The QAnon Shaman Just Pissed Off a Federal Judge

You do not make our fascist judicial branch angry.

In these reports, ever notice how leftist "journalists" routinely append the riots that left five people dead, including a Capitol Police officer or some such . . . right after the evil doers names? It's almost as if it were intentionally inflammatory or something, almost as if it were tattooed on their asses.

The repetitiveness of it all is almost uncanny. Almost.

Hey, dude, quick thing. Come over here real quick so I can talk to you 1 on 1.

Let's not talk about repetitiveness when you make double and triple posts with a signature that is as big as MarvinMartian's ass.
She was murdered.

Well, I demur.
Not that my opinion makes a whit of differences with the local DA's decision to prosecute for the shooting.

Which, if I recall properly, he has already determined was a justified shooting.
And, it looked 'justified' to me too.
And I ain't even a lawyer.....let alone a prosecutor.

So there is that.
Well, you're welcome to your opinion of course, but I have been involved in a lot of use of force incidents, and that shooting looked real bad to me.

But this country has a bad habit of not holding government officials and employees to the same standard as the rest of us, so I will be surprised if the shooter is ever prosecuted.
But he should be, IMO.
Has anyone else noted that those on this board who feel that they have to resort to profanity seem to have no facts to back up their expressed hate?
Well, that just ain't fucking necessarily so.

What the fuck, over?

Prime example supporting my statement.
Create a topic, any topic, defending the President of the United States and they will be on you like white on rice. My first 45 days here have been me getting called: gay, faggot, kid (somehow people think I'm 15 years old?), asshole, fuckhead, dumbfuck, twat, moron, dumbass, jackass, idiot...and *checks notes* Vichy Frenchy which don't even ask me because I have no idea.
Q-anon is a DNC myth. It doesn't exist.

BlueAnon, however, is alive and well...

QAnon is hardly a myth. It most certainly exists, but I will agree that their influence is grossly exaggerated by the media and the left.

At least 50% of republicans believe the core conspiracy theories that drive QAnon. Is Republican influence exaggerated?
Has anyone else noted that those on this board who feel that they have to resort to profanity seem to have no facts to back up their expressed hate?
Well, that just ain't fucking necessarily so.

What the fuck, over?

Prime example supporting my statement.
Seriously though, I am a really profane guy...... but what do you expect from a hedonistic, Heathen, Texas biker?

Shit, at one point in my life, I actually enjoyed killing people.
Has anyone else noted that those on this board who feel that they have to resort to profanity seem to have no facts to back up their expressed hate?
Well, that just ain't fucking necessarily so.

What the fuck, over?

Prime example supporting my statement.
Create a topic, any topic, defending the President of the United States and they will be on you like white on rice. My first 45 days here have been me getting called: gay, faggot, kid (somehow people think I'm 15 years old?), asshole, fuckhead, dumbfuck, twat, moron, dumbass, jackass, idiot...and *checks notes* Vichy Frenchy which don't even ask me because I have no idea.
What president?
You do not make our fascist judicial branch angry.

In these reports, ever notice how leftist "journalists" routinely append the riots that left five people dead, including a Capitol Police officer or some such . . . right after the evil doers names? It's almost as if it were intentionally inflammatory or something, almost as if it were tattooed on their asses.

The repetitiveness of it all is almost uncanny. Almost.

Hey, dude, quick thing. Come over here real quick so I can talk to you 1 on 1.

Let's not talk about repetitiveness when you make double and triple posts with a signature that is as big as MarvinMartian's ass.

Haha! Says the manchild with the neckbeard nest. How many piss bottles did you fill today?
Aren't judges supposed to be non partisan and let the facts speak for themselves? Allowing himself to get "pissed off" show that he is not doing his job and should recuse himself.
Bullshit. They are non-partisan in their decision. Not in their courtroom and trial rules and decorum and acceptable behavior. This criminal is actively trying to write a revisionist history ahead of his trial. The judge won't have it.

Not the judges position to judge what he thinks is trying to be done, just if it is legal or illegal. That is the major problem with the judicial system, activist judges.
Your tired talking points expired in 2004.
He fucked around and found out
You do not make our fascist judicial branch angry.
Trump appointed a bunch of them.
The people he appointed were a part of the cesspool already.
So Trump got punked?

So much for making America great. He's even a fake cult leader.
Cheated, defrauded. If you want to call it punked I do not care. Biden is illegitimate.
President Joe Biden is THE most legitimate president in the history of the United States.

81,284,000+ votes. And none of them fraudulent.
I haven't been able to find anything on QAnon that wasn't from the media and Democrats. I looked because I wanted to know and obviously we can't trust anything fake news and their fascist Democrat masters tell us. But as I said, I found nothing else
Here's why:

Conservative media won't disclose that Cotton voted for two "prisoners getting stimulus money" bills under Trump.

Conservative media won't do exposes on QAnon or even talk about it. Otherwise the conversations would eventually lead to one point and they don't want that. That doesn't help them at all, de-bunking QAnon or Trump, for that matter. Better to slough it off as a silly Liberal hoax.

I don't like omnibus votes, but seriously, you attack Cotton for it but let Democrats off the hook entirely for all the shit they pass.

That's not what this is about. Try again.
Another loss for the Trumpers.

The QAnon Shaman Just Pissed Off a Federal Judge
And there goes his last chance at getting out of jail before his trial.

