The Question of Evil is explained in the Adam and Eve story...

That's dumb. I get punished for what happened thousands of years ago? Um... no. I can't accept such douchebaggery.

Your or me disagreement with or lack of acceptance of such things is as immaterial to the Universe as standing on the shore of the ocean and demanding the tides cease their flow.
here is REALLY dumbshit/contradictions/etc
babies do not or do have ''original'' sin
original ----hahahhahahahahhahahhahaha
This is an interesting quandary. We know that we are born with original sin. We also know that baptism is necessary for salvation. St. Peter says, “Baptism now saves you” (1 Peter 3:21). Through baptism the stain of original sin is removed and we are made children of God. Yet, if an infant with original sin dies, does he or she go to hell? A person who dies in a state of sin and without the graces of baptism may not enter heaven. However, infants are not guilty of sin. After all, they have not committed personal sin. Original sin is inherited, it is not a choice made by the infant to turn away from God. Infants do not have the capability to choose to sin. Is it possible that God would send these innocent children to hell? And if not, without the graces of baptism, can they go to heaven?
Do Unbaptized Babies Go To Limbo? - About Catholics
So how does that say that I myself rejected the perfect world? And why am I being punished for something I didn't do? I thought god was supposed to be fair.

Your ancestors rejected the Law of God


and that Sin still runs in the blood of every one of us.

Sin is anonther word for to be seperated from god. You are separated from god, isn't it? Is this my fault or the fault of my ancestors?

God and “fatness” have no place in the same sentence and never have.

Fatness? Do you think god is a Buddha? In case of Buddha this symbolizes happiness. I would say "god" and "fitness" is a good combination, completely independent whether someone is fat or not.

Gods world is not a democracy of any type. It’s an Authoritarian dictatorship and always will be.

The election of the Pope by an electoral college is the eldest active election of the world. Monks elect their abbeys - sometimes only for some years - and so on. Democracy never was a problem for Christians - but Christians are independent from all forms of political systems. Take slavery as a simple example. Chistians don't fight against slavery - but when a Christian master has a brother, who is a slave, and this slave is not able to do his work, then one of the most easy solutions for this problem is to help him to do so. A man who passes sees perhaps only two men working and not who is the master and who is the slave. For Christians slavery is just simple not so important. By the way: It existed in Europe under Christians never this form of slavery, which had existed in the USA during colonialism and later in more modern times. In Germany a serf for example had to work on the feudal lord's land - but this meant not such a man was without rights.

And do you think also mathematics is an "authoritarian dictatorship", because mathematics makes clear, what's right and wrong in mathematics? And do you think it is wise to make an anti-discrimination law for people, who have not any idea about mathematics, and to give them 50% of all jobs in natural science and economy?
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That's dumb. I get punished for what happened thousands of years ago? Um... no. I can't accept such douchebaggery.

Your or me disagreement with or lack of acceptance of such things is as immaterial to the Universe as standing on the shore of the ocean and demanding the tides cease their flow.
But none of that story about Eden has been proven to be true. So it's a maybe at best.
So how does that say that I myself rejected the perfect world? And why am I being punished for something I didn't do? I thought god was supposed to be fair.

Your ancestors rejected the Law of God


and that Sin still runs in the blood of every one of us.

Sin oisn aonterh wored fron tzhepo be srsepüa5rted vfrom god. You are separated from god, isn't it? Ts ahs nnithgni to donbwth my ancestors thsi ahs to do woth you.

God and “fatness” have no place in the same sentence and never have.

Fatness? Do yoiu thin god is Buddha? I would say "god" and "fitness" is a good combination, completely indepenet whezjer someone is fat or not.

Gods world is not a democracy of any type. It’s an Authoritarian dictatorship and always will be.

The election of the Pope by an electoral colleges is the eldest active election of the world. Monks elect their abbeys and so on. Democracy never was a problem for Christians - but Christians are independent from all forms of political systems. Takle slavery as a simple example. Chistains don't fight against slavery - but when a Christian master has a brother, who is a slave and this slave is not able to do his work then one of the most easy solutions for this problem is to help him to do so. A man who passes sees perhaps only two men working and not who is the master and who is the slave. cfro Christians slavery is just simple not so important. By the way: It existed in Europe under Christians never this form of slavery, which had existed in the USA during colonialism and later in more modern times. In Germany a serf for example had to work on the feudal lord's land - but this meant not such a man was without rights.

And do you think also mathematics is an "Authoritarian dictatorship", because mathematics makes clear, what's right and wrong in mathematics? And do you think it is wise to make an anti-discrimination law for people, who have not any idea about mathematics, and to give them 50% of all jobs in natural science and economy?
Democracy isn't a handful of priests electing a Pope out of millions... of Catholics. No wonder you guys lost both world wars.
But none of that story about Eden has been proven to be true. So it's a maybe at best.

All matters of faith and theory are about maybes. We’ve seen that relative to the Theory of Gravity in the last week. I’ve seen and experienced too much in my life not to believe in a Divine figure.
But none of that story about Eden has been proven to be true. So it's a maybe at best.

