The QAnon Shaman Just Pissed Off a Federal Judge

I am not at all concerned with the future of Jacob Chansley.
Save that he and his fellow terrorists are punished to the fullest extent of the law should they be found guilty.

And this is while BLM and Antifa go around with actual terrorist attacks and get ignored by your beloved democrats? You propose a one sided system which, conveniently gives you more power to silence the opposition.

Clayton will prove Democrats aren't terrorists. He'll go into Manhattan wearing a red MADA hat for a day walking and dining around the city. You'll be perfectly safe, right Clayton? Democrats aren't terrorists. You believe that, right?
You know, I don't live in New York. Matter of fact, I kind of live in a Trump heaven. I run into someone wearing one of those stupid MAGA hats I will probably just smirk and write it off as a beaming sign that screams, "I am a dumbass". But if the dude starts running off at the mouth, disturbing those around him, and even rattles my chain, well I am probably going to beat his stupid ass. And I will wait for the cops to get there, arrest me, and dutifully accept any punishment that the courts might deal out. Yep, Pop taught me from the time I was like, twelve, that you always carry a little money in your wallet, stashed away in a safe place, and never touched until you need it. It is there for court costs, because the reality is, every once in a while, a person needs their damn ass beat.

And that is the difference. Civil disobedience works the same way, you disobey and you willing accept the punishment. But you flippin Trump nuts have no backbone, no courage. Nope, you want to violate the law and yet somehow believe you are "special", that your cause is different than any other cause, and you should not have to pay the consequences of your actions. What that means, besides the fact that you are a bunch of whining pussies, is that you are not devoted enough to your cause to deserve even a minimal amount of respect. Which should come as no surprise considering your idol, Donald Trump, makes the cowardly lion from the Wizard of Oz look like Mel Gibson on Braveheart.

Sounds a great deal like you are describing democrats and their methods of operation.

They (BLM and Antifa) act with a total disregard for the laws and seem to think that they can get away with it. If anyone vocally disagree with them, they attack. If they violate the law, such as rioting and burning cities, they expect to get away with it and unfortunately they for the most part do.

How does that jibe with your comments and apparent beliefs and desires?
It doesn't because everything you typed is a delusion fed to you by people who know a sucker when they see one.
you had limited access to oxygen I see.
I am not at all concerned with the future of Jacob Chansley.
Save that he and his fellow terrorists are punished to the fullest extent of the law should they be found guilty.

And this is while BLM and Antifa go around with actual terrorist attacks and get ignored by your beloved democrats? You propose a one sided system which, conveniently gives you more power to silence the opposition.

Clayton will prove Democrats aren't terrorists. He'll go into Manhattan wearing a red MADA hat for a day walking and dining around the city. You'll be perfectly safe, right Clayton? Democrats aren't terrorists. You believe that, right?
You know, I don't live in New York. Matter of fact, I kind of live in a Trump heaven. I run into someone wearing one of those stupid MAGA hats I will probably just smirk and write it off as a beaming sign that screams, "I am a dumbass". But if the dude starts running off at the mouth, disturbing those around him, and even rattles my chain, well I am probably going to beat his stupid ass. And I will wait for the cops to get there, arrest me, and dutifully accept any punishment that the courts might deal out. Yep, Pop taught me from the time I was like, twelve, that you always carry a little money in your wallet, stashed away in a safe place, and never touched until you need it. It is there for court costs, because the reality is, every once in a while, a person needs their damn ass beat.

And that is the difference. Civil disobedience works the same way, you disobey and you willing accept the punishment. But you flippin Trump nuts have no backbone, no courage. Nope, you want to violate the law and yet somehow believe you are "special", that your cause is different than any other cause, and you should not have to pay the consequences of your actions. What that means, besides the fact that you are a bunch of whining pussies, is that you are not devoted enough to your cause to deserve even a minimal amount of respect. Which should come as no surprise considering your idol, Donald Trump, makes the cowardly lion from the Wizard of Oz look like Mel Gibson on Braveheart.

