The Pushback in Illinois Begins

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I loath uninformed idiots like yourself. People like you aren’t in charge because you can’t handle the responsibility that it takes to actually make serious decisions.

Suck my ass you pathetic drone.

If it wasn't for genetic garbage like YOU, the sociopaths of the world would all be in prison. Instead, utter blithering imbeciles like YOU latch on to cults of personality and we end up watching the Stalins of the world wipe out untold millions of innocent people. IT YOU that can't handle responsibility, so you demand a "Great Leader" do it for you. Then like the piece of sheep shit you are, when the consequences come along, you pretend you had nothing to do with it.

You pieces of shit are a malignancy to humanity. You care for no one but yourselves and cling to deliberate ignorance at all costs. If it wasn't for genetic garbage like you there would never have been a Hitler, a Stalin, a Mussolini, a Mugabe, a Pol Pot, or a Mao.

Do us a favor you piece of shit, do your part to neutralize your carbon footprint and fall asleep with a plastic bag over your head to trap the CO2 and reduce MMGW. I promise that if you do so, the world will be a cooler place to live the next day. Every breath you take is a misdemeanor theft of oxygen. The only contribution you could ever make would be to rot in the soil and return the nitrogen that was wasted while you were animated.


Perform a retroactive self abortion. Just don't hurt anyone else in that endeavor.

Fucking piece of shit.


I thought we were going to be smart about it but it turns out you can only stop the village idiots from harming themselves for so long.

So if y’all decide that this is how you want to play it, why should I have to pay for your stupidity?
"Being smart about it" in your world means groveling at the feet of people whose models and numbers haven't ever been right.

You want to be a cowering little beta, who needs to be told by his betters what to do and when to do it, that's your business...Just don't arrogantly stand in the way of people who can decide for themselves what very low grade risks they will take and which they wont, under the phony guise of "saving lives".....And make no mistake about it, as contagions as the Covid is, it's not life threatening in 99.98% of cases.

Now go wash your hands and Cower in Place™, like the good little servile beta cuck that you are.

Not that all bed wetters are liberals, some bed wetters are not interested in politics at all, but all liberals are bed wetters. Sniveling, pathetic, vacuous, servile drones who empower sociopaths and end up getting millions of people killed.

I loathe these fucking pieces of shit.....

I loath uninformed idiots like yourself. People like you aren’t in charge because you can’t handle the responsibility that it takes to actually make serious decisions.
it's why we have legislators. they haven't said shit. why? no man is a king in our country. no man. unless you want me to stutter, no man.
Then why do you allow Trump to be king?
I don't. post where I think he is?
My God...

This asshole just sent the stupidity bar outside the orbit of the fucking moon.

Do you know why pieces of shit like this exist? We have WAY TOO MANY safety barriers. That's why I do not oppose abortion even though I believe it is the most criminally offensive act a human being can commit, but if liberal women are having their genetic accidents flushed or tossed into a Planned Unparenthood dumpster, so be it. Those poisons eggs should be scrambled and fed to rats.


You have a lot more rage than brains. That makes you an easy target for manipulation.
you don't have a right to tell him what his freedom is. just like he doesn't have that right to tell you. that's the beauty of freedom and liberty.
The Mayor of East Peoria tells Governor Cartman to stuff it up his fat ass, and allows his city to begin returning to normal.

There are those who sacrifice vs. those who demand.
I'm willing to sacrifice, why aren't you? you don't care about the masses survival?

open up and let our herd immunity loose like we've always done. it makes us who we are. you are afraid, so no, you aren't sacrificing. A soldier, a cop will run toward danger. That's me here.
This makes no sense. Cops run towards danger so the danger does not affect the rest of the population.

What you’re saying is the exact opposite. Make sure the danger affects everyone in a “it can’t kill us all” kind of ideology.
how's it different? i'm ready to sacrifice my life for normalcy to start back up. An 18 year old soldier is just told to run toward bullets, and does it. I'm actually volunteering my health to show you you are full of shit. And yet, you think I don't deserve to do that, even though the section 242 of title 18 says I can.
I think you don’t understand how your actions impact others.
if you don't want to be near me stay away. Others like me will get together. I have no intention of harming anyone who won't take the same risk as me. why do you care? you didn't answer yet. hmmmmmm

open up the businesses and let's see how many of me there are. I bet many more than you figure. do you know what at my risk means?

