain at Media Bias takes points off to nit pick the strangest shit about CTHouse ---

The Last Refuge is a conservative news and opinion blog that encourages comments on their posts. According to their about page: “Fear is at the core of liberalism, and love/trust is at the core of conservatism. Liberalism is about control. Conservatism is about self-empowerment.” This biased statement is reflected in the content of the website.

Wow.,. Was COMPLETELY UNAWARE YOU CAN FACT-CHECK OPINION !!!! If you fall this analysis you're a mental midget.. Such DANGEROUS talk eh? You want to compare to a day at Demo Underground about "unsourced opinion..

But WAIT -- it gets better.. Evidently you can get points off for juicing a title.. EVEN A LITTLE BIT..

There is considerable use of loaded language in headlines such as this: Sketchy Business: Grassley Releases Original Ford Letter to Feinstein… Although this particular article is written well and utilizes sourcing, it ends in big bold letters LIES!, conveying strong support for Judge Kavanaugh without evidence.

Wow.. Now ain't that kindergarden level picky. WELL WRITTEN -- WELL SOURCED -- But "Sketchy Business in the TITLE??? Burn 'em.

Need to nuke some fact checkers.. They piss me off posing as objective judges OF ANYTHING.. Especially when they fancy themselves important at all to "free expression" or "free speech"..
Any possibility of selective quotes here?

That goes for all of yas. Thanks.

Not by me... I took the time to read the link and compare it to MY assessment of what I've seen from CTH... Actually never going to that site again until Coyote uses it again. That's HOW this "canceling" of speech SHOULD work.. Ya dont LIKE IT?? Dont read it.. When did all you libs become censors and cancellers?

Y'all USED to be on "my side" of freedom of expression..
I always thought private entities were allowed to call the shots on their privately owned properties. When did the right change their view on that?
Like Bakers? Or bars? How about restaurants? As for Twitter Facebook and the others they are protected by federal LAW so they can be inclusive, they don't want that? Remove the protection.

I have no problem with that - not sure, personally, that the current laws regarding platforms adequately address what they have become.

But here is a question - and I've asked it before but no one has provided an answer. Removing that protection means they can be sued, but it does not mean that they MUST provide a platform for any and everyone, just as publishers don't have to publish any and everyone. It seems to me that opening the door to lawsuits would be counter to your desire because it means they could be sued by someone for content that is defamatory, false, libelous or possibly dangerous (for example Pizzagate). Content would face greater scrutiny as a result.

In terms of bakers, bars etc - I don't think that is the same. You have laws regarding public access and non-discrimination. A bar can not discriminate racially for example, but they CAN require people to wear shirts and shoes in order to be served. A platform can't discriminate based on ideology alone but they CAN require in their ToS no hate speech, calls for violence etc and be perfectly in their rights as long as it's across the board.
they don't. they don't address much of anything *TODAY*. Section 230 was created for vbulletin and places like this. NOT for global social media. it's like using the rules of a home town pee wee baseball team in the olympics. just makes no sense.

platform vs publisher - interesting at it's core. a "platform" is simply where you build / say what you want. while it can have a TOS it must be applied evenly. it cannot play favorites and it certainly can't go out and CORRECT what people are doing.

either stop them from doing it or boot them off the platform. but under no circumstances does a PLATFORM have the right to say what is real/true and what isn't.

not sure why PUBLISHER would do that, but it's closer to how FB, Twitter and the like are being done these days. while Parler may be banning people, are they saying what is true and what is a lie per THEIR sources? if so they are no better than twitter/fb and the rest.

while we agree that a platform can have a ToS - again it must be applied evenly and subject to challenge. however again, a platform has zero ability to say what is true and what is not.

you do that, you don't get to keep protections from Section 230 to me. facebook, twitter, parler, and the like. you wanna be a platform, be one. you wanna be a publisher, be one. but you can't take the best of both and responsibility of neither.
Should WE be CANCELED by all the hands strangling free expression in America right now?
With rights come responsibilities, a willingness to evaluate how our actions affect others.
Then you are saying that our media has a responsibility to print the truth free of political motivations and should be held accountable for libel and deliberate smear?

