The Radical Left’s Plans to Sabotage the Inauguration

The Inauguration War
The Left prepares its counter-attack on American democracy.
January 13, 2017
David Horowitz


Nor is all this simply a fit of Democratic absent-mindedness. Instead, it is the culmination of a long developing shift in Democratic Party politics, a shift symbolized by the current favorite to become its next leader. Keith Ellison is a Muslim radical who spent his formative adult years as a vocal supporter of the anti-American, anti-Semitic racist Louis Farrakhan. Ellison reflects the power of the Bernie Sanders radicals in the Democratic Party who according to recent Gallup polls now represent its majority, even though they lost a rigged primary election which would have made him the party’s presidential nominee.

The face of this new Democratic Party was revealed during a seminal moment in the second Clinton-Trump presidential debate. It came when Trump turned to the cameras and said, “Hillary has tremendous hatred in her heart.” He was referring to her now notorious statement that half of Trump’s supporters belonged in a “basket of deplorables,” which was followed by her iteration of those she had in mind: “The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic—you name it. And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up.”

What made this moment pivotal was that the slurs were not an idiosyncratic tic of the Democratic standard-bearer and leader of the party’s “moderate” wing. They were the logical expression of the identity politics that had become the party’s creed. If every political issue and conflict is reduced to a conflict of races, genders and ethnic origins this inevitably leads to the demonization of the opposition as racist, sexist … deplorable. It is this mentality that has swallowed the Democratic Party and caused it to view politics not as an art of compromise but as a war against the indecent and the irredeemable. There can be no more succinct summary of what the Democrats’ rejection of the traditional presidential honeymoon is about.

Nonetheless, what was most significant in the presidential debate was Trump’s readiness to confront Hillary to her face and describe her attack for what it was: hate. It was the kind of indiscreet character description that had become a signature reflex of Trump’s campaign. Never before had one presidential candidate so bluntly confronted another. Never had any Republican dared to characterize a Democratic opponent in such damning moral terms before a national audience.

This why the attempt to reverse the election result, block Trump’s appointments and cripple his agendas will fail. Other Republicans faced with such extreme attacks on their appointments would have thrown many of them under the bus. But Trump himself has been the target of such attacks from the outset of his campaign. The reason he has been so attacked has been his readiness to confront head on what is called “political correctness” but what is in fact a party line demonizing anyone who challenges it as a racist, sexist, Islamophobic — deplorable.

This is the revolution that Trump represents. It will succeed or fail on whether the American people are ready to reject the racial, gender and ethnic divisiveness that has become the policy of the Democratic Party; whether they are ready to restore the American social contract that regards individuals on their merits, regardless of race, color or creed. In short it will succeed or fail on whether they are ready to make America great again.

The Inauguration War
So the fuck what!!!! America is at war with Republican-Conservative Americans.

You right bastard conservatives wanted ALL the power.....well you got it! Now learn how to govern and quit BITCHING!!!

You conservative fuck ups either learn how to compromise all that POWER and share with ALL the people......or prepare for whats coming down the PIKE!!!

The far left is about to go to war with the American electoral process. The country elected a new President...but it's not the one that THEY wanted so they're about to take to the streets to create anarchy. What's "coming down the PIKE" will be backlash towards progressives who will have shown themselves to care less about the rule of law when they lose. When Barack Obama won big back in 2008 he rightly told the GOP that elections have consequences. When he got "shellacked" in 2010 he did a complete 180 on that concept and gave his little speech about governing with a pen and a phone. So where has the left compromised these last eight years? Yet now you're demanding that the right needs to "share" power with you? Interesting concept...
Trump supporters,make sure you bring something to stand your ground...
The Radical Left’s Plans to Sabotage the Inauguration
Undercover video reveals a conspiracy to wreak havoc and mayhem.
January 17, 2017
Joseph Klein


What Lewis, other Democrats and left wing media have managed to accomplish in questioning the legitimacy of Donald Trump’s election is to play right into Russia’s hands in raising doubts about the whole American democratic process. At the same time, they have given an implicit stamp of approval to the radical leftists like DisruptJ20 seeking to cause mayhem at Mr. Trump’s inauguration. That should please the Russians no end.