Because no one knows what you’re doing and not everyone can avoid everyone. The person going to the grocery store with medical conditions doesn’t know you’ve decided to take no precautions, but they need to eat so they go out anyway.
well sure they can, those who don't wish to be at risk stay home. To drive a car is a risk. to do most anything in life is a risk. To climb a ladder is a risk, to hang cable on a telephone pole is a risk. Yet people do it. why? it really bothers you it's obvious. you are a fking control freak I see now.
Because people can’t stay home. People have to go out eventually.

It bothers me because I have to deal with the very real consequences of what happens with the pandemic. These are just numbers to you. To me, they’re the people I’m supposed to be keeping alive. You live in a nice little bubble. I’m sure it’s comfy in there. You probably won’t have to deal with the real world any time soon.
what people are you dealing with? I'm now curious
I loath uninformed idiots like yourself. People like you aren’t in charge because you can’t handle the responsibility that it takes to actually make serious decisions.

Suck my ass you pathetic drone.

If it wasn't for genetic garbage like YOU, the sociopaths of the world would all be in prison. Instead, utter blithering imbeciles like YOU latch on to cults of personality and we end up watching the Stalins of the world wipe out untold millions of innocent people. IT YOU that can't handle responsibility, so you demand a "Great Leader" do it for you. Then like the piece of sheep shit you are, when the consequences come along, you pretend you had nothing to do with it.

You pieces of shit are a malignancy to humanity. You care for no one but yourselves and cling to deliberate ignorance at all costs. If it wasn't for genetic garbage like you there would never have been a Hitler, a Stalin, a Mussolini, a Mugabe, a Pol Pot, or a Mao.

Do us a favor you piece of shit, do your part to neutralize your carbon footprint and fall asleep with a plastic bag over your head to trap the CO2 and reduce MMGW. I promise that if you do so, the world will be a cooler place to live the next day. Every breath you take is a misdemeanor theft of oxygen. The only contribution you could ever make would be to rot in the soil and return the nitrogen that was wasted while you were animated.


Perform a retroactive self abortion. Just don't hurt anyone else in that endeavor.

Fucking piece of shit.


I thought we were going to be smart about it but it turns out you can only stop the village idiots from harming themselves for so long.

So if y’all decide that this is how you want to play it, why should I have to pay for your stupidity?
"Being smart about it" in your world means groveling at the feet of people whose models and numbers haven't ever been right.

You want to be a cowering little beta, who needs to be told by his betters what to do and when to do it, that's your business...Just don't arrogantly stand in the way of people who can decide for themselves what very low grade risks they will take and which they wont, under the phony guise of "saving lives".....And make no mistake about it, as contagions as the Covid is, it's not life threatening in 99.98% of cases.

Now go wash your hands and Cower in Place™, like the good little servile beta cuck that you are.

Not that all bed wetters are liberals, some bed wetters are not interested in politics at all, but all liberals are bed wetters. Sniveling, pathetic, vacuous, servile drones who empower sociopaths and end up getting millions of people killed.

I loathe these fucking pieces of shit.....

I loath uninformed idiots like yourself. People like you aren’t in charge because you can’t handle the responsibility that it takes to actually make serious decisions.
it's why we have legislators. they haven't said shit. why? no man is a king in our country. no man. unless you want me to stutter, no man.
Then why do you allow Trump to be king?
I don't. post where I think he is?
My God...

This asshole just sent the stupidity bar outside the orbit of the fucking moon.

Do you know why pieces of shit like this exist? We have WAY TOO MANY safety barriers. That's why I do not oppose abortion even though I believe it is the most criminally offensive act a human being can commit, but if liberal women are having their genetic accidents flushed or tossed into a Planned Unparenthood dumpster, so be it. Those poisons eggs should be scrambled and fed to rats.


You have a lot more rage than brains. That makes you an easy target for manipulation.
ah dude, he trashed you positively. you should just say thank you and go away.

He more than aptly demonstrated he has no knowledge, just emotion.
The Mayor of East Peoria tells Governor Cartman to stuff it up his fat ass, and allows his city to begin returning to normal.

There are those who sacrifice vs. those who demand.
I'm willing to sacrifice, why aren't you? you don't care about the masses survival?

open up and let our herd immunity loose like we've always done. it makes us who we are. you are afraid, so no, you aren't sacrificing. A soldier, a cop will run toward danger. That's me here.
This makes no sense. Cops run towards danger so the danger does not affect the rest of the population.

