The Quandary Christians Put Gays In

Nope. A man and woman giving pleasure is normal. Same sex isn't. Homo sapiens are heterosexual by nature. I can prove that by simply observing male and female anatomy.

Procreation isn't the only purpose in sex, anymore than sustenance is the only purpose in eating. Getting and receiving pleasure is perfectly natural.
Homo sapiens are heterosexual by nature. That's science.

Science called- and would like you to stop abusing her name.

Homo sapiens are naturally sexual- and enjoy sexual pleasure.

More homo sapiens are sexually attracted to the same gender, and a small percentage are attracted to the opposite gender.

That is all scientifically provable.
Human anatomy proves your wrong. You are born female or male. Anyone born with both sex organs is unnatural.
Science called- and would like you to stop abusing her name.

Homo sapiens are naturally sexual- and enjoy sexual pleasure.

More homo sapiens are sexually attracted to the same gender, and a small percentage are attracted to the opposite gender.

That is all scientifically provable.
Science is a she? Do tell. Kinda sexist, huh.
You obviously don't understand the term "by nature". Anatomy is nature.

Oh contrare. I understand it. You are trying to re-create the term. Nature designed the human digestive system to provide necessary energy to sustain life. And while it was never "intended" by nature, it is perfectly natural for humans to eat cookies for nothing more than the sheer pleasure of doing so.

The anus was not designed by nature for sexual intercourse.

Nevertheless, it is also perfectly natural for humans to enjoy sexual intercourse.

Simply because there are freaks who enjoy anal sex doesn't equate to being "by nature." Okay, your turn to call me uneducated again.

This all reminds me of a conversation that I had with a female friend of mine some time ago. She was insisting that men should be willing and wanting to engage in anal sex with their girlfriends on a regular basis, with the implication being that men and women both who were opposed to doing so weren't being fully open with each other. I countered with the fact that some people just don't like it, but she insisted that such people were simply hung up on insecurities or taboos.

My response to her was simple: I think people should just have sex however they want.

I know it's hard for you, as a virgin, to understand this now. But someday, you'll realize that there's nothing to be ashamed of. It's okay to have sex however you want, as long as the other person/people want to also. It doesn't make you a bad person. Mother Nature didn't build us with all these ways to have different kinds of sexual activities that turn out to be really enjoyable, just because we're supposed to torture ourselves and deny ourselves our yearnings. When the day comes, you'll realize that it's the most natural thing in the world to give and receive pleasure with another person who wants to do the same thing with you.

You'll learn. Eventually. Oh, but uh....if you want to learn a little sooner, you might want to try to lighten up a bit. Girls will like you more if you stop being so serious and hateful.
All are, some can't handle their obsessive compulsive behavior.

Eating for pleasure isn't 'obsessive compulsive'. Sometimes you just want a cheese burger. And having sex because its feels good isn't 'obsessive compulsive'. Sometimes you just want to get laid.

See how that works?

Both eating and sex can have a variety of purposes.

Both can be. But those that make lifestyles out of either are obsessive compulsive by definition

Eating for enjoyment isn't 'obsessive compulsive by definition'. Or is having sex because you want to get laid and it feels good.

What else have you got?

When your life revolves around either, they are.

And who says that if you want a cheeseburger for dinner your 'life revolves around cheeseburgers'?.

Your argument is just silly. There's clearly other purposes beyond procreation in sex. Just as there is clearly other purposes beyond sustenance in eating.

A cheeseburger at diner, vs. 24 hour cheeseburger inhalation.

Should I draw you a picture
Hey dimwit.

Don't eat, you starve

So, you want to ban these?


Don't procreate, the species dies.

So, you want to ban these?


^^^^such a troll^^^^

Can you find any reasoning that your post makes any sense at all?


Calling you out on your stupid argument isn't being a troll, it's just being smarter than you. :D

If stupid means smarter in your world......

Of course you also enjoy rectal sex

And that of course means you hate sex.

Hate it?

Projection your own inabilities is distastefull
Nope. A man and woman giving pleasure is normal. Same sex isn't. Homo sapiens are heterosexual by nature. I can prove that by simply observing male and female anatomy.

Procreation isn't the only purpose in sex, anymore than sustenance is the only purpose in eating. Getting and receiving pleasure is perfectly natural.
Homo sapiens are heterosexual by nature. That's science.

Most homosapiens are. But clearly not all.

