The Racial Issue of Tomorrow?

With mixed-race people being the fastest growing demographic in both the US and the UK, idiots and cowards are presented with new ways of displaying their mental, emotional, and moral weakness.

More and more people are getting together, but rather than eliminating division, human stupidity just finds new outlets.

Perhaps that's too pessimistic an outlook on it...

Mixed Emotions: Being Biracial and Racism
Interracial marriage in the US and abroad is increasing rapidly. It stands at 1 in 12 in the US. Race as we know it will slowly disappear and with it a lot of problems. I guess in a couple of hundred years, the bigots will focus on eye color, hair color, skin shades. Maybe in a thousand years, all people will evaluate others based on their character and deeds.

Culture certainly falls in line with character and deeds. And blacks are largely of a different culture than whites. I have never heard anyone criticize a black or white person on skin color. No one ever said "I don't like him because his skin is darker/lighter than mine." In every instance of argument on this issue the word "black" has largely meant "black culture" except in instances where people were talking about genetics, whereas they were trying to explain why they believed the negative aspects of black culture came about naturally.
I agree, skin color is just a substitute for culture. However, as intermarriage increases, cultures will merge. Eventually we will end up with a darker skin color and more Asian attributes. Culture will then have little connection to skin color. People with think of themselves as having ethnicity, not race. The terms White, Black, Asian, and American Indian will refer only to culture which will be intermixed. People will look back at the 20th and 21st century as a strange time in which people were judge by the color of their skin.

Yes, but don't be so quick to assume that all cultures are liberally oriented to the point where they will drop their bad attributes and replace them with positive ones learned from others. Multiculturism, after all, is a unicultural phenomenon. There are alpha and beta cultures, and all too often people who consider themselves open minded get overrun by peoples who are culturally conservative, that is to say, will not even drop the negatives of their culture (In fact, will defend their negative behavior). For example, blacks are more likely to defend the negative behavior of blacks than whites are their own. Whites will not riot over a white thug who got shot, no matter if the shooting was justified or not. Blacks, even when the shooting is justified, will bitterly cling to the innocence of their cultural kinfolk and demand a redress of their grievances when there was no grievance to be had. I don't see cultures with such a different outlook and different behaviors mating for a better future, and if they do, the culturally conservatives are the most likely to prevail: leading to a regression in cultural advancement.
With mixed-race people being the fastest growing demographic in both the US and the UK, idiots and cowards are presented with new ways of displaying their mental, emotional, and moral weakness.

More and more people are getting together, but rather than eliminating division, human stupidity just finds new outlets.

Perhaps that's too pessimistic an outlook on it...

Mixed Emotions: Being Biracial and Racism
Interracial marriage in the US and abroad is increasing rapidly. It stands at 1 in 12 in the US. Race as we know it will slowly disappear and with it a lot of problems. I guess in a couple of hundred years, the bigots will focus on eye color, hair color, skin shades. Maybe in a thousand years, all people will evaluate others based on their character and deeds.

Culture certainly falls in line with character and deeds. And blacks are largely of a different culture than whites. I have never heard anyone criticize a black or white person on skin color. No one ever said "I don't like him because his skin is darker/lighter than mine." In every instance of argument on this issue the word "black" has largely meant "black culture" except in instances where people were talking about genetics, whereas they were trying to explain why they believed the negative aspects of black culture came about naturally.
I agree, skin color is just a substitute for culture. However, as intermarriage increases, cultures will merge. Eventually we will end up with a darker skin color and more Asian attributes. Culture will then have little connection to skin color. People with think of themselves as having ethnicity, not race. The terms White, Black, Asian, and American Indian will refer only to culture which will be intermixed. People will look back at the 20th and 21st century as a strange time in which people were judge by the color of their skin.