The federal judge overseeing “QAnon Shaman” Jacob Chansley’s case has had it with his media redemption tour.

Chansley, who famously stormed the Capitol on January 6 in distinctive face paint and fur headdress, will stay in jail pending trial after Judge Royce Lamberth wrote a 32-page opinion excoriating both the accused rioter and his lawyer for their legal arguments and recent public appearances.

In the memorandum issued late Monday, Lamberth rejected Chansley’s request for pre-trial release, writing that his counsel had made “meritless” arguments and mocked the idea that Chansley was just a peaceful protester who was victimized during the riots that left five people dead, including a Capitol Police officer. Lamberth also took particular issue with a recent interview Chansley did with CBS News.

“The statements defendant has made to the public from jail show that defendant does not fully appreciate the severity of the allegations against him,” Lamberth, a Reagan appointee, wrote in his opinion. “To the contrary, he believes that he—not the American people or members of Congress — was the victim on January 6th.”

When reached for comment via email, defense attorney Albert Watkins said simply: “The Court’s Order is well written and reasoned.”

So he “pissed off” a judge with remarks he made in interviews and thus deserves jail for that, not because he committed a crime.

Of course you would approve that.
Your reading comprehension sucks.
He fucked around and found out
You do not make our fascist judicial branch angry.
Trump appointed a bunch of them.
The people he appointed were a part of the cesspool already.
So Trump got punked?

So much for making America great. He's even a fake cult leader.
Cheated, defrauded. If you want to call it punked I do not care. Biden is illegitimate.
President Joe Biden is THE most legitimate president in the history of the United States.

81,284,000+ votes. And none of them fraudulent.
Biden won the election with massive fraud. Nothing will ever change that fact and Biden will never be legitimate. Either will Sperm breath.
He fucked around and found out
You do not make our fascist judicial branch angry.
Trump appointed a bunch of them.
The people he appointed were a part of the cesspool already.
So Trump got punked?

So much for making America great. He's even a fake cult leader.
Cheated, defrauded. If you want to call it punked I do not care. Biden is illegitimate.
President Joe Biden is THE most legitimate president in the history of the United States.

81,284,000+ votes. And none of them fraudulent.
Except for all the fraudulent ones.
Another loss for the Trumpers.

The QAnon Shaman Just Pissed Off a Federal Judge
And there goes his last chance at getting out of jail before his trial.

The federal judge overseeing “QAnon Shaman” Jacob Chansley’s case has had it with his media redemption tour.

Chansley, who famously stormed the Capitol on January 6 in distinctive face paint and fur headdress, will stay in jail pending trial after Judge Royce Lamberth wrote a 32-page opinion excoriating both the accused rioter and his lawyer for their legal arguments and recent public appearances.

In the memorandum issued late Monday, Lamberth rejected Chansley’s request for pre-trial release, writing that his counsel had made “meritless” arguments and mocked the idea that Chansley was just a peaceful protester who was victimized during the riots that left five people dead, including a Capitol Police officer. Lamberth also took particular issue with a recent interview Chansley did with CBS News.

“The statements defendant has made to the public from jail show that defendant does not fully appreciate the severity of the allegations against him,” Lamberth, a Reagan appointee, wrote in his opinion. “To the contrary, he believes that he—not the American people or members of Congress — was the victim on January 6th.”

When reached for comment via email, defense attorney Albert Watkins said simply: “The Court’s Order is well written and reasoned.”

Explain this Q thing you made up
He fucked around and found out
You do not make our fascist judicial branch angry.
What a shame. What a shame.....a trumpanzee being held legally accountable for his inherently violent actions. Did I mention that it was a shame?
Cite his violent actions.
That the reprehensible right has made ‘heroes’ of these terrorists comes as no surprise.
Says a member of a party that all but canonized a scumbag like George Floyd. Then bailed out arsonists and attempted murderers.
[QUOTE="kaz, post: 26710227, member: 26616"]
"When cops kill an unarmed white woman, it's the unarmed white woman's fault..,"

Well, I don't know how universal the poster 'Kaz' hopes to extend that statement.
Meaning, are all or any white women that are shot by police at fault?
I dunno.

But, specifically, if poster Kaz is referencing the Babbitt (sp?) woman, well.......I'd suggest there are some nuances that any concerned citizen should be apprised of.

  • She was an integral part of a group who who were battering down a door into a sacrosanct space in the United States' Capitol.
  • And then, despite repeated, insistent, and loud warnings to stay back to cease what her group was doing.....they continued doing it.
  • And then, when an authorized law enforcement officer brandished a weapon at the batterers....and they acknowledged there was a gun present and aimed in their directions......well, they continued battering.
  • And then, when the breach was opened Ms. Babbit was lifted into it....shrouded in a Trump Flag as a cape that could have hidden an AR-15, Glock-17, C-4 explosives, or her make-up case.
  • And then, as said earlier.......with decisions come consequences. Decide to defy police despite their repeated and insistent warnings, in the face of their aimed guns, and do it in a concealing garment that could harbor weapons.......well, even you poster Kaz....can understand there may be consequences.

    Consequences that poor Babbitt, God rest her soul, didn't anticipate.
    Life, as we know, can be a b*tch.

And let's not forget she was wearing a backpack which could have contained a bomb and that the officer likely knew that two bombs had been found on Capitol premises
Good to know that next time someone sees you with any sort of bag or other carrying case you can be shot and killed with impunity. Good to know. After all, you are likely carrying an explosive device.

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