All are, some can't handle their obsessive compulsive behavior.

Prove it.

Come on Pops- we are all waiting for you to step up and prove something- anything you say.

We await you to support your claim with no expectation of you doing anything other than your usual dance.

I've proved you're a bigoted idiot.

AND that's just for starters!
Eating for pleasure isn't 'obsessive compulsive'. Sometimes you just want a cheese burger. And having sex because its feels good isn't 'obsessive compulsive'. Sometimes you just want to get laid.

See how that works?

Both eating and sex can have a variety of purposes.

Both can be. But those that make lifestyles out of either are obsessive compulsive by definition

Eating for enjoyment isn't 'obsessive compulsive by definition'. Or is having sex because you want to get laid and it feels good.

What else have you got?

When your life revolves around either, they are.

And who says that if you want a cheeseburger for dinner your 'life revolves around cheeseburgers'?.

Your argument is just silly. There's clearly other purposes beyond procreation in sex. Just as there is clearly other purposes beyond sustenance in eating.

A cheeseburger at diner, vs. 24 hour cheeseburger inhalation.

One does not mandate the other. Again, eating because you're in the mood for a particular food isn't 'obsessive compulsive'.

And that motivation demonstrates that there's more than one purpose in eating. Just as there is more than one purpose for sex.
Not a religious discussion, a discussion on cultural perspectives.

I do mix it up in our discussions about gay culture and to me it's largely sport, but there's another part of me that attempts to see these social issues through the eyes of gay people. Two of the closest friends of my family happen to be gay, a woman I've known since I was in Junior High who was a teacher of mine and her partner. They are getting married this month and we will be enthusiastic attenders. My trust in them is implicit to the point they often babysit our 4 kids and are called Aunt by them. Yes they are that close.

So their up and coming wedding has gotten me thinking about the issue of gay marriage in the Christian church. They are Christians and church goers, attending a Reconciling congregation, the kind more accepting of gays and gay marriage.


I'm extremely happy for them, so is my wife and my in laws who are somewhat to very progressive. It occurs to me to wonder why happily married Christians would deny nuptial bliss to any couple that love each other. Here's the issue gays are put in by Christians. They're told that the lifestyle is sinful and that they should either abstain from sex altogether or get married to a person of the opposite sex. Many men have done that, living a lie until the lie gets too great and they revert back to their sexual set point, often cheating on their wives in secretive dalliances or outright abandoning their family.

Exhibit A:

Option B is not any better. St. Paul himself said that it is better for a man to marry than to burn with desire. Since Exodus International has demonstrated to us that it's not possible to "pray the gay away" or use therapy to change one's sexual orientation, what choice do they have? Let's review the choices again:

1. Marry a person of the opposite sex and live a lie with disastrous results that hurt an innocent wife and children.

2. Burn with sexual desire until the desire becomes to great and men hook up with other men, often multiple partners increasing the chances for STD's and drug abuse.

3. Same sex marriage; marrying a person they are attracted to and can love for the rest of their lives in a committed manner.

I'm going to be honest, though I don't like the Supreme Court circumventing the constitutional and republican form of government that clearly puts this issue to the states to decide, I'm also not of the opinion that our civilization is imperiled because people who love each other are getting married. I'm just not.

So here I am, a Christian, telling my fellow Christians that the solution may be to start talking TO homosexuals instead of about them; to forge friendships like I have and gain a new perspective and try to see the world through their eyes.

I have and I got no regrets about it.

I've been thinking about this post for several days, I really think you got it backwards. The faghadist in your face attempt at forced acceptance has put Christians in a quandary and made civil co-existence impossible. If they continue to push their agenda it will only get worse, not better, people will dig in.

Yup...just like what happened in the 60s with desegregation and interracial marriage. The bigots got past it...or died.

Keep making your false comparisons, normal people ain't buying.
Faith is important to former President Jimmy Carter, and he writes about it extensively in his new memoir A Full Life: Reflections at Ninety. But his religious beliefs don't keep him from supporting every American's right to marry the person they love ... (Huffington Post)
Of course you also enjoy rectal sex

Eh, not really. But sometimes it's better to venture down a dark alley then to throw a hotdog down a hallway.

I'll take your word for it, do you make any noise at all when you fart after years of taking it up the poop chute?

I probably shouldn't have this discussion with you, until you're at least 13 years old.