The Radical Left’s Plans to Sabotage the Inauguration

Horseshit--it was Putin that hacked into DNC databases to help Comrade Trump win.


In fact the only people that will be watching the Inauguration and celebrating it will be the Russians. I won't watch it, I wouldn't be able to stop gagging. Boycott it.
Intel Report: Russians Celebrated Trump's Win
US election 2016: Why Russia is celebrating Trump win - BBC News
The Inauguration War
The Left prepares its counter-attack on American democracy.
January 13, 2017
David Horowitz


Nor is all this simply a fit of Democratic absent-mindedness. Instead, it is the culmination of a long developing shift in Democratic Party politics, a shift symbolized by the current favorite to become its next leader. Keith Ellison is a Muslim radical who spent his formative adult years as a vocal supporter of the anti-American, anti-Semitic racist Louis Farrakhan. Ellison reflects the power of the Bernie Sanders radicals in the Democratic Party who according to recent Gallup polls now represent its majority, even though they lost a rigged primary election which would have made him the party’s presidential nominee.

The face of this new Democratic Party was revealed during a seminal moment in the second Clinton-Trump presidential debate. It came when Trump turned to the cameras and said, “Hillary has tremendous hatred in her heart.” He was referring to her now notorious statement that half of Trump’s supporters belonged in a “basket of deplorables,” which was followed by her iteration of those she had in mind: “The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic—you name it. And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up.”

What made this moment pivotal was that the slurs were not an idiosyncratic tic of the Democratic standard-bearer and leader of the party’s “moderate” wing. They were the logical expression of the identity politics that had become the party’s creed. If every political issue and conflict is reduced to a conflict of races, genders and ethnic origins this inevitably leads to the demonization of the opposition as racist, sexist … deplorable. It is this mentality that has swallowed the Democratic Party and caused it to view politics not as an art of compromise but as a war against the indecent and the irredeemable. There can be no more succinct summary of what the Democrats’ rejection of the traditional presidential honeymoon is about.

Nonetheless, what was most significant in the presidential debate was Trump’s readiness to confront Hillary to her face and describe her attack for what it was: hate. It was the kind of indiscreet character description that had become a signature reflex of Trump’s campaign. Never before had one presidential candidate so bluntly confronted another. Never had any Republican dared to characterize a Democratic opponent in such damning moral terms before a national audience.

This why the attempt to reverse the election result, block Trump’s appointments and cripple his agendas will fail. Other Republicans faced with such extreme attacks on their appointments would have thrown many of them under the bus. But Trump himself has been the target of such attacks from the outset of his campaign. The reason he has been so attacked has been his readiness to confront head on what is called “political correctness” but what is in fact a party line demonizing anyone who challenges it as a racist, sexist, Islamophobic — deplorable.

This is the revolution that Trump represents. It will succeed or fail on whether the American people are ready to reject the racial, gender and ethnic divisiveness that has become the policy of the Democratic Party; whether they are ready to restore the American social contract that regards individuals on their merits, regardless of race, color or creed. In short it will succeed or fail on whether they are ready to make America great again.

The Inauguration War
So the fuck what!!!! America is at war with Republican-Conservative Americans.

You right bastard conservatives wanted ALL the power.....well you got it! Now learn how to govern and quit BITCHING!!!

You conservative fuck ups either learn how to compromise all that POWER and share with ALL the people......or prepare for whats coming down the PIKE!!!

If your wonderful Last President had learned how to Govern... learned how to compromise all his power, Shared his plans with congress, went through proper process, learned how to bring people together and not divide, then he wouldn't be sitting on the sidelines now about to watch many of his executive orders overturned. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!
Trump supporters,make sure you bring something to stand your ground...
The Radical Left’s Plans to Sabotage the Inauguration
Undercover video reveals a conspiracy to wreak havoc and mayhem.
January 17, 2017
Joseph Klein


What Lewis, other Democrats and left wing media have managed to accomplish in questioning the legitimacy of Donald Trump’s election is to play right into Russia’s hands in raising doubts about the whole American democratic process. At the same time, they have given an implicit stamp of approval to the radical leftists like DisruptJ20 seeking to cause mayhem at Mr. Trump’s inauguration. That should please the Russians no end.