What you’re saying is the exact opposite. Make sure the danger affects everyone in a “it can’t kill us all” kind of ideology.
how's it different? i'm ready to sacrifice my life for normalcy to start back up. An 18 year old soldier is just told to run toward bullets, and does it. I'm actually volunteering my health to show you you are full of shit. And yet, you think I don't deserve to do that, even though the section 242 of title 18 says I can.
I think you don’t understand how your actions impact others.
if you don't want to be near me stay away. Others like me will get together. I have no intention of harming anyone who won't take the same risk as me. why do you care? you didn't answer yet. hmmmmmm

open up the businesses and let's see how many of me there are. I bet many more than you figure. do you know what at my risk means?

Because no one knows what you’re doing and not everyone can avoid everyone. The person going to the grocery store with medical conditions doesn’t know you’ve decided to take no precautions, but they need to eat so they go out anyway.
well sure they can, those who don't wish to be at risk stay home. To drive a car is a risk. to do most anything in life is a risk. To climb a ladder is a risk, to hang cable on a telephone pole is a risk. Yet people do it. why? it really bothers you it's obvious. you are a fking control freak I see now.
Because people can’t stay home. People have to go out eventually.

It bothers me because I have to deal with the very real consequences of what happens with the pandemic. These are just numbers to you. To me, they’re the people I’m supposed to be keeping alive. You live in a nice little bubble. I’m sure it’s comfy in there. You probably won’t have to deal with the real world any time soon.
what people are you dealing with? I'm now curious
Sick people.
The mayor should then be on the hook for all resulting medical bills.

If they want their freedom, they can pay for it.
Maybe you should mind your own fucking business and let people assess their own risks and live their lives.
I’d love too but the thing is that it’s not just their lives. It’s a communicable disease and they put their community at risk by taking risks themselves.

And that’s not to mention that these communities are sure as shit going to be relying on state and federal resources to pay for the medical care they’re going to be needing.
We're not going to cower our way out of this....Your banal little "saving lives" bit is such totally overplayed bullshit that it makes my head hurt.

Get the hell over yourself.

I thought we were going to be smart about it but it turns out you can only stop the village idiots from harming themselves for so long.

So if y’all decide that this is how you want to play it, why should I have to pay for your stupidity?
funny how that works huh? we don't wish to give poor people money for not working and you love that. you have some rather strange objectives. Take away freedom all the time.
I think it’s odd that saving lives is a strange objective. Here I thought that was a common goal.

That wasn't the goal....the goal was to keep the hospitals from being overwhelmed.....that has been accomplished while hospitals are now going bankrupt, and Doctor and nurses are being laid off.......

The curve is now flattened, time to open up the country....your dream of beating Trump by destroying the country can be stopped.....

Do you understand what will happen to the curve when we stop doing the things that flattened it in the first place?

Do you understand what will happen if we don't re-open the country? Oh, that's right, you have every incentive to support the destruction of the U.S. economy and over 30 million lives in America..........

The curve is flattened, we have more than enough resources to deal with new hospitalizations...remember, the entire reason the politicians destroyed the U.S. economy was to reduce the stress on the hospitals...

We did not use near the resources we were told we would need, we did not use even close to all the ventilators and New York is now sending them out to other states, we did not use even close to the ICU beds they said we would need, entire Army field hospitals went unused and closed down, the two Navy medical ships went unused and closed down.....

Nothing they told us has been close to accurate or true........

We have the resources to deal with the sick, and the only reason you want the country closed is 6 months is enough time for Trump to get the country going again, and you would rather see over 30 million people homeless and hungry than allow Trump to win in November...
So if y’all decide that this is how you want to play it, why should I have to pay for your stupidity
Why should I have to pay for the endless businesses that will fail and the resulting loss of revenue? Why should we all have to pay for over 30 million on unemployment? Why should I have to pay for endless debt not created by me? Why should I have to pay for the half million who die at their own hands of heart disease because they are irresponsible with their bodies? Or the 30 thousand who die every year due to intoxicated drivers? Or the idiots overdosing. Or even careless drivers and speeders.
Seems I have to pay for a lot of shit that kills a few hundred thousand every year. So quit yer bitching.
We are NOT going to put up with endless shutdowns
The mayor should then be on the hook for all resulting medical bills.

