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The racism that still plagues America

wow, the people who writes for Salon should move to another country

they hate this one so much

that was some gag worthy crap

total propaganda for the mindless non thinkers sells
People like Sharpton and Jackson need to keep racism alive in order to have a job. Many blacks are now seeing through their lies and dumping them.

But we still have a very racist president who is determined to punish the country for racism of 100 years ago, and to blame all of his failures on the fact that he is half black.

Is that not the worst form of racism?

They piss people off with their baseless claims of racism as real hatred is being done against us(knock out game, etc). This makes people hate and does nothing to end racism. Both sides need to agree that violence against one another is just wrong.

It would surely be wrong if it was white on black.

you are correct. the problem is that there is a segment of the black population that thinks that black on white violence is OK because it is "getting even" for slavery.

I am thinking you are partly right but what I think too is that the left thinks blacks can't act any better. That for whatever reason blacks behave as they do do to no fault of their own thus they are forgiven. Blacks also can't, according to liberal logic, raise themselves out of the condition they are in without liberal help. They need white liberals to help them which as we have seen over the last election cycles hasn't really happened. Unless one thinks that being on welfare is helping.
totally incorrect.

blaming racism for every problem in the country is divisive.

claiming that blacks are never responsible and whites are always responsible is divisive

BTW, obama is NOT black. His mother was as white as Ann Coulter.

You meant to say blaming racism for ANY problem is divisive.

See Abe Lincoln. And whites have been singing the same song ever since

Oh you poor poor thing, how have you survived in a WHITE world?

Gotta be Tonka Tough
What whites and blacks need to do is to talk and be reasonable with one another.

Work on ending the gang violence, problems within the communities and work towards advancing each other....

tell that to Sharpton, Jackson, Jackson-Lee, Obama, Beyonce, Oprah, etc.

Where are the black leaders that should be teaching black youth the benefits of education and hard work?

One problem is, I don't know how many good paying jobs are available. But by my experience an educated black or woman has an advantage in getting hired.
The left thinks they are so noble they can just wave a magic wand and POOF no more racism

there is racism among all people in this country, be they black, white, Asian, latino, etc

to think it will never exist is some pie in sky dream..But for them it gives government another good reason to put a boot on your necks by claiming they can wipe it out

Just get over yourselves
Yes racism still plagues America. The reasons why it is still prevalent:

1. The President and his party make devisive statements constantly.
2. The racism from the black community is accepted, and excused.
3. The prevalence and acceptance of reverse discrimination.
4. Focus on skin color over character, by all of the media.
wow, the people who writes for Salon should move to another country

they hate this one so much

that was some gag worthy crap

total propaganda for the mindless non thinkers sells

Yes it was, but it's actually generated interesting discussion on here. Of course, all of us have just completely ignored the OP
The left thinks they are so noble they can just wave a magic wand and POOF no more racism

there is racism among all people in this country, be they black, white, Asian, latino, etc

to think it will never exist is some pie in sky dream..But for them it gives government another good reason to put a boot on your necks by claiming they can wipe it out

Just get over yourselves

I think the problem is they expect government to fix it. Government will never have the power to fix it.
Yes racism still plagues America. The reasons why it is still prevalent:

1. The President and his party make devisive statements constantly.
2. The racism from the black community is accepted, and excused.
3. The prevalence and acceptance of reverse discrimination.
4. Focus on skin color over character, by all of the media.

all truth
and the left has a habit of defining people as color, sexual preference, etc
they aren't individuals
but you are right about the MEDIA is the worst
What whites and blacks need to do is to talk and be reasonable with one another.

Work on ending the gang violence, problems within the communities and work towards advancing each other....

tell that to Sharpton, Jackson, Jackson-Lee, Obama, Beyonce, Oprah, etc.

Where are the black leaders that should be teaching black youth the benefits of education and hard work?

Reverend Al Sharpton, Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and Education Secretary Arne Duncan have teamed up for a national tour to spotlight education reform, and the trio stopped by "Washington Unplugged" Monday to discuss why their efforts to encourage cooperation on the issue.

Sharpton and Gingrich, Unlikely Allies, Talk Education - CBS News


Education For A Better America (EBA) & National Action Network (NAN) Mark One Year Partnership | National Action Network

No doubt this question always gets asked: where is Al Sharpton on this?

And everytime someone is shown that he is right there doing what they say he doesnt do. The nay sayers (not sure if racist) immediately forget the information they were just shown and go right back to saying Sharpton is doing anything.

They are like Dorey from Nemo...They dont remember it so its not true
The truth is, in my opinion, that people are controlled most easily through fear. Blacks have been fed a line of fear that the big bad party that freed their grandfathers from slavery is going to put them back in chains.

I'm black and I can tell you no one thinks that. I mean, thats IF you ask a black person. If you dont then you'll come up with something like you have above.

Which is after all total BS. Then you have people like Biden saying that "THEIR" opponents would not give them the right to vote. Disregarding the sheer absurdity of that statement he is playing on fear. That is why racial division is the watch words with the democrat party. Never mind that people watch a football game rooting for almost exclusively blacks and when the crowd is panned it is almost exclusively white. The racial division in the country was created by the liberal left and is sustained by the liberal left to use for their purposes.

The Divisiveness I've shown was started when Lincoln said slaves should be free. Since then any mention about blacks and whites have been "divisive". Because "divisive" really means that someone disagrees with you. Thats why they applied that to Lincoln.

