The Rape of the American Worker


Take Down ~ Tap Out
Aug 27, 2010
It should be noted, the US Stock Market should be illegal, as the profits made, deny the American workers of wages and benefits they should otherwise receive for their hard work & dedication to the corporations.

The second point is that stock investments rarely enter the US economy, so the stockholders tie up trillions of dollars (locked away in safe deposits/etc) that should be circulating in Americas economy, and available from banks for business and other types of loans that would stimulate the economy.

Third, corporations are allowed to start these illegal stocks to gain capitol, that they may not deserve, and the very reason we have US Banks in this country. They avoid the scrutiny of financial experts who should review their portfolio and see their real worth and debt, etc., necessary for a bank loan to hand out capitol. In the end when they close the doors, the workers & families again suffer the losses.

Here is what we are actually talking about. Off the sweat & blood of workers backs, the NYSE turned $18.86 Trillion in 2009, and the US Stock Exchange turned $63 Trillion. so how much was the American worker Left in gross income? $14,502,626.00. It should be a fucking crime.

Capitalists always talk this bullshit line about working hard, but don't tell you where your hard worked wages & benefits actually went to. While most Americans live one paycheck away from poverty, the rich are scratching the dollars off the workers back. Based on this information, I draw the conclusion the Stock Market is unAmerican and a National Security threat to our economy and way of life. These rich parasites contribute absolutely nothing to America and should outlaw the entire scam.

Crosscurrents September 2010
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Economics are so simple when you don't have a clue about any of it, aren't they?
What a load of pea green with envy excrement, but that does seem to be spincow's particular specialty.
From Each according to his ability. To Each according to his need.

That is all we need to know. Right?
I don't know why I would bother as you obviously have no idea what you are talking about but here it goes...

Point one is gibberish.

Point two is completly backwards. The stock market exists to put money IN the US econimy. In no way does it take it out. Stocks are not 'safe deposit/ect.' They are the EXACT oppisite, taking money that is not in the econimy and injecting into it.

Point three is bullshit. Cooperations and small business uses stock as a way to gain investment capital to grow and many times continue to exist. Banks cannot service this need and many times these companies that need to sell off stock in order to obtain the required funds do not have the collateral to obtain a traditional loan and certainly do not have the immediate cash to begin making payments. Investments are made through stocks because of the IDEA that a particular company has and that idea needs more than wishful thinking in order to blossom into a full blown profitable company. Where are the workers losing in this deal? As a matter of fact they are only workers BECAUSE THE COMPANY CAN GET THE CAPITOL TO HIRE THEM FROM THE STOCK IT SELLS!

Where is the American worker losing in this exchange? That is right, NOWHERE. Further, your links contain nothing that pertains to your points....
What risk exposure does the "American Worker" assume here?
The Stock Exchange is a necessary and integral part of America's Capitalist Economy.

The real problem is the greed of corporations. The economy is like a farm, you have to spread around the fertilizer for anything to grow.

If you send all that fertilizer to China, then you make their economy grow, but not ours. The rich are able to do that because they can buy politicians who make economic rape "legal".

The right supports their politicians no matter how they hurt this country. Where in their "Plague on America" does it mention "jobs or growing the economy or even the Middle Class"?

Instead, they only want to "stop Obama". In the meantime, Republicans can't seem to see anything wrong with Americans working for 100 bucks a month like they do in China.
The Stock Exchange is a necessary and integral part of America's Capitalist Economy.

The real problem is the greed of corporations. The economy is like a farm, you have to spread around the fertilizer for anything to grow.

If you send all that fertilizer to China, then you make their economy grow, but not ours. The rich are able to do that because they can buy politicians who make economic rape "legal".

The right supports their politicians no matter how they hurt this country. Where in their "Plague on America" does it mention "jobs or growing the economy or even the Middle Class"?

Instead, they only want to "stop Obama". In the meantime, Republicans can't seem to see anything wrong with Americans working for 100 bucks a month like they do in China.

You certainly know about "spreading fertilizer" RDean. You do it all the time on this site.
The Stock Exchange is a necessary and integral part of America's Capitalist Economy.

The real problem is the greed of corporations. The economy is like a farm, you have to spread around the fertilizer for anything to grow.

If you send all that fertilizer to China, then you make their economy grow, but not ours. The rich are able to do that because they can buy politicians who make economic rape "legal".

The right supports their politicians no matter how they hurt this country. Where in their "Plague on America" does it mention "jobs or growing the economy or even the Middle Class"?

Instead, they only want to "stop Obama". In the meantime, Republicans can't seem to see anything wrong with Americans working for 100 bucks a month like they do in China.

You certainly know about "spreading fertilizer" RDean. You do it all the time on this site.

Right wingers constantly complain about what I write. But rarely do they say, "You are wrong because........and then actually GIVE a 'because".
The Stock Exchange is a necessary and integral part of America's Capitalist Economy.

The real problem is the greed of corporations. The economy is like a farm, you have to spread around the fertilizer for anything to grow.

