The Questions Tucker Carlson Doesn't Ask

This CPAC conference will not be the first time Tuckyo Rose has swapped spit with Viktator Orban.

CPAC isn't the RNC.
CPAC is a private organization who are free to spend their money anywhere they want.
I tend to agree with the criticism that the US MSM is mostly leftist propaganda and needs to be held accountable.
I don't like the "state TV" idea, but a law that fines supposed "news" outlets for obvious lies would be an improvement. Big fines debated in court should cut down the "fake news".
CPAC isn't the RNC.
CPAC is a private organization who are free to spend their money anywhere they want.
I tend to agree with the criticism that the US MSM is mostly leftist propaganda and needs to be held accountable.
I don't like the "state TV" idea, but a law that fines supposed "news" outlets for obvious lies would be an improvement. Big fines debated in court should cut down the "fake news".
If we fined networks for lying, Fox News would be out of business in less than a week.
Now comes the claim that you can't expect to literally believe the words that come out of Carlson's mouth. And that assertion is not coming from Carlson's critics. It's being made by a federal judge in the Southern District of New York and by Fox News's own lawyers in defending Carlson against accusations of slander. It worked, by the way.

Just read U.S. District Judge Mary Kay Vyskocil's opinion, leaning heavily on the arguments of Fox's lawyers: The "'general tenor' of the show should then inform a viewer that [Carlson] is not 'stating actual facts'
about the topics he discusses and is instead engaging in 'exaggeration' and 'non-literal commentary.' "

Poor Tuckyo Rose. He had to admit in court he's a liar. :lol:

I believe the word you are all looking for when parroting Carlson is "propaganda".
If we fined networks for lying, Fox News would be out of business in less than a week.
See, you stepped in it this time, moron. Your lies are easy to disprove.
FXN was proven the most "fair and balanced" by a Harvard study.
The "fake news" outlets would be the ones going broke.


When you're in a hole its usually smart to stop digging.
See, you stepped in it this time, moron. Your lies are easy to disprove.
FXN was proven the most "fair and balanced" by a Harvard study.
The "fake news" outlets would be the ones going broke.

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When you're in a hole its usually smart to stop digging.
Yes, there is no denying Fox gave the most positive coverage of the most pathologically lying president in history.

And? That's a long way from "fair and balanced".
Curious, so start citing actual fact checks instead of this ego trip you are on. I know there are either refuting or corroborating his statements.
Um...retard? Read my posts?

I backed every fact up. Gun bans, media censorship, etc.

Do you need me to make my posts shorter than tweets so your bumper sticker intellect can absorb these facts?
Yes, there is no denying Fox gave the most positive coverage of the most pathologically lying president in history.

And? That's a long way from "fair and balanced".

When media controls the narrative, the media isn't free.

So what do the media and Orban have in common with each other?


Orban dictates the narrative through intimidation, whereas the media here controls the narrative by false exposition and by proxy, intimidation.
Um...retard? Read my posts?

I backed every fact up. Gun bans, media censorship, etc.

Do you need me to make my posts shorter than tweets so your bumper sticker intellect can absorb these facts?

I'm not going to thumb through this ego trip thread of yours to look for them. Cite them now if you have any faith in your position.
I wonder. When watching Carlson lie out of his ass, do these tards say to themselves, "He isn't proving any of this!"
You can't own a firearm in Hungary. Only pepper guns and airsoft guns. You can't even own a bow or crossbow!

Hungarians are flocking to gun stores to buy all legally available self-defense weapons out of fear that crime could dramatically increase during the coronavirus pandemic, news channel HírTV reported on Tuesday.

“There is a nationwide shortage of pepper-ball ammunition. I expect a delivery of 1,200 rounds tomorrow and half of that has already been sold,” gun shop owner Zoltán Gerő told HírTV. His shop mostly sells legally available Airsoft, gas or rubber bullet pistols. “Whereas previously most of our sales were for sport, while recently the demand for self-defense weapons has spiked.”

Repeat-fire Airsoft weapons are also in high demand, as would be bows and crossbows, but the latter two are illegal in Hungary.


Typically, you can only buy a pistol or revolver after attending and successfully passing a firearm handling course. Even then, such weapons can only be carried in a locked container to a shooting range and back.

Concealed carry is only allowed for law enforcement and other government agencies. Hungarians are only allowed to carry knives with a maximum 8-centimeter (3.14-inch) blade.

So, seriously. What do CPAC and Carlson have in common with Viktator Orban other than their fear of race mixing?
So what?

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