If they want their freedom, they can pay for it.
Maybe you should mind your own fucking business and let people assess their own risks and live their lives.
I’d love too but the thing is that it’s not just their lives. It’s a communicable disease and they put their community at risk by taking risks themselves.

And that’s not to mention that these communities are sure as shit going to be relying on state and federal resources to pay for the medical care they’re going to be needing.
We're not going to cower our way out of this....Your banal little "saving lives" bit is such totally overplayed bullshit that it makes my head hurt.

Get the hell over yourself.

I thought we were going to be smart about it but it turns out you can only stop the village idiots from harming themselves for so long.

So if y’all decide that this is how you want to play it, why should I have to pay for your stupidity?
funny how that works huh? we don't wish to give poor people money for not working and you love that. you have some rather strange objectives. Take away freedom all the time.
I think it’s odd that saving lives is a strange objective. Here I thought that was a common goal.

That wasn't the goal....the goal was to keep the hospitals from being overwhelmed.....that has been accomplished while hospitals are now going bankrupt, and Doctor and nurses are being laid off.......

The curve is now flattened, time to open up the country....your dream of beating Trump by destroying the country can be stopped.....

Do you understand what will happen to the curve when we stop doing the things that flattened it in the first place?

Do you understand what will happen if we don't re-open the country? Oh, that's right, you have every incentive to support the destruction of the U.S. economy and over 30 million lives in America..........

The curve is flattened, we have more than enough resources to deal with new hospitalizations...remember, the entire reason the politicians destroyed the U.S. economy was to reduce the stress on the hospitals...

We did not use near the resources we were told we would need, we did not use even close to all the ventilators and New York is now sending them out to other states, we did not use even close to the ICU beds they said we would need, entire Army field hospitals went unused and closed down, the two Navy medical ships went unused and closed down.....

Nothing they told us has been close to accurate or true........

We have the resources to deal with the sick, and the only reason you want the country closed is 6 months is enough time for Trump to get the country going again, and you would rather see over 30 million people homeless and hungry than allow Trump to win in November...
No, we don’t have the resources. I don’t think the country should stay entirely closed for 6 months, but if you think everything can go back to normal, you’re fooling yourself.
So if y’all decide that this is how you want to play it, why should I have to pay for your stupidity
Why should I have to pay for the endless businesses that will fail and the resulting loss of revenue? Why should we all have to pay for over 30 million on unemployment? Why should I have to pay for endless debt not created by me? Why should I have to pay for the half million who die at their own hands of heart disease because they are irresponsible with their bodies? Or the 30 thousand who die every year due to intoxicated drivers? Or the idiots overdosing. Or even careless drivers and speeders.
Seems I have to pay for a lot of shit that kills a few hundred thousand every year. So quit yer bitching.
We are NOT going to put up with endless shutdowns

No one said it’s endless. Seriously, when y’all get on a dumb talking point, it’s everywhere.
The mayor should then be on the hook for all resulting medical bills.

If they want their freedom, they can pay for it.
Maybe you should mind your own fucking business and let people assess their own risks and live their lives.
I’d love too but the thing is that it’s not just their lives. It’s a communicable disease and they put their community at risk by taking risks themselves.

And that’s not to mention that these communities are sure as shit going to be relying on state and federal resources to pay for the medical care they’re going to be needing.
We're not going to cower our way out of this....Your banal little "saving lives" bit is such totally overplayed bullshit that it makes my head hurt.

Get the hell over yourself.

I thought we were going to be smart about it but it turns out you can only stop the village idiots from harming themselves for so long.

So if y’all decide that this is how you want to play it, why should I have to pay for your stupidity?
funny how that works huh? we don't wish to give poor people money for not working and you love that. you have some rather strange objectives. Take away freedom all the time.
I think it’s odd that saving lives is a strange objective. Here I thought that was a common goal.

That wasn't the goal....the goal was to keep the hospitals from being overwhelmed.....that has been accomplished while hospitals are now going bankrupt, and Doctor and nurses are being laid off.......

The curve is now flattened, time to open up the country....your dream of beating Trump by destroying the country can be stopped.....

Do you understand what will happen to the curve when we stop doing the things that flattened it in the first place?