The Radical Left’s Plans to Sabotage the Inauguration

Horseshit--it was Putin that hacked into DNC databases to help Comrade Trump win.


In fact the only people that will be watching the Inauguration and celebrating it will be the Russians. I won't watch it, I wouldn't be able to stop gagging. Boycott it.
Intel Report: Russians Celebrated Trump's Win
US election 2016: Why Russia is celebrating Trump win - BBC News
I'm surprised your not going to watch your comrades try to spoil the day...
I heard somewhere that obongo and hillary had some connection to the russians also, I could be wrong, but probably not...


"So I push this little plastic button and it will reset everything" "yes"

"HaaaaaaaaaHaaaaaaaaaaaa stupid Americans Haaaaahaaaaa"

Notice his middle finger on the button, he's flipping her off and she has no clue. The russian comedians had fun with the reset...:bye1:
The Inauguration War
The Left prepares its counter-attack on American democracy.
January 13, 2017
David Horowitz


Nor is all this simply a fit of Democratic absent-mindedness. Instead, it is the culmination of a long developing shift in Democratic Party politics, a shift symbolized by the current favorite to become its next leader. Keith Ellison is a Muslim radical who spent his formative adult years as a vocal supporter of the anti-American, anti-Semitic racist Louis Farrakhan. Ellison reflects the power of the Bernie Sanders radicals in the Democratic Party who according to recent Gallup polls now represent its majority, even though they lost a rigged primary election which would have made him the party’s presidential nominee.

The face of this new Democratic Party was revealed during a seminal moment in the second Clinton-Trump presidential debate. It came when Trump turned to the cameras and said, “Hillary has tremendous hatred in her heart.” He was referring to her now notorious statement that half of Trump’s supporters belonged in a “basket of deplorables,” which was followed by her iteration of those she had in mind: “The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic—you name it. And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up.”

What made this moment pivotal was that the slurs were not an idiosyncratic tic of the Democratic standard-bearer and leader of the party’s “moderate” wing. They were the logical expression of the identity politics that had become the party’s creed. If every political issue and conflict is reduced to a conflict of races, genders and ethnic origins this inevitably leads to the demonization of the opposition as racist, sexist … deplorable. It is this mentality that has swallowed the Democratic Party and caused it to view politics not as an art of compromise but as a war against the indecent and the irredeemable. There can be no more succinct summary of what the Democrats’ rejection of the traditional presidential honeymoon is about.

Nonetheless, what was most significant in the presidential debate was Trump’s readiness to confront Hillary to her face and describe her attack for what it was: hate. It was the kind of indiscreet character description that had become a signature reflex of Trump’s campaign. Never before had one presidential candidate so bluntly confronted another. Never had any Republican dared to characterize a Democratic opponent in such damning moral terms before a national audience.

This why the attempt to reverse the election result, block Trump’s appointments and cripple his agendas will fail. Other Republicans faced with such extreme attacks on their appointments would have thrown many of them under the bus. But Trump himself has been the target of such attacks from the outset of his campaign. The reason he has been so attacked has been his readiness to confront head on what is called “political correctness” but what is in fact a party line demonizing anyone who challenges it as a racist, sexist, Islamophobic — deplorable.

This is the revolution that Trump represents. It will succeed or fail on whether the American people are ready to reject the racial, gender and ethnic divisiveness that has become the policy of the Democratic Party; whether they are ready to restore the American social contract that regards individuals on their merits, regardless of race, color or creed. In short it will succeed or fail on whether they are ready to make America great again.

The Inauguration War
So the fuck what!!!! America is at war with Republican-Conservative Americans.

You right bastard conservatives wanted ALL the power.....well you got it! Now learn how to govern and quit BITCHING!!!

You conservative fuck ups either learn how to compromise all that POWER and share with ALL the people......or prepare for whats coming down the PIKE!!!