Bush had one of, if not the most, racially represented administrations in history. He was loved for his aid to Africa. But you won't hear that from the DNC. No, they like their minorities right where they are, where they can pretend to protect them from the mean right wing machine.

Huh, he did help Africans. Kudos. What does that have to do with blacks here? I agree he had a diverse cabinet but what does that mean? It means he had a diverse cabinet not anything more or less

We find out from the left that minorities are too stupid to obtain voter id.

Dont forget old people and white women who use hyphenated names. Wait, why did you forget those groups? It seems you only apply the stupid label to blacks. Weird....but no racism tho. Right?

We find out that all of the poor minorities are black apparently there are no poor whites.

There are, but apparently you dont think they are "stupid" only the blacks because you're being fair. Not divisive...fair

Yes, racism is alive an well in the left wing of the party. Of course there are those on the right that just don't like black people.
These people hold no power. These people are in the minority they are fridge but not to listen to the liberal left.

But all that is not to say it is better for a man to work then to be a ward of the government. Helping hand, not a hand out.

There you have it, at least he admitted there are racist in repub circles. How he determined that all the racist have no power is rather perplexing. Almost like he made it up.
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There you have it, at least he admitted there are racist in repub circles. How he determined that all the racist have no power is rather perplexing. Almost like he made it up.

Why wouldn't he admit there are racists in some repub circles? There are more racists in Dem circles. How is acknowledging the issue is bipartisan claiming racists have power on the right? The fact that there are some racists on the right doesn't mean they have power on the right.
Once racism wasn't the issue that it once was, the definition of racism was changed to keep racism alive, healthy and a major issue. Someone is racist today if they say "I knew black people in the 60s and they were happy." Filing a police report by the victim of a black attacker is racist. Raising a hand in self defense when the attacker is black is racist. Anticipating that a black child is a capable as a white child as getting an A in school is racist. Blacks should just be given the A because they are black.

The only reason, today, that racism is such a major problem is because the definitions have changed.
when we move beyond "typical white person" or typical black person, then we will have moved a great distance in this country.

obama and libs should understand the problem doesn't lie with just whites or republicans, when this occurs, we will truly have advanced as a nation.
Racism' i alive and well throughout the world.
It's only the LIBs' every one deserves a trophy' childish notion that "all men were created equal" BS who want reality not to be reality. Then not every one would deserve a trophy and they can't face that fact.
Man evolved to compete. Winner takes all. Who in their right mind believes that the 'makers' have some sort of responsibility to help the 'takers'? They do not.
As life on earth becomes more and more competitive the people with low IQs are going to be marginalized. The US population is very fast coming to terms with the fact that the Golden Goose' of being one of a very few countries with a manufacturing base which used to be the engine of the economy is now a dead goose never to exist again. The Golden Eggs have long since been spent and no amount of Obama's 'gold-like' spray put on plastic eggs to look like the real thing is going to fool any one. (Especially Mr. Lee when he comes calling for his rent). The country's goods and services are now far too expensive for the rest of the world to buy. Not when a customer can get the same thing at a third the price from Asia.
Take a trip to countries where every man woman child is struggling to make enough to feed themselves treats those who can't. Not a pretty site. (Good luck finding a single Black that isn't a professional making good money and contributing their skills to the country. And the instant that Black person isn't an asset they are put on the first plane out of the country). You won't find a bunch of young healthy men of any race lounging around on a shady porch waiting for the foods stamps to arrive.
The US is an anomaly that way right now.
Note how the rise of 'flash mobs/knock-out game/violent inner city Black on Black violence is happening. That's because the simians involved in such behavior are at least smart enough to sense that things are changing and their particular style of 'getting over' is fast becoming less and less tolerated. And they are getting desperate.
All it will take is for a bunch of young Black simians to try to loot a S. Korean convenience store when little old granny is behind the counter holding an AK47 with twenty clips by her side.
Once racism wasn't the issue that it once was, the definition of racism was changed to keep racism alive, healthy and a major issue. Someone is racist today if they say "I knew black people in the 60s and they were happy." Filing a police report by the victim of a black attacker is racist. Raising a hand in self defense when the attacker is black is racist. Anticipating that a black child is a capable as a white child as getting an A in school is racist. Blacks should just be given the A because they are black.

The only reason, today, that racism is such a major problem is because the definitions have changed.

You're right. The definition has changed. Chris once defined Racist as meaning Republican. That was the literal definition. It's how he justified claiming Republicans are racist. and his justification for how Democrats never can be.
Whites have always blamed blacks for being divisive. Which really means if you dont agree with them.

Abe Lincoln experienced it first because he had the nerve to suggest slaves should be free. Which was a "divisive" stance at the time

"A house divided against itself cannot stand. I believe this government cannot endure permanently half slave and half free. I do not expect the Union to be dissolved—I do not expect the house to fall—but I do expect it will cease to be divided. It will become all one thing, or all the other."[98] The speech created an evocative image of the danger of disunion caused by the slavery debate, and rallied Republicans across the North.[99] The stage was then set for the campaign for statewide election of the Illinois legislature which would, in turn, select Lincoln or Douglas as its U.S. senator.[100]

So when they say Obama is being divisive. Its that he was born black which is, in itself, divisive.

The people they dont consider divisive are the blacks that not only agree with them but will also take a dump on their own people. Shitting on blacks, because they are black, is not divisive. Its seen as a virtue to many whites.

O is divisive and some of it has to do with him trying to lecture us on racism...which is a total farce but this is what one would expect from an inept and incompetent president.

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