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The Racist Party - The Democrat Party

red states rule

Senior Member
May 30, 2006
Nearely everyday, libs call conservatives racists. Even though the reverse is true. The Democrat party is the party of racists

Here are only a few examples of racism being used for political purposes

In the recent Senate election in Maryland check out the following from black Dems

Black Democratic leaders in Maryland say that racially tinged attacks against Lt. Gov. Michael S. Steele in his bid for the U.S. Senate are fair because he is a conservative Republican.
Such attacks against the first black man to win a statewide election in Maryland include pelting him with Oreo cookies during a campaign appearance, calling him an "Uncle Tom" and depicting him as a black-faced minstrel on a liberal Web log.
Operatives for the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) also obtained a copy of his credit report -- the only Republican candidate so targeted.
But black Democrats say there is nothing wrong with "pointing out the obvious."
"There is a difference between pointing out the obvious and calling someone names," said a campaign spokesman for Kweisi Mfume, a Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate and former president of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
State Sen. Lisa A. Gladden, a black Baltimore Democrat, said she does not expect her party to pull any punches, including racial jabs at Mr. Steele, in the race to replace retiring Democratic U.S. Sen. Paul S. Sarbanes.
"Party trumps race, especially on the national level," she said. "If you are bold enough to run, you have to take whatever the voters are going to give you. It's democracy, perhaps at its worse, but it is democracy."
Delegate Salima Siler Marriott, a black Baltimore Democrat, said Mr. Steele invites comparisons to a slave who loves his cruel master or a cookie that is black on the outside and white inside because his conservative political philosophy is, in her view, anti-black.
"Because he is a conservative, he is different than most public blacks, and he is different than most people in our community," she said. "His politics are not in the best interest of the masses of black people."
During the 2002 campaign, Democratic supporters pelted Mr. Steele with Oreo cookies during a gubernatorial debate at Morgan State University in Baltimore.
In 2001, Senate President Thomas V. Mike Miller Jr. called Mr. Steele an "Uncle Tom," when Mr. Steele headed the state Republican Party.

Oh, the outrage if a white Conservative would have siad these things about a black lib

Next, the Milwaukee Journal op-ed said Justice Clarence Thomas is black with an asterisk because he is "not really a black man" since he does not "think like a black man"

It seems that not only are blacks not allowed to be conservatives, but lose their racial identity as a penalty as well
this is a good point that the republican party needs to stress: black americans need to smarten up and realize how stupid they have been in the past to support the democratic party in overwhelming numbers.

You run with that, tiger!
What you fail to see, or are ignoring, is libs on the on hand, are hypersensitive, while on the other joyfully engage in open racism

At the same time, Dems tell the black population that conservatives are racist, then libs tell balcks they will not make in life without their help

If that is not racist, I do not know what is
What you fail to see, or are ignoring, is libs on the on hand, are hypersensitive, while on the other joyfully engage in open racism

At the same time, Dems tell the black population that conservatives are racist, then libs tell balcks they will not make in life without their help

If that is not racist, I do not know what is

Can you please site the sources and or link where libs tell blacks that they cannot make it in life without their help. A link would be great if you actually can produce one.
Can you please site the sources and or link where libs tell blacks that they cannot make it in life without their help. A link would be great if you actually can produce one.

Listen to any speech uttered by a Dem. They constantly play the race card and tell them they are being held down by racist whites

That is why harold Ford lost in November

NY Times Hints Racism a Factor in Democrat Ford's Failure in TN Senate Race
Posted by Clay Waters on November 8, 2006 - 12:21.
Like Chris Matthews last night, The Times seems to be bitter about not having everything go the Democrats' way last night, putting its usual racism spin on one of the GOP's few bright spots -- Bob Corker's win over Harold Ford Jr. in the race for Senate in Tennessee.

Adam Nossiter's "Republican Hangs on to Frist's Senate Seat" opens:

"Tennessee's open Senate seat stayed in Republican hands on Tuesday night after a campaign that drew national attention for its nastiness and for Democratic hopes that it would break a longstanding race barrier."

Nossiter blames racism in Tennessee:

"In addition, Mr. Ford was trying to become the first black senator from the South since Reconstruction.

"In the end, that barrier may have been too difficult to overcome in a state that is only 17 percent black, as some analysts suggested before the vote. As the scion of a politically influential family from Memphis, Mr. Ford was faced with overcoming the suspicions of rural whites skeptical about his race, his background and his city."