If your wonderful Last President had learned how to Govern... learned how to compromise all his power, Shared his plans with congress, went through proper process, learned how to bring people together and not divide, then he wouldn't be sitting on the sidelines now about to watch many of his executive orders overturned. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!
Pure obstruction by the racist-in-effect GOP....controlled by hater easy to take over- just repeat the bs....
You mean dupes like this...
Trump supporters,make sure you bring something to stand your ground...
The Radical Left’s Plans to Sabotage the Inauguration
Undercover video reveals a conspiracy to wreak havoc and mayhem.
January 17, 2017
Joseph Klein


What Lewis, other Democrats and left wing media have managed to accomplish in questioning the legitimacy of Donald Trump’s election is to play right into Russia’s hands in raising doubts about the whole American democratic process. At the same time, they have given an implicit stamp of approval to the radical leftists like DisruptJ20 seeking to cause mayhem at Mr. Trump’s inauguration. That should please the Russians no end.

The Radical Left’s Plans to Sabotage the Inauguration

Horseshit--it was Putin that hacked into DNC databases to help Comrade Trump win.


In fact the only people that will be watching the Inauguration and celebrating it will be the Russians. I won't watch it, I wouldn't be able to stop gagging. Boycott it.
Intel Report: Russians Celebrated Trump's Win
US election 2016: Why Russia is celebrating Trump win - BBC News
I'm surprised your not going to watch your comrades try to spoil the day...
I heard somewhere that obongo and hillary had some connection to the russians also, I could be wrong, but probably not...


"So I push this little plastic button and it will reset everything" "yes"

"HaaaaaaaaaHaaaaaaaaaaaa stupid Americans Haaaaahaaaaa"

Notice his middle finger on the button, he's flipping her off and she has no clue. The russian comedians had fun with the reset...:bye1:
Do you believe that, or joking?

Putin's propaganda machine after Clinton? Putin and Comey. RIPOFF!
It was on an open mike jackass...
For Inauguration Day, Plans for Heavy Security and Big Protests

The New York Times


WASHINGTON — Law enforcement officials are in the final stages of sealing off a heavily fortified security zone encompassing the Capitol and the historic National Mall here as they prepare for the inauguration on Friday and the substantial protests it is expected to attract.

In addition to the usual range of threats, officials from federal, state and local agencies are preparing this year for what they say could be large-scale protests aimed at disrupting the ceremony and registering disapproval of Donald J. Trump’s presidency at the moment the world is watching his ascension to office. A march planned for Saturday could attract as many as half a million people, one official said, putting additional stress on law enforcement.

The nexus of those threats are making this week’s festivities the most difficult security challenge since the inauguration of President Obama in 2009, which drew a record crowd estimated at 1.8 million to the city and prompted at least one eventually discredited foreign threat, officials said.

“We’ve got to be vigilant, we’ve got to plan, we’ve got to prepare,” Jeh Johnson, the secretary of homeland security, told reporters during a briefing last week.

Intelligence agencies said they knew of no credible threat to the inauguration or surrounding events, but that had not stopped the security teams from deploying at full capacity.

During a preinaugural dinner in Washington on Tuesday, Mr. Trump predicted his swearing in ceremony would draw a “record” crowd and praised a group of motorcycle riders he said would protect his celebration from protesters.

Government officials say they see no evidence to support that claim. Instead, they are planning for a crowd of 700,000 to 900,000 people, though officials cautioned that the number could swing up or down depending on the weather.


For Inauguration Day, Plans for Heavy Security and Big Protests
The Inauguration War
The Left prepares its counter-attack on American democracy.
January 13, 2017
David Horowitz


Nor is all this simply a fit of Democratic absent-mindedness. Instead, it is the culmination of a long developing shift in Democratic Party politics, a shift symbolized by the current favorite to become its next leader. Keith Ellison is a Muslim radical who spent his formative adult years as a vocal supporter of the anti-American, anti-Semitic racist Louis Farrakhan. Ellison reflects the power of the Bernie Sanders radicals in the Democratic Party who according to recent Gallup polls now represent its majority, even though they lost a rigged primary election which would have made him the party’s presidential nominee.

The face of this new Democratic Party was revealed during a seminal moment in the second Clinton-Trump presidential debate. It came when Trump turned to the cameras and said, “Hillary has tremendous hatred in her heart.” He was referring to her now notorious statement that half of Trump’s supporters belonged in a “basket of deplorables,” which was followed by her iteration of those she had in mind: “The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic—you name it. And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up.”

