The quality of threads and debates has dropped on this board

Alright,GMY.lets debate ISLAM.09/11 was a purity of the islamic mantra to destroy western civilization. Its the ottoman empire 21st century style.
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Used to be really fun to debate on here. Is this a normal decline around election time? There are so many Jerry Springer style topics now that earnest debate is rare unless a thread is derailed.

I have posted in multiple threads asking those on the Right to explain their ideas and positions so we could discuss them, and seldom do they ever. You're guilty of that in fact.

I think if you want to have a better level of debate, then start by personally offering a better level of debate.
Used to be really fun to debate on here. Is this a normal decline around election time? There are so many Jerry Springer style topics now that earnest debate is rare unless a thread is derailed.

I have posted in multiple threads asking those on the Right to explain their ideas and positions so we could discuss them, and seldom do they ever. You're guilty of that in fact.

I think if you want to have a better level of debate, then start by personally offering a better level of debate.

Used to be really fun to debate on here. Is this a normal decline around election time? There are so many Jerry Springer style topics now that earnest debate is rare unless a thread is derailed.

I have posted in multiple threads asking those on the Right to explain their ideas and positions so we could discuss them, and seldom do they ever. You're guilty of that in fact.

I think if you want to have a better level of debate, then start by personally offering a better level of debate.

I have started multiple threads lately about serious topics with valid points contained within. They just drop like rocks on the list. I presume because they're not controversial enough. The extreme idiots on this site seem to be able to direct the debates with their nonsensical threads.

Ps. You're being dishonest.
"You suck at debate!"

"No. YOU suck at debate."

"No. I post meaningful threads and you derail them to avoid being exposed."

"No! You!"

Add a little highlighting, larger font size, color, some centering (if you don't have She-male on ignore, that is), a smiley or two and maybe an image or video and POW, there you have it.

I have spoken.

Well, written, actually. But you get the gist.
I just did. Some people have this convuluted idea of moderate islam,or islam light,so to speak,and np one has challenged me on it. Im not interested in bickering or trading jabs about our pisspoor election selection,they all are understandard.
Used to be really fun to debate on here. Is this a normal decline around election time? There are so many Jerry Springer style topics now that earnest debate is rare unless a thread is derailed.

I have posted in multiple threads asking those on the Right to explain their ideas and positions so we could discuss them, and seldom do they ever. You're guilty of that in fact.

I think if you want to have a better level of debate, then start by personally offering a better level of debate.

I have started multiple threads lately about serious topics with valid points contained within. They just drop like rocks on the list. I presume because they're not controversial enough. The extreme idiots on this site seem to be able to direct the debates with their nonsensical threads.

Ps. You're being dishonest.

Get used to it, 2012 is going to be nothing but a mudfight and scarefest, if you offer anything else there will be no takers.
Used to be really fun to debate on here. Is this a normal decline around election time? There are so many Jerry Springer style topics now that earnest debate is rare unless a thread is derailed.

It's a plot to get you to stop posting at USMB.
Used to be really fun to debate on here. Is this a normal decline around election time? There are so many Jerry Springer style topics now that earnest debate is rare unless a thread is derailed.

I have posted in multiple threads asking those on the Right to explain their ideas and positions so we could discuss them, and seldom do they ever. You're guilty of that in fact.

I think if you want to have a better level of debate, then start by personally offering a better level of debate.

I have started multiple threads lately about serious topics with valid points contained within. They just drop like rocks on the list. I presume because they're not controversial enough. The extreme idiots on this site seem to be able to direct the debates with their nonsensical threads.

Ps. You're being dishonest.

I've never seen 'Never Be Rational' post anything other than left wing borg talking points.
I agree with Gramps and I think it is because there is more of an attack mentality around here, rather than a discuss mentality. Too many people are more interested in being right and not enough in broadening their minds.
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I have posted in multiple threads asking those on the Right to explain their ideas and positions so we could discuss them, and seldom do they ever. You're guilty of that in fact.

I think if you want to have a better level of debate, then start by personally offering a better level of debate.

I have started multiple threads lately about serious topics with valid points contained within. They just drop like rocks on the list. I presume because they're not controversial enough. The extreme idiots on this site seem to be able to direct the debates with their nonsensical threads.

Ps. You're being dishonest.

I've never seen 'Never Be Rational' post anything other than left wing borg talking points.

I agree with Gramps and I think it is because there is more of an attack mentality around here, rather than a discuss mentality. Too many people are more interested in being right than and not enough in broadening their minds.

I have had several broads on my mind lately.

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