If you wear a Trump hat saying MAGA, a fascist Democrat will beat your fascist ass
Why would a "Libertarian" wear a MAGA hat, fake libertarian?
so you don't want america to be great. got ya, just as we figured. globalist shit.
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No, they want him to shut the fuck up before he gets more years then he would have. The judge is correct: he doesn't realize the gravity of his situation. He is going to prison for many years. As he should be. He is a danger to other people and himself. Fuck him.

Draw and quarter the bastard!
20+ years in prison would be fine. Raphael and Josh, too.
No, they want him to shut the fuck up before he gets more years then he would have. The judge is correct: he doesn't realize the gravity of his situation. He is going to prison for many years. As he should be. He is a danger to other people and himself. Fuck him.

Draw and quarter the bastard!
20+ years in prison would be fine. Raphael and Josh, too.
still waiting on what Q is besides a letter in the alphabet. Why aren't you posting that? come on bitch
So do it, walk the streets of a major city for a day out eating and shopping in a MAGA hat and prove how perfectly safe you are
How safe would you feel walking down the street in your Nazi paraphernalia? What about your hood?
Aren't judges supposed to be non partisan and let the facts speak for themselves? Allowing himself to get "pissed off" show that he is not doing his job and should recuse himself.
Bullshit. They are non-partisan in their decision. Not in their courtroom and trial rules and decorum and acceptable behavior. This criminal is actively trying to write a revisionist history ahead of his trial. The judge won't have it.
the SHAMAN is a lib----likely FBI paid btw. He is not a trump supporter and likely not even a qanon supporter...just a plant used to spy on them and when this opportunity arose was hoping to instigate the others but failed as they kept telling him stop being an ass.
Has anyone else noted that those on this board who feel that they have to resort to profanity seem to have no facts to back up their expressed hate?
Well, that just ain't fucking necessarily so.

What the fuck, over?

Prime example supporting my statement.
Create a topic, any topic, defending the President of the United States and they will be on you like white on rice. My first 45 days here have been me getting called: gay, faggot, kid (somehow people think I'm 15 years old?), asshole, fuckhead, dumbfuck, twat, moron, dumbass, jackass, idiot...and *checks notes* Vichy Frenchy which don't even ask me because I have no idea.

It is up t you how you take these alleged things. A sure sign of a lack of intelligence from those making the statements but it only is insulting if you value the opinions of the others. If you don't value their opinions, let them spew as the idiots they are.
Aren't judges supposed to be non partisan and let the facts speak for themselves? Allowing himself to get "pissed off" show that he is not doing his job and should recuse himself.
Bullshit. They are non-partisan in their decision. Not in their courtroom and trial rules and decorum and acceptable behavior. This criminal is actively trying to write a revisionist history ahead of his trial. The judge won't have it.

Not the judges position to judge what he thinks is trying to be done, just if it is legal or illegal. That is the major problem with the judicial system, activist judges.
Your tired talking points expired in 2004.

As did your opinion on any subject that requires actual thinking.
I am not at all concerned with the future of Jacob Chansley.
Save that he and his fellow terrorists are punished to the fullest extent of the law should they be found guilty.

And this is while BLM and Antifa go around with actual terrorist attacks and get ignored by your beloved democrats? You propose a one sided system which, conveniently gives you more power to silence the opposition.

Clayton will prove Democrats aren't terrorists. He'll go into Manhattan wearing a red MADA hat for a day walking and dining around the city. You'll be perfectly safe, right Clayton? Democrats aren't terrorists. You believe that, right?
You know, I don't live in New York. Matter of fact, I kind of live in a Trump heaven. I run into someone wearing one of those stupid MAGA hats I will probably just smirk and write it off as a beaming sign that screams, "I am a dumbass". But if the dude starts running off at the mouth, disturbing those around him, and even rattles my chain, well I am probably going to beat his stupid ass. And I will wait for the cops to get there, arrest me, and dutifully accept any punishment that the courts might deal out. Yep, Pop taught me from the time I was like, twelve, that you always carry a little money in your wallet, stashed away in a safe place, and never touched until you need it. It is there for court costs, because the reality is, every once in a while, a person needs their damn ass beat.