What made this moment pivotal was that the slurs were not an idiosyncratic tic of the Democratic standard-bearer and leader of the party’s “moderate” wing. They were the logical expression of the identity politics that had become the party’s creed. If every political issue and conflict is reduced to a conflict of races, genders and ethnic origins this inevitably leads to the demonization of the opposition as racist, sexist … deplorable. It is this mentality that has swallowed the Democratic Party and caused it to view politics not as an art of compromise but as a war against the indecent and the irredeemable. There can be no more succinct summary of what the Democrats’ rejection of the traditional presidential honeymoon is about.

Nonetheless, what was most significant in the presidential debate was Trump’s readiness to confront Hillary to her face and describe her attack for what it was: hate. It was the kind of indiscreet character description that had become a signature reflex of Trump’s campaign. Never before had one presidential candidate so bluntly confronted another. Never had any Republican dared to characterize a Democratic opponent in such damning moral terms before a national audience.

This why the attempt to reverse the election result, block Trump’s appointments and cripple his agendas will fail. Other Republicans faced with such extreme attacks on their appointments would have thrown many of them under the bus. But Trump himself has been the target of such attacks from the outset of his campaign. The reason he has been so attacked has been his readiness to confront head on what is called “political correctness” but what is in fact a party line demonizing anyone who challenges it as a racist, sexist, Islamophobic — deplorable.

This is the revolution that Trump represents. It will succeed or fail on whether the American people are ready to reject the racial, gender and ethnic divisiveness that has become the policy of the Democratic Party; whether they are ready to restore the American social contract that regards individuals on their merits, regardless of race, color or creed. In short it will succeed or fail on whether they are ready to make America great again.

The Inauguration War
So the fuck what!!!! America is at war with Republican-Conservative Americans.

You right bastard conservatives wanted ALL the power.....well you got it! Now learn how to govern and quit BITCHING!!!

You conservative fuck ups either learn how to compromise all that POWER and share with ALL the people......or prepare for whats coming down the PIKE!!!

If your wonderful Last President had learned how to Govern... learned how to compromise all his power, Shared his plans with congress, went through proper process, learned how to bring people together and not divide, then he wouldn't be sitting on the sidelines now about to watch many of his executive orders overturned. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!
Pure obstruction by the racist-in-effect GOP....controlled by hater easy to take over- just repeat the bs....

Reid and Obama wrote the book on obstruction. are you kidding?

More recently, when he was Senate Majority Leader at the end of the Bush administration, Harry Reid took dramatic action to prevent President Bush from making any appointments whatsoever. Democrats were frustrated by some of Bush's recess appointments, especially John Bolton as U.N. ambassador. But in fairness to Bush, the Democratic Senate's partisan obstruction was completely out of hand. In late 2007, the Harry Reid-led Senate had a backlog of more than 200 appointments that it had failed to act on, including dozens of judges. In order to prevent Bush from filling any of those slots with recess appointments, Reid started holding 30 second "pro-forma" sessions over the holidays so the Senate would technically be in session and the president would be constitutionally prohibited from making recess appointments.

As if this wasn't bad enough, then Barack Obama came into office and tried to to blow up the consensus on how it was possible for Senate to block recess appointments. Despite Republicans not going into session for any more than three days to prevent recess appointments, in 2012 Obama went ahead anyway and made three recess appointments to the National Labor Relations Board, arguing that the 30 second pro forma sessions Democrats had recently embraced were illegitimate now that Republicans were using them. (In an amazing act of hypocrisy, Reid publicly supported Obama's decision to ignore Congress holding pro-forma sessions.)

The Democrats' Hypocrisy on Partisan Obstruction of Judicial Nominations
The Inauguration War
The Left prepares its counter-attack on American democracy.
January 13, 2017
David Horowitz


Nor is all this simply a fit of Democratic absent-mindedness. Instead, it is the culmination of a long developing shift in Democratic Party politics, a shift symbolized by the current favorite to become its next leader. Keith Ellison is a Muslim radical who spent his formative adult years as a vocal supporter of the anti-American, anti-Semitic racist Louis Farrakhan. Ellison reflects the power of the Bernie Sanders radicals in the Democratic Party who according to recent Gallup polls now represent its majority, even though they lost a rigged primary election which would have made him the party’s presidential nominee.

