The QAnon Shaman Just Pissed Off a Federal Judge

Q-anon is a DNC myth. It doesn't exist.

BlueAnon, however, is alive and well...

QAnon is hardly a myth. It most certainly exists, but I will agree that their influence is grossly exaggerated by the media and the left.

I haven't been able to find anything on QAnon that wasn't from the media and Democrats. I looked because I wanted to know who they really are and obviously we can't trust anything fake news and their fascist Democrat masters tell us. But as I said, I found nothing else

You must not have looked very well.

All you had to do was a simple search. I did. I just put the word "qanon" into the search then hit enter.

So I have a hard time believing you actually did what you claim.

Here is one of their sites:

Here is what the encyclopedia says about them:

Aren't judges supposed to be non partisan and let the facts speak for themselves? Allowing himself to get "pissed off" show that he is not doing his job and should recuse himself.

It was the journalist who said he got pissed off...

Saying that Judges have extreme displeasure of defendants trying to do trial by media... The Media isn't a court, the court room is... The court room is where we here from both sides... This is not episodes of Big Brother..
Q-anon is a DNC myth. It doesn't exist.

BlueAnon, however, is alive and well...

QAnon is hardly a myth. It most certainly exists, but I will agree that their influence is grossly exaggerated by the media and the left.

I haven't been able to find anything on QAnon that wasn't from the media and Democrats. I looked because I wanted to know who they really are and obviously we can't trust anything fake news and their fascist Democrat masters tell us. But as I said, I found nothing else

You must not have looked very well.

All you had to do was a simple search. I did. I just put the word "qanon" into the search then hit enter.

So I have a hard time believing you actually did what you claim.

Here is one of their sites:

Here is what the encyclopedia says about them:

No, I didn't look very hard. I searched in Google which as I said of course only provides leftist propaganda sites like the NY Times and CNN telling us what they are.

That doesn't say anything remotely like your fascist Democrat masters say
Q-anon is a DNC myth. It doesn't exist.

BlueAnon, however, is alive and well...

QAnon is hardly a myth. It most certainly exists, but I will agree that their influence is grossly exaggerated by the media and the left.

I haven't been able to find anything on QAnon that wasn't from the media and Democrats. I looked because I wanted to know who they really are and obviously we can't trust anything fake news and their fascist Democrat masters tell us. But as I said, I found nothing else

You must not have looked very well.

All you had to do was a simple search. I did. I just put the word "qanon" into the search then hit enter.

So I have a hard time believing you actually did what you claim.

Here is one of their sites:

Here is what the encyclopedia says about them:

No, I didn't look very hard. I searched in Google which as I said of course only provides leftist propaganda sites like the NY Times and CNN telling us what they are.

That doesn't say anything remotely like your fascist Democrat masters say
I left Google ages ago. Duck Duck Go is faster and less manipulative.
You have to wade through 10 pages of Factcheck sites to find anything on Google.
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Aren't judges supposed to be non partisan and let the facts speak for themselves? Allowing himself to get "pissed off" show that he is not doing his job and should recuse himself.

It was the journalist who said he got pissed off...

Saying that Judges have extreme displeasure of defendants trying to do trial by media... The Media isn't a court, the court room is... The court room is where we here from both sides... This is not episodes of Big Brother..

But do we hear from both sides? The judges, with predetermined views, can and do block testimony that they do not approve of, which is why so many of their decisions get overturned.
But do we hear from both sides? The judges, with predetermined views, can and do block testimony that they do not approve of, which is why so many of their decisions get overturned.
They DISREGARD evidence that is not relevant. It's not about approval or disapproval.

But hey...have any of these cases BEEN overturned?
But do we hear from both sides? The judges, with predetermined views, can and do block testimony that they do not approve of, which is why so many of their decisions get overturned.
They DISREGARD evidence that is not relevant. It's not about approval or disapproval.

But hey...have any of these cases BEEN overturned?

They decide, from their personal bias, what they consider to be relevant, whether it is or not.

As for being overturned, during the Trump years many were. The current cases are under review. It takes time to work thru the moral morass. Even those on the left, like you, if they admit the truth know this.
They decide, from their personal bias, what they consider to be relevant, whether it is or not.

As for being overturned, during the Trump years many were.
You would then expect SOME of these cases to be overturned.

None have. None will be
They decide, from their personal bias, what they consider to be relevant, whether it is or not.