Do you understand what will happen if we don't re-open the country? Oh, that's right, you have every incentive to support the destruction of the U.S. economy and over 30 million lives in America..........

The curve is flattened, we have more than enough resources to deal with new hospitalizations...remember, the entire reason the politicians destroyed the U.S. economy was to reduce the stress on the hospitals...

We did not use near the resources we were told we would need, we did not use even close to all the ventilators and New York is now sending them out to other states, we did not use even close to the ICU beds they said we would need, entire Army field hospitals went unused and closed down, the two Navy medical ships went unused and closed down.....

Nothing they told us has been close to accurate or true........

We have the resources to deal with the sick, and the only reason you want the country closed is 6 months is enough time for Trump to get the country going again, and you would rather see over 30 million people homeless and hungry than allow Trump to win in November...
No, we don’t have the resources. I don’t think the country should stay entirely closed for 6 months, but if you think everything can go back to normal, you’re fooling yourself.

Nope.....we keep the elderly and vulnerable locked down, and reopen everything.......we have more than enough resources as we have been shown with the over abundance of resources in the initial beds unused, Army and Navy hospitals closed down without being used by even one patient, Ventilators we were told would be unavailable were so numerous most of them were never used...

You guys want to keep the economy crushed because you want to defeat Trump, no matter how many lives you ruin, and you want to put the U.S. down, to let the other countries of the world have an advantage over us.....and on top of that, you want your Cloward and Piven strategy to sorry, not going to play your game...

We actually want the U.S. to survive and we want the American people to be happy.......
because you can’t handle the responsibility that it takes to actually make serious decisions.
Spoken like a true statist.
Piss the hell off.
It’s true. Some people run from responsibility. They are afraid of it. I just thought it was weird that we decided to put one of those people in the white house.
The mayor should then be on the hook for all resulting medical bills.

If they want their freedom, they can pay for it.
Maybe you should mind your own fucking business and let people assess their own risks and live their lives.
I’d love too but the thing is that it’s not just their lives. It’s a communicable disease and they put their community at risk by taking risks themselves.

And that’s not to mention that these communities are sure as shit going to be relying on state and federal resources to pay for the medical care they’re going to be needing.
We're not going to cower our way out of this....Your banal little "saving lives" bit is such totally overplayed bullshit that it makes my head hurt.

Get the hell over yourself.

I thought we were going to be smart about it but it turns out you can only stop the village idiots from harming themselves for so long.

So if y’all decide that this is how you want to play it, why should I have to pay for your stupidity?
funny how that works huh? we don't wish to give poor people money for not working and you love that. you have some rather strange objectives. Take away freedom all the time.
I think it’s odd that saving lives is a strange objective. Here I thought that was a common goal.

That wasn't the goal....the goal was to keep the hospitals from being overwhelmed.....that has been accomplished while hospitals are now going bankrupt, and Doctor and nurses are being laid off.......

The curve is now flattened, time to open up the country....your dream of beating Trump by destroying the country can be stopped.....

Do you understand what will happen to the curve when we stop doing the things that flattened it in the first place?

Do you understand what will happen if we don't re-open the country? Oh, that's right, you have every incentive to support the destruction of the U.S. economy and over 30 million lives in America..........

The curve is flattened, we have more than enough resources to deal with new hospitalizations...remember, the entire reason the politicians destroyed the U.S. economy was to reduce the stress on the hospitals...

We did not use near the resources we were told we would need, we did not use even close to all the ventilators and New York is now sending them out to other states, we did not use even close to the ICU beds they said we would need, entire Army field hospitals went unused and closed down, the two Navy medical ships went unused and closed down.....

Nothing they told us has been close to accurate or true........

We have the resources to deal with the sick, and the only reason you want the country closed is 6 months is enough time for Trump to get the country going again, and you would rather see over 30 million people homeless and hungry than allow Trump to win in November...
No, we don’t have the resources. I don’t think the country should stay entirely closed for 6 months, but if you think everything can go back to normal, you’re fooling yourself.

Nope.....we keep the elderly and vulnerable locked down, and reopen everything.......we have more than enough resources as we have been shown with the over abundance of resources in the initial beds unused, Army and Navy hospitals closed down without being used by even one patient, Ventilators we were told would be unavailable were so numerous most of them were never used...