The face of this new Democratic Party was revealed during a seminal moment in the second Clinton-Trump presidential debate. It came when Trump turned to the cameras and said, “Hillary has tremendous hatred in her heart.” He was referring to her now notorious statement that half of Trump’s supporters belonged in a “basket of deplorables,” which was followed by her iteration of those she had in mind: “The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic—you name it. And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them up.”

What made this moment pivotal was that the slurs were not an idiosyncratic tic of the Democratic standard-bearer and leader of the party’s “moderate” wing. They were the logical expression of the identity politics that had become the party’s creed. If every political issue and conflict is reduced to a conflict of races, genders and ethnic origins this inevitably leads to the demonization of the opposition as racist, sexist … deplorable. It is this mentality that has swallowed the Democratic Party and caused it to view politics not as an art of compromise but as a war against the indecent and the irredeemable. There can be no more succinct summary of what the Democrats’ rejection of the traditional presidential honeymoon is about.

Nonetheless, what was most significant in the presidential debate was Trump’s readiness to confront Hillary to her face and describe her attack for what it was: hate. It was the kind of indiscreet character description that had become a signature reflex of Trump’s campaign. Never before had one presidential candidate so bluntly confronted another. Never had any Republican dared to characterize a Democratic opponent in such damning moral terms before a national audience.

This why the attempt to reverse the election result, block Trump’s appointments and cripple his agendas will fail. Other Republicans faced with such extreme attacks on their appointments would have thrown many of them under the bus. But Trump himself has been the target of such attacks from the outset of his campaign. The reason he has been so attacked has been his readiness to confront head on what is called “political correctness” but what is in fact a party line demonizing anyone who challenges it as a racist, sexist, Islamophobic — deplorable.

This is the revolution that Trump represents. It will succeed or fail on whether the American people are ready to reject the racial, gender and ethnic divisiveness that has become the policy of the Democratic Party; whether they are ready to restore the American social contract that regards individuals on their merits, regardless of race, color or creed. In short it will succeed or fail on whether they are ready to make America great again.

The Inauguration War
So the fuck what!!!! America is at war with Republican-Conservative Americans.

You right bastard conservatives wanted ALL the power.....well you got it! Now learn how to govern and quit BITCHING!!!

You conservative fuck ups either learn how to compromise all that POWER and share with ALL the people......or prepare for whats coming down the PIKE!!!

Had Hillary won the election, we wouldnt have liked it, but you would not have seen Republicans boycotting the inauguration, you would Not have seen protests by the KKK that you guys seem to see under every bed and behind every closet door. No, we would have just accepted it.

You guys on the other hand, lose an election and you say its a war. No, you try to make it a war, whats with this democracy thing you guys are suppossed to believe in?
If that stupid progressive did not put a sever in her basement and have the maid sending and receiving emails she would be potus Friday...
Mod Note:

One more time.. EVERY post in Zone2 threads MUST address the specific topic of the thread. EVERY OTHER post is a violation. Especially bad if you persist in changing the topic. THEN --- it becomes thread derailment or trolling if it's multiple posts.

I'm not gonna clean this again. I'm gonna close it and warn/ban EVERY infraction. And the warning applies to the OP and other players that feed the trolling. Don't turn Z2 threads into free for alls.
Trump supporters,make sure you bring something to stand your ground...
The Radical Left’s Plans to Sabotage the Inauguration
Undercover video reveals a conspiracy to wreak havoc and mayhem.
January 17, 2017
Joseph Klein


What Lewis, other Democrats and left wing media have managed to accomplish in questioning the legitimacy of Donald Trump’s election is to play right into Russia’s hands in raising doubts about the whole American democratic process. At the same time, they have given an implicit stamp of approval to the radical leftists like DisruptJ20 seeking to cause mayhem at Mr. Trump’s inauguration. That should please the Russians no end.