There is a pandemic that is killing people, putting people in the hospital, multiplying exponentially again.
There are a hundred things out there killing people right now, putting people in the hospital, been killing them for years, decades, year after year-- dozens of those causes far greater than Covid. Yet we accept them as just "one of those things we must live with." :smoke:
Major different between the left and the REST of America is that RISK is a dirty word.. Leftists want the power to REMOVE risk from every facet of life. They BELIEVE that's possible..When in the REAL world -- risk is something to be MANAGED and ESSENTIAL to a thriving country or population.. Like the RISK that corporations, investors and small biz owners take every day..To a scientist/engineer -- risk analysis is just part of the job.. To a leftist it's a bunch of laws and money that haven't been written yet or spent.

First off -- I've never logged on to Conservative Treehouse blog.. Never actually even lurked there. I know about it only because my wife is a member there and spends 2 or 3 hours a day on that site.. Today the blogger who runs with name Sundance announced that CTH will be deplatformed by 1st week December.

CTH is one of highest volume Conservative blog sites in the country. They like to be a "refuge" for conservative speech and opinion.. They do PRUNE their members. That's their RIGHT to do so.. Of all the stuff I've read from there -- it's high quality research and analysis and the members are FAR BETTER behaved and civil than on USMB.. :stir: The excuse given was completely nebulous.. It reads like "we're not compatible with your content and opinions". And the move was announced after Sundance pulled together some strings on the strength of "one world" globalists that NOW feel empowered to act..

They have a HUGE PROBLEM.. Which is the Wordpress business model.. Their site is DESIGNED to suck in wantabee bloggers with low rent and services -- but like Hotel California -- "You can never leave".. Because their site is based on open sourced S/ware that incompatible with most other hosting.. I looked into WordPress -- and I would never make that mistake..

So now with decades of content and discussion -- the left is moving them to wander towards Siberia and the "camps".. And essentially confiscating their work.

IMO -- half of America is NOT GONNA TAKE IT ANYMORE.. I imagine the right will learn to protest and organize and WHINE about free speech that makes THEM uncomfortable. Good possibility that WordPress will have several thousand people picketing and protest.. It's the last stand before the war goes hot.., The doxxing and canceling and deplatforming and shadow banning and fact checking goes both ways.. It's just that the OTHER HALF is gonna have to invest in their OWN resources.. And there's plenty of money and skill to do just that... With THAT effort -- the polarization reaches nuclear warfare potential...

So much for Biden's plea that NOW the left wants to heal the country.. I'm CERTAIN that high elements of the left power elite are involved in selecting the targets here.. And we'll SEE THAT when Biden packs his "potential" administration with same tyrannical high tech oligarchs..

Ignorant nonsense.

No one is ‘playing Nazi.’

Private websites, hosting platforms, and blogging software developers are at liberty to edit their content as they see fit – where such editing is in no manner ‘censorship.’

The internet is infinite; conservatives have ample other online opportunities to spread their ignorance, fear, hate, and lies – this being one of many examples.

Such name calling is foolish.

Why would they be deplatformed ? If you can start with the answer to that question, it would be useful.
Why Conservative Treehouse is being deplatformed has nothing to do with ‘censorship’ or ‘Nazis.’ As a private entity WordPress is not required to provide an explanation as to why

. . . and yet they DID. They said that CTH was being deplatformed because the TreeHouse's content was incompatible with THEIR IDEOLOGY, all the while advertising their product as

Screen Shot 2020-11-17 at 1.34.37 PM.png

. . . then describing terms for service which sound like they are literally DESIGNED to PROTECT users from the very thing Wordpress is in fact doing!

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And without a single thing they can point to in their rules that CTH has violated!

Screen Shot 2020-11-17 at 1.45.39 PM.png
Easy to say that when your speech is not the one being censored.
Nobody is stopping your freedom of speech. Go start your own platform.

By that same rationale, Grumpy, no one is stopping you from breathing if they duct tape your face! You can always try to suck air through your ass . . .

Meantime, years and years of work are being lost and every time a conservative group thinks they have found a new home, they get their rug yanked. And not everyone can just go "start their own platform," if they could, no one would need places like Wordpress.

I can only laugh at your disdain as I can't count the number of times I've seen you people holler if just one of your threads gets sent down into the basement! CENSORSHIP!!
There are a hundred things out there killing people right now, putting people in the hospital, been killing them for years, decades, year after year-- dozens of those causes far greater than Covid. Yet we accept them as just "one of those things we must live with." :smoke:
And for years and years people have done their best to keep those things at bay. Whenever there has been any type of pandemic, isolation has been used. Happened with the Spanish Flu, Ebola outbreaks etc. So basically, what you just said is untrue.
Total Bullshit..; "THE SITE Says"????? You and your fucking brain substitute fact checkers..BACK THAT UP !!! GO to CTH and show me where "THE SITES SAYS" -- any of that..
It isn’t total bullshit. It is a source like any other source, no less valid.