You guys want to keep the economy crushed because you want to defeat Trump, no matter how many lives you ruin, and you want to put the U.S. down, to let the other countries of the world have an advantage over us.....and on top of that, you want your Cloward and Piven strategy to sorry, not going to play your game...

We actually want the U.S. to survive and we want the American people to be happy.......
How do you keep the elderly locked down? It’s impossible. Nursing homes have been “locked down” for months and yet the virus still works its way in because the elderly are dependent on others. You’re living in a fantasy world, not reality

I want this to stay under control because I don’t want the rest of the country to experience what New York did.
So if y’all decide that this is how you want to play it, why should I have to pay for your stupidity
Why should I have to pay for the endless businesses that will fail and the resulting loss of revenue? Why should we all have to pay for over 30 million on unemployment? Why should I have to pay for endless debt not created by me? Why should I have to pay for the half million who die at their own hands of heart disease because they are irresponsible with their bodies? Or the 30 thousand who die every year due to intoxicated drivers? Or the idiots overdosing. Or even careless drivers and speeders.
Seems I have to pay for a lot of shit that kills a few hundred thousand every year. So quit yer bitching.
We are NOT going to put up with endless shutdowns

No one said it’s endless. Seriously, when y’all get on a dumb talking point, it’s everywhere.
It certainly is endless for the countless businesses that will never open. The homes lost, the jobs that may never return. The lost tax revenue, and the spiraling exponentially increasing debt created by the shutdowns.
The cure is causing far more damage and is affecting far more lives than the virus.
The mayor should then be on the hook for all resulting medical bills.

If they want their freedom, they can pay for it.
Maybe you should mind your own fucking business and let people assess their own risks and live their lives.
I’d love too but the thing is that it’s not just their lives. It’s a communicable disease and they put their community at risk by taking risks themselves.

And that’s not to mention that these communities are sure as shit going to be relying on state and federal resources to pay for the medical care they’re going to be needing.
We're not going to cower our way out of this....Your banal little "saving lives" bit is such totally overplayed bullshit that it makes my head hurt.

Get the hell over yourself.

I thought we were going to be smart about it but it turns out you can only stop the village idiots from harming themselves for so long.

So if y’all decide that this is how you want to play it, why should I have to pay for your stupidity?
funny how that works huh? we don't wish to give poor people money for not working and you love that. you have some rather strange objectives. Take away freedom all the time.
I think it’s odd that saving lives is a strange objective. Here I thought that was a common goal.

That wasn't the goal....the goal was to keep the hospitals from being overwhelmed.....that has been accomplished while hospitals are now going bankrupt, and Doctor and nurses are being laid off.......

The curve is now flattened, time to open up the country....your dream of beating Trump by destroying the country can be stopped.....

Do you understand what will happen to the curve when we stop doing the things that flattened it in the first place?

Do you understand what will happen if we don't re-open the country? Oh, that's right, you have every incentive to support the destruction of the U.S. economy and over 30 million lives in America..........

The curve is flattened, we have more than enough resources to deal with new hospitalizations...remember, the entire reason the politicians destroyed the U.S. economy was to reduce the stress on the hospitals...

We did not use near the resources we were told we would need, we did not use even close to all the ventilators and New York is now sending them out to other states, we did not use even close to the ICU beds they said we would need, entire Army field hospitals went unused and closed down, the two Navy medical ships went unused and closed down.....

Nothing they told us has been close to accurate or true........

We have the resources to deal with the sick, and the only reason you want the country closed is 6 months is enough time for Trump to get the country going again, and you would rather see over 30 million people homeless and hungry than allow Trump to win in November...
No, we don’t have the resources. I don’t think the country should stay entirely closed for 6 months, but if you think everything can go back to normal, you’re fooling yourself.

Nope.....we keep the elderly and vulnerable locked down, and reopen everything.......we have more than enough resources as we have been shown with the over abundance of resources in the initial beds unused, Army and Navy hospitals closed down without being used by even one patient, Ventilators we were told would be unavailable were so numerous most of them were never used...

You guys want to keep the economy crushed because you want to defeat Trump, no matter how many lives you ruin, and you want to put the U.S. down, to let the other countries of the world have an advantage over us.....and on top of that, you want your Cloward and Piven strategy to sorry, not going to play your game...