And that is the difference. Civil disobedience works the same way, you disobey and you willing accept the punishment. But you flippin Trump nuts have no backbone, no courage. Nope, you want to violate the law and yet somehow believe you are "special", that your cause is different than any other cause, and you should not have to pay the consequences of your actions. What that means, besides the fact that you are a bunch of whining pussies, is that you are not devoted enough to your cause to deserve even a minimal amount of respect. Which should come as no surprise considering your idol, Donald Trump, makes the cowardly lion from the Wizard of Oz look like Mel Gibson on Braveheart.

Sounds a great deal like you are describing democrats and their methods of operation.

They (BLM and Antifa) act with a total disregard for the laws and seem to think that they can get away with it. If anyone vocally disagree with them, they attack. If they violate the law, such as rioting and burning cities, they expect to get away with it and unfortunately they for the most part do.

How does that jibe with your comments and apparent beliefs and desires?
It doesn't because everything you typed is a delusion fed to you by people who know a sucker when they see one.

One thing you know is believing what you are told to believe by your masters
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I am not at all concerned with the future of Jacob Chansley.
Save that he and his fellow terrorists are punished to the fullest extent of the law should they be found guilty.

And this is while BLM and Antifa go around with actual terrorist attacks and get ignored by your beloved democrats? You propose a one sided system which, conveniently gives you more power to silence the opposition.

Clayton will prove Democrats aren't terrorists. He'll go into Manhattan wearing a red MADA hat for a day walking and dining around the city. You'll be perfectly safe, right Clayton? Democrats aren't terrorists. You believe that, right?
You know, I don't live in New York. Matter of fact, I kind of live in a Trump heaven. I run into someone wearing one of those stupid MAGA hats I will probably just smirk and write it off as a beaming sign that screams, "I am a dumbass". But if the dude starts running off at the mouth, disturbing those around him, and even rattles my chain, well I am probably going to beat his stupid ass. And I will wait for the cops to get there, arrest me, and dutifully accept any punishment that the courts might deal out. Yep, Pop taught me from the time I was like, twelve, that you always carry a little money in your wallet, stashed away in a safe place, and never touched until you need it. It is there for court costs, because the reality is, every once in a while, a person needs their damn ass beat.

And that is the difference. Civil disobedience works the same way, you disobey and you willing accept the punishment. But you flippin Trump nuts have no backbone, no courage. Nope, you want to violate the law and yet somehow believe you are "special", that your cause is different than any other cause, and you should not have to pay the consequences of your actions. What that means, besides the fact that you are a bunch of whining pussies, is that you are not devoted enough to your cause to deserve even a minimal amount of respect. Which should come as no surprise considering your idol, Donald Trump, makes the cowardly lion from the Wizard of Oz look like Mel Gibson on Braveheart.

Sounds a great deal like you are describing democrats and their methods of operation.

They (BLM and Antifa) act with a total disregard for the laws and seem to think that they can get away with it. If anyone vocally disagree with them, they attack. If they violate the law, such as rioting and burning cities, they expect to get away with it and unfortunately they for the most part do.

How does that jibe with your comments and apparent beliefs and desires?
It doesn't because everything you typed is a delusion fed to you by people who know a sucker when they see one.

Project your own life much?
Synthaholic still waiting for your info on Q? got me on ignore because you can't debate your own posts. that's truly sad.
He fucked around and found out
You do not make our fascist judicial branch angry.
Trump appointed a bunch of them.
The people he appointed were a part of the cesspool already.
So Trump got punked?

So much for making America great. He's even a fake cult leader.
Cheated, defrauded. If you want to call it punked I do not care. Biden is illegitimate.
President Joe Biden is THE most legitimate president in the history of the United States.

81,284,000+ votes. And none of them fraudulent.

Which is of course why he never appears in public to make statements, holds no press conferences, answers no questions from even his tame media, has increased the price of gas and let the border go to hell.

But you just keep repeating what your masters tell you and don't ever stop to think about it.

When Crazy Joe goes, hopefully you will too.
QAnon is hardly a myth. It most certainly exists, but I will agree that their influence is grossly exaggerated by the media and the left.
Probably. But it was pretty shocking to learn 30% of Republicans buy into it. That's 20 million+ people. I am more concerned for these people's apparent willingness to believe ANYTHING.
The man is charged with trespassing.
Is this fucking North Korea now??
A political show-trial.

He wasn't charged with trespassing.

Get the facts correct for once in your life.

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