Yes, but don't be so quick to assume that all cultures are liberally oriented to the point where they will drop their bad attributes and replace them with positive ones learned from others. Multiculturism, after all, is a unicultural phenomenon. There are alpha and beta cultures, and all too often people who consider themselves open minded get overrun by peoples who are culturally conservative, that is to say, will not even drop the negatives of their culture (In fact, will defend their negative behavior). For example, blacks are more likely to defend the negative behavior of blacks than whites are their own. Whites will not riot over a white thug who got shot, no matter if the shooting was justified or not. Blacks, even when the shooting is justified, will bitterly cling to the innocence of their cultural kinfolk and demand a redress of their grievances when there was no grievance to be had. I don't see cultures with such a different outlook and different behaviors mating for a better future, and if they do, the culturally conservatives are the most likely to prevail: leading to a regression in cultural advancement.
Yes, but what happens when there is no color divide between people? Cultures will be intermixed. It seems that we will have to judge people based on their own merits.
With mixed-race people being the fastest growing demographic in both the US and the UK, idiots and cowards are presented with new ways of displaying their mental, emotional, and moral weakness.

More and more people are getting together, but rather than eliminating division, human stupidity just finds new outlets.

Perhaps that's too pessimistic an outlook on it...

Mixed Emotions: Being Biracial and Racism
Interracial marriage in the US and abroad is increasing rapidly. It stands at 1 in 12 in the US. Race as we know it will slowly disappear and with it a lot of problems. I guess in a couple of hundred years, the bigots will focus on eye color, hair color, skin shades. Maybe in a thousand years, all people will evaluate others based on their character and deeds.

Culture certainly falls in line with character and deeds. And blacks are largely of a different culture than whites. I have never heard anyone criticize a black or white person on skin color. No one ever said "I don't like him because his skin is darker/lighter than mine." In every instance of argument on this issue the word "black" has largely meant "black culture" except in instances where people were talking about genetics, whereas they were trying to explain why they believed the negative aspects of black culture came about naturally.
I agree, skin color is just a substitute for culture. However, as intermarriage increases, cultures will merge. Eventually we will end up with a darker skin color and more Asian attributes. Culture will then have little connection to skin color. People with think of themselves as having ethnicity, not race. The terms White, Black, Asian, and American Indian will refer only to culture which will be intermixed. People will look back at the 20th and 21st century as a strange time in which people were judge by the color of their skin.

Yes, but don't be so quick to assume that all cultures are liberally oriented to the point where they will drop their bad attributes and replace them with positive ones learned from others. Multiculturism, after all, is a unicultural phenomenon. There are alpha and beta cultures, and all too often people who consider themselves open minded get overrun by peoples who are culturally conservative, that is to say, will not even drop the negatives of their culture (In fact, will defend their negative behavior). For example, blacks are more likely to defend the negative behavior of blacks than whites are their own. Whites will not riot over a white thug who got shot, no matter if the shooting was justified or not. Blacks, even when the shooting is justified, will bitterly cling to the innocence of their cultural kinfolk and demand a redress of their grievances when there was no grievance to be had. I don't see cultures with such a different outlook and different behaviors mating for a better future, and if they do, the culturally conservatives are the most likely to prevail: leading to a regression in cultural advancement.
Yes, but what happens when there is no color divide between people? Cultures will be intermixed. It seems that we will have to judge people based on their own merits.