We actually want the U.S. to survive and we want the American people to be happy.......
How do you keep the elderly locked down? It’s impossible. Nursing homes have been “locked down” for months and yet the virus still works its way in because the elderly are dependent on others. You’re living in a fantasy world, not reality

I want this to stay under control because I don’t want the rest of the country to experience what New York did.

Gov. Cuomo ordered them to take in known Chinese Virus victims and that is how they spread the disease in New York......

You want the country locked down so you can win in November...
So if y’all decide that this is how you want to play it, why should I have to pay for your stupidity
Why should I have to pay for the endless businesses that will fail and the resulting loss of revenue? Why should we all have to pay for over 30 million on unemployment? Why should I have to pay for endless debt not created by me? Why should I have to pay for the half million who die at their own hands of heart disease because they are irresponsible with their bodies? Or the 30 thousand who die every year due to intoxicated drivers? Or the idiots overdosing. Or even careless drivers and speeders.
Seems I have to pay for a lot of shit that kills a few hundred thousand every year. So quit yer bitching.
We are NOT going to put up with endless shutdowns

No one said it’s endless. Seriously, when y’all get on a dumb talking point, it’s everywhere.
It certainly is endless for the countless businesses that will never open. The homes lost, the jobs that may never return. The lost tax revenue, and the spiraling exponentially increasing debt created by the shutdowns.
The cure is causing far more damage and is affecting far more lives than the virus.

We can rebuild an economy. We can’t raise the dead.
So if y’all decide that this is how you want to play it, why should I have to pay for your stupidity
Why should I have to pay for the endless businesses that will fail and the resulting loss of revenue? Why should we all have to pay for over 30 million on unemployment? Why should I have to pay for endless debt not created by me? Why should I have to pay for the half million who die at their own hands of heart disease because they are irresponsible with their bodies? Or the 30 thousand who die every year due to intoxicated drivers? Or the idiots overdosing. Or even careless drivers and speeders.
Seems I have to pay for a lot of shit that kills a few hundred thousand every year. So quit yer bitching.
We are NOT going to put up with endless shutdowns

No one said it’s endless. Seriously, when y’all get on a dumb talking point, it’s everywhere.
It certainly is endless for the countless businesses that will never open. The homes lost, the jobs that may never return. The lost tax revenue, and the spiraling exponentially increasing debt created by the shutdowns.
The cure is causing far more damage and is affecting far more lives than the virus.

We can rebuild an economy. We can’t raise the dead.
Spare me the horseshit propaganda and cheap soundbites.
The mayor should then be on the hook for all resulting medical bills.

If they want their freedom, they can pay for it.
Maybe you should mind your own fucking business and let people assess their own risks and live their lives.
I’d love too but the thing is that it’s not just their lives. It’s a communicable disease and they put their community at risk by taking risks themselves.

And that’s not to mention that these communities are sure as shit going to be relying on state and federal resources to pay for the medical care they’re going to be needing.
We're not going to cower our way out of this....Your banal little "saving lives" bit is such totally overplayed bullshit that it makes my head hurt.

Get the hell over yourself.

I thought we were going to be smart about it but it turns out you can only stop the village idiots from harming themselves for so long.

So if y’all decide that this is how you want to play it, why should I have to pay for your stupidity?
funny how that works huh? we don't wish to give poor people money for not working and you love that. you have some rather strange objectives. Take away freedom all the time.
I think it’s odd that saving lives is a strange objective. Here I thought that was a common goal.

That wasn't the goal....the goal was to keep the hospitals from being overwhelmed.....that has been accomplished while hospitals are now going bankrupt, and Doctor and nurses are being laid off.......

The curve is now flattened, time to open up the country....your dream of beating Trump by destroying the country can be stopped.....

Do you understand what will happen to the curve when we stop doing the things that flattened it in the first place?

Do you understand what will happen if we don't re-open the country? Oh, that's right, you have every incentive to support the destruction of the U.S. economy and over 30 million lives in America..........

The curve is flattened, we have more than enough resources to deal with new hospitalizations...remember, the entire reason the politicians destroyed the U.S. economy was to reduce the stress on the hospitals...

We did not use near the resources we were told we would need, we did not use even close to all the ventilators and New York is now sending them out to other states, we did not use even close to the ICU beds they said we would need, entire Army field hospitals went unused and closed down, the two Navy medical ships went unused and closed down.....

Nothing they told us has been close to accurate or true........