Don't you worry SE, I will vigorously defend your right to take it up the ass

You have been taking it in the ass this entire thread and you have that right
Both can be. But those that make lifestyles out of either are obsessive compulsive by definition

Eating for enjoyment isn't 'obsessive compulsive by definition'. Or is having sex because you want to get laid and it feels good.

What else have you got?

When your life revolves around either, they are.

And who says that if you want a cheeseburger for dinner your 'life revolves around cheeseburgers'?.

Your argument is just silly. There's clearly other purposes beyond procreation in sex. Just as there is clearly other purposes beyond sustenance in eating.

A cheeseburger at diner, vs. 24 hour cheeseburger inhalation.

One does not mandate the other. Again, eating because you're in the mood for a particular food isn't 'obsessive compulsive'.

And that motivation demonstrates that there's more than one purpose in eating. Just as there is more than one purpose for sex.

But your life revolving around that food is.

The difference is clear, only the obsessed can't see that.

True story
Faith is important to former President Jimmy Carter, and he writes about it extensively in his new memoir A Full Life: Reflections at Ninety. But his religious beliefs don't keep him from supporting every American's right to marry the person they love ... (Huffington Post)
Good ole Jimmah. Our weakest president
You obviously don't understand the term "by nature". Anatomy is nature.

Oh contrare. I understand it. You are trying to re-create the term. Nature designed the human digestive system to provide necessary energy to sustain life. And while it was never "intended" by nature, it is perfectly natural for humans to eat cookies for nothing more than the sheer pleasure of doing so.

The anus was not designed by nature for sexual intercourse.

Nevertheless, it is also perfectly natural for humans to enjoy sexual intercourse.

Simply because there are freaks who enjoy anal sex doesn't equate to being "by nature." Okay, your turn to call me uneducated again.

This all reminds me of a conversation that I had with a female friend of mine some time ago. She was insisting that men should be willing and wanting to engage in anal sex with their girlfriends on a regular basis, with the implication being that men and women both who were opposed to doing so weren't being fully open with each other. I countered with the fact that some people just don't like it, but she insisted that such people were simply hung up on insecurities or taboos.

My response to her was simple: I think people should just have sex however they want.

I know it's hard for you, as a virgin, to understand this now. But someday, you'll realize that there's nothing to be ashamed of. It's okay to have sex however you want, as long as the other person/people want to also. It doesn't make you a bad person. Mother Nature didn't build us with all these ways to have different kinds of sexual activities that turn out to be really enjoyable, just because we're supposed to torture ourselves and deny ourselves our yearnings. When the day comes, you'll realize that it's the most natural thing in the world to give and receive pleasure with another person who wants to do the same thing with you.

You'll learn. Eventually. Oh, but uh....if you want to learn a little sooner, you might want to try to lighten up a bit. Girls will like you more if you stop being so serious and hateful.
The anecdotal scenarios are entertaining. Obviously, you have run aground and cannot come up with anything other than arrogant snide personal remarks. Your failure here is obvious to everyone.
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Of course you also enjoy rectal sex

Eh, not really. But sometimes it's better to venture down a dark alley then to throw a hotdog down a hallway.

I'll take your word for it, do you make any noise at all when you fart after years of taking it up the poop chute?

I probably shouldn't have this discussion with you, until you're at least 13 years old.

Don't you worry SE, I will vigorously defend your right to take it up the ass

You have been taking it in the ass this entire thread and you have that right

At least you finally admit your longing to anally rape other people.
Of course you also enjoy rectal sex

Eh, not really. But sometimes it's better to venture down a dark alley then to throw a hotdog down a hallway.

I'll take your word for it, do you make any noise at all when you fart after years of taking it up the poop chute?

I probably shouldn't have this discussion with you, until you're at least 13 years old.

Don't you worry SE, I will vigorously defend your right to take it up the ass

You have been taking it in the ass this entire thread and you have that right

At least you finally admit your longing to anally rape other people.
Have Christians ever raped your mind?
Of course you also enjoy rectal sex

Eh, not really. But sometimes it's better to venture down a dark alley then to throw a hotdog down a hallway.

I'll take your word for it, do you make any noise at all when you fart after years of taking it up the poop chute?

I probably shouldn't have this discussion with you, until you're at least 13 years old.

Don't you worry SE, I will vigorously defend your right to take it up the ass

You have been taking it in the ass this entire thread and you have that right

At least you finally admit your longing to anally rape other people.

You getting mind fucked does not make me a rapist. K?

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