Fallacy of moral equivalence. You've just claimed that all news and theories are true and one is no better or worse than another.

Without even realizing it, you've just both denied the existence of fake news as well as asserting by implication that theories there is no MMGW are just as credible as those which say there is.

Thank you.
Martin Gugino was the elderly protester shoved by police, who sustained head injuries and a fracture.

Whatever this guy was, he was a foolish man at his age and frailty apparently also not knowing how to fall to protect himself walking up to and getting right in the face of riot police to clearly try to skim radio frequencies off of the police officers. No one tries to skim police radio freqs for no reason, ergo, that MAKES him an ACTIVIST, whether tied to Antifa or NOT. But since Antifa is the preeminent org to be involved with these days, it follows as a logical inference.

Put simply, the guy asked for it and GOT WHAT HE DESERVED.
Total Bullshit..; "THE SITE Says"????? You and your fucking brain substitute fact checkers..BACK THAT UP !!! GO to CTH and show me where "THE SITES SAYS" -- any of that..
It isn’t total bullshit. It is a source like any other source, no less valid.

Fallacy of moral equivalence. You've just claimed that all news and theories are true and one is no better or worse than another.

Without even realizing it, you've just both denied the existence of fake news as well as asserting by implication that theories there is no MMGW are just as credible as those which say there is.

Thank you.

How is it false morale equivalence? Fact checking/bias checking etc sites are no different (as in as good or as bad) as any other sources. It all depends on how well they do their job. Just like other sources.
Total Bullshit..; "THE SITE Says"????? You and your fucking brain substitute fact checkers..BACK THAT UP !!! GO to CTH and show me where "THE SITES SAYS" -- any of that..
It isn’t total bullshit. It is a source like any other source, no less valid.

Fallacy of moral equivalence. You've just claimed that all news and theories are true and one is no better or worse than another.

Without even realizing it, you've just both denied the existence of fake news as well as asserting by implication that theories there is no MMGW are just as credible as those which say there is.

Thank you.

How is it false morale equivalence? Fact checking/bias checking etc sites are no different (as in as good or as bad) as any other sources. It all depends on how well they do their job. Just like other sources.

Facts are absolute, truth is real not relative. I can count on one hand the number of sites that have fact-checked anything that I've found trustworthy! To say one is as good as the next is to say that none of them are any good! A far better arbiter of the facts is disappearing these days: first hand, direct knowledge and experience! But you can't LINK to that . . .
I have nothing against questioning studies with well reasoned arguments, whether it is about Covid or MMGW (thanks FCT for translating), but I'm guessing it is more than that going on in the Treehouse.

What's going on at the TreeHouse I hear about every day from the wife unit.. And it's a respected form of investigative journalism --- ALL spearheaded by the ONE blogger that runs it.,. Many members of CONGRESS are known fans..

Can you provide a link to this place where you think it is a respected form of investigative journalism.

I went to a site to check it out.

I did read some of the articles (posts). I'll read some more. But I am not sure I see what you are seeing.

How did you determine they "respected form of investigative journalism"?

I’m not sure they are either, at least if I look them up here: The Last Refuge (Conservative Treehouse) - Media Bias/Fact Check

This site states they promote a lore of conspiracy, fake news, have poor sourcing and transparency which might be what is getting them in trouble with Wordpress sopince it seems platforms aren’t cracking down on this.

Wow -- Your substitute brain at Media Bias takes points off to nit pick the strangest shit about CTHouse ---

The Last Refuge is a conservative news and opinion blog that encourages comments on their posts. According to their about page: “Fear is at the core of liberalism, and love/trust is at the core of conservatism. Liberalism is about control. Conservatism is about self-empowerment.” This biased statement is reflected in the content of the website.

Wow.,. Was COMPLETELY UNAWARE YOU CAN FACT-CHECK OPINION !!!! If you fall this analysis you're a mental midget.. Such DANGEROUS talk eh? You want to compare to a day at Demo Underground about "unsourced opinion..

