The Questions Tucker Carlson Doesn't Ask

If we fined networks for lying, Fox News would be out of business in less than a week.
Most of FOX news is commenting on all the other people that are Progs on most other channels. Progs control the vernacular. Endless insults, innuendo, vicious remarks about anyone who is not a prog and anyone who sways away an inch is open for the brutal inquisition. There are people who worked for FOX and spewed more conservatism who are now miraculously as far left Prog Socialists there is on other channels. There are those who say they are Republicans and spew pure Progressive Socialist dogma. There is a mrket for many FOX channels. There is a market for parallel TV comedy and dramas and syfy/horror and others shows made with common sense and not extreme Prog agendas pushed as the norm. Ther really is.
You sure? Because all I see you doing is hurling insults and judging others right now. Your point would be more well received if you wouldn't.

Ah. I see your partisan blinders are always on.

A link from a foreign paper. You antiguners are so fucked in the head it's pathetic.

Did you address this poster?


And I'm not even an anti-gunner! :lol:

Orban is. That makes HIM fucked in the head.
Did you address this poster?


I am talking directly to you right now. You are the author of the thread.

You apparently missed all the times in all the years I've been here where I have laid wood to far-right kooks on this board.

If you think I'm partisan, you are sorely mistaken.
Nothing about that post is remotely partisan.
It most certainly is. You did not address others hurling insults. The insults came from others, I just responded in kind.

So your post is not only partisan, it is hypocritical.
In the trader profession, they see that today there are few, but even stricter, conditions for obtaining eligibility, and they also find that the “home affairs” line revokes licenses previously issued for self-defense reasons. “Last year, I had 2-3 clients who bought guns for self-defense,” said a long-time source in the arms trade. We also know that it is becoming increasingly common for even members of the armed forces to be denied the opportunity to have a firearm at home outside office hours. A counterterrorist also often has to drop his weapon at his station after work. Self-defense licenses are already being revoked from gun dealers. It is difficult, if not impossible, to obtain a weapons permit on the grounds of safety of life or imminent threat.

Make a report ”is roughly the answer if someone wants to keep a weapon of self-defense because of a sense of danger to life or threat. Legal possession of firearms is most possible for hunters or sport shooters, but in both cases the licensing process has been severely tightened, and expectations for hunting exams have become noticeably tougher. Athletes also wait roughly a year before they can keep a gun at home, during which time they receive training, become mandatory club members, receive a competition permit, take part in qualifying competitions, and undergo medical and multiple psychological examinations.

But there is you, citing a Hungarian socialist newspaper.

Don't lecture me about being 'partisan.'
CPAC and Carlson are massively hypocritical. They are embracing a dictator who stands for everything they proclaim to be against.

You can all dodge, and weave, and attack me all you like, and toss out red herrings about Biden by the basketful, but your attempts to defend a lying propagandist and a specious organization only reveal your own characters.

That some of you are more hung up on my insulting someone back worries you more than these facts is a sad statement of your shallowness and willful blindness.
It most certainly is. You did not address others hurling insults.

Because 1) I am addressing you, 2) you don't have to act like them, 3) I lost plenty of arguments despite having superior facts and evidence because I chose to insult my opponent, and 4) I am not a moderator.

Direct your indignation elsewhere.
Viktator Orban is the keynote speaker at CPAC, with Tuckyo Rose right up there on stage with him via videolink.

So, yeah. They are cool with dictators who ban guns and a free press, who rigs elections, and shredded constitutions. Totally cool.
"In a nutshell, after the collapse of communism, the post-communist elites were able to hold on to their networks and influence in what had been up to then the media of the Communist Party. Fidesz later acted to counterbalance that disadvantage. However, even now, media opposed to the government of Viktor Orbán clearly dictate the themes of the national conversation. As for suppressing free media, that is impossible. The legal guarantees for press freedom and simple market dynamics ensure that that can never happen."

IOW, the media was controlled by the left in Hungary. Orban changed that and now, you and they are screaming about denied press 'freedom.' You have not taken the time to research your subject and are spewing Marxist talking points. You are believing leftist-Communist, media lies. Do yourself a favor and read the link I provided. You are embarrassing yourself.
But there is you, citing a Hungarian socialist newspaper.

Don't lecture me about being 'partisan.'
Oh, so you need more, do ya?

The regulation of guns in Hungary is categorised as restrictive
In Hungary, the right to private gun ownership is not guaranteed by law
In Hungary, private possession of handguns (pistols and revolvers) is permitted only with special authorisation

See also post 11.

You fools have come at me from every angle to deny, defend, and excuse Orban's gun bans. Your tactics crumble in the fact of the FACTS.

The dictator is anti-gun, PERIOD. He's WAY worse than an American Democrat. And CPAC is embracing him.
Oh, so you need more, do ya?

The regulation of guns in Hungary is categorised as restrictive
In Hungary, the right to private gun ownership is not guaranteed by law
In Hungary, private possession of handguns (pistols and revolvers) is permitted only with special authorisation

See also post 11.

You fools have come at me from every angle to deny, defend, and excuse Orban's gun bans. Your tactics crumble in the fact of the FACTS.

The dictator is anti-gun, PERIOD.
Hmm, the fact that the newspaper is socialist doesn't even occur to you, does it?
You fools have come at me from every angle to deny, defend, and excuse Orban's gun bans. Your tactics crumble in the fact of the FACTS.

My tactics only fail when I stop. And right now, I have no intention of doing such.

You have done no research on Viktor Orban, have you?

His political history is consistent with the views he took to win the Hungarian election.



Taxpayer-funded universal healthcare.

Anti-free press.

Rigged elections.

Since Carlson and CPAC are vehement opponents of these things, why are they embracing him?

They have only ONE thing in common with him. And that's a hatred of immigrants. The Great White Replacement Theory.

They have allowed their fear of race mixing to override every last one of their beliefs they profess to hold dear.

That is profoundly, profoundly revealing.
Since its election victory in 2010, the ruling Fidesz party has used its supermajority in parliament to make major changes to the country’s legal framework, including adopting a new constitution, in ways that weaken legal checks on its authority, interfere with media freedom, and otherwise undermine human rights protection in the country.

The new constitution and related laws entered into force in January 2012 and have been amended several times since their introduction, most recently in March 2013. This report assesses the impact of all these changes to the Hungarian legal framework. It examines their effects on judicial independence and the administration of justice; the limitations they impose on the powers of the Constitutional Court, on political participation, and on religious freedom; and the way they interfere with the rights of women, lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people, and the homeless.

Oh, look! There's a Ministry of Truth in Hungary!

Legislation and policy introduced by the government since 2010 has also had an impact on media freedom. The government has passed a series of media laws that, among other changes, created a new media regulator known as the Media Council headed by a political appointee with close ties to the government.

Independent media outlets have told Human Rights Watch that they now conduct self-censorship as a result of unclear regulations and feel the pressure of declining public and private advertising revenue. The editorial content of public television has been subject to political interference, and editors and journalists who opposed that interference have lost their jobs as part of a larger number of redundancies justified on the grounds of restructuring.

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