I dunno, there are plenty of white cultures that I don't favor. In fact, I'm compleatly unattracted to their women. At the same time there are black women who have adopted white culture that I've dated. Oddly enough I married neither lol. So as long as people will disagree there will be different cultures. Saying that we will all become one culture is like saying we will eventually abandon all political parties. Fat chance!. Differing cultures will always be around and they will always be a legitimate object of criticism. There will always be divides. There will always be cultures who tolerate others more so than they are tolerated. There will always be superior and inferior cultures. I suppose the only benefit of all being one color is that you can get rid of the term "racism." Oh, and quit profiling people based on their increased inclination to commit violence. But then again, is that really a good thing? I know, for example, that if I find my self in an area full of blacks that the probability of harm goes up. I also know, that if I find myself surrounded by Asians I can walk down the street in relative safety. Two vastly different cultures, two vastly different propensities toward violence. Then again, If I find myself surrounded by white bikers in leather jackets with swastikas on them I also know that danger is lurking around the corner. So if it isn't skin to profile people by it will always be something else. The white dude with his pants around his ankles (saggin') for example, could justifiably be profiled as a thug. So on all counts the world you speak of will forever be unattainable. You speak of a world where everyone must be culturally liberal to happen. This will never happen as cultures swing from one end to the next. Could it get better though? Sure .... most peoples have already adopted, in large part, western culture. The world is a better place in some aspects and a worse place in some ways because of western culture. But whether it is better or worse, and in which places, largely depends on which part of western culture you subscribe to.

Right now we do not promote cultural integration. The big word in academia now days is "Multiculturalism," the opposite of what you speak of.
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With mixed-race people being the fastest growing demographic in both the US and the UK, idiots and cowards are presented with new ways of displaying their mental, emotional, and moral weakness.

More and more people are getting together, but rather than eliminating division, human stupidity just finds new outlets.

Perhaps that's too pessimistic an outlook on it...

Mixed Emotions: Being Biracial and Racism
Interracial marriage in the US and abroad is increasing rapidly. It stands at 1 in 12 in the US. Race as we know it will slowly disappear and with it a lot of problems. I guess in a couple of hundred years, the bigots will focus on eye color, hair color, skin shades. Maybe in a thousand years, all people will evaluate others based on their character and deeds.

Culture certainly falls in line with character and deeds. And blacks are largely of a different culture than whites. I have never heard anyone criticize a black or white person on skin color. No one ever said "I don't like him because his skin is darker/lighter than mine." In every instance of argument on this issue the word "black" has largely meant "black culture" except in instances where people were talking about genetics, whereas they were trying to explain why they believed the negative aspects of black culture came about naturally.
No one wants to be a red head but Nicole Kidman is really white and really beautiful
With mixed-race people being the fastest growing demographic in both the US and the UK, idiots and cowards are presented with new ways of displaying their mental, emotional, and moral weakness.

More and more people are getting together, but rather than eliminating division, human stupidity just finds new outlets.

Perhaps that's too pessimistic an outlook on it...

Mixed Emotions: Being Biracial and Racism
Interracial marriage in the US and abroad is increasing rapidly. It stands at 1 in 12 in the US. Race as we know it will slowly disappear and with it a lot of problems. I guess in a couple of hundred years, the bigots will focus on eye color, hair color, skin shades. Maybe in a thousand years, all people will evaluate others based on their character and deeds.

Culture certainly falls in line with character and deeds. And blacks are largely of a different culture than whites. I have never heard anyone criticize a black or white person on skin color. No one ever said "I don't like him because his skin is darker/lighter than mine." In every instance of argument on this issue the word "black" has largely meant "black culture" except in instances where people were talking about genetics, whereas they were trying to explain why they believed the negative aspects of black culture came about naturally.
No one wants to be a red head

Why not?
Boy, all of a sudden everyone has the moral right to judge everyone in the whole human race. how do you get such a job and where do you apply?
With mixed-race people being the fastest growing demographic in both the US and the UK, idiots and cowards are presented with new ways of displaying their mental, emotional, and moral weakness.

More and more people are getting together, but rather than eliminating division, human stupidity just finds new outlets.

Perhaps that's too pessimistic an outlook on it...