And this being the Times, the "racist" ad from the RNC gets play:

"The first issue came to the fore in a television advertisement featuring a winking, bare-shouldered white woman intoning, 'Harold, call me.' Produced by the Republican National Committee and eventually disavowed by Mr. Corker, the commercial played on Mr. Ford’s reputation as a man about town but also spoke to -- or so critics charged -- age-old white Southern fears of miscegenation."

Sixties-era lines like that lead Times Watch to suspect Southern-based Times reporters don't know Southerners all that well.

Indeed, Nossiter doesn't seem to respect Southerners very much, judging from a statement he made to a New Orleans' weekly in 2001 while promoting a book:

"Southerners are in general a good deal more myopic. There's very little shame, covert or otherwise, attached to revering the Confederacy -- and this I obviously find scandalous. It has to do probably with deficiencies in education. People are ignorant of the facts, willfully or otherwise."

Nossiter concludes his post-election report with this snide remark about Corker's supporters:

"Mr. Ford’s upbringing proved an irresistible theme for Mr. Corker, who repeatedly invoked the background of the person his campaign referred to as 'the Washington congressman.' At a fund-raiser in a fashionable Nashville restaurant on Sunday night, Mr. Corker told the crowd, 'This is a choice between two individuals who could not have had more different life experiences, and could not have more different views of what makes this country safe and strong.'

"The crowd in the room packed with Corker supporters told its own story: It was almost entirely white."

In other words, it was just like the Ralph Nader rally Times Watch attended back in 2000.

By contrast, the Times barely noticed Maryland elected to the Senate Ben Cardin over Maryland lieutenant governor and black Republican Michael Steele -- the paper certainly made no hints of racism on the part of those particular voters south of the Mason-Dixon line.

Then this from Chris Matthews

Chris Matthews Blames Racist White Conservatives if Harold Ford Loses
Posted by Brad Wilmouth on November 5, 2006 - 20:31.
According to MSNBC's Chris Matthews, if Democratic Senate candidate Harold Ford loses Tuesday, you can blame it on white conservatives. On Sunday morning, as he appeared in a segment hosted by Alex Witt, Matthews chided whites for an unwillingness to vote for black politicians, contending that "blacks vote for whites," but "whites don't vote for blacks." Matthews added that in states with large black populations, fear leads whites to become conservative Republicans. Matthews: "The larger the black population, where the whites are afraid historically, and in Deep South states, they tend to become very conservative Republican out of fear, whatever, of an overwhelming, or a large number of African-Americans because of the kind of culture." Ignored by Matthews was the willingness of white conservatives to support black statewide candidates like Maryland's Michael Steele, Ohio's Kenneth Blackwell, and Pennsylvania's Lynn Swann, in this year's elections, while white liberals will be supporting white Democratic candidates instead, demonstrating that party affiliation is the deciding factor in whether white conservatives vote for a black candidate. Notably, in Maryland's Senate primary, Democratic voters rejected black Democratic candidate Kweisi Mfume, a former Congressman, in favor of white candidate and Congressman Benjamin Cardin during their party's primary, while the Republican nominee, Lieutenant Governor Michael Steele, is black. (Transcript follows)

Below is a transcript of Matthews' comments, which aired on MSNBC about 9:16 a.m. on Sunday November 5:

Chris Matthews: "I think it's always been a Hail Mary pass, to use a football term, for Harold Ford Jr. I think it's just a tough one, and we all know the history of our country electing white people. Blacks vote for whites. Whites don't vote for blacks. It's just been a problem. It's just a horrible problem. I thought he was really courageous in making this run. I never thought it was really that winnable. He's from Memphis. He's had a history of family illegalities. Talk about the old man being involved in affecting your election. An uncle in trouble. I think he had to overcome an awful lot. But most importantly, he's an African-American guy running in the United States. That's just a challenge. I mean, Deval Patrick up in Massachusetts will be elected governor, but Massachusetts has an interesting, they don't have that large African-American population like you have in states like Tennessee. They don't therefore have those frictions. I mean, the larger the black population, where the whites are afraid historically, and in Deep South states, they tend to become very conservative Republican out of fear, whatever, of an overwhelming, or a large number of African-Americans because of the kind of culture. Only when we get to these situations where they think they can do it without fear, like Deval Patrick, do they operate this way. I say this as almost like a sermon, but white people aren't voting for black people in this country."