If you send all that fertilizer to China, then you make their economy grow, but not ours. The rich are able to do that because they can buy politicians who make economic rape "legal".

The right supports their politicians no matter how they hurt this country. Where in their "Plague on America" does it mention "jobs or growing the economy or even the Middle Class"?

Instead, they only want to "stop Obama". In the meantime, Republicans can't seem to see anything wrong with Americans working for 100 bucks a month like they do in China.

You certainly know about "spreading fertilizer" RDean. You do it all the time on this site.

Right wingers constantly complain about what I write. But rarely do they say, "You are wrong because........and then actually GIVE a 'because".

Not true. You are wrong..because you are a fucking brainless idiot.
That's pretty much the best explanation. Every post is so wrong based on fact, history, economics, or any other reasonable measure that it is just obvious.
See how many people thank me for this post.
You certainly know about "spreading fertilizer" RDean. You do it all the time on this site.

Right wingers constantly complain about what I write. But rarely do they say, "You are wrong because........and then actually GIVE a 'because".

Not true. You are wrong..because you are a fucking brainless idiot.
That's pretty much the best explanation. Every post is so wrong based on fact, history, economics, or any other reasonable measure that it is just obvious.
See how many people thank me for this post.

Thank you for proving my point.
It should be noted, the US Stock Market should be illegal, as the profits made, deny the American workers of wages and benefits they should otherwise receive for their hard work & dedication to the corporations.

actually, no. Not at all.

The second point is that stock investments rarely enter the US economy, so the stockholders tie up trillions of dollars (locked away in safe deposits/etc) that should be circulating in Americas economy, and available from banks for business and other types of loans that would stimulate the economy.

I have made this point many times myself and always wished somebody would challenge me on it.

The point itself is valid enough. But do those trillions of dollars truly get locked up anywhere or does it recirculate throughout the economy?

You buy a stock the seller gets almost all of that money, they do something with it, like buy more stocks or take earnings and pay taxes.

On the one hand there is clearly a store of wealth taking place, on the other hand those dollars may not be trapped at all within the market.
Thinking that the stock market "traps money" is not thinking. It is ignorant stupidity. It is like saying that home ownership ought to be illegal because money gets trapped in those houses rather than circulating in the economy.
yet there is clearly a store of wealth within homes that wasn't used to create industries and jobs, so much. Except that it WAS used to create industries and jobs.

Which can't be said about buying second hand stock.
Slogan followed by slogan but little information on which to judge who is more right in this discussion.

"Charles Morris's informed and unusual book, The Trillion Dollar Meltdown, provides a decisive rebuttal to all such excuse-making and blame of "government." Morris makes it clear that it was an unquenchable thirst for easy profits that led commercial and investment banks in the US and around the world—as well as hedge funds, insurance companies, private equity firms, and other financial institutions—to take unjustifiable risks for their own gain, and in so doing jeopardize the future of the nation's credit system and now the economy itself. In fact, government-sponsored entities, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, did have a part in the crisis, but not because they were principally trying to help the poor buy homes. Rather, they were also trying to maximize their profits and justify large salaries and bonuses for their executives. They had been made into publicly traded companies in 1989."

How We Were Ruined & What We Can Do by Jeff Madrick | The New York Review of Books

The little-known reason why investment banks got too big, too greedy, too risky, and too powerful. - By Daniel Gross - Slate Magazine

Boston Review — Dean Baker: The Big Bank Theory

Wall Street on the Tundra | Politics | Vanity Fair

"The uncertain association of money and intelligence has already been suggested. In the financial world the good society must assume less than perfect performance, especially as each generation returns with enthusiasm to the derelictions and frequent insanities of the one before." John Kenneth Galbraith, The Good Society

"On the day when Saddam was caught, the bond market went up in the morning, and it went down in the afternoon. So here we had two headlines — "Bond Market Up on Saddam News," and in the afternoon, "Bond Market Down on Saddam News" — and then they had in both cases very convincing explanations of the moves. Basically if you can explain one thing and its opposite using the same data you don't have an explanation. It takes a lot of courage to keep silent." Nassim Nicholas Taleb
The Stock Exchange is a necessary and integral part of America's Capitalist Economy.

The real problem is the greed of corporations. The economy is like a farm, you have to spread around the fertilizer for anything to grow.

If you send all that fertilizer to China, then you make their economy grow, but not ours. The rich are able to do that because they can buy politicians who make economic rape "legal".

The right supports their politicians no matter how they hurt this country. Where in their "Plague on America" does it mention "jobs or growing the economy or even the Middle Class"?

Instead, they only want to "stop Obama". In the meantime, Republicans can't seem to see anything wrong with Americans working for 100 bucks a month like they do in China.

You certainly know about "spreading fertilizer" RDean. You do it all the time on this site.

Right wingers constantly complain about what I write. But rarely do they say, "You are wrong because........and then actually GIVE a 'because".

You are wrong because you are Rdean

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