The Questions Tucker Carlson Doesn't Ask

Who needs guns and knives at CPAC?

Oh, rights are all about NEED now, are they? :lol:

This illogic is mindblowing.

"Yeahbut...Biden!" BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

You brought a basket of red herrings to a gunfight, kid.
Easy counter:

Why don't they?
Isn't it funny how the same tactics Carlson uses are burning the asses of the tard herd right now?


Since returning to power in 2010, Orbán has unceasingly attacked media pluralism and independence. After public broadcasting was turned into a propaganda organ, many private media were taken over or silenced. The ruling party, Fidesz, has seized de facto control of 80% of the country’s media through political-economic manoeuvres and the purchase of news organisations by friendly oligarchs.

That brings some context to, "Viktor Orbán tells CPAC the path to power is to ‘have your own media’"
So, yeah. Like I said. CPAC is totally cool with the guy who censors the press.

They LOVE this guy!

No wonder he wants Tucker 24/7. :lol:
Isn't it funny how the same tactics Carlson uses are burning the asses of the tard herd right now?
You really need to use better drugs. Carlson tells the truth. I know democrats hate the truth, they need to hide it, like with a "Minister of Truth". Oh, that didn't work...
"Who needs guns and knives at CPAC?"

I'm still laughing my ass off at that one.

"Who needs Jews at the Nuremberg rally?"

"Who needs negroes at the Klan meeting?"
Since returning to power in 2010, Orbán has unceasingly attacked media pluralism and independence. After public broadcasting was turned into a propaganda organ, many private media were taken over or silenced. The ruling party, Fidesz, has seized de facto control of 80% of the country’s media through political-economic manoeuvres and the purchase of news organisations by friendly oligarchs.

That brings some context to, "Viktor Orbán tells CPAC the path to power is to ‘have your own media’"

Tell you what. Our press is free but behaves in a manner that suggests it is being controlled.

Free-press is an illusion here in America.

Democrats here don't need to go as far as Orban because they don't have to. They succeeded with money here whereas Orban did with government intimidation in Hungary.
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"Who needs guns and knives at CPAC?"
I'm still laughing my ass off at that one.
"Who needs Jews at the Nuremberg rally?"
"Who needs negroes at the Klan meeting?"
CPAC really burns your ass doesn't it?
Maybe you know what's coming in November and in 2024?
Think about it...
Tell you what. Our press is free but behaves in a manner that suggests it is being controlled.

Free-press is an illusion here in America.

Democrats here don't need to go as far as Orban because they don't have to. They succeeded with money here whereas Orban did with government intimidation in Hungary.
That's idiotic.

Your cult leader failed where orban succeeded. But he will try again. The parallels are not coincidence.
Tell you what. Our press is free but behaves in a manner that suggests it is being controlled.

Free-press is an illusion here in America.

Democrats here don't need to go as far as Orban because they don't have to. They succeeded with money here whereas Orban did with government intimidation in Hungary.
So the difference between a Democrat and Orban is one of methods.


So why is CPAC embracing this anti-gun, pro-abortion, pro-censorship, universal healthcare, election rigging dictator?

What do Carlson and CPAC have in common with this dictator, other than his desire to prevent other races mixing their blood with white Europeans?
So why is CPAC embracing this anti-gun, pro-abortion, pro-censorship, election rigging dictator?

Think about it. Diplomacy. You are there at the graces of that dictator. If you say anything bad about him, he won't let you be there. It is also the best way to reach an international population.

Think of it as putting on a feint. You have to treat him favorably or you could find yourself on the business end of his iron fist.

Also, he would be foolish to suppress the free speech of citizens belonging to another NATO ally, so he has to make concessions of his own, but nowhere near what CPAC has to to be in the country to begin with.
Think about it. Diplomacy. You are there at the graces of that dictator. If you say anything bad about him, he won't let you be there. It is also the best way to reach an international population.

Think of it as putting on a feint. You have to treat him favorably or you could find yourself on the business end of his iron fist.

So stupid.

They chose his country. Your weak, contrived equivocation is embarrassing.
So stupid.

Carlson is a guest at their CPAC. To raise money for the Trump licking morons

Fuck man, your brains have turned to goo
What do you think this proves? Tucker goes to another corrupted RINO sponsored event & you somehow think this proves my statement that Fox news is Pravda & Tucker works for them is wrong?
Most of the GOP is as bad or worse than the Dems
Try reasoning things out in your mind so it makes sense before posting. Or quit wasting my time, makes no diff to me
The answer is, "Nothing."

CPAC and Carlson have nothing in common with Orban other than their fear of race mixing.

CPAC and Carlson are allowing their fear of race mixing to override all of their beliefs about gun control, freedom of the press, privatized health care, the sanctity of constitutions, term limits, abortion, dictators, and election rigging.

In their minds, this was the best leader they could find on the entire planet to embrace as one of their own.

It is profoundly, profoundly revealing.
The answer is, "Nothing."

They have nothing in common with Orban other than their fear of race mixing.

CPAC and Carlson are allowing their fear of race mixing to override all of their beliefs about gun control, freedom of the press, privatized health care, the sanctity of constitutions, term limits, abortion, dictators, and election rigging.

In their minds, this was the best leader they could find on the entire planet to embrace as one of their own.

It is profoundly, profoundly revealing.

Race mixing? Where are you getting this?

Are you getting your opinions of Tucker from sound bites and video clips or are you actually watching his show?

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