The Questions Tucker Carlson Doesn't Ask

Hundreds of religious groups have been stripped of their status as “churches” under domestic law as a result of the new constitution.

Orban wants a state religion.
Oh, I have something. Tucker is making millions because you’re the idiot listener. He’s a habitual liar…
Your opinion and insults mean nothing. Admit it, you just hate the guy. Now go away and stew in your stupid hatred.
Oh, I have something. Tucker is making millions because you’re the idiot listener. He’s a habitual liar…
He knows his rube audience, and he knows exactly how to talk to them.

The damage it causes? The ugliness and rage it enables? Hey, who cares.
Oh, so you need more, do ya?

The regulation of guns in Hungary is categorised as restrictive
In Hungary, the right to private gun ownership is not guaranteed by law
In Hungary, private possession of handguns (pistols and revolvers) is permitted only with special authorisation

See also post 11.

You fools have come at me from every angle to deny, defend, and excuse Orban's gun bans. Your tactics crumble in the fact of the FACTS.

The dictator is anti-gun, PERIOD. He's WAY worse than an American Democrat. And CPAC is embracing him.

This link tells me nothing about Orban's stances.

Keep trying.
Since its election victory in 2010, the ruling Fidesz party has used its supermajority in parliament to make major changes to the country’s legal framework, including adopting a new constitution, in ways that weaken legal checks on its authority, interfere with media freedom, and otherwise undermine human rights protection in the country.

The new constitution and related laws entered into force in January 2012 and have been amended several times since their introduction, most recently in March 2013. This report assesses the impact of all these changes to the Hungarian legal framework. It examines their effects on judicial independence and the administration of justice; the limitations they impose on the powers of the Constitutional Court, on political participation, and on religious freedom; and the way they interfere with the rights of women, lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people, and the homeless.

Human Rights Watch??? :auiqs.jpg:
Orban's constitution also considerably shrank the size of parliament
CPAC is embracing a dictator who stands for everything they are against. Except one thing. Race mixing.
I have watced Carlson once and that was in 2019 or 2020. I was at a tire shop and it was on TV. I watched like 10 minutes. He seemed okay but not interesting enough for me to watch or care. Apparently I am missing something because the left seems to talk about him all the time, not sure why, but some people like watching shows they hate?
The government controls the airwaves and media companies to such a degree that the opposition can’t get a fair hearing. Orbán’s party, Fidesz, stands up bogus opposition parties during parliamentary elections as a means of dividing the anti-Fidesz vote. In April 2018, Fidesz won the national elections, cementing Orbán’s hold on power; international monitors concluded that the opposition never really had a fair chance.


Fidesz’s victory was widely seen as more a product of general anti-establishment sentiment — the Socialist party had been in power during the 2008 financial crash and was plagued by corruption scandals — than a vote for Orbán’s agenda.

Regardless, the Fidesz constitutional majority swiftly went to work, rewriting parts of the constitution within months of taking power. Parliamentary districts were redrawn and gerrymandered to give Fidesz a leg up. Liberal bastions, principally large cities like Budapest and Szeged in the south, were divided so that large numbers of people were packed into a handful of parliamentary districts, while each district in Hungary’s conservative countryside had fewer people in it.

The new constitution also expanded the size of the country’s constitutional court, which decides whether laws passed by parliament are constitutional. Orbán filled the new seats with Fidesz loyalists. All judges over the age of 62 were also forced to retire, so their seats could be filled with even more Fidesz-friendly jurists.

Private media was a principal target of the Fidesz power grab. After the 2010 victory, the Fidesz government used the power of the state to pressure private media corporations to sell to the state or to oligarchs aligned with Fidesz. Tactics included withholding government advertising dollars, selectively blocking mergers that would allow outlets to expand, and imposing punitive taxes on ad revenue.

By 2017, 90 percent of all media in Hungary was owned by either the state or a Fidesz ally, according to a count by Budapest-based scholar Marius Dragomir. This media empire includes every single regional newspaper in the country.
Fidesz also worked to reshape the electorate itself. A 2010 law granted citizenship rights to ethnic Hungarians in nearby countries like Romania, including the ability to vote and to access Hungarian social benefit payments. Though many of these ethnic Hungarians have never set foot in Hungary, more than a million non-domestic Hungarians have signed up for the citizenship program. They currently make up about 10 percent of the electorate and are largely on board with Orbán’s right-nationalist agenda, voting for Fidesz at an astonishing 95 percent rate.
I have watced Carlson once and that was in 2019 or 2020. I was at a tire shop and it was on TV. I watched like 10 minutes. He seemed okay but not interesting enough for me to watch or care. Apparently I am missing something because the left seems to talk about him all the time, not sure why, but some people like watching shows they hate?
They don't actually watch the show, they are told what to think about what he said from MSNBC and the rest of the lamestream media.
The government controls the airwaves and media companies to such a degree that the opposition can’t get a fair hearing. Orbán’s party, Fidesz, stands up bogus opposition parties during parliamentary elections as a means of dividing the anti-Fidesz vote. In April 2018, Fidesz won the national elections, cementing Orbán’s hold on power; international monitors concluded that the opposition never really had a fair chance.


Fidesz’s victory was widely seen as more a product of general anti-establishment sentiment — the Socialist party had been in power during the 2008 financial crash and was plagued by corruption scandals — than a vote for Orbán’s agenda.

Regardless, the Fidesz constitutional majority swiftly went to work, rewriting parts of the constitution within months of taking power. Parliamentary districts were redrawn and gerrymandered to give Fidesz a leg up. Liberal bastions, principally large cities like Budapest and Szeged in the south, were divided so that large numbers of people were packed into a handful of parliamentary districts, while each district in Hungary’s conservative countryside had fewer people in it.

The new constitution also expanded the size of the country’s constitutional court, which decides whether laws passed by parliament are constitutional. Orbán filled the new seats with Fidesz loyalists. All judges over the age of 62 were also forced to retire, so their seats could be filled with even more Fidesz-friendly jurists.

Oh I see what you're doing. That's the second liberal/progressive website you've cited.

Why would progressives and liberals be attacking Orban if he were for things we were against?
In the past two elections, for example, Fidesz helped create several fake parties — including one party that was being run by someone who turned out to be homeless that got on the ballot using signatures of Fidesz supporters and dead people. These parties split the anti-Fidesz vote in competitive districts, making it much easier for the Fidesz candidate to win a plurality.
Private media was a principal target of the Fidesz power grab. After the 2010 victory, the Fidesz government used the power of the state to pressure private media corporations to sell to the state or to oligarchs aligned with Fidesz. Tactics included withholding government advertising dollars, selectively blocking mergers that would allow outlets to expand, and imposing punitive taxes on ad revenue.

By 2017, 90 percent of all media in Hungary was owned by either the state or a Fidesz ally, according to a count by Budapest-based scholar Marius Dragomir. This media empire includes every single regional newspaper in the country.
Anti Communists are not Nazis. Get hep dude.
Oh, I have something. Tucker is making millions because you’re the idiot listener. He’s a habitual liar…
He makes millions because both the left and right talk about him and then watch him. I find it odd that the left watches at all but, idiots will be idiots. My father-in-law watches Fox every night and he is a die hard Democrat. Just strange.
This is the US that Trump and his running dogs want.

Now your argument is going two ways.

This suggests that Orban is for everything Trump was for.

Either Orban is for everything CPAC is against, or he isn't.

I am piercing the veil of your highly deceptive and duplicitous argument.

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