The Radical Left’s Plans to Sabotage the Inauguration

Horseshit--it was Putin that hacked into DNC databases to help Comrade Trump win.


In fact the only people that will be watching the Inauguration and celebrating it will be the Russians. I won't watch it, I wouldn't be able to stop gagging. Boycott it.
Intel Report: Russians Celebrated Trump's Win
US election 2016: Why Russia is celebrating Trump win - BBC News
I'm surprised your not going to watch your comrades try to spoil the day...
I heard somewhere that obongo and hillary had some connection to the russians also, I could be wrong, but probably not...


"So I push this little plastic button and it will reset everything" "yes"

"HaaaaaaaaaHaaaaaaaaaaaa stupid Americans Haaaaahaaaaa"

Notice his middle finger on the button, he's flipping her off and she has no clue. The russian comedians had fun with the reset...:bye1:
Do you believe that, or joking?

Putin's propaganda machine after Clinton? Putin and Comey. RIPOFF!
It was on an open mike jackass...

Follow the quotes duh....Do you believe the Russia foreign minister was giving her the finger? lol.

The OP is only-on-GOP-propaganda balderdash...for dupes only. VERY SCARY.
Project Veritas: Latest Developments in #DisruptJ20 Plot to Prevent Peaceful Transfer of Power

By Debra Heine January 19, 2017

James O'Keefe provided updates about the meetings his organization Project Veritas had with law enforcement officials on Wednesday, and described how the DisruptJ20 anarchists are scaling back their plans because of the Veritas videos, (which can be viewed here and here.)



Project Veritas: Latest Developments in #DisruptJ20 Plot to Prevent Peaceful Transfer of Power
Massive security force mobilized for Trump's inauguration

CBS News
Jeff Pegues 4 hrs ago

WASHINGTON -- Nearly one million people are expected for President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration on Friday, including tens of thousands of demonstrators. A massive security force is in place -- and not all of it is visible.

The Secret Service has gamed out numerous scenarios for protecting the new president tomorrow, from an active shooter to an assassin using a weaponized drone.

info A massive security force is in place for President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration. CloseCBS News
“We’re concerned about every possibility that’s out there,” said Secret Service director Joseph Clancy. “And when i say concerned, I mean we plan for every possible threat that’s out there.”

The Coast Guard is patrolling the Potomac River, while U.S. Customs helicopters buzz the skyline.

Their primary responsiblity is to “play the role of being the eyes in the sky. We have a camera mounted on the helicopter,” says Will Sanchez.

Over 30,000 federal and local law enforcement officers and 5,000 members of the National Guard will blanket the city.

Secret Service agent Doug Barnett is also on the lookout for cyberattacks.


Massive security force mobilized for Trump's inauguration
Trump supporters,make sure you bring something to stand your ground...
The Radical Left’s Plans to Sabotage the Inauguration
Undercover video reveals a conspiracy to wreak havoc and mayhem.
January 17, 2017
Joseph Klein


What Lewis, other Democrats and left wing media have managed to accomplish in questioning the legitimacy of Donald Trump’s election is to play right into Russia’s hands in raising doubts about the whole American democratic process. At the same time, they have given an implicit stamp of approval to the radical leftists like DisruptJ20 seeking to cause mayhem at Mr. Trump’s inauguration. That should please the Russians no end.

The Radical Left’s Plans to Sabotage the Inauguration

I find it funny how you're saying that shit about pleasing the Russians... pleasing the Russians is clearly established to be Trump attaining power and exercising his power, and continuing to be the puppet he is. Not a disruption of his presidency.
Anyone see the FOX dude interview the retards "protesting?" The retarded kid is an arsonist and should have been arrested. The others were so fucking insane, they must have been joking but then you see they have shaved eyebrows and other issues that reflect a mental disorder. The Bikers For Trump will hopefully stomp some sense into the fags.
"Secret Service agent Doug Barnett is also on the lookout for cyberattacks."

Hey kid, if you see any cyberattacks coming this way, blow this whistle!
Rudy Giuliani cyber-crews stop and frisk 2,000 protesters --- confused as to why they find zero cyber-criminals.

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