The QAnon Shaman Just Pissed Off a Federal Judge

[QUOTE="kaz, post: 26710227, member: 26616"]
"When cops kill an unarmed white woman, it's the unarmed white woman's fault..,"

Well, I don't know how universal the poster 'Kaz' hopes to extend that statement.
Meaning, are all or any white women that are shot by police at fault?
I dunno.

But, specifically, if poster Kaz is referencing the Babbitt (sp?) woman, well.......I'd suggest there are some nuances that any concerned citizen should be apprised of.

  • She was an integral part of a group who who were battering down a door into a sacrosanct space in the United States' Capitol.
  • And then, despite repeated, insistent, and loud warnings to stay back to cease what her group was doing.....they continued doing it.
  • And then, when an authorized law enforcement officer brandished a weapon at the batterers....and they acknowledged there was a gun present and aimed in their directions......well, they continued battering.
  • And then, when the breach was opened Ms. Babbit was lifted into it....shrouded in a Trump Flag as a cape that could have hidden an AR-15, Glock-17, C-4 explosives, or her make-up case.
  • And then, as said earlier.......with decisions come consequences. Decide to defy police despite their repeated and insistent warnings, in the face of their aimed guns, and do it in a concealing garment that could harbor weapons.......well, even you poster Kaz....can understand there may be consequences.

    Consequences that poor Babbitt, God rest her soul, didn't anticipate.
    Life, as we know, can be a b*tch.

I am not at all concerned with the future of Jacob Chansley.

Me neither, he got fired for being an asshole, evicted from his apartment and was living in Mama's basement.
Apparently she ran out of hot pockets and Horned Q-Bot decided to siege the Capitol! :lol:
I am not at all concerned with the future of Jacob Chansley.
Save that he and his fellow terrorists are punished to the fullest extent of the law should they be found guilty.

And this is while BLM and Antifa go around with actual terrorist attacks and get ignored by your beloved democrats? You propose a one sided system which, conveniently gives you more power to silence the opposition.
And they have the audacity to pretend it's not obvious to us all. :rolleyes:
"us all" being what...MAGArats defending the attack on the Capitol?

Try citizens who support the written law, not what activist judges trying to legislate from the bench.
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He let his emotions run wild and now is going to pay a little for it. Ignoring is always best unless it's your health or something against your employer.
[QUOTE="kaz, post: 26710227, member: 26616"]
"When cops kill an unarmed white woman, it's the unarmed white woman's fault..,"

Well, I don't know how universal the poster 'Kaz' hopes to extend that statement.
Meaning, are all or any white women that are shot by police at fault?
I dunno.

But, specifically, if poster Kaz is referencing the Babbitt (sp?) woman, well.......I'd suggest there are some nuances that any concerned citizen should be apprised of.

  • She was an integral part of a group who who were battering down a door into a sacrosanct space in the United States' Capitol.
  • And then, despite repeated, insistent, and loud warnings to stay back to cease what her group was doing.....they continued doing it.
  • And then, when an authorized law enforcement officer brandished a weapon at the batterers....and they acknowledged there was a gun present and aimed in their directions......well, they continued battering.
  • And then, when the breach was opened Ms. Babbit was lifted into it....shrouded in a Trump Flag as a cape that could have hidden an AR-15, Glock-17, C-4 explosives, or her make-up case.
  • And then, as said earlier.......with decisions come consequences. Decide to defy police despite their repeated and insistent warnings, in the face of their aimed guns, and do it in a concealing garment that could harbor weapons.......well, even you poster Kaz....can understand there may be consequences.

    Consequences that poor Babbitt, God rest her soul, didn't anticipate.
    Life, as we know, can be a b*tch.

No, not really though.

She was murdered.
[QUOTE="kaz, post: 26710227, member: 26616"]
"When cops kill an unarmed white woman, it's the unarmed white woman's fault..,"

Well, I don't know how universal the poster 'Kaz' hopes to extend that statement.
Meaning, are all or any white women that are shot by police at fault?
I dunno.

But, specifically, if poster Kaz is referencing the Babbitt (sp?) woman, well.......I'd suggest there are some nuances that any concerned citizen should be apprised of.

  • She was an integral part of a group who who were battering down a door into a sacrosanct space in the United States' Capitol.
  • And then, despite repeated, insistent, and loud warnings to stay back to cease what her group was doing.....they continued doing it.
  • And then, when an authorized law enforcement officer brandished a weapon at the batterers....and they acknowledged there was a gun present and aimed in their directions......well, they continued battering.
  • And then, when the breach was opened Ms. Babbit was lifted into it....shrouded in a Trump Flag as a cape that could have hidden an AR-15, Glock-17, C-4 explosives, or her make-up case.
  • And then, as said earlier.......with decisions come consequences. Decide to defy police despite their repeated and insistent warnings, in the face of their aimed guns, and do it in a concealing garment that could harbor weapons.......well, even you poster Kaz....can understand there may be consequences.