Mixed Emotions: Being Biracial and Racism

Great article, but the author makes the same mistake so many people do when discussing race: they're actually discussing culture. Race has to do with genetics. Culture, while often associated with the various races, is quite different; though race can fall largely among cultural lines. The problem with culture is that it is a legitimate grounds of dispute. So when people criticize the culture of another they get called racist, because its the easiest way to shut someone up. Blacks and whites act differently, talk differently, and have different values. Of course, there are many black cultures and many white ones, but black cultures share more similarities to other black cultures of the same country than whites share of blacks and vice-versa. Blacks will hang around other blacks and whites around other whites not because of skin color, but culture. More often than not, when you find a mixed race person claiming to "struggle" to find his/her identity they actually already have one passed down from their parents and they're trying to draw attention to themselves in pursuit of a goal: often political. This is because among their interracial parents lies a singular culture whereas one of the parties involved adopted the culture of the other through choice or cultural assimilation. There are plenty of white people who have adopted a largely black culture and plenty of black people who've adopted a largely white culture. Its not true in every case, but true in most. I've dated plenty of black women who, if you closed your eyes, sound as though they're white. I could have never done so if they had the common slang associated with black language. Indeed, if a white woman talked black she would be off the table for me as well. Does this make me racist? No, I simply have a cultural preference.

Wow, what an awkward and obvious attempt at forcing your odd agenda onto a topic.
You are not a closeted anti white bigot, are YOU? Bashing racist, tilting at windmills, it's what you DO. but they are always white people that need a beat down and you are there it do it.

What the hell are you talking about, biddy?
I'm not against it but i don't promote it. People r free to do as they choose, but I also have the right to want my grandbabies to look like their grandparents. I feel diversity is starting to b shoved down socities throat. Let people decide who they choose to associate with.

Well, actually mixed race babies DO look like their grand parents. unless they were adopted. the color may be different, but they still look like them, I have several mixed race kids in my family, their all great kids. No one would ever question whether or not they should have been born mixed race, the whole fear of this is just silly
I'm not against it but i don't promote it. People r free to do as they choose, but I also have the right to want my grandbabies to look like their grandparents. I feel diversity is starting to b shoved down socities throat. Let people decide who they choose to associate with.

Well, actually mixed race babies DO look like their grand parents. unless they were adopted. the color may be different, but they still look like them, I have several mixed race kids in my family, their all great kids. No one would ever question whether or not they should have been born mixed race, the whole fear of this is just silly

Great post.
I'm not against it but i don't promote it. People r free to do as they choose, but I also have the right to want my grandbabies to look like their grandparents. I feel diversity is starting to b shoved down socities throat. Let people decide who they choose to associate with.

Well, actually mixed race babies DO look like their grand parents. unless they were adopted. the color may be different, but they still look like them, I have several mixed race kids in my family, their all great kids. No one would ever question whether or not they should have been born mixed race, the whole fear of this is just silly
I don't fear it, n like I said do what u wAnt. Whether they're good kids or not has nothing to do with what I said. The left wAnts n is slowly forcing diversity, wouldn't u agree? All I'm saying is I should be able to associate with whoever without being labeled racist. I should have the right to pass these values down to my kids without being labeled racist. There r many blacks, Hispanics,asians, whatever that feel the same way N it's accepted. Ur right I used the phrase look like my grandparents to loosely, I stand corrected. I should have said I have the right to want my grandbabies to remain Caucasian.
Some people think there are certain despicable acts, such as crimes against humanity, that by their own nature cannot be presented in a good light.

But Unkotare and Flopper just proved them wrong.

The guys managed to prove beyond any doubt that human imagination can find a way to put a positive spin on absolutely anything... even on a monstrosity like the ongoing genocide of the white people of the United States.
With mixed-race people being the fastest growing demographic in both the US and the UK, idiots and cowards are presented with new ways of displaying their mental, emotional, and moral weakness.

More and more people are getting together, but rather than eliminating division, human stupidity just finds new outlets.

Perhaps that's too pessimistic an outlook on it...