But WAIT -- it gets better.. Evidently you can get points off for juicing a title.. EVEN A LITTLE BIT..

There is considerable use of loaded language in headlines such as this: Sketchy Business: Grassley Releases Original Ford Letter to Feinstein… Although this particular article is written well and utilizes sourcing, it ends in big bold letters LIES!, conveying strong support for Judge Kavanaugh without evidence.

Wow.. Now ain't that kindergarden level picky. WELL WRITTEN -- WELL SOURCED -- But "Sketchy Business in the TITLE??? Burn 'em.

Need to nuke some fact checkers.. They piss me off posing as objective judges OF ANYTHING.. Especially when they fancy themselves important at all to "free expression" or "free speech"..
A day at the Dem Underground? That is kind of funny...they, deservedly have a similarly low rating.

Yah know how many times I have been banned at the democrat underground? At least 10 times for life

The last time they got pissed off by me saying poor people subsidize rich people for electric cars. .

From your link

Overall, we rate Democratic Underground Left Biased based on story selection and political affiliation with the Democratic Party. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to the use of poor sources and a few failed fact checks.

Exactly.. We cant agree on what "hate speech" is and we cant agree on "who's a racist" and we cant agree on "the number of genders" and we cant agree on most ANY political issue -- but YET these fucking fact checkers SPIN their ratings to their POV.. In fact the basic question is WHY a fact checker should EVEN DRAW A CONCLUSION limited to 3 or 4 choice...

Just the facts. That's what fact-checking is.. You can actually do this YOURSELF..

Not only that - but if "flack checkers" were infallible and objective -- WHYTF would you "dueling fact checkers" on the web?? It's moronic..

The majority of the leftist leaning fact checkers are now ORGANIZED AND ALLIED by the same OBVIOUSLY biased MSMedia orgs that sponsor the Organization..

Just heard the whimp chimp Zuckerberg at Congressional Hearing BRAG about how they use "independent fact checkers at orgs like Poynter Institute.. The ROOT of the Poynter Institute is money from the dead owner of Tampa Bay times -- A MEGA-LEFTIST.. And the newspaper is ENTIRELY LEFT BIASED and always HAS BEEN.,.

This is not a solution to dividing American media into TWO giant hyperpartisan warring tribes. It will lead to DOOM and destruction of this Republic. And NOBODY important is advocating people gathering from ALL POV and discussing things out -- like we try to do AT THIS SITE.. Except maybe me.. Maybe I'm the problem and deluded...

It's gonna get REALLY DANGEROUS AND BORING when EVERYTHING media is split into 2 warring tribes like the 2 party system has forced us into..
Total Bullshit..; "THE SITE Says"????? You and your fucking brain substitute fact checkers..BACK THAT UP !!! GO to CTH and show me where "THE SITES SAYS" -- any of that..
It isn’t total bullshit. It is a source like any other source, no less valid.

Fallacy of moral equivalence. You've just claimed that all news and theories are true and one is no better or worse than another.

Without even realizing it, you've just both denied the existence of fake news as well as asserting by implication that theories there is no MMGW are just as credible as those which say there is.

Thank you.

How is it false morale equivalence? Fact checking/bias checking etc sites are no different (as in as good or as bad) as any other sources. It all depends on how well they do their job. Just like other sources.

WhatTF GOOD is fact-checker that NOT excellent. objective and accurate? Is it just because folks NEEDS instant "talking points" to defend their position? Need an answer to the BOLDED question above??
Total Bullshit..; "THE SITE Says"????? You and your fucking brain substitute fact checkers..BACK THAT UP !!! GO to CTH and show me where "THE SITES SAYS" -- any of that..
It isn’t total bullshit. It is a source like any other source, no less valid.

Fallacy of moral equivalence. You've just claimed that all news and theories are true and one is no better or worse than another.

Without even realizing it, you've just both denied the existence of fake news as well as asserting by implication that theories there is no MMGW are just as credible as those which say there is.

Thank you.

How is it false morale equivalence? Fact checking/bias checking etc sites are no different (as in as good or as bad) as any other sources. It all depends on how well they do their job. Just like other sources.

WhatTF GOOD is fact-checker that NOT excellent. objective and accurate? Is it just because folks NEEDS instant "talking points" to defend their position? Need an answer to the BOLDED question above??