Alex Witt: "Do you think the white Playboy ad, for lack of a better characterization of that, do you think that hurt him?"

Matthews: "Well, that was a racist ad, and it ripped the scab off the old racial animosities in this country and fears. You see a very attractive -- sexy, if you will -- white woman, a blonde, a floozy, saying that you don't have to come for me, I'm coming for you. And after the commercial, she pops back in after the Republicans have said we agree with the content of this ad, she pops in around the corner and says, 'I'll call you later, Howard.' In other words, she's throwing herself at a black guy. You're talking about opening up all the old fears and angers, that was the most racist ad I think I've ever seen. And anybody that doesn't see it is either not born in America or refuses to accept the reality."
hmmm another cut and paste by Red States which doesnt answer the question. Where is your proof that says the Democrats think that Blacks cant live without them ? Oh you dont have any ?? Thought so..
hmmm another cut and paste by Red States which doesnt answer the question. Where is your proof that says the Democrats think that Blacks cant live without them ? Oh you dont have any ?? Thought so..

Have you ever heard a speech from any Dem running for office? Dems play blacks for fools by telling them only Dems can help them make in life, and how Republicams ony want to "hold them down"

I see you did not dispute the examples of black Dems losing only due to white racism
This is a great example of Democrat racism

Yet the Dems in NY keep voting for this black bigot

New York City Councilman Charles Barron said Sunday that he was using "black hyperbole" when he told a Washington, D.C. crowd gathered yesterday to demonstrate for slavery reparations that he wanted to slap white people who didn't sympathize with the cause.

"I want to go up to the closest white person and say, 'You can't understand this, it's a black thing,' and then slap him, just for my mental health," Barron announced as 2,000 to 3,000 reparations supporters looked on.

As the New York official uttered his incendiary remarks, vendors from the New Black Panther Party, which provided security for the event, hawked T-Shirts that read "Kill Whitey" and "How did we get to America? Heartless Christian Buyer, Ruthless Jewish seller," the Washington Times reported.

Asked about his explosive slap-the-nearest-white-person comment, Barron told WABC Radio's Steve Malzberg he was only joking before the interview turned contentious. The exchange went like this:

MALZBERG: How long have you wanted to slap white people?

BARRON: Well, let me say this to you. It's interesting that they would take that out of my speech. I think everybody knew there that was what we call improvision - oratorial improvision and black hyperbole. And y'all wouldn't understand that 'cause you're uptight and you're gonna take it where it was not intended. Everybody at the rally laughed. White stage hands and camera people laughed. When I came off the stage, I shook hands with whites who were there and they congratulated me on a great speech. No one has taken that serious but you.

MALZBERG: Well, I'm taking it serious because it's presented as serious in the wire story. What in the world is black....

BARRON: It's not serious. That's not serious. It's black hyperbole. Let's talk about reparations.

MALZBERG: Wait, wait, wait. If you'll be quiet for a second I'm gonna ask you the question, what in the world is black hyperbole?

BARRON: You don't know what a hyperbole is?

MALZBERG: Yeah, I do.....

BARRON: Let me break it down for you.....

MALZBERG: N-n-n-n-n-no, I do but you just....

BARRON: Let me break down the parts of speech for you.

MALZBERG: You yourself - no, no, no, hold on. Now you're on hold because now you're insulting. Put him on hold because I want to - you said, "You won't understand this because you're white and uptight and blah, blah, blah but black hyperbole." So, yes, I know what hyperbole is. My question to you was, what is - what you said I wouldn't understand because I'm white - black hyperbole.

BARRON: It's a sense of humor. And we take things - we identify humor, they're gross exaggerations. That's a hyperbole. And it's a sense of humor that we have politically that our folk will understand and some other folk will get uptight and take it very seriously.

MALZBERG: So if I made a joke before a white audience that I wanted to - just for my mental health - slap a black person, then I could always claim that, that was white hyperbole.

BARRON: No. Because that's not how white people joke around. You're just trying to make a hypothetical to turn this into something it's not.

MALZBERG: Oh, so black people....

BARRON: Let's talk about reparations.

MALZBERG: I will. Black people joke around by talking about....

BARRON: Let's talk about reparations....