As for being overturned, during the Trump years many were.
You would then expect SOME of these cases to be overturned.

None have. None will be

Read my previous post. They are in the system, which takes time. If there are fair judges who know the actual law, these cases will be turned over. And, with any luck, these activist judges will be removed.

The law is the law, not just what you in your bias wish.

it does however show your commitment to the left.
QAnon is hardly a myth. It most certainly exists, but I will agree that their influence is grossly exaggerated by the media and the left.
Probably. But it was pretty shocking to learn 30% of Republicans buy into it. That's 20 million+ people. I am more concerned for these people's apparent willingness to believe ANYTHING.
What is Q other than the letter in the alphabet? I’ve asked five times now in this thread and not one demofk will say! Says it all. Made up fake news
The only people who bring up QAnon are PROGS like the OP. What does that tell you?

What it tells me, I think, is that as more and more of the QDuped's philosophies and ideas get mass circulated in channels outside of their RightField websites and encrypted messaging apps, well, the nation....Republicans, Democrats, and Independents....are concluding that 'these folks are snakebit nutjobs. And in particular, the Rightfield is now saying...."Who? Never heard of 'em."
They are doing a duck & cover.

I mean C'mon!.......we have a 'philosophy' that believes in and touts a pedophelia cave under a pizza shop? Jewish space lasers? eating babies? Jews ain't really Jews because they have ancestral Phoenician blood in their DNA?

Not to mention all those QDupes in capes and shirts at the Capitol insurrection on January 6th trying to stop the imaginary "Steal"?

And those folks want the rest of adult America to take 'em seriously?

Jesus H.! Gimme a break.

"Well, you're welcome to your opinion of course, but I have been involved in a lot of use of force incidents, and that shooting looked real bad to me."

Well, I've never been in a 'force' incident.
But, I can see what I that video.
I can hear the warnings.

And if an officer warns a individuals repeatedly that they are not allowed in an area, draws his gun and points it at the group, and the individuals continue violently ----friggin' violently-----force entry through a locked door, well, consequences ensue.

I know that because I am an adult law abiding citizen who grew up in America and have absorbed the cultural perception towards what constitutes a threatening event in a situation such as we witnessed in that widow.

(Whew! say that 5 times fast.)

The woman....along with her cohorts....were threatening officers.
Forcing an entry way.
They were repeatedly warned away.
They continued.
A breach developed due to the violent forcing.
And a woman? who could tell? ..... emerged, in obscuring clothing, into an area in close proximity to the threatened officers.

She got shot for her poor judgement.
May she rest in peace.
I'd like to see the video you're describing, because what I've seen doesn't look like that.
Another loss for the Trumpers.

The QAnon Shaman Just Pissed Off a Federal Judge
And there goes his last chance at getting out of jail before his trial.

The federal judge overseeing “QAnon Shaman” Jacob Chansley’s case has had it with his media redemption tour.

Chansley, who famously stormed the Capitol on January 6 in distinctive face paint and fur headdress, will stay in jail pending trial after Judge Royce Lamberth wrote a 32-page opinion excoriating both the accused rioter and his lawyer for their legal arguments and recent public appearances.

In the memorandum issued late Monday, Lamberth rejected Chansley’s request for pre-trial release, writing that his counsel had made “meritless” arguments and mocked the idea that Chansley was just a peaceful protester who was victimized during the riots that left five people dead, including a Capitol Police officer. Lamberth also took particular issue with a recent interview Chansley did with CBS News.

“The statements defendant has made to the public from jail show that defendant does not fully appreciate the severity of the allegations against him,” Lamberth, a Reagan appointee, wrote in his opinion. “To the contrary, he believes that he—not the American people or members of Congress — was the victim on January 6th.”

When reached for comment via email, defense attorney Albert Watkins said simply: “The Court’s Order is well written and reasoned.”

If there's anything a judge hates, it's a perp that doesn't take responsibility for his actions. I expect a sentence on the long end.

For what?
Everything he's charged with. Duh!

Which is what?
They decide, from their personal bias, what they consider to be relevant, whether it is or not.

As for being overturned, during the Trump years many were.
You would then expect SOME of these cases to be overturned.

None have. None will be

Read my previous post. They are in the system, which takes time. If there are fair judges who know the actual law, these cases will be turned over. And, with any luck, these activist judges will be removed.

The law is the law, not just what you in your bias wish.

it does however show your commitment to the left.
And his anti Americans values

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