All matters of faith and theory are about maybes. We’ve seen that relative to the Theory of Gravity in the last week. I’ve seen and experienced too much in my life not to believe in a Divine figure.
Gravity is a maybe? :cuckoo:
Gravity is a maybe? :cuckoo:

The science behind it seems to have developed some holes from what Mr Newton and Mr Einstein have suggested. Check out the last week’s science news for the story.
so we are screwed because of our [ hahahahha ] ancestestors ..../??!!
you do realize this doesn't make any sense at all?

It makes sense. You have legs and not wings. Reason: Your ancestors had legs and not wings.

When a murderer murders someone - who is dead afterwards? The murderer or his victim? That the victim is innocent plays absolutelly not any role in this game. Dead is dead. We know - whether we like to know this or not - death is in the world. You know you will die. That's intolerable, isn't it? But that's a price we have to pay. I would not know how we could avoid this. Not as long as the "fruit of the tree of the recognition of good and evil" lives in us. This is irreversible. Death is an unbelievable bullshit - but to know this helps not you nor anyone else. Not to know this would be much more a disaster, isn't it? To feel no pain would be wonderful - in theory. But in this world here never to suffer pain is only an absurde sickness. We don't live any longer in paradise. This hurts us - but we may live with.

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Adam was evil because he had sex with a woman. Now how gay is that?
so we are screwed because of our [ hahahahha ] ancestestors ..../??!!
you do realize this doesn't make any sense at all?

It makes sense. You have legs and not wings. Reason: Your ancestors had legs and not wings.

When a murderer murders someone - who is dead afterwards? The murderer or his victim? That the victim is innocent plays absolutelly not any role in this game. Dead is dead. We know - whether we like to know this or not - death is in the world. You know you will die. That's intolerable, isn't it? But that's a price we have to pay. I would not know how we could avoid this. Not as long as the "fruit of the tree of the recognition of good and evil" lives in us. This is irreversible. Death is an unbelievable bullshit - but to know this helps not you nor anyone else. Not to know this would be much more a disaster, isn't it? To feel no pain would be wonderful - in theory. But in this world here never to suffer pain is only an absurde sickness. We don't live any longer in paradise. This hurts us - but we may live with.

how does this relate to original sin/etc/
so we are screwed because of our [ hahahahha ] ancestestors ..../??!!
you do realize this doesn't make any sense at all?

It makes sense. You have legs and not wings. Reason: Your ancestors had legs and not wings.

When a murderer murders someone - who is dead afterwards? The murderer or his victim? That the victim is innocent plays absolutelly not any role in this game. Dead is dead. We know - whether we like to know this or not - death is in the world. You know you will die. That's intolerable, isn't it? But that's a price we have to pay. I would not know how we could avoid this. Not as long as the "fruit of the tree of the recognition of good and evil" lives in us. This is irreversible. Death is an unbelievable bullshit - but to know this helps not you nor anyone else. Not to know this would be much more a disaster, isn't it? To feel no pain would be wonderful - in theory. But in this world here never to suffer pain is only an absurde sickness. We don't live any longer in paradise. This hurts us - but we may live with.

how does this relate to original sin/etc/

It relates to the question "what" on my reference to a wrong form of logic with the statement "You have legs and not wings. Reason: Your ancestors had legs and not wings." I'm personally not convinced from the "original sin" concept of Augustinus. For me it is only important that we are separated from god. We are sinners. It's perhaps not bad in this way as long as we don't accept to do wrong, whatever we are able to do wrong. Imagine god was pregnant and paradise his womb. And now we are new born babies. The problem: Not to live in the will of god is damned dangerous for everyone - not only for the own person. This dilemma overburdens lots of people so they are not able to to use their god given abilities for the principles of life. But to fight against each other and to fight against all life on planet Earth is not the way. Jesus showed us his way and he never lost this way on his own - also not when he was a crucified criminal. He showed us we are not alone. God is with us also in and beyond death. He prepares us a home in heaven - and when the time is over to do so - within the next second or in billions of years - he will bring us home to our father. Then we can leave the lousy clinics here, where a doctor like Donald Trump leads one of the biggest hospitals of the world: the psychiatric clinic USA, the land of a self confident harmony and peace, where all animals from Noah's arch live in a paradise protected from the save rules of their king: the human race. What do you think we are able to expect from god, when we'll continue to destroy his living creation?

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But none of that story about Eden has been proven to be true. So it's a maybe at best.

All matters of faith and theory are about maybes.

Maybe atheism is correct - maybe not.

We’ve seen that relative to the Theory of Gravity in the last week. I’ve seen and experienced too much in my life not to believe in a Divine figure.

Why exists something?
Gravity is a maybe? :cuckoo:

The science behind it seems to have developed some holes from what Mr Newton and Mr Einstein have suggested. Check out the last week’s science news for the story.

Newton needed Copernicus, Galileo Galilei and Johannes Kepler for his theory. Copernicus was a Catholic, Galileo Galilei (the very well payed superstar under the scientistst of his time) was a Catholic too. Kepler was a Protestant - but he worked his whole life only for Catholics. Newton was a kind of esoteric nutcase, religious, but very confused - what's in a total difference to his very clear scientifical writings. And Einstein was a an agnostic Jew ("I am a deep religious unbeliever."). He specially did not like atheists, who tried to convince everyone from their belief in atheism.

PS. Einstein needed the work of lots of other physicists - one of them, the most important, was John Clerk Maxwell. He had studied the bible in very young years, because his mother was very religious.
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