MALZBERG: Wait a minute. Don't tell....

BARRON: You could put me on hold again if you'd like.

MALZBERG: So you're just going to.....

BARRON: 'Cause I'm not entertaining no more of you wasting my time on black hyperbole you just don't get.

MALZBERG: Alright. Good-bye, city councilman. Thank you very much. I'm not going to be treated rudely and badgered on my show. (End of Excerpt)

Are you kidding me? Democrats would not alienate the one group of americans that actually support them. Race is not even an issue this is the 21st century, quit thinking that everyone cares what skin color anybody is. If there IS racism going on its in the old south, the confederate south. Blacks are just wondering why it took FEMA and this federal government so long to come to the aid of the black familys of New Orleans after Katrina? The president should have approved billions in aid imediately.
Are you kidding me? Democrats would not alienate the one group of americans that actually support them. Race is not even an issue this is the 21st century, quit thinking that everyone cares what skin color anybody is. If there IS racism going on its in the old south, the confederate south. Blacks are just wondering why it took FEMA and this federal government so long to come to the aid of the black familys of New Orleans after Katrina? The president should have approved billions in aid imediately.

I did not know Barron and Matthews was from the South

Of course Robert Byrd uses the "N" word three times in a national interview and the silence from the left was deafening
A radio talk show host drew criticism Thursday after calling Condoleezza Rice an “Aunt Jemima” and saying she isn’t competent to be secretary of state.

John Sylvester, the program director and morning personality on WTDY-AM in Madison, said in a phone interview Thursday that he used the term on Wednesday’s show to describe Rice and other blacks as having only a subservient role in the Bush administration.
Sylvester, who is white, also referred to Powell as an “Uncle Tom” — a contemptuous term for a black whose behavior toward whites is regarded as fawning or servile.

Sylvester says of Condi, “they’re using her for an illusion of inclusion.”

Miraculously, local political leadership actually spoke out condemning the remarks - sort of.

Madison Mayor Dave Cieslewicz called the remarks “racially insensitive,” while Sen. Russ Feingold, D-Wis., said in a statement he joined “all Wisconsinites in rejecting” the statements.

Linda Hoskins of the NAACP’s Madison branch said she could not comment on Sylvester’s remarks until she had heard them in their entirety.

Sylvester defended himself by claiming he has “a long history of commitment to civil rights and has supported Madison’s black community.”

Who are the real racists here? Democrats find it generally okay to use racially motivated criticisms against black conservatives, but went into a frenzy when Trent Lott tried to honor his friend Strom Thurmond. Former Klansman Senator Robert Byrd also got a virtual pass for publicly-made racist statements.

For someone like John Sylvester to say Condi’s place in the Cabinet is “an illusion of inclusion,” shows at attitude that is by no means restricted to him. To him and other Democrats, Republicans cannot genuinely support anyone who African American or another minority without there being some ulterior motive to be artificially diverse.

All the while the Democratic Party has been taking the black vote for granted for years now. Then even went so far in this election to make claims of racially motivated voter suppression in order to scare black voters into supporting their party.

If Democrats genuinely think that conservative blacks are betraying their race, or that the Republican Party cannot genuine support black candidates and leadership, then the Democratic Party thinks that African Americans are pawns of their party.

November 19, 2004 12:25 pm

Are you kidding me? Democrats would not alienate the one group of americans that actually support them. Race is not even an issue this is the 21st century, quit thinking that everyone cares what skin color anybody is. If there IS racism going on its in the old south, the confederate south. Blacks are just wondering why it took FEMA and this federal government so long to come to the aid of the black familys of New Orleans after Katrina? The president should have approved billions in aid imediately.
(Why you're a Liberal, con't.)
10. Katrina was Bush's fault; only balcks were affected.
11. Throw money at a problem and it will be fixed.
The Republicans passed their first Civil Rights Act in 1868, followed by the Acts of 1875, 1957, 1960, 1964, and 1968. All were opposed by majorities of the Democrat party.

Today the Democrats are led by wealthy individuals from Hollywood, the popular media, trial lawyers, academia and union leaders; all in positions to subjugate the poor. Developing poverty swells Democrat voting ranks: lowering expectations, creating entitlements, preferential treatment and dead end government employment.