We have the resources to deal with the sick, and the only reason you want the country closed is 6 months is enough time for Trump to get the country going again, and you would rather see over 30 million people homeless and hungry than allow Trump to win in November...
No, we don’t have the resources. I don’t think the country should stay entirely closed for 6 months, but if you think everything can go back to normal, you’re fooling yourself.

Nope.....we keep the elderly and vulnerable locked down, and reopen everything.......we have more than enough resources as we have been shown with the over abundance of resources in the initial beds unused, Army and Navy hospitals closed down without being used by even one patient, Ventilators we were told would be unavailable were so numerous most of them were never used...

You guys want to keep the economy crushed because you want to defeat Trump, no matter how many lives you ruin, and you want to put the U.S. down, to let the other countries of the world have an advantage over us.....and on top of that, you want your Cloward and Piven strategy to sorry, not going to play your game...

We actually want the U.S. to survive and we want the American people to be happy.......
How do you keep the elderly locked down? It’s impossible. Nursing homes have been “locked down” for months and yet the virus still works its way in because the elderly are dependent on others. You’re living in a fantasy world, not reality

I want this to stay under control because I don’t want the rest of the country to experience what New York did.

Gov. Cuomo ordered them to take in known Chinese Virus victims and that is how they spread the disease in New York......

You want the country locked down so you can win in November...

I thought Trump’s favorability was surging because of COVID? Is that no longer the case?
So if y’all decide that this is how you want to play it, why should I have to pay for your stupidity
Why should I have to pay for the endless businesses that will fail and the resulting loss of revenue? Why should we all have to pay for over 30 million on unemployment? Why should I have to pay for endless debt not created by me? Why should I have to pay for the half million who die at their own hands of heart disease because they are irresponsible with their bodies? Or the 30 thousand who die every year due to intoxicated drivers? Or the idiots overdosing. Or even careless drivers and speeders.
Seems I have to pay for a lot of shit that kills a few hundred thousand every year. So quit yer bitching.
We are NOT going to put up with endless shutdowns

No one said it’s endless. Seriously, when y’all get on a dumb talking point, it’s everywhere.
It certainly is endless for the countless businesses that will never open. The homes lost, the jobs that may never return. The lost tax revenue, and the spiraling exponentially increasing debt created by the shutdowns.
The cure is causing far more damage and is affecting far more lives than the virus.

We can rebuild an economy. We can’t raise the dead.
Spare me the horseshit propaganda and cheap soundbites.
Love to but you’re not giving me much to work with. The point is that the economic losses are reversible. We will get back to work eventually. The amount of free money pushed through should help.

Business will get another shot. We don’t get another shot with disease.
So if y’all decide that this is how you want to play it, why should I have to pay for your stupidity
Why should I have to pay for the endless businesses that will fail and the resulting loss of revenue? Why should we all have to pay for over 30 million on unemployment? Why should I have to pay for endless debt not created by me? Why should I have to pay for the half million who die at their own hands of heart disease because they are irresponsible with their bodies? Or the 30 thousand who die every year due to intoxicated drivers? Or the idiots overdosing. Or even careless drivers and speeders.
Seems I have to pay for a lot of shit that kills a few hundred thousand every year. So quit yer bitching.
We are NOT going to put up with endless shutdowns

No one said it’s endless. Seriously, when y’all get on a dumb talking point, it’s everywhere.
It certainly is endless for the countless businesses that will never open. The homes lost, the jobs that may never return. The lost tax revenue, and the spiraling exponentially increasing debt created by the shutdowns.
The cure is causing far more damage and is affecting far more lives than the virus.

We can rebuild an economy. We can’t raise the dead.

Those dead aren't being saved by social distancing...

It turns out, as I wrote last month, “social distancing” is untested pseudoscience particularly as it relates to halting the transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. On its website, the CDC provides no links to any peer-reviewed social distancing studies that bolster its official guidance.

Both the CDC and the World Health Organization confess uncertainty as to how COVID-19 is spread, further raising doubts about the long term success of social distancing. The agencies claim that respiratory droplets sustained in the air can infect healthy people, but WHO admits it is “assessing ongoing research on the ways that COVID-19 is spread and will continue to share updated findings.” Scientists are also unsure about surface-to-human transmission.

That’s hardly the sort of settled science that justifies the abrupt and costly disruption to the American way of life wrought by social distancing.

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