AGAIN - it's a source LIKE ANY OTHER. Take it or leave it. What good is ANY article if it's not excellent, objective and accurate...and many are not.
I have nothing against questioning studies with well reasoned arguments, whether it is about Covid or MMGW (thanks FCT for translating), but I'm guessing it is more than that going on in the Treehouse.

What's going on at the TreeHouse I hear about every day from the wife unit.. And it's a respected form of investigative journalism --- ALL spearheaded by the ONE blogger that runs it.,. Many members of CONGRESS are known fans..

Can you provide a link to this place where you think it is a respected form of investigative journalism.

I went to a site to check it out.

I did read some of the articles (posts). I'll read some more. But I am not sure I see what you are seeing.

How did you determine they "respected form of investigative journalism"?

I’m not sure they are either, at least if I look them up here: The Last Refuge (Conservative Treehouse) - Media Bias/Fact Check

This site states they promote a lore of conspiracy, fake news, have poor sourcing and transparency which might be what is getting them in trouble with Wordpress sopince it seems platforms aren’t cracking down on this.

Wow -- Your substitute brain at Media Bias takes points off to nit pick the strangest shit about CTHouse ---

The Last Refuge is a conservative news and opinion blog that encourages comments on their posts. According to their about page: “Fear is at the core of liberalism, and love/trust is at the core of conservatism. Liberalism is about control. Conservatism is about self-empowerment.” This biased statement is reflected in the content of the website.

Wow.,. Was COMPLETELY UNAWARE YOU CAN FACT-CHECK OPINION !!!! If you fall this analysis you're a mental midget.. Such DANGEROUS talk eh? You want to compare to a day at Demo Underground about "unsourced opinion..

But WAIT -- it gets better.. Evidently you can get points off for juicing a title.. EVEN A LITTLE BIT..

There is considerable use of loaded language in headlines such as this: Sketchy Business: Grassley Releases Original Ford Letter to Feinstein… Although this particular article is written well and utilizes sourcing, it ends in big bold letters LIES!, conveying strong support for Judge Kavanaugh without evidence.

Wow.. Now ain't that kindergarden level picky. WELL WRITTEN -- WELL SOURCED -- But "Sketchy Business in the TITLE??? Burn 'em.

Need to nuke some fact checkers.. They piss me off posing as objective judges OF ANYTHING.. Especially when they fancy themselves important at all to "free expression" or "free speech"..
A day at the Dem Underground? That is kind of funny...they, deservedly have a similarly low rating.

Yah know how many times I have been banned at the democrat underground? At least 10 times for life

The last time they got pissed off by me saying poor people subsidize rich people for electric cars. .

From your link

Overall, we rate Democratic Underground Left Biased based on story selection and political affiliation with the Democratic Party. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to the use of poor sources and a few failed fact checks.

Exactly.. We cant agree on what "hate speech" is and we cant agree on "who's a racist" and we cant agree on "the number of genders" and we cant agree on most ANY political issue -- but YET these fucking fact checkers SPIN their ratings to their POV.. In fact the basic question is WHY a fact checker should EVEN DRAW A CONCLUSION limited to 3 or 4 choice...

Just the facts. That's what fact-checking is.. You can actually do this YOURSELF..

Not only that - but if "flack checkers" were infallible and objective -- WHYTF would you "dueling fact checkers" on the web?? It's moronic..

The majority of the leftist leaning fact checkers are now ORGANIZED AND ALLIED by the same OBVIOUSLY biased MSMedia orgs that sponsor the Organization..

Just heard the whimp chimp Zuckerberg at Congressional Hearing BRAG about how they use "independent fact checkers at orgs like Poynter Institute.. The ROOT of the Poynter Institute is money from the dead owner of Tampa Bay times -- A MEGA-LEFTIST.. And the newspaper is ENTIRELY LEFT BIASED and always HAS BEEN.,.

This is not a solution to dividing American media into TWO giant hyperpartisan warring tribes. It will lead to DOOM and destruction of this Republic. And NOBODY important is advocating people gathering from ALL POV and discussing things out -- like we try to do AT THIS SITE.. Except maybe me.. Maybe I'm the problem and deluded...

It's gonna get REALLY DANGEROUS AND BORING when EVERYTHING media is split into 2 warring tribes like the 2 party system has forced us into..

Why are there dueling articles and "realities" on the web? Treat fact checkers like any other article instead of getting all incensed.

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