I believe that African Americans will return to the GOP, embracing our platform of self reliance and education to create personal wealth with free markets. The house of cards built by the Democrats will collapse into the dung heap of broken promises.
So This Is Kwanzaa
Lynn Woolley
Monday, Dec. 17, 2001
You don't like the current slate of holidays that we celebrate here in
America? Then why not create one of your own? That's exactly what Ronald
Everett did back in 1966. He named it "Kwanzaa."
Since then, many people have embraced this new holiday. Check out almost any
appointment calendar and you'll find it duly noted on Dec. 26 that "Kwanzaa
begins." Stroll through your local card and party store and you'll find
Kwanzaa items.
You can even look it up in the World Book Encyclopedia, where you'll find a
nifty little article that says Kwanzaa was created by "a black cultural
leader." And those who celebrate it will often tell you that it's not just
for African Americans.
They're not telling you the whole story; in fact, it's doubtful that they
even know the origins of Kwanzaa. Few people do, because the voluminous
amount of ink expended on Ronald McKinley Everett most often refers to him
as Dr. Maulana Karenga and rarely examines his past.
However, the story of Ron Everett, aka Dr. Karenga, has been told - notably
in a Dallas Morning News article from Dec. 26, 1996, and in David Horowitz's
late publication, Heterodoxy, in the December 1999 issue.
The story behind the holiday and the man who created it is most interesting.
Forget the notion that Kwanzaa is a holiday for all people. Dr. Karenga
states that he created it at the height of the black liberation movement as
part of a "re-Africanization" process - "a going back to black."
Dr. Karenga, still just "Ron Everett" at the time, was heavily involved in
the black power movement. He started an organization called US. The letters
have nothing to do with "United States" but mean simply "US," as opposed to
He dropped the Everett name, adopted the Swahili one, which means "master
teacher," shaved his head, and began wearing traditional African clothing.
US members, similarly attired, often clashed with other black militant
groups such as the Black Panthers. The fighting was about which group would
control the new Afro-American Studies Center at UCLA.
There were incidents involving beatings and shootings, including one in 1969
in which two US members shot and killed two Black Panthers. Dr. Karenga had
other run-ins with the law, including charges that he abused women.
In 1971, he was convicted of assaulting female members of US, and he served
time in prison. An LA Times snippet describes the torture of the women as
involving a hot soldering iron placed in the mouth of one, while the other's
toe was mashed in a vice.
Dr. Karenga says that he is the victim; he was quoted in the News: "All the
negative charges are in fact disinformation and frame-ups by the FBI and
local and national police."
One thing that's interesting to note about the inventor of Kwanzaa:
Practically all of his crimes were committed against black people. And yet,
today, he is simply known as an academic who created a holiday for cultural
Nine years after Kwanzaa was invented, Dr. Karenga decided to moderate his
views and became a Marxist. In 1979, he was hired to run the Black Studies
Department at Cal State Long Beach, in all likelihood, the first ex-con to
do so.
And so this is Kwanzaa. The militant past of the creator is now ignored in
favor of the so-called seven principles of Nguza Saba - principles such as
unity, family and self-determination that could have come from Bill
Bennett's "Book of Virtues." The word "Kwanzaa" is Swahili, meaning
something like "fresh fruits of harvest."
No one remembers the part about "re-Africanization" or the sevenfold path of
blackness that Dr. Karenga once espoused. Hardly anyone remembers the
shootings, the beatings,the tortures and the prison terms that were once the
center of his life. It's just not PC to bring that sort of stuff up now that
Kwanzaa is commercialized and making big bucks.
Dr. Karenga does his part to promote the holiday and forget the past. In
December, he goes on his annual "Kwanzaa circuit" of speeches and
appearances. And he writes.
Remember that little article in the World Book Encyclopedia that legitimized
Dr. Karenga as a "black cultural leader"? You guessed it - he wrote the
article himself.
Happy Kwanzaa.
What you fail to see, or are ignoring, is libs on the on hand, are hypersensitive, while on the other joyfully engage in open racism

At the same time, Dems tell the black population that conservatives are racist, then libs tell balcks they will not make in life without their help

If that is not racist, I do not know what is

as a liberal, I have never told a black man or woman that they will not make it in life without the help of a democratic government. Do you have any links that would illustrate such sentiment from the democratic party?

I, for one, think that black americans are and have always been, smart and savvy voters...and their overwhelming support for the democratic party for the last half century is no fluke.

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