The Questions Tucker Carlson Doesn't Ask

So what? Do they have a 2nd amendment? is my understanding the right to bear arms is a God-given inalienable right, yes?

A right. You do know what that means, yes?

Orban is totally violating that right. BIGLY!

No guns. No bows. No crossbows. No knives longer than your pinkie.

CPAC and Carlson LOVE this guy! He's the BEST!
I wonder. When watching Carlson lie out of his ass, do these tards say to themselves, "He isn't proving any of this!"
Exactly what lies? So far you have not stated any lie Tucker has told.
I wonder. When watching Carlson lie out of his ass, do these tards say to themselves, "He isn't proving any of this!"

So, are you watching his show regularly or simply listening to carefully edited video and audio clips of his commentary?
Now comes the claim that you can't expect to literally believe the words that come out of Carlson's mouth. And that assertion is not coming from Carlson's critics. It's being made by a federal judge in the Southern District of New York and by Fox News's own lawyers in defending Carlson against accusations of slander. It worked, by the way.

Just read U.S. District Judge Mary Kay Vyskocil's opinion, leaning heavily on the arguments of Fox's lawyers: The "'general tenor' of the show should then inform a viewer that [Carlson] is not 'stating actual facts'
about the topics he discusses and is instead engaging in 'exaggeration' and 'non-literal commentary.' "
If you want accurate NEWS watch Bret Baer at 6 pm.
If you want opinion watch Tucker at 7 pm, duh.

The difference is that the CNN, MSDNC and other leftist "news" shows are mostly "opinion" and "fake news". is my understanding the right to bear arms is a God-given inalienable right, yes?

A right. You do know what that means, yes?

Orban is totally violating that right. BIGLY!

No guns. No bows. No crossbows. No knives longer than your pinkie.

CPAC LOVES this guy!
In America yes. Why don't you go to Hungary and protest?
Where is the skepticism of the tard herd when Carlson is willfully lying to their faces?

Where is their skepticism when Trump lies to their faces?


It's not there, because, "I want to believe it, so it must be true!"
Tucker Carlson opens his shows with monologues which have grown longer and longer as time goes on. He likes to ask long lists of leading questions peppered with misinformation and designed to cause the viewer to reach the conclusions he wants them to reach. This is a coward’s way of not taking responsibility for throwing gasoline on a fire.

“I’m just asking questions.”

In that vein, I thought I would provide some questions Carlson has failed to ask, using his rhetorical style.

When a mass shooter walks into a school in Parkland, Florida or Newtown, Connecticut, and slaughters a bunch of kids, idiots like Marjorie Taylor Greene call it a staged attack by the government to take away our Second Amendment rights. They call the traumatized friends and family “crisis actors”.

Why is it, then, when a white supremacist walks into a church in Charleston, South Carolina or a supermarket in Buffalo, New York, and slaughters a bunch of black people worshipping God or picking up food for their families, Marjorie Taylor Greene is silent with her government conspiracy theories?

Is it because she isn’t that bothered with the slaughter of those who are trying to replace you?

Speaking of gun control, why is CPAC holding this year’s conference in Hungary, a country which does not allow its citizens to own guns?

Why am I sharing the CPAC keynote speaker stage with the dictator Viktor Orban, who won’t allow his citizens to own guns for self-defense, even when their lives are in imminent danger?

Doesn’t the man these conservatives idolize believe in the right to bear arms? He doesn’t even allow off-duty soldiers to possess guns!

Why has Orban changed Hungary’s Constitution so he can be dictator for life? He’s been their ruler since 1999. Isn’t that long enough? Don’t we regard constitutions as sacred documents not to be trifled with?

Orban is right now changing their Constitution for a second time. Is he about to become an imminent danger to his citizens?

What about a free press and censorship? Isn’t CPAC for the former and against the latter? Why are they giving air time and credibility to a dictator who has turned the majority of the media into state organs and suppressed the private media?

What do I and CPAC have in common with this dictator, other than his desire to prevent other races mixing their blood with white Europeans?

Why is 8.3 percent inflation in the US Biden's fault, but 9.5 percent inflation in Hungary is not Orban's fault?

I’m just asking questions.


Sources for this post:

Kaotikus a hazai fegyvertartási statisztika - és több százezer "gyilkos eszköz" lehet engedély nélkül az országban
Tucker plays stupid so he can be a millionaire. The real ignorance is on display by his minion viewers.
If you want accurate NEWS watch Bret Baer at 6 pm.
If you want opinion watch Tucker at 7 pm, duh.

The difference is that the CNN, MSDNC and other leftist "news" shows are mostly "opinion" and "fake news".
If you want accurate NEWS, don't watch ANY of the 24 hour propaganda channels.
No free press.

No guns allowed. Not even crossbows or long knives.

Rewrote the Constitution to make himself dictator for life.

What do CPAC and Carlson have in common with Viktator Orban other than their fear of race mixing?
CPAC and Carlson have never promoted fear of race mixing. That's what leftist, racist, Democrats do.
Tucker plays stupid so he can be a millionaire. The real ignorance is on display by his minion viewers.
Really? Got any evidence? State exactly what he said to make you believe this.

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