Mixed Emotions: Being Biracial and Racism

Great article, but the author makes the same mistake so many people do when discussing race: they're actually discussing culture. Race has to do with genetics. Culture, while often associated with the various races, is quite different; though race can fall largely among cultural lines. The problem with culture is that it is a legitimate grounds of dispute. So when people criticize the culture of another they get called racist, because its the easiest way to shut someone up. Blacks and whites act differently, talk differently, and have different values. Of course, there are many black cultures and many white ones, but black cultures share more similarities to other black cultures of the same country than whites share of blacks and vice-versa. Blacks will hang around other blacks and whites around other whites not because of skin color, but culture. More often than not, when you find a mixed race person claiming to "struggle" to find his/her identity they actually already have one passed down from their parents and they're trying to draw attention to themselves in pursuit of a goal: often political. This is because among their interracial parents lies a singular culture whereas one of the parties involved adopted the culture of the other through choice or cultural assimilation. There are plenty of white people who have adopted a largely black culture and plenty of black people who've adopted a largely white culture. Its not true in every case, but true in most. I've dated plenty of black women who, if you closed your eyes, sound as though they're white. I could have never done so if they had the common slang associated with black language. Indeed, if a white woman talked black she would be off the table for me as well. Does this make me racist? No, I simply have a cultural preference.

Wow, what an awkward and obvious attempt at forcing your odd agenda onto a topic.

Oh? Tell me where I'm wrong.
I'm not against it but i don't promote it. People r free to do as they choose, but I also have the right to want my grandbabies to look like their grandparents. I feel diversity is starting to b shoved down socities throat. Let people decide who they choose to associate with.

Well, actually mixed race babies DO look like their grand parents. unless they were adopted. the color may be different, but they still look like them, I have several mixed race kids in my family, their all great kids. No one would ever question whether or not they should have been born mixed race, the whole fear of this is just silly
I don't fear it, n like I said do what u wAnt. Whether they're good kids or not has nothing to do with what I said. The left wAnts n is slowly forcing diversity, wouldn't u agree? All I'm saying is I should be able to associate with whoever without being labeled racist. I should have the right to pass these values down to my kids without being labeled racist. There r many blacks, Hispanics,asians, whatever that feel the same way N it's accepted. Ur right I used the phrase look like my grandparents to loosely, I stand corrected. I should have said I have the right to want my grandbabies to remain Caucasian.

Im all for letting diversity happen on its own naturally neither Forced or Impeded. Yes, you have the right to want whatever you want for your grandkids. And other people have the same right to want what they want for theirs. That in itself is diversity I suppose. Thing is we dont always get what we want, hopefully as human beings we all have the 'Versatility' to deal with these things in a good way. Well, you say you dont fear having mixed race babies in your family, so Ill just take your word for that. There are some that do however, or feel they really need to protect the purity of their race on a larger scale, I think thats all a waste of time to worry over, but thats just me
With mixed-race people being the fastest growing demographic in both the US and the UK, idiots and cowards are presented with new ways of displaying their mental, emotional, and moral weakness.

More and more people are getting together, but rather than eliminating division, human stupidity just finds new outlets.

Perhaps that's too pessimistic an outlook on it...

Mixed Emotions: Being Biracial and Racism
Interracial marriage in the US and abroad is increasing rapidly. It stands at 1 in 12 in the US. Race as we know it will slowly disappear and with it a lot of problems. I guess in a couple of hundred years, the bigots will focus on eye color, hair color, skin shades. Maybe in a thousand years, all people will evaluate others based on their character and deeds.

Culture certainly falls in line with character and deeds. And blacks are largely of a different culture than whites. I have never heard anyone criticize a black or white person on skin color. No one ever said "I don't like him because his skin is darker/lighter than mine." In every instance of argument on this issue the word "black" has largely meant "black culture" except in instances where people were talking about genetics, whereas they were trying to explain why they believed the negative aspects of black culture came about naturally.
No one wants to be a red head but Nicole Kidman is really white and really beautiful
Weird how different tastes are. She looks repulsive to me. She looks like a white grub with red hair.

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