    Consequences that poor Babbitt, God rest her soul, didn't anticipate.
    Life, as we know, can be a b*tch.

And let's not forget she was wearing a backpack which could have contained a bomb and that the officer likely knew that two bombs had been found on Capitol premises
And they have the audacity to pretend it's not obvious to us all.
Don't confuse audacity with not giving a fuck.
Don't confuse self-restraint with fear.

Try supporting other opinions without fear as fearing any who disagree with you.
I have no problem with people who agree to disagree; I have a big problem with people who lie and use weaponized government force to silence, cage, persecute, cheat, prosecute, and murder others simply because they disagree with them.

I think people like that need to be killed as soon as possible.
He fucked around and found out
You do not make our fascist judicial branch angry.
Trump appointed a bunch of them.
The people he appointed were a part of the cesspool already.
So Trump got punked?

So much for making America great. He's even a fake cult leader.
It never was about making America great. I has always been about making Trump great.
And they have the audacity to pretend it's not obvious to us all.
Don't confuse audacity with not giving a fuck.
Don't confuse self-restraint with fear.

Try supporting other opinions without fear as fearing any who disagree with you.
I have no problem with people who agree to disagree; I have a big problem with people who lie and use weaponized government force to silence, cage, persecute, cheat, prosecute, and murder others simply because they disagree with them.

I think people like that need to be killed as soon as possible.

Well, at least you made a statement on this, not just claim to dislike the premise.

By your statement, taken at face value, you oppose the actions and desires of the democrats. What you claim to dislike is their normal operating mode.
Another loss for the Trumpers.

The QAnon Shaman Just Pissed Off a Federal Judge
And there goes his last chance at getting out of jail before his trial.

The federal judge overseeing “QAnon Shaman” Jacob Chansley’s case has had it with his media redemption tour.

Chansley, who famously stormed the Capitol on January 6 in distinctive face paint and fur headdress, will stay in jail pending trial after Judge Royce Lamberth wrote a 32-page opinion excoriating both the accused rioter and his lawyer for their legal arguments and recent public appearances.

In the memorandum issued late Monday, Lamberth rejected Chansley’s request for pre-trial release, writing that his counsel had made “meritless” arguments and mocked the idea that Chansley was just a peaceful protester who was victimized during the riots that left five people dead, including a Capitol Police officer. Lamberth also took particular issue with a recent interview Chansley did with CBS News.

“The statements defendant has made to the public from jail show that defendant does not fully appreciate the severity of the allegations against him,” Lamberth, a Reagan appointee, wrote in his opinion. “To the contrary, he believes that he—not the American people or members of Congress — was the victim on January 6th.”

When reached for comment via email, defense attorney Albert Watkins said simply: “The Court’s Order is well written and reasoned.”

People kept in prison because of their political opinions are usually called "Prisoners of Conscience".
What the Courts want is for this man to cry, plead and denounce Trump probably.
Which is what terrorists do to their hostages.
No, they want him to shut the fuck up before he gets more years then he would have. The judge is correct: he doesn't realize the gravity of his situation. He is going to prison for many years. As he should be. He is a danger to other people and himself. Fuck him.
He waltzed in half naked, unarmed and was greeting the cops and guards in a jovial manner.
Have you even watched the footage.
He was singled out by the media as he was photogenic, not because he was violent.
He became the face of the protest and for that he is being burned by the State.
They want to make an example of him, even though there's no evidence of plot, conspiracy or insurrection charges.
That's not how Justice works.

Sure it is.
[QUOTE="kaz, post: 26710227, member: 26616"]
"When cops kill an unarmed white woman, it's the unarmed white woman's fault..,"

Well, I don't know how universal the poster 'Kaz' hopes to extend that statement.
Meaning, are all or any white women that are shot by police at fault?
I dunno.

But, specifically, if poster Kaz is referencing the Babbitt (sp?) woman, well.......I'd suggest there are some nuances that any concerned citizen should be apprised of.

  • She was an integral part of a group who who were battering down a door into a sacrosanct space in the United States' Capitol.
  • And then, despite repeated, insistent, and loud warnings to stay back to cease what her group was doing.....they continued doing it.
  • And then, when an authorized law enforcement officer brandished a weapon at the batterers....and they acknowledged there was a gun present and aimed in their directions......well, they continued battering.
  • And then, when the breach was opened Ms. Babbit was lifted into it....shrouded in a Trump Flag as a cape that could have hidden an AR-15, Glock-17, C-4 explosives, or her make-up case.
  • And then, as said earlier.......with decisions come consequences. Decide to defy police despite their repeated and insistent warnings, in the face of their aimed guns, and do it in a concealing garment that could harbor weapons.......well, even you poster Kaz....can understand there may be consequences.

    Consequences that poor Babbitt, God rest her soul, didn't anticipate.
    Life, as we know, can be a b*tch.

No, not really though.

She was murdered.


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